8 MARCH 2012 Minutes of a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am when there were present: Councillors Mrs S A Arnold (Chairman) B Cabbell Manners (Vice-Chairman) M J M Baker Mrs L M Brettle Mrs A R Green Mrs P Grove-Jones P W High R Reynolds R Shepherd B Smith Mrs A C Sweeney Mrs V Uprichard J A Wyatt N D Dixon - substitute for J H Perry-Warnes Miss B Palmer - The Raynhams Ward P Terrington - Priory Ward K E Johnson - observer Officers Mr S Oxenham - Head of Planning and Building Control Mr R Howe - Planning Legal Manager Mr G Linder - Senior Planning Officer Miss K Witton - Landscape Officer (219) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DETAILS OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS An apology for absence was received from Councillor J H Perry-Warnes. There was one substitute Member in attendance as shown above. The Chairman reported that Councillor Norman Smith had had a heart attack and the Committee wished him well. (220) MINUTES The Minutes of a meeting of the Committee held on 9 February 2012 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the inclusion of a declaration of personal interest by Councillor R Reynolds in Minute 209 as he was an electrician. (221) ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS The Chairman stated that there were no items of urgent business which she wished to bring before the Committee. (222) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST All Members declared interests, the details of which are given under the minutes of the items concerned. Development Committee 1 8 March 2012 (223) WEYBOURNE - PF/09/1270 - Installation of buried electrical cable system in connection with off-shore wind farm: land from Weybourne to Great Ryburgh for Dudgeon Offshore Wind Ltd Appeal reference: APP/Y2620/A/12/2170245 The Planning Legal Manager explained that there would be no opportunity for public speaking on this matter. It was outside the scope of the public speaking provisions as the matter did not involve consideration of a planning application or confirmation of a Tree Preservation Order. The Committee considered item 1 of the Officers’ reports which requested the Committee to give further consideration to its representations following the decision of Full Council on 22 February 2012 not to make funds available to defend the appeal in this case. The Planning Legal Manager emphasised that this was not an opportunity for the Committee to reconsider the application or the planning merits of the case as the application had been determined and the Decision Notice had been issued. He outlined the options for the Committee to consider, as set out in the report. He read to the Committee an extract from the advice of Counsel in respect of the risk of costs being awarded against the Council. The Planning Legal Manager reported that since preparation of the report the date for the Inquiry had been moved back to 24 May 2012. The Inspector had agreed that the Inquiry would take 6 working days. He referred to a letter received from the applicant’s Solicitors which was appended to the report, which sought reasoning for the Committee’s decision and put the Council on notice that preparation of the case would commence on 12 March, following the Committee’s decision as to how it wished to proceed. The Planning Legal Manager referred to the suggested conditions appended to the report and recommended strongly that the Committee resolve not to defend the appeal and invite the Inspector to allow the appeal and grant planning permission, but reserving the right to submit representations on conditions to be imposed and to respond to any claim for costs made on behalf of the appellant. Councillor D Young, Member for High Heath Ward, asked if there were any mature hedgerows other than those already identified that should be subject to horizontal directional drilling (HDD). He also asked where the watercourses were addressed in the conditions and what impact would occur prior to reinstatement of watercourses which were trenched. He requested a definition of “practical completion” as there was scope to keep the trenches open. The Head of Planning and Building Control stated that he would need to consider these issues further before responding. Councillor Mrs A R Green expressed disappointment with the recommendation not to defend the appeal. She referred to the opposition to the application in her Ward. She considered that it would unacceptable to reopen trenches and disturb agricultural land for a second time if approval were given for stage 2 of the project, and the Council should therefore make representations at this stage. She considered that all ancient hedgerows should be replaced like for like with mature plants. She requested that these matters be made the subject of additional conditions. She referred to the letter from the applicant’s Solicitors appended to the report and considered that the area of land which would be affected would be in excess of the 17 hectares quoted in that letter. Development Committee 2 8 March 2012 Councillor P Terrington, Member for Priory Ward, considered that the appeal would be defendable on landscape grounds, particularly in respect of the crossing of watercourses. He considered that all watercourses should be crossed by HDD. He considered that the objectors had made a compelling case in terms of impact on the local agricultural economy. He considered that questions in respect of soil heating had not been sufficiently answered. Councillor Terrington considered that it was unlikely that Members had the expertise to defend the appeal. The Council would be liable for costs if the case were lost and the Council had already voted against defending the case on costs grounds. He considered that the Council did not have the capability to deal with very complex issues such as major infrastructure projects. The Inspector could take a much wider view of the issue than the Council. He referred to a review by National Grid in respect of connections in the East Coast regions and an offer by Triton Knoll to allow Dudgeon to connect at Bicker