8 JANUARY 2009 Minutes of a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE (WEST) held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am when there were present: Councillors H C Cordeaux (Chairman) J A Wyatt (Vice-Chairman) Mrs P Bevan Jones B Cabbell Manners Mrs A R Green P W High T H Moore J H Perry-Warnes Mrs A C Sweeney Mrs J P Moss - substitute for J D Savory Mrs L M Brettle - Glaven Valley Ward R Combe - Astley Ward B J Hannah - Sheringham North Ward Mrs H T Nelson - Sheringham South Ward Development Control Committee (East) Members for Minute (214) Miss P E Ford Mrs B McGoun S J Partridge Miss C P Sheridan B Smith Miss L Walker Mrs C M Wilkins P J Willcox Officers Mr S Oxenham - Head of Planning and Building Control Mr R Howe - Planning Legal and Enforcement Manager Mr G Lyon - Acting Development Control Manager (West) Mr G Linder - Senior Planning Officer (West) Miss J Medler - Senior Planning Officer (West) Mrs P Wake - Senior Planning Officer (Policy) Mr S Case - Landscape Officer (210) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DETAILS OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs S Arnold (East), M J M Baker (East), S C Mears and J D Savory. There was one substitute Member in attendance. (211) MINUTES The Minutes of a meeting of the Committee held on 4 December 2008 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. (212) ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS The Chairman stated that there was one item of urgent business which he wished to bring before the Committee, relating to the possible service of a replanting notice at Umgeni, Cley-next-the-Sea. The reason for urgency was to meet the current planting season requirements. Development Control Committee (West) 1 8 January 2009 (213) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No interests were declared. APPLICATION CONSIDERED BY THE COMBINED COMMITTEE Councillor Mrs C M Wilkins, Chairman of Development Control Committee (East), chaired the meeting during consideration of this item. (214) SHERINGHAM – 20080836 – Demolition of bungalow and erection of three oneand-a-half-storey dwellings; 18 Hadley Road, Sheringham for Mr K Welch The Committee considered item 1 of the officers’ report in respect of an application for planning permission for development contrary to the advice of Norfolk County Council Highways. Councillor Mrs C M Wilkins stated that all Members had received correspondence in respect of this application. Public Speakers Mr McGinn (Sheringham Town Council) Mrs Welch (supporting) Councillor Mrs H T Nelson, a local Member, supported the Town Council’s views in favour of this application. She considered that the Highway Authority was inconsistent as it had not objected to applications for large houses on adjacent roads. She stated that she was not aware of any accidents. She considered that it was a shame that late objections had been received. She urged the Committee to make a decision on this application. Councillor B J Hannah considered that the unmade road was suitable for traffic and, whilst the Common Lane exit was unsafe, there was an adequate alternative access onto The Rise. He stated that the junction with Common Lane was not used to exit Hadley Road. He stated that he lived near the junction and was not aware of any problems. He asked the Committee to support this application. Councillor Mrs J P Moss, a local Member, considered that there were no planning grounds on which to refuse this application. She stated that there were areas where the traffic was worse. She considered that there were ways to overcome the problems without much expenditure by the Highway Authority. She considered that if this application were refused it would be inconsistent with other decisions. Councillor Mrs P Bevan Jones suggested that ‘concealed entrance’ signs and traffic calming measures could be used to improve the highway situation. She supported this application. Councillor H C Cordeaux referred to letters of objection that had been received in respect of covenants on the land to restrict building to one dwelling per plot. He stated that this was a civil matter which in his opinion could be resolved. The Planning Legal and Enforcement Manager confirmed that the existence of covenants was a civil matter and should not be taken into account when considering planning applications. Development Control Committee (West) 2 8 January 2009 Councillor H C Cordeaux considered that three dwellings would overdevelop the site. He stated that the Highway Authority’s objection was strong and should be taken into account. He proposed refusal on overdevelopment and highway safety grounds. This was seconded by Councillor Mrs B McGoun. Councillor B Cabbell Manners suggested that the Common Lane exit be closed to traffic or that road humps be used to reduce traffic speeds. He supported the application subject to these measures being undertaken. The Planning Legal and Enforcement Manager stated that the junction was not in the applicant’s ownership. It was used by residents of Hadley Road to access their properties and its closure could cause problems for the emergency services. In answer to a question from Councillor S J Partridge the Acting Development Control Manager stated that the Highway Authority was aware of one accident close to the Common Lane junction within the past ten years. He offered to obtain further details but Councillor Partridge did not consider this to be necessary. On being put to the vote, 8 Members voted in favour of the proposition and 8 against. The Chairman exercised her vote in favour of the proposition and it was RESOLVED by 9 votes to 8 That this application be overdevelopment grounds. refused on highway safety and ITEMS CONSIDERED BY DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE (WEST) (215) BLAKENEY - 20081400 - Erection of seven dwellings; land