Appendix F Quality-Cost Based Tender Evaluation Criteria Appointment of Loan Fund Manager

Appendix F
Quality-Cost Based Tender Evaluation Criteria
Appointment of Loan Fund Manager
Company Status
Location of Headquarters
Legal Status for Lending Activities
Financial Standing
Track record in managing and delivering loans to businesses,
particularly SMEs, in the last 5 years
Project Management structure
Project Team structure incl. staff resourcing levels anticipated for
this project
Team expertise and experience in:
Managing Loans to SMEs
Working with public sector clients
Clarity of Proposal
Understanding of objectives
Appropriateness of approach / methodology
Expected quality of output
Submitted Loan Administration and Management Cost
(Lowest cost will score max points)
Projected Fixed Interest Rate to be charged
(Lowest rate will score max points)
Final score will be based on a 70/30 Quality/Cost ratio.
Scoring, on a 1 - 10 scale, using the following criteria:
Marginal, unacceptable pending further review
Acceptable with significant reservations
Reasonable, acceptable with noteworthy reservations
Good, acceptable with few/minor reservations
Very good, acceptable with no reservations
Excellent with no reservations
Appendix G
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the appropriate members of
the organisation understand and can carry out the requirements of this
service, in order to comply with the Consumer Credit Act and Data Protection
Head of Major Contracts and Head of Finance and Contracts have
accountability over the project. The Pathfinder Loan Team has responsibility
to monitor the project.
Loan Application Form (QF 116), Loan Application Unsuccessful (QF 118),
Loan Offer Letter (QF 119a), Affordability Declaration for Start Ups (QF
119b), Affordability Declaration for Existing Businesses (QF 119c), Credit
Agreement (QF 120a), Arrangement Fee Confirmation (QF 120b), Defaults
and Early Settlement Info Sheet (QF 120c), Loan Offer Letter for Ltd
Companies (QF 121), Personal Guarantee (QF 122), Receipt of
Documentation Letter (QF 123), Welcome Letter (QF 124), Loan Repayment
Schedule (QF 125), 1st Non-Payment Advice Letter (QF 126a), 2nd Non
Payment Advice Letter (QF126B), Default Notice Letter (QF 127), Formal
Demand Letter (QF 128), Loan Rescheduled Letter (QF 129), Loan ReProfiled Letter (QF 130), New Loan Letter (QF 131), Thank You Without Offer
Letter (QF 132), Thank You With Offer Letter (QF 133), Client File Check
Sheet (QF 160), Letter of Claim Ltd (QF 211), Letter of Claim ST/PT (QF
212), Site Visit (QF 213), Annual Statement (QF 214), Settlement Fee (QF
Follow procedure as attached and ensure all relevant paperwork and
databases are kept up to date at all times.
Any records/files/equipment taken out of the office to be signed out, on
returning items to the office to be signed in.
All records to be kept on live file at least 3 years from the date of the final loan
repayment, then archived for a period of 3 years, unless stated otherwise in
project contracts. Before deciding to destroy by any means, confirmation from
the C.E is sought. Details will be entered on the Archive and/or Disposal
LONGER IF LEGISLATION DICTATES. Particular care should be taken with
regard to legal/health & safety, accounts documentation and contracts, as
records should be kept for a certain number of years.
Pathfinder Loan Procedure
Summary of contents:
Who it applies to:
Initial Enquiry
PL*, Admin and BA*
Business Plan Development
BA and PL
Loan Application
Panel of Appraisers
Loan Rejection/Offer
Loan Disbursement
Monitoring Process/Managing the Loan
PL and Finance
* BA Business Advisor
* PL Pathfinder Loan Team
PL and BA
Pathfinder Loan Procedure
Stage 1
If an enquiry comes in:
¾ The administration team will take the clients details and log them onto the
Database System. If the client is a new business that is currently not seeking
business advice or training through the Business Advice Project, the
administrator will arrange a meeting with an appropriate advisor. If the client
has a Business Plan they will be asked to forward this on for review before
the meeting takes place.
¾ The above is the same for an enquiry that comes into the Pathfinder Loan
¾ If an existing business then Pathfinder Loan Team will deal with the client
directly (unless already dealing with an Advisor).
