8 MAY 2008
Minutes of a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE (EAST) held in the
Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am when there were present:
Mrs C M Wilkins (Chairman) for minutes (1) to (4)
S J Partridge (Vice-Chairman) in the Chair for minutes (5) to (27)
Mrs S A Arnold
M J M Baker
M R E Birch
Miss P E Ford
Mrs B McGoun
Miss C P Sheridan
B Smith
Miss L Walker
P J Willcox
N P Ripley - Suffield Park Ward
E Seward - North Walsham North Ward
The Chairman stated that she had to leave the meeting by 10.30 am to attend a
family funeral and would deal with items for which she was local Member at the
beginning of the meeting. She requested that the Vice Chairman, Councillor S J
Partridge, take the Chair during consideration of those items to allow her to speak as
local Member and to chair the remainder of the meeting.
Mr S Oxenham - Head of Planning and Building Control
Mr J Chinnery - Locum Solicitor
Mrs T Armitage - Senior Planning Officer (East)
Mr I Thompson - Senior Planning Officer (East)
Mr M Tracey - Highway Engineer (Norfolk County Council)
There were no apologies for absence or substitute Members in attendance.
The Minutes of a meeting of the Committee held on 3 April 2008 and of a special
combined meeting of the Development Control Committees held on 10 April 2008
were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
The Chairman stated that there was one item of urgent business which she wished to
bring before the Committee, relating to a planning application for conversion of part
of the former RAF Coltishall site to a Category C prison. The reason for urgency was
to expedite processing of this application by undertaking an early site inspection.
Councillors Mrs S A Arnold, M J M Baker, S J Partridge, Miss C P Sheridan and Miss
L Walker declared interests, the details of which are recorded under the minute of the
item concerned.
Development Control Committee (East)
8 May 2008
Where appropriate the Planning Officers expanded on the planning applications;
updated the meeting on outstanding consultations, letters/petitions received objecting
to, or supporting the proposals; referred to any views of local Members and answered
Members’ questions.
Background papers, including correspondence, petitions, consultation documents,
letters of objection and those in support of planning applications were available for
inspection at the meeting.
Having regard to the above information and the report of the Head of Planning and
Building Control, the Committee reached the decisions as set out below.
Applications approved include a standard time limit condition as condition number 1
unless otherwise stated.
AYLMERTON - 20080300 - Erection of two-storey dwelling; site adjoining Breck
Lodge Holt Road for Westcrome Properties Limited
The Committee considered item 1 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mr Rampling (Aylmerton Parish Council)
Miss Bryan (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer displayed a map showing accident data along this
stretch of the A148. There had been no accidents in the immediate vicinity of the
The Head of Planning and Building Control reported that Councillor V R Saunders,
the local Member, considered that the traffic movements likely to be generated by
this proposal were unlikely to make much difference to the flow of traffic on the A148.
He stated that the road had a good safety record.
The Highway Engineer stated that the role of the Highway Authority was to assess
risk. This involved assessing the accident record and considering the likelihood and
severity of accidents. He stated that the A148 was one of the very few corridors of
movement in North Norfolk. He stated that the junction with the A148 was deficient
in terms of visibility which was further compounded by the layout of the access. He
stated that it was impossible to turn towards Cromer without crossing the centre line
of the carriageway. He updated the Committee on the speed limit review which was
being carried out along this stretch of the A148 and stated that the Highway
Authority’s concerns would remain irrespective of the outcome of the review.
It was proposed by Councillor Miss C P Sheridan, seconded by Councillor Mrs C M
Wilkins and
RESOLVED by 6 votes to 3
That this application be refused in accordance with the recommendation
of the Head of Planning and Building Control.
Development Control Committee (East)
8 May 2008
BACTON - 20080322 - Demolition of dwelling and garage and erection of three
dwellings and garages; Hill Top Mill Lane for E Anglian Property/Poppyfields
The Committee considered item 2 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mr Brown (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer amended the recommendation to delete condition 3 and
to add a condition to prevent gates being erected on the front boundary without
Councillor B Smith, the local Member, referred to the concerns raised by the Parish
Council and requested a site inspection.
