Minutes of a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE (WEST) held in the
Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am when there were present:
H C Cordeaux (Chairman)
J A Wyatt (Vice-Chairman)
Mrs A C Sweeney
Mrs J P Moss - substitute for Mrs P Bevan Jones
N P Ripley - substitute for J D Savory
Mrs L M Brettle - Glaven Valley Ward
R Combe - Astley Ward
Mrs H T Nelson - Sheringham South Ward
Mr S Oxenham - Head of Planning and Building Control
Mr R Howe - Planning Legal and Enforcement Manager
Mr G Lyon - Acting Development Control Manager (West)
Mr G Linder - Senior Planning Officer (West)
Miss J Medler - Senior Planning Officer (West)
Mr S Case - Landscape Officer
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs P Bevan Jones and J D
Savory. There were two substitute Members in attendance as listed above.
Councillor S C Mears stated that he had sent his apologies for the meeting held on 8
January 2008 and had asked Councillor Mrs J Trett to attend the meeting as his substitute.
Subject to verification of the above the Minutes of a meeting of the Committee held on 8 January 2009 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
(Councillor Mears’ apologies had been recorded in the minutes under Minute 210.
On checking the records following the meeting it appears that Councillor Trett had not attended the meeting.)
The Chairman stated that there were no items of urgent business which he wished to bring before the Committee.
Development Control Committee (West) 1 5 February 2009
Councillor T H Moore declared an interest, the details of which are recorded under the minute of the item concerned.
(240) BRISTON – Tree Preservation Order (Briston) 2008 No.14 Turkey Farm,
Norwich Road
The Committee considered item 1 of the officers’ reports in respect of a Tree
Preservation Order (TPO) at the above site.
Public Speakers
Mr Chambers (Briston Parish Council)
Mr Reger (objecting)
Mr Serne (supporting)
The Landscape Officer responded to points raised by the objector in his address. He stated that loss of amenity could occur if, for example, a resident could not use their garden because of dust and odour. He explained that a TPO was no more onerous than a planning condition in respect of trees, but unlike a condition a TPO gave indefinite protection. A TPO did not prevent work being carried out to trees but it ensured good management.
Councillor J A Wyatt, the local Member, proposed confirmation of the TPO, which was seconded by Councillor S C Mears.
As an amendment Councillor B Cabbell Manners proposed a site inspection which was duly seconded.
On being put to the vote the amendment was declared carried by 7 votes to 3 and on being put as the substantive proposition it was
That consideration of this matter be deferred to allow a site inspection by the Committee and that the local Member and Chairman of the Parish
Council be invited to attend.
(241) SCULTHORPE – 20070398 Conversion of barn to two units of holiday accommodation; Cranmer Hall Creake Road Cranmer for Robbie Wright
The Committee considered item 2 of the officers’ reports in respect of this application which it was necessary to consider further in the light of changes to Development
Plan policy following the adoption of the North Norfolk Core Strategy on 24
September 2008.
It was proposed by Councillor T H Moore, duly seconded and
RESOLVED unanimously
That this application be approved subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions.
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(242) STODY – 20071823 – Continued use of part of dwelling as one unit of holiday accommodation; 1 Green Farm Barn The Green Hunworth for Mrs P A
The Committee considered item 3 of the officers’ reports in respect of this application for the continued use of part of dwelling as one unit of holiday accommodation which had been referred back to the Committee for further consideration at the request of the local Member.
Public Speaker
Mr Spruce (supporting)
Councillor Mrs L M Brettle, the local Member, stated that she had discussed this application with the new Parish Council Chairman and had received letters and telephone calls on this matter. She requested a site inspection.
It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, duly seconded and
RESOLVED unanimously
That consideration of this application be deferred to allow a site inspection by the Committee and that the local Member, Chairman of the
Parish Council and a representative of the Highway Authority be invited to attend.
Where appropriate the Planning Officers expanded on the planning applications; updated the meeting on outstanding consultations, letters/petitions received objecting to, or supporting the proposals; referred to any views of local Members and answered
Members’ questions.
Background papers, including correspondence, petitions, consultation documents, letters of objection and those in support of planning applications were available for inspection at the meeting.
Having regard to the above information and the report of the Head of Planning and
Building Control, the Committee reached the decisions as set out below.
Applications approved include a standard time limit condition as condition number 1 unless otherwise stated.
(243) GREAT SNORING - 20081674 - Erection of agricultural building; site at
Thorpland for Mr R Perowne
Councillor T H Moore declared a prejudicial interest in this application as he had spoken to the applicant and vacated the Council Chamber during consideration of this matter.