At a Pathfinder Loan Meeting
¾ Eligibility of the client will be assessed
o Been refused mainstream credit
o Based within the Pathfinder area
¾ If the client has submitted a Business Plan before the meeting the Advisor will
give feedback on this and advice on what else needs to be done in order to
get the client to the application stage.
¾ If the client has no Business Plan they will be advised on what needs to be
done in order for an application to be taken.
¾ At this meeting the Pathfinder Loan Team can assess the clients’ ability to
produce a Business Plan. If the client is a start-up business it can be
recommended that they attend a Business Planning course and advice
sessions with the appropriate agency in order to produce a plan.
¾ If an existing business it may be appropriate for the client to work with either a
designated Business Advisor or the Pathfinder Loan Team if deemed
¾ Informed security will be taken where possible (mainly in the form of assets).
If already a Pathfinder Business Advice project client:
¾ When the client shows an interest in Pathfinder Loan there are two options:
o If their Business Advisor (BA) feels it is necessary they will have the
client booked into a meeting with the Pathfinder Loan Team. This
enables the client to receive feedback on their plan and what else
needs to be done in order to be able to apply.
o Or carry on assisting the client with their Business Plan Development
and pass on to the Pathfinder Loan team when complete.
It may not be appropriate for an Advisor or the Pathfinder Loan team to
deal with a client face to face (mainly due to geographical reasons). Meetings
and feedback can take place via phone or email.
Pathfinder Loan Procedure
Stage 2
Pathfinder Loan offers three different loan products; each loan applicant must
produce a Business Plan and supporting documents in order to be eligible to apply
for these.
The following is applicable to all three products:
¾ A complete Business Plan must include:
o Business Summary
o Full and extensive research and analysis
o Loan attributes, including loan amount, loan term, what it is
required for and when the loan will be required (straight away or
sometime in the future if a start-up)
o An up-to-date cash flow forecast (incorporating the proposed
Pathfinder Loan repayments)
o Profit and loss forecast
o CV/Personal Profile
o Evidence that they cannot access mainstream finance
o Asset register (if applicable).
If the client is a new business (or trading less than a year) they must also provide:
¾ 6 months worth of personal bank statements – no more than 4 unpaid
items to be present
If the client is an existing business, they must provide:
¾ 2 years worth of trading accounts
¾ Interim figures if deemed necessary
It must be noted that Pathfinder Loan can ask the client to provide any supporting
documents that they deem essential, such as management accounts, business bank
statements, copy of leases etc.
Pathfinder Loan Procedure
Stage 3
¾ Once the Business Plan has been reviewed and agreed it is fit for purpose by the
Pathfinder Loan team a meeting will be booked in order for an Application Form
(QF 116) to be completed.
¾ For both the Start Up Business Loan and Business Loan this will be a straight
forward meeting with the client where the Application Form will be completed by
the client. At this meeting the client will need to produce Proof of Identification
and Address, copies of which will be taken.
¾ In some circumstances it may be more appropriate for a postal application to be
done. The client will complete an Application Form and post this along with Proof
of Identification and Address to the Pathfinder Loan Team. Once received copies
of the Identification an Address will be taken and then the originals sent back to
the client.
¾ For a client who wants to apply for a Business Development Loan the application
process differs to above. Once a Business Plan is complete a site visit will be
arranged to visit the business premises. At least one member of the Advance
team must be present at this meeting.
¾ At the site visit:
o A report will be produce on the business QF 213 Site Visit
o Questioning of the key business owners to be undertaken
o Application Form (QF 116) to be taken
o Copies of Proof of Identification and Address to be taken
¾ However it may be impractical for a meeting to take place (geographical
reasons), therefore a postal application can be done. The client will need to post
the signed Application Form (QF 116) along with original copies of Proof of
Identification and Address, once received copies will be taken and originals sent
back to client. If a postal application is taken the QF 213 Site Visit.
¾ Once the above is done Pathfinder Loan will open a client file. It must have a
Check Sheet for Client File (QF 160) at the front and be completed fully and in
correct order (all of the above documentation will go into it).
¾ Once Pathfinder Loan has received an application and all the documentation they
will get back to the client within 21 working days with a decision.
¾ Client/Application details to be entered onto the Application Stage on the
Database System.
