Agenda item ___________ LICENSING AND APPEALS COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Committee held at 10.00 am on 24 September 2012 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer. Members Present: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr P W High Miss B Palmer Mr R Price (Chairman) Mr R Reynolds Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mrs A C Sweeney Mrs H Thompson Mr J Wyatt Officers in attendance: The Licensing Manager, the Head of Legal and the Democratic Services Officer (AA). 10 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None received. 11 PUBLIC QUESTIONS None received. 12 MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of the Licensing and Appeals Committee held on 21 May 2012 and also the minutes of the meetings of the Licensing Sub-Committees held on 30 May, 20 June, 18 July and 21 August 2012 were approved as correct records and signed by the Chairman. 13 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None. 14 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None received. 15 CHANGES TO THE LAW AFFECTING SALE OF ALCOHOL AND ENTERTAINMENT LICENSING AND OTHER TOPICAL ISSUES The Licensing Manager presented the report and explained the key changes which would come into force on 1 October 2012 for Live Music and Premises Licences, and on 31 October 2012 in respect of a Late Night Levy. Some regulations were yet to be made. Statutory guidance was due out in about 5-6 weeks but no authority was clear on the details. Certain areas would be unregulated and there would be other grey areas until the guidance came out. All relevant premises were licensed in North Norfolk. The new legislation related to smaller premises. The Licensing Manager suggested that Members await statutory guidance on the interpretation of the law before making any comment. Licensing and Appeals Committee 1 24 September 2012 The Chairman asked to record the Committee’s concern that the Council had received notification of the changes in the law, without clarification of their implications, only a few weeks before coming into force. The Licensing Manager confirmed that in the case of live music and premises licences, larger premises (with a capacity of greater than 200) would still need to go through the full application process. Also, smaller premises seeking to do something larger (eg an event in a marquee) would also need to apply. Historically, licences showed the permitted number of people on the licence. Exemption in the new legislation referred to audiences only of up to 200 and not the whole number of people who may be present elsewhere in the building. This may exempt some venues, for example village halls, from requiring a licence. The onus would be on the person claiming the exemption in larger venues to prove that there was an audience less than 200 people. The Licensing Manager answered Members questions and added that hopefully all the new legislation would be clarified in a few weeks. The Chairman suggested that a letter be written to all establishments regarding the change in law and to say that whilst conditions on their licences were unenforceable up to 11pm, in order to protect the interests of local residents, it was hoped that licencees would stick to the conditions on their licence. The Licensing Manager responded that whilst the Council was not obliged to do so, it would be good practice. RESOLVED That a letter be written to licence holders informing them of changes to the law affecting the sale of alcohol and entertainment licensing. 16 REGULATION OF COSMETIC PIERCING AND SKIN-COLOURING BUSINESSES Members considered the report which proposed that the Council adopt legislation that facilitated regulation of cosmetic piercing and semi-permanent skin-colouring businesses. This would provide for greater protection of the public from risks associated with these techniques including blood-borne viruses such as HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Adoption of the provisions would bring these businesses into line with existing regulated cosmetic treatments (such as electrolysis, acupuncture and tattooing) requiring person carrying on such businesses to register themselves and their premises and in compliance with byelaws in respect of matters related to the cleanliness and hygiene of such businesses. By adopting the new provisions, the Council would enable tighter control of businesses performing cosmetic piercing and semi-permanent skin-colouring. This would ensure that they maintained high standards of public health and safety, therefore contributing to a safer and healthy North Norfolk. RECOMMENDED to Full Council To adopt provisions under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 1982 as amended to regulate additional treatments namely cosmetic piercing and semipermanent skin-colouring and to recommend to Full Council for approval including: • Adoption and authorisation of new bye-laws subject to any consultation responses received; Licensing and Appeals Committee 2 24 September 2012 • • 17 A resolution authorising the affixing of the common seal to the bye-laws; and Authorising the Head of Legal to carry out the necessary procedure and apply to the Secretary of State for confirmation. TO RECEIVE UPDATES ON MEMBERS TASK AND FINISH GROUPS Hackney Carriage and Private Hire The Chairman informed Members that the Taxi Forum had been reinstated. Its first meeting had decided on terms of reference. The next meeting, tomorrow, would decide which representatives there would be from taxi licencees. Recommendations from the Forum would be made to the Taxi Working Group. They would invite representatives from the taxi licensing trade to join in. The new taxi handbook was in operation and a newer one was in progress. Alternative Trading Charitable Collections and Lotteries Officers had not called meetings for these two groups because of resourcing issues. It was hoped that it would be possible to make progress soon. The Chairman suggested that a meeting with the Leader Portfolio Holder, the Licensing Manager and himself could look at the budget and decide how to make the best use of time. The meeting closed at 11.05am. _____________________ Chairman Licensing and Appeals Committee 3 24 September 2012