OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 18 OCTOBER 2011 MINUTE 62: COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY The report outlined the process of securing contributions towards infrastructure needs in the district through the development management process. It explained the Community Infrastructure levy (CIL), the process required for its introduction and how CIL might benefit local communities. The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager outlined how CIL had the potential to raise significant additional resources to help fund the infrastructure needed to deliver the growth proposed in the Council’s adopted development plans. To date the Council had relied on section 106 agreements to contribute towards the cost of infrastructure. However, these did not apply to small scale developments and as the majority of developments were within this category, very little income was generated. CIL was a ‘tariff’ that was applied according to the size and category of development. It would not replace s106 agreements but operate in parallel with them. There were some exceptions to CIL, including buildings not visited by the public, affordable housing and charitable organisations. It would cover market housing, retail, educational buildings and factories. Local authorities could also choose to exempt certain developments. Levy rates would be set in consultation with local communities and the development industry and would apply to most new development over 100sqm in size. The tariff would be applied at the point when planning permission was granted, with the payment usually being due on commencement of construction. The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager told the Committee that when the Council had prepared the core strategy, the infrastructure gaps had been outlined but not costed. If CIL was to be adopted, potential gaps would need to be checked and costed up. Available sources of funding could then be identified, totalled up and then used to justify seeking contributions from developers and setting the tariff. He stressed that it was important that the levy was not set so high that development would cease to be viable. Members discussed the report: a) A Member said that he had initially been opposed to CIL as he thought it was a development tax. He thanked the Planning Policy and Property Information Manager for explaining the levy to him and said that he now felt that it could bring considerable benefits to the district. He added that he was concerned however with the recommendation to ‘introduce’ CIL. He felt that further work was needed before the Committee could agree to its introduction. The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager suggested that ‘investigates’ was inserted into the recommendation instead of ‘introduce’. In response to a further question from the same Member regarding whether CIL would apply to existing planning permissions, he replied that it would only apply to planning applications made from the date of adoption. b) It was suggested that there could be a case for treating brownfield sites and towns with existing infrastructure in place, differently – possibly with a zero or low tariff. The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that different charging zones would be introduced and it was possible to vary the tariff within these zones allowing some flexibility. c) A concern was raised regarding the amount of CIL that would be diverted to the County Council. The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that the District Council would be both the charging authority and the collecting authority and it would be at their discretion how much CIL income was diverted to the County Council. In addition, the Council would have control over how the income was spent. The Strategic Director – Community added that if CIL was introduced by the Council, they would be in a strong position in terms of commissioning local infrastructure. The Council could opt to give parish and town councils funds to spend on play areas and community centres. d) A Member pointed out that the report referred to the District Council being the charging authority ‘in most cases’. She asked for further clarification on this. The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that the Council could also allow the County Council to act as a charging authority on their behalf but it must be agreed with them first. e) A concern was raised regarding the exemption of buildings not open to the public. A Member felt that large scale projects such as wind farms and quarries required infrastructure and should be subject to CIL. The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager said that it was not possible to charge a levy on such projects as it was payable per square metre. However, payments could still be negotiated under a section 106 agreement. f) A Member asked how s106 agreements would fit into the proposed charging zones. The Planning Policy and Property Information Manager replied that the Council would need to decide which type of development would stay within the s106 process and which would fall within the confines of CIL and how both categories would apply within the charging zones. He emphasised that it was not possible to double-charge for the same development. The Strategic Director – Communities added that there was concern over this issue as CIL would be given priority over any other charge. This could have implications for affordable housing and might mitigate against the negotiation of affordable housing provision within market developments. As a result of such concerns, the government was considering how to cover affordable housing within CIL. AGREED To recommend to Cabinet that the Council investigates CIL and that the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party progresses the detailed work in relation to infrastructure planning, viability testing, and preparation of a Draft Charging Schedule