Fen in Lincolnshire. He considered that the Council should have defended the appeal and should not simply invite the Inspector to approve the application. However, he considered that the Inspector should be asked to give careful consideration to possible offshore routes, to refuse stage 2 and to impose conditions where possible to protect the landscape. The Planning Legal Manager stated that clear evidence to substantiate reasons for refusal was essential to defend any appeal. The Council was clearly at risk of an adverse award of costs. He referred to the Government’s circular relating to costs, reference 03/2009. Whilst the Committee was not bound to accept the advice of Officers, they had given a clear and unequivocal recommendation of approval and for this reason the Officers could not defend the appeal. Therefore the Committee was recommended to invite the Inspector to approve the application subject to conditions. Councillor Mrs L M Brettle stated that the Parish Councils in her Ward had supported the application and she supported the recommendation. Councillor B Cabbell Manners considered that if Members of the Committee volunteered to present evidence on the Council’s behalf it was likely that they would be questioned on their qualifications and expertise. In the absence of such authority the Inspector would give little weight to their evidence. He supported option 2 subject to tightening up of the conditions, in particular to ensure that work on the heavier soils in the Ryburgh and Stibbard area was restricted to prolonged dry periods only. He also supported Councillor Terrington’s comments regarding the crossing of watercourses by HDD. He proposed that option 2 be accepted subject to tightening up of the conditions. Councillor R Reynolds referred to his support of the two small farms which would be affected by the cable route. He considered that subject to the suggestion regarding timing of the work, the conditions had addressed some of the concerns and to refuse would involve the Council in additional costs. He seconded the proposal. Councillor M J M Baker stated that evidence of soil disturbance which occurred 2000 years ago could still be seen from the air and therefore there was clear evidence to support the reasons for refusal. He expressed concern at the impact on tourism, agriculture and the local population. He was also concerned at the additional disturbance in the event of phase 2 taking place. He expressed doubt with regard to the comments of the applicant’s soil expert with regard to soil management. He considered that the appeal should be defended. The Head of Planning and Building Control stated that the Council’s soil expert considered that the soil could be managed in an acceptable way. He stated that condition 20 was intended to limit the time the trenches could be open and was a positive effort to reduce the amount of time the soil would be disturbed. Development Committee 3 8 March 2012 Councillor B Smith supported the views which had been expressed, and considered that many of the conditions had addressed some of the concerns. He referred to excavations that had taken place in respect of the gas pipeline where the soil had recovered well. He considered that any inconvenience would be for a short period. Councillor R Shepherd supported the proposal. He asked if, in the event of HDD failing, whether the applicant could erect pylons as this would be undesirable. He also asked whether the conditions would still apply in the event of the applicant obtaining all permissions and selling them on. The Planning Legal Manager explained that the benefit of planning permission went with the land, together with the burden of conditions. The Head of Planning and Building Control stated that the proposal was for a trench system with a number of HDD points. Whilst Members may wish to increase the number of HDD points, pylons did not form part of this application and would require another planning permission. Councillor Mrs A R Green proposed an amendment to request the Inspector to consider an alternative route. This was not seconded. The Planning Legal Manager explained that the appeal involved reasons for refusal put forward by the Committee. The objectors could request the Inspector to consider this issue but the Council could not. The proposal was put to the vote, and RESOLVED by 11 votes to 3 That the Council does not defend the appeal and requests the Inspector to allow the appeal and grant planning permission, but reserves the right to submit representations on conditions to be imposed in accordance with the schedule contained in Appendix 1 of the report, subject to further amendments, and to respond to any claim for costs made on behalf of the appellant. At the request of Councillor B Cabbell Manners and Councillor R Reynolds, with the agreement of the Chairman, voting was recorded as follows: For the proposal Councillors: Mrs S A Arnold Mrs L M Brettle B Cabbell Manners N D Dixon Mrs P Grove-Jones R Reynolds R Shepherd B Smith Mrs A C Sweeney Mrs V Uprichard J A Wyatt Against the proposal (11) (3) Development Committee Abstentions M J M Baker Mrs A R Green P W High (0) 4 8 March 2012 Following a short break, the Committee reconvened to discuss the amendments which it wished to make to the schedule of conditions. In response to concerns raised by Councillors Young and Terrington regarding the impact of the work on the watercourses and concerns regarding contamination, the Landscape Officer advised the Committee that HDD was an invasive process which required a large working area either side of the drill site. It was standard practice with smaller watercourses to dam the watercourse and pipe the water to maintain flow during trenching works. This would maintain ecological and wildlife habitats through the site. These methods would form part of the ecological mitigation management plan which was required by a condition. Pollution prevention controls would be put in place to prevent contamination. With regard to the definition of “practical completion” which had been raised by Councillor Young, the Planning Legal