In answer to a question the Senior Planning Officer explained the differences
between the current application and application reference 20071617 for three
dwellings which was refused previously.
It was proposed by Councillor Miss C P Sheridan, seconded by Councillor Miss L
Walker and
RESOLVED by 5 votes to 3
That this application be approved in accordance with the
recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control, subject
to the deletion of condition 3 and the imposition of a condition to
prevent gates being erected on the front boundary without consent.
COLBY - 20080167 - Conversion and extension of outbuilding to provide
additional living accommodation; Sunnyside Farm Colby Corner for Mr and
Mrs Duncan
The Committee considered item 3 of the officers’ reports.
In response to a concern raised by Councillor P J Willcox, the local Member, the
Chairman stated that planning permission would be required to amend the roof
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S A Arnold, seconded by Councillor P J Willcox
That this application be approved subject to a condition requiring a
programme of archaeological work.
Development Control Committee (East)
8 May 2008
CROMER - 20080117 - Erection of thirteen single-storey dwellings; land at
Burnt Hills for A G Brown Builders Ltd
Councillor M J M Baker declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in the
application as he knew the applicant.
The Committee considered item 4 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mr Roper (objecting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that Cromer Town Council had no objection to
the revised application. One letter had been received which stated that there was no
objection to bungalows but expressed concern regarding traffic.
The Senior Planning Officer requested delegated authority to approve this application
subject to no new planning objections being raised in respect of the amended
scheme and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions to include the
withdrawal of permitted development rights.
In response to a comment by the objecting spokesperson, the Locum Solicitor
explained that it was necessary to balance the human rights of the applicant against
the human rights of the surrounding residents.
Councillor N P Ripley, the local Member, stated that the applicant had listened to the
residents’ concerns. He supported this application.
It was proposed by Councillor Miss C P Sheridan, seconded by Councillor Miss L
Walker and
RESOLVED unanimously
That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to
approve this application subject to no new planning objections being
raised in respect of the amended scheme and subject to the imposition
of appropriate conditions to include the withdrawal of permitted
development rights.
CROMER - 20080308 - Erection of penthouse apartment; Marine View
Promenade for Mr P Mills
The Committee considered item 5 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mrs Arscott (objecting)
Mr Johnston (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that three further letters of objection had been
received on similar grounds to those set out in the report.
It was proposed by Councillor Miss C P Sheridan, seconded by Councillor P J
Willcox and
Development Control Committee (East)
8 May 2008
RESOLVED by 7 votes to 1
That this application be approved subject to the imposition of
appropriate conditions.
CROMER - 20080469 - Conversion of six flats to nine flats; 43 Church Street for
Mr J Barron
The Committee considered item 6 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mr Clayburn (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that Councillor B Cabbell Manners, a local
Member, considered that nine flats was overdevelopment.
Councillor Miss L Walker referred to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998
and considered that lighting should be installed in the yard.
It was proposed by Councillor Miss L Walker, seconded by Councillor Mrs S A Arnold
RESOLVED unanimously
That this application be approved subject to the imposition of a
condition to require lighting in the yard area.
DILHAM - 20080380 - Erection of one-and-a-half-storey dwelling; Cleavers
Broad Fen Lane for Mr and Mrs Cowburn
The Committee considered item 7 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mrs Cowburn (supporting)
Councillor Miss L Walker, the local Member, considered that this application could
give a family the chance to live permanently in the village. She considered that there
would be no adverse impact on the character of the countryside, the highway would
only be used by residents and visibility splays could be provided. She stated that
traffic flowed freely on Broad Fen Lane and there had been no accidents. She
proposed approval of this application, which was seconded by Councillor M J M
Councillor Miss C P Sheridan stated that there were clear reasons for refusal and
she could not support this application.
