Licensing and Appeals Committee Author’s Title 20 June 2011 Licensing Manager Are there background papers? Yes No Exempt Yes No Key Decision? Yes No If Key Decision is it on the Forward Plan? Yes No Decision for Full Council? Yes No Reason for Exemption? Ward(s) affected? All Responsible Cabinet Member Councillor Trevor Ivory Chairman of Licensing Committee Councillor Richard Price Contact Officer Chris Cawley E-mail address Telephone number 01263 516252 Are there Non Electronic Appendices? Yes No List of Background Papers File Location: 1.1. PLEASE REFER TO SECTION 7 OF THE GUIDANCE NOTES FOR TEMPLATES Implications / Risks: Have you identified & explained within the report the implications of the options available to members? Yes None Yes None (Implications should include financial, legal and links to the Council’s existing policies and strategies) Have you highlighted the Risks to the Council? 1.2. Financial Implications and Risks to the Council should have their own separate headings. It is not acceptable to simply state that financial implications or risks have been alluded to in the main body of the report. Licensing and Appeals Committee 20 June 2011 This report has been subject to the following processes: Consultations with: Cabinet Member Yes Chairman Licensing Committee Yes Local Member Yes Not applicable S151 Officer Yes Not applicable Monitoring Officer/legal services Yes Communications Manager Yes Not applicable Other Head(s) of Service: Others: Please confirm this report has been signed off by: Management Team Yes Not apt Relevant Strategic Director Yes Not apt The Chief Executive Yes Not apt Licensing and Appeals Committee 20 June 2011 Agenda Item No____7_________ LICENSING WORK PROGRAMME Summary: This report highlights current licensing issues and recommends a work programme for the Committee for the coming year Conclusions: . Recommendations: 1) That Members agree the work programme 2) That Licensing Committee, given the priority identified, set up three Task and Finish Groups to move the key issues forward Cabinet member(s): Ward(s) affected: Councillor Trevor Ivory All Licensing Committee Chairman Councillor Richard Price Contact Officer, number, and e-mail: telephone Chris Cawley 01263 516252 1. Introduction 1.1. A number of the Council’s current policies for aspects of the licensing function are now becoming dated given changes in law, local circumstances or good practice. It is proposed that small Member working groups be set up to assist officers with redrafting and consultation exercises on the key topics. The revised policies will be brought back to Committee in due course for approval and for recommendation to Full Council for adoption. 1.2. The key working areas would be: • Hackney Carriage and Private Hire • Alternative Trading Licensing and Appeals Committee • Charitable Collections • Caravan Sites • Animal Welfare 20 June 2011 1.3. The three priority reviews needed now are summarised below. Detailed terms of reference and timescales need to be set for each of the projects but it is anticipated that these will be completed by early 2012. 2. Review of Policy for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licences 2.1. This needs to cover: • equality issues • tests and assessments for drivers • the potential for a penalty points scheme • design, suitability and signage of vehicles • vehicle testing • provision of hackney carriage ranks 2.2. A consultation exercise on proposed changes to the Council rule book and licence conditions should involve not only members of the trade but also customer groups and local communities. The consultation will be undertaken for 12 weeks. A revised policy handbook will then be developed for consideration by Committee and adoption by Full Council. 3. Alternative Trading 3.1. Given the current financial climate and changes in lifestyle a variety of alternative trading activities are gaining increasing popularity. They pose potential safety and nuisance risks to residents and need to be regulated in a proportionate and fair manner to protect residents, other businesses and consumers without unduly restricting commercial competition. 3.2. Consideration of policy in this area needs to cover: 3.3. • Goods on the highway permits outside existing shops • Market stalls, street and layby trading • Car boot sales and similar venues Consultation with Norfolk County Council covering Highways and Trading Standards issues will also be essential. Licensing and Appeals Committee 20 June 2011 4. Charitable Collections and Lotteries 4.1. There is increasing pressure on the in the number and type of applications for permits for Street or Door to Door collections. This is potentially resulting in more than one organisation collecting in a given area at the same time. In addition applications are being received from organisations who are agents rather charities and in some cases it is difficult to establish the charitable causes who are likely to benefit. 4.2. Consideration of policy in this area needs to cover: • Definitions of charitable and charitable purposes • Whether the regulations need to be amended • Appropriateness of delegation of this function to town/parish councils • Protection from fraud 5. Caravan Sites and Animal Welfare 5.1 Caravan licensing has a direct link to other regulatory activity and to Development Control. In addition, these sites play a significant party in the local economy. However, our current conditions are in need of review and it is suggested that this is commenced by Officers and brought to Licensing Committee for Member involvement in Spring 2012. 5.2 Animal Welfare - This is relatively low priority but is often an emotive issue. Again, it is suggested that this is brought to the Committee in Spring 2012.