Audit Committee 6 December 2011 Agenda Item No____14_________ Review of the Partnership Framework Summary: Conclusions: This report and the attached annex (Appendix F) sets out the revised Partnership Framework for comment and review by the Audit Committee. The consolidation of best practice from the operation of the current version of the Framework has been included in this revised documentation together with additional material from external sources. Members of the Committee are asked to record their observations and comments on the revised Framework so that these might be passed onto the Performance and Risk Management Board. Recommendations: Cabinet member(s): Ward(s) affected: All All David Ablett 01263-516055 Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 1. Introduction 1.1. The current “Partnership Framework and Principles” were issued in January 2009. They contain comprehensive guidance to Members, Officers and the Council’s prospective partners on the elements that are necessary in establishing and running a successful partnership. 1.2. The revised version of this Framework has reviewed the content of the previous version. In some areas changes from the experience of running partnerships have been added but other sections remain, although the location within the document may have altered. 2. Commentary 2.1. The framework begins with a policy statement. This is a similar approach to that used in the Risk Management Framework and allows the Council, as owner of the Framework, to establish the context within which it is built and operated. Audit Committee 6 December 2011 2.2. The opportunity has been taken to revise the definition of a partnership. This revised definition is slightly wider than the original version but does reinforce the formality of the arrangements and the shared aims and objectives of a partnership. 2.3. In essence this establishes the partnership as a discrete entity through which the Council is working, together with other organisations, to deliver a shared objective which could be a statutory requirement, strategic arrangements, and joint committee or not for profit organisations. 2.4. The result will provide a structure for the Council’s relationships with third parties that are not in themselves contracts for the supply of goods. Rather there is an element of mutuality implicit in the terms so that there is a common goal identified by all parties working together with a sharing of accountability and risk. 2.5. The assessment of partnerships into categories in the original Framework has been retained. However, the naming of the categories has changed to move away from the colour attributes which are more frequently used to distinguish performance and risk levels. 2.6. The three categories are Major, Medium and Minor partnerships and follow broadly the same definitions as previously for Red, Amber and Green respectively. 2.7. Much of the detailed notes and guidance from the original framework has been moved into the appendices to make the narrative of the revised framework flow better with references out of the narrative and the relevant appendix for a greater exposition. 2.8. The content and form of the partnership agreement are considered to be fundamental to the underlying objectives, risks and performance of the partnership and for this reason the body of the Framework still addresses these elements in some detail to emphasise their importance when setting up or reviewing a partnership. Indeed these elements of the partnership agreement will also be important in monitoring and evaluating the operation of the partnership during its life. 2.9. Finally a new format for a partnership register is outlined at section twelve of the Framework and in Appendix seven. 3. The way forward 3.1. If the revised Framework is adopted it is suggested that the next phase of the project should be to comprehensively review all of the existing partnerships that the Council has entered into. Recent changes have reduced the number of Major partnerships for example and these need to be formally removed from the partnership register. 3.2. At the same time the Council is embarking on shared service arrangements in some of the service areas and these arrangements need to be measured against the partnership criteria and formally included in the partnership register. 3.3. By working through partnerships in this way the format of the draft partnership register at Appendix seven will be tested and assessed and possibly modified to make a better fit with the needs of partnership working and reporting. 4. Conclusion 4.1. The annex (Appendix F) attached to this report sets out a draft Partnership Framework for review by Members of the Audit Committee and the Performance and Risk Management Board. Comments from Members will be used to develop the framework Audit Committee 6 December 2011 into a document that can be adopted by the Council to underpin its approach to partnership working. 4.2. Improvements to the partnership register and the centralisation of partnership documentation will provide a resource that is available and accessible across the Council. In this way the operation of partnerships and their future development will become further embedded in the work of the Council. 5. Recommendation 5.1. That comments from the Audit Committee on the revised Partnership Framework be collated and passed to the Performance and Risk Management Board to develop a final version that can be adopted by the Council.