The Head of Planning and Building Control stated that if the Committee were minded
to approve this application it would need to be referred to a combined meeting of the
Development Control Committees as there was a fundamental policy objection.
The recommendation for approval was put to the vote and declared lost with 3
Members voting in favour and 5 against.
Development Control Committee (East)
8 May 2008
It was proposed by Councillor Miss C P Sheridan, seconded by Councillor Miss P E
Ford and
RESOLVED by 6 votes to 2
That this application be refused in accordance with the recommendation
of the Head of Planning and Building Control.
HAPPISBURGH - 20080484 - Construction of one unit of holiday
accommodation; Church Farm Barns Blacksmiths Lane for Mr and Mrs Munday
Councillor Miss C P Sheridan declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in this
application as she knew the applicants.
Councillor Miss L Walker declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in this
application as she knew the applicants and the objector.
The Committee considered item 8 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mr Munday (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that an objection had been received from a
neighbour referring to policy issues and stating that there were already four units on
site, one of which had been converted for disabled use.
Councillor Miss L Walker, the local Member, stated that this application had been
well researched by the applicants. She stated that there was a small number of
holiday units available for people with disabilities. She stated that disabled groups
provided an important source of income for the tourist industry. She considered that
this application would be beneficial to all and proposed approval of this application.
In answer to a question the Head of Planning and Building Control stated that there
was a fundamental policy objection to this application as there was no building to
The Senior Planning Officer stated that the application proposed a new building on
the footprint of a former building and Policy 29 did not apply and Policy 126
prohibited new build unserviced accommodation.
Councillor Mrs B McGoun disagreed with the view that there was no building to
convert. She considered that there was sufficient structure left to show that it was
clearly a pigsty.
Members were generally supportive of this application. The Head of Planning and
Building Control advised the Committee that if it were minded to approve this
application it would need to be referred to the Combined Committee.
That this application be referred to a Combined meeting of the
Development Control Committees with a recommendation for approval
on grounds that the proposal would be of benefit to the local economy,
would provide a high quality mobility scheme and is on a brownfield
site, which are considered to outweigh the policy objections in this
Development Control Committee (East)
8 May 2008
HICKLING - 20080366 - Demolition of garage/workshop and erection of four
two-storey dwellings; Andrews Garage/Bay Cottage The Green for Mr J
Andrews and Ms S Blaxell
The Committee considered item 9 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mr Andrews (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Environment Agency had formally
removed its objection to this application as the flood risk assessment had
demonstrated that that the site was in flood zone 1. However, there were
outstanding concerns regarding possible contamination.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Highway Authority accepted that it
would not be practical to make alterations to the access as suggested and had raised
no objections.
The Senior Planning Officer recommended approval of this application subject to
appropriate conditions to include contaminated land and highway conditions including
formation of a turning area and visibility splays.
Councillor S J Partridge stated that both he and Councillor E C Stockton, the local
Members, agreed with the Parish Council that it was unfortunate to lose the business
but reluctantly accepted the officer’s recommendation.
It was proposed by Councillor Miss C P Sheridan, seconded by Councillor M J M
Baker and
RESOLVED unanimously
That this application be approved subject to appropriate conditions to
include contaminated land and highway conditions including formation
of a turning area and visibility splays.
HONING - 20080209 - Continued siting of polytunnel; land at rear of Millbeck
White Horse Lane Briggate for Mr Turner and Miss Bullimore
Councillor Mrs C M Wilkins had vacated the Chair during consideration of this
application to allow her to speak from the floor.
The Committee considered item 10 of the officers’ reports.
The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that the proposed use of the polytunnel was
for horticultural purposes. He displayed a map showing the proximity of the site to
designated wildlife sites and confirmed that neither the polytunnel nor its proposed
use would have any effect on the wildlife sites.
Councillor Mrs C M Wilkins stated that she had taken the lead as local Member on
this application as most of the complainants were within her Ward. She stated that
this was a controversial application due to other complex issues which were not
related to the planning process. She stated that the polytunnel was visible from a
number of vantage points and requested refusal of this application on grounds that
the polytunnel had an adverse impact on the Area of High Landscape Value.