Manager suggested that condition 20 be clarified by the words “practical completion means for the purposes of this condition, the installation of a physical connection of the northern end of the cable to the landfall of Stage 1 of the Dudgeon Offshore Windfarm and connection of the southern end of the cable in the Breckland District to a substation connected to the national transmission line and installation of all Stage 1 cabling in between.” Councillor Young supported this suggestion. In answer to a question by Councillor Baker, the Planning Legal Manager stated that the developers would not be requested to comment on the proposed conditions. They would be put forward to the Inspector and the developers would also have the opportunity to submit their proposed conditions. Councillor Young requested that the time period allowed for commencement be tightened and asked if a time period could also be set for practical completion. He queried “appropriate consents” which were not listed or defined. The Head of Planning and Building Control suggested that the commencement period be reduced to three years. He explained that “appropriate consents” meant consents for all elements of the project. He suggested that a note be added to condition 3 to define this. The Planning Legal Manager stated that he would take on board the suggestion of a time limit for practical completion. It was agreed that no further amendments were necessary in respect of the HDD points. In response to a question by Councillor Baker, the Head of Planning and Building Control explained that if only stage 1 took place the developer would be required to reinstate the soil. In the event of approval of stage 2 during the course of development of stage 1, work on stage 2 could commence within one year, but if not, the developers would not be allowed to leave the land unrestored. Councillor R Reynolds asked if it was possible to impose a condition to ensure that as little disturbance as possible was caused to the two small farms on the route. The Planning Legal Manager explained that all conditions had to meet a number of tests, in particular enforceability and precision. Such a condition would not meet these tests. Development Committee 5 8 March 2012 The Head of Planning and Building Control stated that it would be possible to add a note to the Inspector requesting that development should be carried out in a way that would cause the minimum disturbance to the farms. Councillor P Terrington requested a condition to require work on stage 2, if approved, to commence within three years otherwise a new planning application would be required. The Planning Legal Manager considered that an attempt had been made to address this issue by proposed condition 3. He was unsure as to what purpose it would serve to tie the development by such a time constraint or whether the Inspector would accept it. Councillor Mrs Green, supported by Councillor Baker requested that a condition be imposed to require work on Stage 2 to commence within three years of the commencement of work on Stage 1. The Planning Legal Manager considered that such a condition would be acceptable as it did not impose a requirement to submit a further application. At the suggestion of the Head of Planning and Building Control it was agreed that Officers would consider whether it should be included within another condition or as a separate condition. RESOLVED 1. That a definition of “practical completion” as suggested by the Planning Legal Manager be included in condition 20. 2. That a definition of “appropriate consents” be added to condition 3. 3. That consideration be given to a time limit for practical completion. 4. That no additional HDD points be requested. 5. That a note to the Inspector be added to request that development be carried out in a way that causes minimum disturbance to the land farmed by Mr Runciman and Mr Boesen. 6. That a requirement for work on Stage 2 (if approved) to commence within three years of the commencement of work on Stage 1 be considered either as an addition to a condition or as a separate condition. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Where appropriate the Planning Officers expanded on the planning applications; updated the meeting on outstanding consultations, letters/petitions received objecting to, or supporting the proposals; referred to any views of local Members and answered Members’ questions. Background papers, including correspondence, petitions, consultation documents, letters of objection and those in support of planning applications were available for inspection at the meeting. Development Committee 6 8 March 2012 Having regard to the above information and the report of the Head of Planning and Building Control, the Committee reached the decisions as set out below. Applications approved include a standard time limit condition as condition number 1 unless otherwise stated. (224) BACTON - PF/11/1476 - Change of use from A1 (retail) to residential flat; Village Stores, Walcott Road for Mr B Monk The Committee considered item 2 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mrs Brear (objecting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that Environmental Protection Officer considered that whilst there was potential for noise and disturbance and odour from the adjacent café, no complaints had been received from nearby residents and therefore there were no grounds for objection. He recommended approval of this application. Councillor B Smith, a local Member, expressed concern at the loss of the shop, which was a valuable local facility and would add to the decline in businesses in the village. He considered that the conversion of the shop would make no difference in terms of addressing the affordable housing issue. He referred to sites that had been allocated for housing in the Core Strategy in the village and stated that facilities were needed for residents, otherwise it would encourage car use. He considered that the proposal would have an impact on the other businesses in the row as they would be separated from each other. He read an email from