adjacent 1 Pyes Close for Corepost Ltd The Committee considered item 2 of the officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mr Ivins (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that Environmental Health had no objection in respect of noise from the garage subject to the imposition of conditions. No further comments had been received from the Highway Authority. Councillor Mrs L M Brettle, the local Member, read to the Committee the comments of the Parish Council’s representative who had had to leave the meeting prior to consideration of this application. She requested that any future detailed proposals for the site be considered by the Committee. She asked if the two parts of the site would be united as they appeared to be separate. Councillor B Cabbell Manners considered that five dwellings would be appropriate for this site with one access from The Saltings only. He proposed approval on that basis, which was seconded by Councillor Mrs P Bevan Jones. The Senior Planning Officer reminded the Committee that the Highway Authority would not support more than four dwellings to be accessed from The Saltings. He stated that the indicative layout based on seven dwellings complied with the basic amenity criteria in respect of garden size and relationship with neighbouring properties. Development Control Committee (West) 3 8 January 2009 Councillor B Cabbell Manners withdrew his proposal for approval of this application. It was proposed by Councillor P W High, seconded by Councillor J A Wyatt That this application be approved. On being put to the vote the proposition was declared lost with 4 Members voting in favour and 6 against. It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, seconded by Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney and RESOLVED by 6 votes to 3 with 1 abstention That this application be overdevelopment grounds. refused on highway safety and (216) FAKENHAM - 20081540 - Change of Use from A1 (retail) to A5 (hot food takeaway); 33 Bridge Street for Mr Aygun The Committee considered item 3 of the officers’ reports. Public Speakers Mr Eren (objecting) Ms Ozlem (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that the applicant’s agent had confirmed that the opening hours would be from 8 am to 11 pm on any day. The Planning Legal and Enforcement Manager advised the Committee that issues relating to competition which had been referred to by the speakers were not planning matters and should not be taken into consideration. Councillor J A Wyatt considered that the premises should remain as A1 given the number of takeaway outlets already in Fakenham. He proposed refusal of this application. In answer to a question the Development Control Manager stated that the site was not within the primary retail frontage and the A1 use could not therefore be protected. He considered that there were insufficient policy grounds on which to refuse this application. It was proposed by Councillor P W High, seconded by Councillor B Cabbell Manners and RESOLVED by 7 votes to 2 That this application be approved subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions to include hours of opening from 8 am to 11 pm on any day, and submission of ventilation/extraction and external lighting details. Development Control Committee (West) 4 8 January 2009 (217) HOLT - 20081526 - Erection of building to provide serviced holiday accommodation; land at, Jenis Barn Thornage Road for Mr S Chapman The Committee considered item 4 of the officers’ reports. Public Speakers Dr Shepherd (objecting) Mr Chapman (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that a letter had been received from the applicant to explain that the proposal was for a building with a maximum of five bedrooms of which a minimum of three would be used for serviced accommodation, a fourth which would be for serviced accommodation or non-paying guests when it was not let and the remaining bedroom for the use of the owner. The description on page 9 of the report was incorrect. The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager objected to this application on grounds that it would have a detrimental impact on the landscape setting and would be an unacceptable intrusion into the countryside. An objection had been received from the Campaign to Protect Rural England on policy grounds. The Senior Planning Officer recommended refusal of this application on the grounds stated in the report and unacceptable intrusion into open countryside to the detriment of the Glaven Valley Conservation Area. Councillor M J M Baker, a local Member, had submitted a letter expressing wholehearted support for this application as it was for a local person who wished to provide a tourist facility which in his opinion outweighed the policy considerations. The Acting Development Control Manager referred to a paragraph in the applicant’s supporting statement contained in Appendix 2 to the report regarding the possible erection and conversion of a garage on the site. He stated that this was a different approach from the current proposal, would be in association with Jenis Barn and was therefore irrelevant to the determination of this application. Councillor P W High, a local Member, supported this application and agreed with Councillor Baker’s comments. He referred to the buildings on land adjacent to the site and considered that this proposal would enhance the area. He proposed approval of this application. Councillor J H Perry-Warnes stated that he had previously suggested that an annexe to Jenis Barn be considered. He agreed that the proposal would enhance the area but stated that unfortunately the current application had to be refused. In answer to a question the Senior Planning Officer (Policy) advised the Committee that luxury hotel/spa facilities would be supported in policy terms in the countryside if they could not be accommodated elsewhere. However, small scale bed and breakfast accommodation could be accommodated within existing buildings. Approval of this application would set a very dangerous precedent as there was no shortage of bed and breakfast accommodation in the area. