Agenda Item 2__ CABINET Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Monday 12 March at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00am. Members Present: Mrs H Eales (Chairman) Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Mr T Ivory Mr K Johnson Mr John Lee Mr W Northam Also attending: Mrs L Brettle Ms V Gay Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr P High Mr E Seward Mr B Smith Mrs V Uprichard Mr S Ward Officers in Attendance: 94. The Chief Executive, the Strategic Director - Community, the Strategic Director – Environment, the Monitoring Officer, the Acting Financial Services Manager, the Coast and Community Partnerships Manager, the Head of Planning and Building Control, the Strategy Team Leader, the Revenues and Benefits Services Manager and the Coastal, Localities and Assets Manager CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENT The Leader informed Members that Councillor Norman Smith was recovering well in hospital. She thanked everyone on his behalf for their well wishes. 95. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Mrs A Fitch-Tillett, Mr J Lee 96. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 6 February 2012 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 97. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None 98. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None Cabinet 1 12 March 2012 99. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Member(s) Mr T Ivory 100. Minute No. Item Interest Introduction of fees for Preapplication advice and ‘Do I need Planning Permission?’ enquiries Personal and non prejudicial as a planning lawyer MEMBERS TRAINING DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT GROUP RESOLVED that The minutes of the meeting of the Members’ Training, Development and Support Working Group held on 7th December 2011 be received. 101. PLANNING POLICY AND BUILT HERITAGE WORKING PARTY Mr K Johnson, Portfolio Holder for Planning proposed that the recommendations be adopted. He informed Members that all residents of Russell Terrace, Mundesley had agreed to the terms of the Direction. RESOLVED that The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party held on 20 February 2012 be received the recommendations contained therein adopted as follows: MINUTE 24: RUSSELL TERRACE MUNDESLEY ARTICLE 4 DIRECTION To agree to the confirmation of the Direction under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 at Nos 1-23 Russell Terrace, Mundesley, to cover the following matters: • • • • • • • • Alterations to elevations and architectural details Satellite dishes Roof and chimneys Roof Windows Doors and windows Painting facades Hardstandings and curtilage walls Solar panels and that formal notification of affected households be carried out and a press release be issued. 102. BUDGET MONITORING 2011/12 – PERIOD 10 Mr W Northam, Portfolio Holder for Financial Services presented the report. It showed the budget monitoring position to the end of period 10 (31 January 2012).and gave details of the capital programme for the same period. It also included a review of the current capital programme. The position at the end of January 2012 showed a projected underspend of £21,807. Treasury management had improved on the position at period 9 due to the achievement of better than anticipated investment Cabinet 2 12 March 2012 rates on money market fund investments. The Portfolio Holder informed Members that current forecasts showed that the revised budget remained achievable. He added that all requests to carry forward year end underspends would be considered as part of the final accounts process. RESOLVED to a) note the contents of the report and the revenue forecast for the current financial year b) note the current position in relation to the 2011/12 capital programme 103. NORTH WALSHAM TOWN CENTRE: REGENERATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Mr T Ivory introduced this item. He explained that the report was based on the feasibility study of St Nicholas’ Court, North Walsham in 2011 by chartered surveyor, Nigel Morgan and that two recommendations had arisen from this: 1. The procurement of a retail demand / capacity study – to establish whether there was a need for additional capacity within the town and its catchment and whether the town centre had the capacity to accommodate it. 2. The procurement of a commercial property advisor to help unlock potential and realise opportunities and the commissioning of a design brief / architectural feasibility study into the possible solutions to enhance the appearance of the external areas of St Nicholas Court precinct. Ms V Gay, Local Member for North Walsham West commented that there had been several studies in the past into improving facilities in the town. She supported the recommendations and hoped that the studies commissioned would be a prelude to action and investment. Mr E Seward, Local Member for North Walsham North and Chair of the Leadership of Place project acknowledged the need for action. He expressed concerns that another study was being commissioned but agreed that there was a pressing need to address difficult and retractable sites within North Walsham. RESOLVED to give authority to procure the retail demand / capacity study, the property advisor framework contract; and the design brief / architectural feasibility report outlined in paragraph 1.9 of the report, within the budget limits identified 104. INTRODUCTION OF FEES FOR PRE-APPLICATION ADVICE AND ‘DO I NEED PLANNING PERMISSION?’ ENQUIRIES Mr K Johnson, Portfolio Holder for Planning presented this item. He explained that pre-application advice and ‘do I need planning permission?’ enquiries were currently provided free at the point of delivery. Several local authorities had already introduced fees for this service and it was anticipated that about £15000 income would be generated by the scheme. The report suggested a draft Schedule of Fees and they had been set at a level that would not deter potential developers. He added that consultations with local agents and developers had already begun and they had been supportive of the proposals. Cabinet 3 12 March 2012 RECOMMENDED to Full Council the adoption of the proposals following consultation with local agents, the development industry , the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the consideration of the outcome thereof by the Corporate Director and Head of Planning and Building Control in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, prior to implementation with effect from 1 May 2012. 105. NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL TENANCY STRATEGY Mr K Johnson, Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing introduced this item. He explained that the Council was required to have a Tenancy Strategy within 12 months of the enactment of the Localism Act 2011. The Strategy set out three objectives to be taken into consideration by social landlords in the district when developing their policies on the granting and reissuing of tenancies: • To maintain stable and sustainable communities especially in more rural areas • To make better use of the existing social housing stock by enabling a reduction in under occupation • To ensure that specialist accommodation could be made available to households most in need These objectives would be achieved through the introduction of fixed term tenancies in certain circumstances, the use of Affordable Rent tenancies in some newly built social housing and market developments and the retention of tenant transfers within the ‘Your Choice Your Home’ scheme or equivalent. The Portfolio Holder informed Members that Housing Associations with properties in the district had been consulted on the draft tenancy strategy and the responses had been very positive and supportive. A Member asked whether the Council was aware of the number of tenants who could afford an increase in rent yet were not in receipt of housing benefit and whether figures were also available on the number of tenants in properties that were too large for their needs. The Portfolio Holder said that such information had been used when the Strategy was drafted. He added that Victory Housing was working on dealing with the under-occupation of its properties and were considering offering an incentive to tenants to downsize. The Strategy Team Leader explained that the Affordable Rents scheme was a flagship government policy. Slightly higher rents would be charged but they would continue to be covered by housing benefit. Only a small proportion of housing stock would be eligible for the scheme and it would be funded by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), the Council and conversions of existing properties. Regarding the issue of under-occupation, she explained that tenants wishing to move to a smaller property would be given priority and if they chose to remain in a larger property they could have their housing benefit reduced. The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee asked when the Housing Strategy was likely to be available for consideration by the committee. The Portfolio Holder said that the draft version was almost ready and would be reported to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee soon. RESOLVED to agree the North Norfolk Tenancy Strategy Cabinet 4 12 March 2012 RECOMMENDED to Full Council to adopt the North Norfolk Tenancy Strategy 106. COUNCIL TAX AND NATIONAL NON-DOMESTIC RATES – DELEGATION FOR MAGISTRATES COURT PROCEEDINGS The Portfolio Holder for Revenues and Benefits introduced this item. He explained that suitably qualified and experienced officers from the Revenues Service represented the Council at the Magistrates Court in respect of local taxation matters. The list of approved officers needed to be updated as a result of staff changes and additional responsibilities currently being undertaken by the existing court officer. The authorisation needed to take place with immediate effect as officers were required to show a copy of the authorisation document prior to a Court Hearing. RESOLVED to authorise the officers named in the report to appear in the Magistrates Court, to prosecute or defend for the non payment of Council Tax and National Non Domestic Rates on behalf of North Norfolk District Council 107. NORTH NORFOLK CAR PARK ORDER The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Assets presented the report. He explained that car parking charges for 2012/13 were agreed at Full Council on 14th December 2011 and a new car parking order consolidating the existing orders as well as introducing new charges had been advertised. The closing date for objections was 23rd February 2011 and seventy four objections and two petitions had been received. The majority of the objections had related to the removal of free car parking in North Walsham, Fakenham and Wells. It was proposed that enforcement of the requirement for season tickets on these car parks was waived for 3 months, pending any agreement regarding the transfer of the management and financial support of these car parks to the town councils. If during this period it was agreed that these car parks should remain free, a variation order could be introduced. Mrs V Uprichard, Local Member for North Walsham East and Mayor of North Walsham said that the Town Council welcomed the opportunity to discuss the transfer of the management of the free car park within the town but they were disappointed that the petition regarding evening charges did not appear to have been taken into account. The Portfolio Holder said that this was not the case and that there would be an opportunity to discuss a wide range of issues and concerns when the Council met with the town councils. RESOLVED to a) make the draft order without modification and introduce the car parking order on 1st April 2012 because the order as a whole reflects car parking demand and directs vehicles to the most appropriate car park. b) waive enforcement of the requirement to display season tickets on the currently free car parks for three months at North Walsham, Fakenham and Wells, pending further discussions regarding future management arrangements. Cabinet 5 12 March 2012 The Meeting closed at 10.28 am _______________ Chairman Cabinet 6 12 March 2012