The Committee considered item 4 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mr Coates (Great Snoring Parish Council)
Mr Perowne (supporting)
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The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Parish Council was concerned in respect of environmental impact and light pollution. The Highway Authority had requested a further plan to indicate the required visibility splay. The Senior Planning
Officer explained that the number of tractor movements from the existing site would be reduced as the building was sited away from the village. The proposed lighting could only be switched on and off by a person working at the site and would not be left on all night.
The Senior Planning Officer requested delegated authority to approve this application subject to the receipt of an amended plan in respect of the visibility splay, no objection from the Highway Authority and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions.
Councillor Mrs A R Green stated that she knew Mr Perowne. She considered that this application would alleviate some of the problems on the village roads.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs A R Green, seconded by Councillor S C Mears and
RESOLVED unanimously
That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to approve this application subject to the receipt of an amended plan in respect of the visibility splay, no objection from the Highway Authority and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions.
(244) HIGH KELLING - 20081193 - Residential extension to care home of four, twoperson and eight, one-person single-storey units; Pineheath Nursing Home
Cromer Road for Pineheath Nursing Home
Councillor H C Cordeaux vacated the Chair during consideration of this application to allow him to speak as local Member.
Councillor J A Wyatt (Vice-Chairman) in the Chair.
The Committee considered item 5 of the officers’ reports.
Councillor H C Cordeaux, the local Member, stated that he was concerned at the wording of this application as ‘residential’ was different from ‘care home’. He considered that the comments from Strategic Housing be included in any permission.
He stated that he would be concerned if a large car park was proposed. He also stated that the alternative access was dangerous and considered that it should not be used as part of this application. He requested an age restriction in respect of the accommodation, to be secured if necessary by a Section 106 obligation.
The Acting Development Control Manager stated that car parking was a reserved matter, although it was indicated on the plan. The applicant had assured him that the purpose of the application was to provide additional accommodation for the home and stated that residents would be over 60 years of age.
Councillor S C Mears stated that ‘care home’ was a generic term which could mean either residential or nursing care. He requested that clarification of this matter be sought. He stated that he worked with people who entered care at a much younger
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age and he considered that an age restriction was inappropriate. He stated that the home would have to work within the terms of its licence which would determine the category of person it could accommodate.
The Acting Development Control Manager requested delegated authority to approve this application subject to clarification of the proposed use. He stated that a Section
106 obligation would be necessary to prevent the units being occupied independently. He stated that there was no restriction on the use of the access at present and the possibility of introducing a restriction would need to be explored.
It was proposed by Councillor H C Cordeaux, seconded by Councillor J H Perry-
Warnes and
RESOLVED by 8 votes to 0 with 1 abstention
That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to approve this application subject to clarification of the proposed use and amendment to the description of the application if necessary, a restriction on the use of the secondary access if appropriate, a Section
106 obligation regarding occupancy of the units and the imposition of appropriate conditions.
(245) MELTON CONSTABLE - 20080329 - Erection of thirty-eight dwellings; land off
Grove Road for Melton Constable Country Club
The Committee considered item 6 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mr Moore, Ms Weidman, Ms McKenzie-Dodd and Mr Burn (objecting)
Mr Loynes and Mr Horne (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that an email had been received from the
Melton Constable Community Association stating that the Country Club was not closing and questioning the support given to the application by Country Club members. A letter had been received from a local resident which had been sent to the Environment Agency.
The Senior Planning Officer read to the Committee the comments of Mrs J Howe, the local County Councillor, regarding an application to register the land as a village green, the need for affordable housing, traffic and road safety issues. Mrs Howe considered that the proposal was overdevelopment and would place an unacceptable strain on the infrastructure of the village and the surrounding area.
The Senior Planning Officer referred to the Highway Authority’s comments regarding car parking provision. There was a shortfall of 7 spaces under the Core Strategy.
However the proposal complied with the requirements of the former North Norfolk
Local Plan and the shortfall was considered by officers to be acceptable.
Councillor R Combe, the local Member, considered that the proposed development was far too large for an already overcrowded village. He suggested that if the
Committee was minded to approve this application a link be made with the adjacent
Lomax site to enable affordable and market housing to be provided whilst retaining the open space in order to overcome some of the objections. However, he considered that this application should be refused.
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Councillor B Cabbell Manners stated that he was pleased to see affordable housing being provided by private enterprise. He stated that this was an outline application and considered that discussions should take place to include the provision of pavements as part of the detailed proposal. He considered that the suggestion put forward by the local Member was sensible but stated that it was a separate issue.
Councillor J A Wyatt stated that a link with the Lomax site would allow children and parents to access the school site without using the main road. He stated that he was unhappy with the overall scheme and access onto the B1354.