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs P Bevan Jones, seconded by Councillor H C Cordeaux and Development Control Committee (West) 5 8 January 2009 RESOLVED by 7 votes to 2 That this application be refused in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control and on grounds that this proposal would result in an unacceptable intrusion into open countryside to the detriment of the Glaven Valley Conservation Area. (218) WOOD NORTON - 20081646 - Erection of agricultural building; Hall Farm Barn Lyng Hall Lane for Mr J Clark The Committee considered item 5 of the officers’ reports. Public Speakers Mr Lidstone-Scott (Wood Norton Parish Council) Mrs Henderson (objecting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that four further letters of objection had been received which reiterated the comments listed in the report and raised additional issues relating to highway safety, noise, pollution and impact on the neighbouring dwelling. The Parish Council objected strongly to this application and had recommended an alternative location for the building. The Parish Council had also forwarded copies of objection letters it had received. The Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager had no objections to this application. The Senior Planning Officer recommended approval of this application subject to appropriate conditions including details to be submitted and agreed to control the use of any mechanical ventilation, extraction, refrigeration or air conditioning equipment. Councillor R Combe, the local Member, supported the views of the Parish Council. He considered that the proposal would have a severe impact on the neighbour and that there was an acceptable alternative site available. Councillor T H Moore suggested a site inspection. The Planning Legal and Enforcement Manager advised the Committee that there was a time limit attached to this application as it was a reserved matters application following prior notification and it was preferable to make a decision at this meeting. He also advised the Committee that if it were minded to refuse the application it should be on grounds related to the detrimental impact on the neighbour and not because of a preference for an alternative site. In answer to a question he stated that the neighbouring dwelling was not protected as it was not proposed to keep livestock in the barn. However, if the Committee considered that the relationship of the building to the dwelling was unacceptable it would, in his opinion, be a defensible ground for refusal. It was proposed by Councillor J A Wyatt, seconded by Councillor P W High and RESOLVED by 8 votes to 0 with 1 abstention That this application be refused on grounds that the siting of the proposed building would have a significantly detrimental impact upon the residential amenities of the neighbouring dwelling to the west by way of noise and disturbance. Development Control Committee (West) 6 8 January 2009 (219) APPLICATIONS APPROVED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee noted item 6 of the officers’ reports. (230) APPLICATIONS REFUSED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee noted item 7 of the officers’ reports. (231) NEW APPEALS The Committee noted item 8 of the officers’ reports. (232) PUBLIC INQUIRIES AND INFORMAL HEARINGS - PROGRESS The Committee noted item 9 of the officers’ reports. (233) WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS APPEALS - PROGRESS The Committee noted item 10 of the officers’ reports. (234) APPEAL DECISIONS The Committee noted item 11 of the officers’ reports. (235) CLEY-NEXT-THE-SEA - Replanting Notice; Umgeni, Coast Road The Chairman stated that he had determined that this item be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to the powers vested in him by Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. At its meeting in October 2008 the Committee had authorised the service of a formal caution on the landowner, Lady Rathcavan, for damaging a protected sycamore tree. It had subsequently been reported that Lady Rathcavan had accepted and signed the caution. The Landscape Officer reported that the damaged sycamore tree was unsound and he had therefore agreed to its removal subject to the planting of a replacement tree. He had agreed with the applicant’s arborist that a sycamore with a girth of 12-14 cm would be appropriate in this location. However, Lady Rathcavan did not wish to replant a sycamore and had instead requested that the Tree Preservation Order be transferred to one of the smaller lime trees she had previously planted elsewhere on the site. The Landscape Officer considered that a sycamore would be more appropriate, in keeping with the landscape and likely to be more successful in this location than a lime tree. He recommended that a replanting notice be served to require a replacement sycamore to be planted to the specification agreed with the arborist. Councillor H C Cordeaux, the local Member, stated that most of the sycamore trees had been lost from this site. He supported the officer’s recommendation. In answer to a question the Landscape Officer confirmed that the replacement tree would automatically be protected by the existing Tree Preservation Order. Development Control Committee (West) 7 8 January 2009 It was proposed by Councillor J A Wyatt, seconded by Councillor Mrs P Bevan Jones and RESOLVED unanimously That a replanting notice be served to require the planting of a replacement sycamore tree at Umgeni, Coast Road, Cley-next-the-Sea. The meeting closed at 12.35 pm. Development Control Committee (West) 8 8 January 2009