Connect two networks by using router

Data communication and networking 1 …………………………………………………………...lab 6
Connect two networks by using router
Connect two networks by using router
In previous lectures we have learned how to create a single network by
connecting computers with a switch, but we cannot connect more than
one network with one switch
So we will connecting two networks with each other by using
We select router (generic_pt) that contains six ports two fastethernet
that we use to connect router with pc or switch or hub also it contains
two port(serial) that we use to connect two router with each other as in
the figure below.
1. Select two switch as in the figure below
Data communication and networking 1 …………………………………………………………...lab 6
Connect two networks by using router
2. We will Connecting switch0 with router by selecting straight
connection from connection list and click on router and select
fastethernet0/0 port from list as in the figure below then drag
to switch and click on it and select fastethernet0/1 port from
list that appear as in the figure below .
Data communication and networking 1 …………………………………………………………...lab 6
Connect two networks by using router
3. Repeat the pervious step for switch1 .after connect two
switch with router will the network appear as in the figure
below .
4. In the pervious figure we notice that the contact between
router and two switch0 and switch1 is inactive because the
red light on both sides of the link. So we must configure the
The Router connects different networks so each network must
possess ip address of its own . We know that the ip address consists
of two parts network part and host part
192.168.1 .1
Network part
host part
Network part : represents network address
Host part: represents host address in network
Data communication and networking 1 …………………………………………………………...lab 6
Connect two networks by using router
In c class the first three bytes in ip address represent network
address and the last byte represent host address , each switch
connects the computers in one network so each pc in the network
Each pc in the network has its own ip address, network part similar
to the rest of the network computers and host part differently from
the rest of the network computers as in the figure below
Router in each network represent part from network like pc so has
ip address similar to ip address for pc1 and pc2 .
Ip Address allocation for Router through click on router config
interface fastethernet0/0 and do as in the figure below .
Data communication and networking 1 …………………………………………………………...lab 6
Connect two networks by using router
Repeat the pervious step to allocation ip address for fastethernet1/0
As in the figure below.
Data communication and networking 1 …………………………………………………………...lab 6
Connect two networks by using router
5. Allocation ip address for each pc in net1 and net2 and
remember to inter ip address for gateway that represent ip
address for fastethernet0/0 and fastethernet1/0 for router as in
figure 9
Click on pc1 desktopip configuration 
Test the connection between two pc1 in net 1 and pc2 in net2 by
sending simple PDU