Licensing and Appeals Committee 19 November 2012 Agenda Item No_____6________ LICENSING ACT 2003 – REPORT COVERING 2011-12 Summary: This report provides an overview of the operation of the Act during the past 12 months. Conclusions: The vast majority of licensed premises in North Norfolk are well run providing a valuable amenity for the local area and in support of the tourism economy. The economic climate continues to have a significant adverse effect on many licensed businesses. Recommendations: That Members note the report and support current monitoring activities, liaison groupings and compliance initiatives Cabinet member(s): Ward(s) affected: Councillor John Lee All Licensing Committee Chairman Councillor Richard Price Contact Officer, number, and e-mail: telephone Chris Cawley 01263 516252 1. Introduction 1.1. The Licensing Act 2003 became operational on the 24th November 2005 when North Norfolk District Council assumed full responsibility as the Licensing authority for the sale of alcohol and regulated entertainment in North Norfolk. 1.2. Officers have prepared an annual report, in line with that prepared in previous years, covering the period Nov 2011-Oct 2012. (Appendix A).