Development Control Committee (East)
8 May 2008
Councillor Miss L Walker, the local Member, stated that she was satisfied that the
polytunnel was used for horticulture and supported the application.
It was proposed by Councillor Miss C P Sheridan, seconded by Councillor P J
Willcox and
RESOLVED by 8 votes to 1
That this application be approved in accordance with
recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control.
NORTH WALSHAM - 20080466 - Demolition of garage and erection of dwelling;
21 Rye Close for Mr K Walker
The Committee considered item 11 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mr Wexler (North Walsham Town Council)
Councillor E Seward, a local Member, considered that the proposed dwelling would
be cramped and reiterated the concerns of the neighbours regarding overlooking.
It was proposed by Councillor Miss P E Ford, seconded by Councillor Mrs S A Arnold
RESOLVED unanimously
That this application be refused on grounds of overdevelopment and
cramped appearance of the proposed dwelling in the street scene.
RUNTON - 20080127 - Erection of one-and-a-half-storey detached dwelling;
Laburnum Caravan Park Water Lane West Runton for Mr and Mrs J Y Randell
The Committee considered item 12 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mr Mawdsley (objecting)
The Head of Planning and Building Control reported that Councillor V R Saunders,
the local Member, considered that this application should be refused as it was
outside the development boundary and had questioned why a permanent dwelling
was necessary.
It was proposed by Councillor M J M Baker, seconded by Councillor Miss P E Ford
RESOLVED by 4 votes to 2 with 2 abstentions
That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to
approve this application subject to the prior completion of a Section 106
Agreement to require demolition of the dwelling if the caravan site
ceases to operate and subject to the imposition of appropriate
Development Control Committee (East)
8 May 2008
SOUTHREPPS - 20080588 - Erection of two-storey detached dwelling; adjacent
The Rodings Sandy Lane for Mrs P L Green and Mrs A J Ng
The Committee considered item 13 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mr Purdy (Southrepps Parish Council)
Mrs Hammond (objecting)
Mrs Ng (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that two letters of support had been received in
respect of this application. Five letters of objection had been received on grounds
relating to the impact of the dwelling, effect on neighbours, highway problems and
the need to safeguard visibility at the junction. The Highway Authority had confirmed
that the existing visibility splay at the junction complied with current standards. The
Highway Authority had no objection subject to the creation of a visibility splay on
Sandy Lane and the provision of a parking/turning area within the site. The required
visibility splay had already been created.
The Senior Planning Officer recommended approval of this application subject to the
conditions listed in the report and an additional condition to remove permitted
development rights for extensions and garages.
In answer to a comment made by Mr Purdy, the Chairman explained that the works
already carried out on the site did not require planning permission.
Councillor Mrs S A Arnold, the local Member, considered that two-storey
development was unacceptable on this site. She proposed refusal of this application
which was not seconded.
It was proposed by Councillor P J Willcox, seconded by Councillor Mrs B McGoun
RESOLVED by 7 votes to 1
That this application be approved in accordance with the
recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control, subject
to the removal of permitted development rights for extensions and
SUFFIELD - 20080441 - Variation of condition numbers 2 of planning
permissions 20051696 and 20061927 to retain nine holiday units as
constructed; Cooks Farm Rectory Road for D and M Hickling Properties
Councillor Mrs C M Wilkins had vacated the Chair during consideration of this
application to allow her to speak from the floor as local Member.
The Committee considered item 14 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mr Hubbard (Suffield Parish Council)
Mr Edmonds (objecting)
Mrs Hickling (supporting)
Development Control Committee (East)
8 May 2008
Councillor Mrs C M Wilkins, the local Member, considered that whilst some
modifications had been made to the scheme it remained inappropriate. She
considered that this scheme was new build in the Countryside.
Councillor M J M Baker expressed concern that the development had been allowed
to progress uncontrolled.