Councillor Mrs A R Green supported Councillor Combe’s suggestion. She considered that it was very important to protect the green space in the village.
It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, seconded by Councillor J H Perry-
Warnes and
RESOLVED by 6 votes to 3 with 1 abstention
That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to approve this application subject to the completion of a Section 106 obligation in respect of education, library and fire services contributions and the imposition of appropriate conditions to include affordable housing provision.
(246) SHERINGHAM - 20081020 - Erection of replacement Salvation Army hall;
Salvation Army Hall Cremer Street for The Salvation Army
The Committee considered item 7 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mrs Kennedy (objecting)
Mrs Williamson (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that a further letter of objection had been received reiterating the concerns outlined in the report.
The Highway Authority had no objection in respect of the lack of car parking.
However, part of the proposed building was on the public highway and the Highway
Authority wished to maintain a footpath around the site. The agent had offered a 1.3 metre wide footpath around the site but the Highway Authority required the path to be retained in its current form. A meeting had been arranged between the agent and the Highway Authority to resolve the issue, which could result in a slight amendment to the proposed building.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that Councillor B J Hannah, a local Member, supported the application in principle. However, he was concerned about car parking and had suggested that an existing small parking area be retained for use by disabled people when the building is in use. He also considered that an area of glazing which overlooked the neighbour’s front garden should be obscure glazed and consideration given to neighbours during demolition and construction. He had also raised issues relating to the Party Wall Act.
The Senior Planning Officer requested delegated authority to approve this application subject to satisfactory resolution of the outstanding highway issues in respect of the footprint of the building provided that it does not result in an increase in the height of the building.
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Councillor Mrs H T Nelson, Member for Sheringham South, referred to the concerns raised by the Town Council in respect of design and the loss of the Arts and Crafts frontage. However, she supported the views of the Conservation, Design and
Landscape Manager and hoped the applicant would work closely with him. She requested that the comments and suggestions raised by Councillor Hannah and the
Community Safety Manager be considered. She sympathised with the concerns of the neighbours. However, she considered that there was a clear need for improved facilities for the Salvation Army and supported this application provided that the congestion and road safety issues were dealt with.
Councillor Mrs J P Moss, Member for Sheringham South, sympathised with the neighbouring residents and stated that temporary disruption was inevitable. She acknowledged the valuable contribution that the Salvation Army made to the community and urged the Committee to approve this application.
Councillor J H Perry-Warnes considered that it was important to have an officer of the Highway Authority in attendance when such applications were discussed.
Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney was concerned that no parking provision had been made and considered that an alternative site should be found. She was concerned that the proposed building would overshadow the neighbouring dwellings.
The Senior Planning Officer stated that attempts had been made to resolve issues regarding impact on the neighbours. He stated that Environmental Health had requested conditions in respect of demolition and it might also be possible to impose a condition in respect of the timing of the construction work to mitigate the effect on the neighbours. He considered that obscured glass could be included to prevent overlooking of the neighbouring garden.
Councillor Mrs J P Moss considered that obscured glass might have a negative impact on the appearance of the building and this matter could be left to the discretion of the officers.
It was proposed by Councillor J H Perry-Warnes, duly seconded and
RESOLVED by 9 votes to 0 with 1 abstention
That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to approve this application subject to satisfactory resolution of the outstanding highway issues in respect of the footprint of the building provided that it does not result in an increase in height, the inclusion of obscured glazing if considered necessary by the officers to prevent overlooking and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions to include an hours of work condition in respect of construction works if possible.
The Committee considered item 8 of the officers’ reports.
That consideration of the following application be deferred to allow an inspection of the site by the Committee and that the local Member and
Chairman of the Town Council be invited to attend:
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HOLT - 20081565 - Erection of workshop and display building and use of land for display and manufacture of timber buildings; The Poultry Farm,
Cley Road for Thaxters Custom-made Wooden Buildings Ltd
The Chairman requested that representatives from Cley and Salthouse Parish
Councils also be invited to attend.
The Committee noted item 9 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 10 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 11 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 12 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 13 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 14 of the officers’ reports.
The Head of Planning and Building Control presented the quarterly performance report and stated that the Audit Commission had recently confirmed that it was possible to have a policy for determining planning applications which balanced speed against efficiency. He explained that speed was dropping for a number of reasons, but mainly because older applications were being cleared and fewer new applications were being submitted. He requested Members’ assistance in determining applications within the time limit.
A practice note for dealing with amended plans has been drawn up and will be circulated.
Provisional dates had been arranged for Member refresher training and for a seminar with the Highway Authority.
The meeting closed at 12.40 pm.
Development Control Committee (West) 8 5 February 2009