Audit Committee 6 December 2011 Agenda Item No____13_________ Review of the Risk Management Framework Summary: This report and the attached annex sets out the revised form of the Risk Management Framework for the Council. Members are asked to examine the annex at Appendix E and comment on the statements and provisions it makes in respect of Risk Management generally and the establishment of a new corporate risk register. Conclusions: The Revised Corporate Risk Framework draws extensively on the current provisions for identifying risk, recording risk and reviewing risk while, at the same time, developing a different reporting structure to allow for ongoing risk assessment and review. Recommendations: That the comments of the Audit Committee be passed to the Performance and Risk Management Board for consideration in preparing a final version of the revised Risk Management Framework for the Council. Cabinet member(s): Ward(s) affected: All All David Ablett 01263-516055 Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 1. Introduction 1.1. This report sets out the results of the work that has been undertaken in reviewing and refreshing the approach that the Council takes to risk management. 1.2. The revised document builds on the Risk Management Framework dated August 2010 and the experience of risk management within the Council over the recent past. Members agreed that such a review should be undertaken by the Performance and Risk Management Board before the end of December 2011. This paper and the annex attached is a key part of this review. 1.3. in particular the Framework addresses the Corporate Risks but it also provides the basis for the recognition and scoring of service based risks too. 2. Commentary 2.1. While much of the methodology of risk assessment has remained the same as in the August 2010 document a more explicit approach to measuring and dealing with risk has Audit Committee 6 December 2011 been introduced whereby an action plan for further mitigation is produced to allow for particular focus in areas of concern. 2.2. This approach is facilitated by the three steps in identifying and dealing with risk: 2.2.1. Recognise and score the risk 2.2.2. Recognise and score the existing mitigation 2.2.3. Identify a target risk score 2.3. As with the previous Framework the scoring methodology deals with assessing the likelihood of an event and the impact such an event would have on the objectives of the Council. In a similar way the mitigation of that risk is also assessed. By subtracting the mitigation score from the initial risk score the remainder is the exposure to risk that the Council is subject to. 2.4. The value also allows a prioritisation of that risk with the highest score being the highest residual risk. 2.5. The revised Framework now anticipates that the risk owner will be able to identify a target risk and set up an action plan to reduce the risk even further. In this way not only is the risk addressed but also an action plan for further mitigation is developed. Together these two elements allow for a closer monitoring of risk and risk management across the Council. 2.6. Such an approach is scalable and will allow a similar methodology to be used with regard to service risks. 2.7. Moving to the documentation that supports the risks and their assessment this has also been revised. Each risk would normally occupy at least one side of A4 and sets out the details of the risk. The revised documentation also accommodates the new target risk and the separate assessment of likelihood and impact of the target. 2.8. Additionally the new Framework anticipates that it will be possible to categorise the risk and a set of categories has been established for this purpose. In this way reports on risk management progress and to a greater extent risk ownership will be more straightforward to evaluate. 2.9. The absence of a Corporate Risk Officer within the Council’s establishment has meant that an alternative arrangement has to be identified to promote risk awareness and facilitate regular reports to the Performance and Risk Management board. The categorisation of risk makes this process transparent. 2.10. The Corporate Management Team will own individual risks and take responsibility for the maintenance of that risk in the risk register as well as any approved action plan to move the risk to a lower (less risky) target level. These officers will report to the Performance and Risk management Board on a regular basis and at their own Corporate Management Team meetings will provide a regular agenda item ti discuss and review progress on risk management. 3. Conclusion 3.1. The attached annex (Appendix E) sets out the draft Risk Management Framework. Members are asked to reflect on the contents of the annex and comment accordingly. Audit Committee 6 December 2011 3.2. The comments of the Audit Committee will be passed to the Performance and Risk Management Board which will also be asked to submit comments so that a revised version of the Annex can be produced and adopted by the Council. 4. Recommendation 4.1. That the comments of the Audit Committee be passed to the Performance and Risk Management Board for consideration in preparing a final version of the revised Risk Management Framework for the Council.