Councillor W J Northam, also a local Member, referring to a representation he had received from a local resident that the business had been run down. He considered that the property had not been properly marketed and that the application should be refused. Councillor Smith referred to comments he had made in the press stating that he was not happy with the application. The Planning Legal Manager confirmed that this was an expression of predisposition and not predetermination, therefore it was in order for him to remain in the meeting and to vote on this application. Councillor M J M Baker considered that the construction of the shop unit was unlikely to meet the sustainability criteria or standards required for habitable accommodation. He proposed refusal of this application which was seconded by Councillor Mrs V Uprichard. In answer to a question, the Head of Planning and Building Control explained that a marketing exercise was not required as the shop was not the last facility in the village. The Senior Planning Officer explained that sustainability was not a relevant issue in this case. Councillor B Cabbell Manners stated that, whilst he considered the proposed change of use would not be beneficial to Bacton, it was not possible to force businesses to remain if they were not viable. He considered that there was no planning reason to refuse the application. Development Committee 7 8 March 2012 The Head of Planning and Building Control advised the Committee that there was a judgement to be made as to whether or not the proposal would provide an acceptable level of amenity for the resident. However, Officers had recommended approval as it was considered to provide a basic level of amenity. On the question of viability, Councillor Mrs P Grove-Jones referred to the email referred to by Councillor Smith stating that the business had been viable when the present owner purchased it only a short while ago. Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney reported that she had been contacted by a former councillor who had received comments in support of the retention of the business and had asked for her views to be reported to the meeting. Councillor N D Dixon considered that the proposed conversion did not offer sufficient amenity and supported refusal on that ground. In response to a comment by Councillor B Smith, the Head of Planning and Building Control stated that the motivation or actions of the applicant could not be taken into account. It was proposed by Councillor M J M Baker, seconded by Councillor Mrs V Uprichard and RESOLVED That this application be refused on grounds that the proposal would provide insufficient residential amenity. (225) EDGEFIELD - PF/11/0411 - Variation of condition 2 of planning permission reference 09/0926 to allow collection of vehicles by customers; RGC Classic Cars, Lower Barn, Ramsgate Street for RGC Classic Cars The Planning Legal Manager stated that whilst he had had no contact with the developers in respect of this application, Mr Travers had purchased a car from him some years ago. Councillor R Shepherd declared a personal interest in this application as he had served as a police officer with Mr Travers. The Committee considered item 3 of the Officers’ reports. The Senior Planning Officer reported that no clarification had been received in respect of parking. He recommended refusal of this application for the reasons stated in the report. Councillor Mrs V Uprichard considered that if vehicles were collected by customers there would need to be some maintenance and cleaning of the vehicles at the site. Councillor Mrs A R Green considered that the proposal would result in fewer vehicle movements than if vehicles had to be delivered to another site for collection. She proposed approval of this application. There was no seconder. Councillor P W High stated that the road was very narrow and additional traffic would cause problems. He proposed refusal of this application which was seconded by Councillor J A Wyatt. Development Committee 8 8 March 2012 Councillor R Shepherd referred to his experience of accidents on this road when he was a serving police officer. He supported refusal of this application. Councillor Mrs Green withdrew her proposal. RESOLVED by 11 votes to 1 That this application be refused for the following reasons: The unclassified roads serving the site are considered to be inadequate to serve the development proposed, by reason of their poor alignment, restricted width, lack of passing provision and restricted visibility at adjacent road junctions. The proposal, if permitted, would be likely to give rise to conditions detrimental to highway safety, in conflict with Development Plan Policy CT5 of the adopted Core Strategy. Furthermore, as far as can be determined from the submitted plans, the applicant does not appear to control sufficient land to provide adequate visibility at the site access. The proposed development would therefore be detrimental to highway safety, in conflict with Development Plan Policy CT5 of the adopted Core Strategy. (226) HOLT - PF/11/1431 - Erection of smoking shelter; The Kings Head, 19 High Street for Mr Wilson The Committee considered item 4 of the Officers’ reports. Councillor M J M Baker, a local Member, referred to representations he had received from the local business community regarding the structure. He considered that the design was unsympathetic and expressed concern that it had been erected without planning permission. Councillor P W High, a local Member, was unhappy with the design of the structure. However, he considered that it was necessary for smokers to have somewhere to smoke and the structure was suitable for that purpose. For that reason, he proposed approval of this application. Concerns were expressed by a number of Members regarding the design and size of the structure. Councillor Mrs P Grove-Jones considered that the design of the structure should be modified and that it was necessary to ensure that there was adequate provision for disposal of cigarette ends and matches. She considered that the Committee needed to be sensitive