CCTV WORKING PARTY 18 MARCH 2013 COMMITTEE ROOM Present: Cllr Peter Moore (PM) Cllr Annie Claussen-Reynolds (ACR) Cllr Rhodri Oliver (Observer) (RO) Cllr Lindsay Brettle (LB) Steve Hems (SH) Cllr Richard Shepherd (RS) Nick Baker (NB) Duncan Ellis (DE) Maxine Collis (MC) Jeanette Wilson(Minutes)(JW) Actions 1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS 3. Cllr Mike Baker, Cllr Brian Hannah and Cllr Robert Stevens None received DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST o No declarations of interest 4. PRESENTATION FROM NORFOLK POLICE 5. Superintendent Carl Edwards attended the meeting to clarify the Police position regarding CCTV. He acknowledged the Police were regular users of the system, especially since the introduction of remote networking and would be happy to offer statistics to support the review. Generally the Police felt that CCTV had an important role to play in community safety and was a useful resource in police enquiries but understood that Councils were facing budget restrictions and had to review service provision. During discussion, Supt Edwards confirmed that the Police policy position was that they did not pay for such use of equipment where it was provided. MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING JW was asked to amend the minutes to reflect that Peter Battrick was present at the meeting The minutes were agreed as a true copy, proposed by Cllr Peter Moore and seconded by Cllr Richard Shepherd CCTV Working Party 18 March 2013 Final Version MATTERS ARISING 6. NB/MC TOWN COUNCIL DISCUSSION 7. As requested at the previous meeting, DE went through a breakdown of the contributions received towards the initial capital costs of the CCTV equipment and also the income contributions received for the 2012/13 financial year Shared Service options – o NB stated that he recently met with Chris Bamfield, Executive Director from Kings Lynn and West Norfolk BC. KLWN had submitted a shared working proposal last autumn and this proposal was discussed and additional options suggested. Before he went back to KLWN, members’ support for this option to be explored was requested o MC stated that Great Yarmouth BC has also expressed an interest in offering a similar service o It was agreed: that officers would work with GYBC and KLWN and bring proposals across a range of options to the working party at the earliest opportunity for discussion NB requested that members form an agreement in principle on the Key Stakeholder evening which is due to take place on 17 April to include Town Council and Chamber of Trade members. The evening will ask the attendees to: o consider the issues they are facing in their towns, o understand the issues NNDC faces regarding the CCTV service currently provided, including an explanation of the cost implications service; and o discuss options for future management and resourcing It was agreed: that officers, taking all members comments into consideration, to finalise the proposal and email to members of the Working Party for final agreement MC confirmed that the review did not look at camera positioning (so should not form part of the workshop) as moving them was not a consideration at this time. DE mentioned that to move cameras significant cost is incurred. However, the potential reduction in camera numbers was accepted as having some merit for discussion. It was mentioned that Wells has no Chamber of Trade and MC agreed to invite the Business Forum and the Federation for Small Businesses to the workshop DATE OF NEXT MEETING 23 April 2013 at 2.00pm in the Committee Room The meeting closed at 15:35pm CCTV Working Party 18 March 2013 Final Version NB/MC MC