¾ Pathfinder Loan team will carry out a Credit Check on the customer using Equifax
(to go into file). This is to ensure that all information on the client and contained
within the loan application is correct.
Pathfinder Loan Procedure
Stage 4
Decision Panel for Quick Start Business Loan and Business Loan:
¾ Decision on whether a loan will be granted or not will be made by the NWES
Advance team and any other appropriate persons if applicable.
¾ There is an option via the Database System that allows for members to be
chosen manually.
¾ The Pathfinder Loan Panel will register their decision via the Database System.
¾ Majority decision rules.
Decision Panel for Business Development Loans:
¾ The Panel of Appraisers for this loan product will be:
o Made up of both Pathfinder Loan staff and a least one other (this could be
a member of Management or an external professional).
o Made up of at least 3 people
o Generated through the Database System and electronically sent the
o The Pathfinder Loan Panel will register their decision via the Database
o Majority decision rules.
¾ The panel will be emailed the financials for the applicant along with any other
appropriate supporting documents.
¾ The panel can insist on meeting the applicant if the feel it is necessary.
General Decision Process:
¾ If any of them have any questions or queries they will refer back to Pathfinder
Loan team. They are initially given 5 working days from receiving the application
in which to make a decision. This decision must come in the form of a definite
‘YES’ or a definite ‘NO’. If no majority decision is reached within this time a
prompt email will be sent to those Appraisers who have not yet responded.
¾ If their decision is ‘NO’ they must give reasons, then it is down to the discretion of
Pathfinder Loan Team to whether or not this can be resolved. If they believe so
then they will contact the client to try to rectify the problem. Once this has been
done the application will be sent back to the Appraiser/Appraisers that said ‘NO’
to see if their decision will be different.
¾ Once they have reached their decision they will detail this at the bottom of the
Business Appraisal on the Database System.
¾ The decision on whether or not to award a loan will be based purely on a majority
vote. The decision page from the Database System must be printed out and
placed in the client file.
¾ The panel can decide to grant a loan with conditions attached; these will be
detailed in the Loan Offer Letter to be sent to the client.
Pathfinder Loan Procedure
Stage 5 and 6
On the Database System all of this section is done under the Documentation stage.
Loan Rejection:
¾ If the panel has declined the loan application then Pathfinder Loan will send
the applicant a Loan Application Unsuccessful Letter (QF 118), with the
reasons why explained (a copy will also go into file).
Loan Offer:
¾ If the application has been successful then the applicant is notified through a
Loan Offer Letter (QF 119a or QF 121 if they are a Limit Company) (a copy to
go into file).
With the offer letter the client will also receive:
¾ A letter for them to sign confirming they can afford the loan (either QF 119b
Affordability Declaration for Start Ups or QF 119c Affordability Declaration for
Existing Businesses).
¾ Two copies of their Credit Agreement (QF 120) (one of which is to be signed
and sent back to NWES Advance and the other they keep).
¾ An Arrangement Fee Confirmation (QF 120b) for them to sign (this is done so
they do not receive interest on the arrangement fee and gives Pathfinder
Loan team permission to take the amount).
¾ Defaults and Early Settlement Info Sheet (QF 120c).
¾ A Direct Debit Instruction to sign and send back.
¾ If they are a limited company they must also sign and return a Personal
Guarantee (QF 122) (to go into file) (each director of the company will need to
complete one). If they choose not to do this the loan will not be granted.
¾ Not all of the Directors have to sign a Personal Guarantee. The Directors that
are not named on the loan must confirm in writing that they agree to the loan
and the relevant Directors acting as guarantor.
Pathfinder Loan Procdure
Stage 7
All documents need to be audited to make sure everything is correct and legal. The
signed credit agreement along with the personal guarantee, if applicable, signed
arrangement fee and signed declaration of affordability will go into the client’s file.
Once all documentation has been returned and checked the Database System can
be moved onto the Loan Stage and a Receipt of Documents Letter (QF 123) will be
sent to the client.
A copy of signed documentation must be scanned and saved onto the
system in the following location____________ in the network hard drive. A
copy with also be kept on a memory stick at the offices.
¾ The signed Direct Debit Instruction will be placed in the file. The Direct Debit
Instruction will be lodged with the client’s bank using the BACS System.