In answer to a question the Senior Planning Officer explained that barn conversions
often required additional work as the condition of the buildings could be worse than
expected. Officers generally adopted a flexible approach provided that the new work
reflected the character of the building. However, this scheme had gone beyond that,
but the overall impact was considered to be that of a range of converted barns in the
wider landscape. The amendments now proposed were considered to minimise the
impact on the landscape and local residents.
Members were unhappy with the amount of new build in the scheme.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs C M Wilkins, seconded by Councillor Miss C P
Sheridan and
RESOLVED by 8 votes to 0 with 1 abstention
That this application be refused on grounds of non-compliance with
Local Plan Policy 29 in that it involves substantial rebuilding to an
inappropriate design which is harmful to the character of the area.
SUTTON - 20080297 - Erection of three dwellings and garages; Rustic House
The Street for Mr and Mrs P Cutting
Councillor S J Partridge declared a personal interest in this application as he knew
the applicant family.
The Committee considered item 15 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mr Grimes (Sutton Parish Council)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Water Management Alliance was now
satisfied with the proposals subject to appropriate conditions. She recommended
approval of this application subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions to
include water and flood management.
Councillor Miss C P Sheridan, a local Member, referred to comments made by the
Parish Council spokesperson with regard to flooding. She considered that it was
important to listen to local knowledge in this respect. She considered that the
proposal was overdevelopment and that two dwellings moved further back on the site
would be more appropriate. She was unhappy that the existing dwelling would lose
its garden.
The Head of Planning and Building Control advised the Committee that it would be
difficult to argue against the technical advice given by experts. However, character
was more subjective. He referred to the character of nearby development.
Development Control Committee (East)
8 May 2008
The Locum Solicitor stated that if this application were to be refused on flood risk
grounds it would be necessary to obtain documentary evidence to support the
Councillor Mrs S A Arnold suggested that the Parish Council may be able to provide
evidence of flooding.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S A Arnold, seconded by Councillor M J M Baker
That consideration of this application be deferred to seek evidence of
On being put to the vote, 3 Members voted in favour of deferral and 3 against, and on
the casting vote of the Chairman it was RESOLVED.
THORPE MARKET - 20080285 - Erection of two-storey dwelling; land adjacent
Italska Cromer Road for Mrs J Hunter
Councillor Mrs S A Arnold declared a personal interest in this application as she
knew Mrs Hunter’s mother.
The Committee considered item 16 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mrs Hunter (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that three letters of support had been received
from local residents stating that they had lived on Cromer Road for a long time and
had never experienced any problems accessing their properties. The Head of
Planning and Building Control added that a further letter of support had been
received on the morning of the meeting.
Councillor Mrs S A Arnold, the local Member, stated that there were many accesses
onto Cromer Road and there had been no recorded accidents from the junction to the
application site. She stated that there was a 30 mph speed limit in place.
The Chairman stated that he often travelled along this road and there were flashing
speed limit signs and speed checks were carried out frequently.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs S A Arnold, seconded by Councillor M J M Baker
RESOLVED unanimously
That this application be approved subject to the imposition of
appropriate conditions.
Reason: The visibility requirement is very close to meeting the standard
and experience of this road is that traffic generally conforms to the 30
mph speed limit.
The Committee noted item 17 of the officers’ reports.
Development Control Committee (East)
8 May 2008
The Committee noted item 18 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 19 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 20 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 21 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 22 of the officers’ reports.
The Chairman stated that s/he had determined that this item be considered as a
matter of urgency pursuant to the powers vested in him/her by Section 100B(4)(b) of
the Local Government Act 1972.
The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended that the Committee visit
the site in advance of consideration of a planning application to convert part of former
RAF Coltishall to a Category C prison.
That consideration of this application be deferred to allow a site
inspection by the Committee and that the local Member and Chairman of
the Parish Council be invited to attend.
The meeting closed at 1.13 pm.
Development Control Committee (East)
8 May 2008