to non-smokers as well as smokers. Councillor B Smith considered that the structure was intrusive and inappropriate in terms of its colour, bulk and massing. He considered that a smaller, more compact structure would be more acceptable. The Head of Planning and Building Control stated that the current philosophy regarding extensions to such buildings was to produce a design of its own time, rather than replicating the original. The Committee was entitled to refuse the application and take enforcement action, or alternatively to seek improvements to the appearance of the structure. Development Committee 9 8 March 2012 Councillor M J M Baker stated that he had no objection in principle to the erection of a smoking shelter, but he was unhappy that it had been erected without permission and considered that the structure was over-engineered and inappropriate. The Senior Planning Officer advised the Committee that it would be difficult to alter the framework of the structure. However, he suggested a reduction in the amount of horizontal boarding and an increase in the amount of glazing. Councillor M J M Baker considered that the application should be refused but an indication given that the Committee supported the erection of a smoking shelter in principle. The Head of Planning and Building Control suggested that a note be added to the decision notice to indicate support in principle. Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney considered that the shelter should be relocated so that smoke did not affect passers-by. Following further discussion, it was proposed by Councillor M J M Baker, seconded by Councillor R Reynolds and RESOLVED by 9 votes to 0 with 2 abstentions 1. That this application be refused on grounds of inappropriate design, scale and massing, siting and impact on the Conservation Area and Listed Building. 2. That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to serve an Enforcement Notice to require the removal of the unauthorised structure within 12 months of the effective date of the Notice for the reasons given in the decision notice. (227) MATLASKE - PF/12/0033 - Erection of timber garage/garden room; 19 The Street for Ms G Rodwell The Committee considered item 5 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mr P Scott (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager (Landscape) had no objection to this application. He recommended approval of this application subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney stated that her concerns had now been addressed. It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, seconded by Councillor M J M Baker and RESOLVED unanimously That this application be approved subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. Development Committee 10 8 March 2012 (228) SHERINGHAM - PF/12/0079 - Erection of one and a half storey dwelling; Land adjacent 21 Abbey Road for Mr J Perry-Warnes All Members were acquainted with the applicant as he was a fellow Councillor. The Committee considered item 6 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mrs Bryan (objecting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that an objection had been received from the resident of a property to the rear of the site, who was concerned at the proximity of the proposed development to her property and potential loss of light. The objector had also raised an issue regarding a restrictive covenant on the land. However, this was a civil matter which could not be taken into account when considering the planning application. It was proposed by Councillor R Shepherd, seconded by Councillor Mrs V Uprichard and RESOLVED That consideration of this application be deferred to allow an inspection of the site by the Committee and that the local Members and Town Mayor be invited to attend. (229) STODY - PF/11/1442 - Erection of two-storey/single-storey rear extensions and two-storey side extension; Sunnyside Cottage, The Green, Hunworth for Mr Tollett The Committee considered item 7 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mrs MacNicol (objecting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that the description of this application should refer to a two-storey side extension and not first-floor side extension as stated in the report. Councillor Mrs L M Brettle, the local Member, stated that she had spoken to Mrs MacNicol, mainly in respect of the Parish Council having not received a copy of the application. She considered that the proposed extension was disproportionate, out of keeping with surrounding development and would impinge on The Green. She was concerned that if the neighbour proposed a similar extension it would create a terrace. It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, seconded by Councillor B Smith and RESOLVED unanimously That consideration of this application be deferred to allow an inspection of the site by the Committee and that the local Member and Chairman of the Parish Council be invited to attend. Development Committee 11 8 March 2012 (230) APPLICATION RECOMMENDED FOR A SITE INSPECTION The Committee noted item 8 of the Officers’ reports. RESOLVED That a site visit be arranged in respect of the following application and that the local Member and Chairman of the Parish Council be invited to attend: STIFFKEY – PF/11/1257 – Erection of ancillary holiday accommodation at The Red Lion, 44 Wells Road for Stiffkey Red Lion Ltd (231) APPLICATIONS APPROVED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee noted item 9 of the Officers’ reports. (232) APPLICATIONS REFUSED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee noted item 10 of the Officers’ reports. (233) NEW APPEALS The Committee noted item 11 of the Officers’ reports. (234) PUBLIC INQUIRIES AND INFORMAL HEARINGS - PROGRESS The Committee noted item 12 of the Officers’ reports. (235) WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS APPEALS - IN HAND The Committee noted item 13 of the Officers’ reports. (236) APPEAL DECISIONS The Committee noted item 14 of the Officers’ reports. The meeting closed at 12.45 pm. Development Committee 12 8 March 2012