¾ Once the ten working days cooling off period has elapsed Pathfinder Loan
team will arrange for the loan to be disbursed into the client’s bank account
(or wait until the date that the loan is required from is reached). This will be
done through the Finance Department, who will disburse the loan through a
bank transfer. A Welcome Letter (QF 124) stating this, along with details of
the Loan Repayment Schedule (QF 125), will be sent to the client.
¾ The client does have the right to waive the ten day cooling off period, if they
wish to do so they must inform Pathfinder Loan in writing (the letter must be
kept on file). If they chose to waive the right the loan monies will be
transferred as soon as all the documents have been audited.
¾ On the system the loan will then appear active.
¾ The payment scheme takes effect once the loan has been disbursed.
Pathfinder Loan Procedure
Stage 8
Monitoring Process/Managing the Loan Portfolio.
Loan Repayments:
¾ During this stage the department manages the portfolio; this includes doing a
Direct Debit/BACS Call via the Database System and Direct IP. This is where
a report will be generated to send via remote access to client’s bank, in order
to instruct them to pay the Direct Debit to Pathfinder Loan. This will be done
twice a month, three days before the actual repayment day (1st and 15th, this
depends on Bank Holidays and weekends) as it take this long to process the
batch. Payments can be made on other dates if specifically requested with
genuine reasoning.
¾ The department must then monitor the payments that are received and
missed. The batch is then reconciled on Database System, detailing all
repayments received and missed, these are then transferred over to the
clients account.
¾ The client can make extra manual payments of they can afford to and these
will be logged onto Database System.
Missed Repayments:
¾ If a payment is missed, without the client informing Pathfinder Loan, the client
will be sent a Non Payment Advice Letter (QF 126a).
¾ Pathfinder Loan will inform the client that they will endeavour to represent the
returned Direct Debit 14 days after the original repayment date, so the client
must make sure the funds are available. If the client’s repayment date is the
1st Pathfinder Loan will represent the Direct Debit in the next batch on the
¾ The client will also be informed that due to the returned Direct Debit they have
incurred a £25 fee and this fee will be taken on their next scheduled
repayment date along with their normal repayment amount.
¾ If the represented Direct Debit fails they will be sent a second Non Payment
Advice Letter (QF 126b), this will include a paying in slip for the client to make
a manual payment at a bank. They will have fourteen day from the date of the
letter to make a manual payment before further action is taken. Pathfinder
Loan will also endeavour to inform the clients BA of this so a meeting can be
arrange to assess the situation. At this meeting the BA should try to establish
why the client is experiencing problems and how they can be assisted to
overcome these.
¾ Regardless of whether or not they make the missed payment the next due
payment will still be taken as normal.
¾ If however they still fail to make up the missed repayment or contact
Pathfinder Loan team, a Default Notice Letter (QF 127) will be sent to the
client. The timescale for this will vary from client to client dependant on the
amount of contact the client has had with us regarding their situation. This will
state that if they still fail to make arrangements to pay outstanding amounts
court action will be taken out against them.
¾ If they still fail to contact Pathfinder Loan team a Formal Demand Letter (QF
128) will be sent out to them, stating the above has happened. Again the
timescale for this will be dependant on the client. If they do not settle
outstanding amounts it will then be out of Pathfinder Loan’s hands and in
those of the court.
¾ Pathfinder Loan team will endeavour to keep the client’s BA informed of all
missed payments/default dates.
¾ The client can make extra manual payments if they can afford to and these
will be logged onto the Database System.
Rescheduling and Re-profiling the Loan:
¾ The client does have the option to reschedule their loan once, if they are
having difficulties in making their payments. If this is agreed a Loan
Rescheduled Letter (QF 129) will be sent to the client for reference.
¾ If a client is in recovery, or we are attempting to agree a payment
arrangement, their account can be put on hold. This will prevent any further
attempts to take payment via the BACS system.
¾ A client who is making all payments on time can, if they so wish to help their
business, reschedule their loan (in this case called re-profiling). We will do
this if they can provide evidence that it would assist their business. If this is
agreed a Loan Re-Profiled Letter (QF 130) will be sent to the client for
reference. They also have the option of increasing their loan to assist them;
this will be seen as a new loan as it will pay off the old one. If this is agreed,
the client will be sent a New Loan Letter (QF 131).
Pursuing Outstanding Debts:
If there has been no positive contact from the clients the next step is to proceed with
court action.
Letter of Claim:
¾ A Letter of Claim (QF 211 or QF 212) will be issued. This will detail a
breakdown of capital, interest, arrangement fees and accumulative fee
outstanding on the loan.
¾ The claim form will give the client 7 days to make either contact with the
Pathfinder Loan team or a payment towards the arrears on their loan. It will
state that if no response is received Pathfinder Loan team will enforce their
right to pursue all Personal Guarantors in recovering the outstanding amount
Court Action:
Claim Form:
¾ If no positive response is received from the client. Court proceedings to
recover the outstanding amount will progress.
¾ The Pathfinder Loan team will need to complete a claim form. This is
available on the HM Court website ( Form N1.
This must be sent to the County Court in the client’s area along with the
Particulars of Claim, copies of all paperwork regarding the loan and the
payment for the court fee. The Particulars of Claim are a detailed history of
the contact the client has had with the Pathfinder Loan team. This must then
be signed by the Head of Large Contracts or Head of Finance. This document
will be used to support Pathfinder Loan’s claim against the client in court. One
copy of each document must be sent to the court with the Particulars of Claim
and Claim Form and include and one for each defendant. One copy must be
kept in the client file.
¾ The client will have the opportunity to admit or contest the amount
outstanding. If the client admits the claim they will be asked to make an offer
of payment. Pathfinder Loan team can then decide to accept or refuse the
proposal. If the client does not respond, a Notice of Issue, form N205A will
need to be completed to enforce the Judgment.
Non Payment Following an Offer of Payment:
¾ When Pathfinder Loan accept an offer of payment we will receive a Judgment
for Claimant (acceptance) the client must then pay us directly. If no payment
is received, the Judgment can then be entered. This is done by filling in the
Notice of Issue form which will enforce the Judgment.
After a Judgment is Entered:
¾ After a Judgment is entered the client is still required to make payments
towards the outstanding debt. If no payment is received Pathfinder Loan team
can take either of the following action to recover an outstanding amount:
Order to Attend Court for Questioning
Warrant of Execution
Third Party Debt Order
Attachment of Earnings
High Court (for amounts exceeding £5000)
Loan Completion:
¾ Once a loan repayment schedule has been completed the client will be sent a
Thank You Letter. There are two types of this letter:
¾ The first is for those who have had difficulty in repaying their loan; it is just a
straightforward thank you (QF 132). The second is to those who have been
successful, or who have had a reasonable amount of success, in sticking to
their repayments. This thank you letter will include an offer of further funds
(QF 133).
Appendix H
List of CDFIs in the UK
Acorn Fund
ART (Aston Reinvestment Trust)
Bees Knees
Big Issue Invest
Black Country Reinvestment Society (BCRS)
Bridges Ventures
Bristol Enterprise Development Fund (BEDF)
Business Enterprise Fund
Business Finance Solutions
Capitalise Business Support
Charity Bank
Co-operative and Community Finance
Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust
Croydon Enterprise
Cumbria Asset Reinvestment Trust
DSL Business Finance
East Lancs Moneyline (North West)
East London Small Business Centre
ELM (Staffordshire)
ELM (Wales)
Enterprise Northern Ireland Loan Fund
First Enterprise Business Agency
Five Lamps Society
Foundation East
Fredericks Foundation
Fredericks Gloucestershire
Fredericks Wessex
GLE oneLondon
Goole Development Trust
Hastings Trust
HBV Enterprise
Isle of Wight Lottery
Key Fund Yorkshire
Lancashire Community Finance
Leicester Moneyline
London Rebuilding Society
Merseyside Special Investment Fund
Moneyline Greater Manchester
Moneyline Yorkshire
North London Community Finance
Project North East (PNE)
Robert Owen Community Banking Fund
Social Investment Scotland
South Coast Moneyline
South West Investment Group (SWIG)
South Yorkshire Investment Fund (SYIF)
Spirit of Enterprise
Street North East
Street UK
The PRIME Initiative
TSELF (East Midlands)
TSELF (North East)
TSELF (North West)
TSELF (South East)
TSELF (West Midlands)
Ulster Community Investment Trust
Source: Community Development Finance Association website (