30 OCTOBER 2014 Minutes of a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am when there were present: Councillors Mrs S Arnold (Chairman) Mr R Reynolds (Vice Chairman) Mrs L M Brettle Mrs A R Green Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr P High Miss B Palmer Mr J H Perry-Warnes Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mrs A Sweeney Mrs V Uprichard Mr J A Wyatt Mr P Terrington - substitute for Mr M Baker Other Members present: Mr P Moore, Mrs A Moore & Mrs V Gay Officers Mr A Mitchell – Development Manager Mr R Howe – Planning Legal Manager Mr G Linder – Senior Planning Officer Mrs M Moore – Senior Planning Officer Mrs N Turner – Housing Strategy Team Leader (112) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DETAILS OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS An apology for absence was received from Councillor Mr M Baker. One substitute Member attended the meeting as shown above. (113) MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 2 October 2014 were approved as a correct record save that Minute (102) was corrected to state that the Chairman added that “the conveyor serving the silos was quiet when the silos were full, but noisy when empty.” The Minutes were signed by the Chairman as a correct record with this amendment. (114) ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS Application PF/14/1126 – Erection of a single storey dwelling at St Austin’s Grove, Sheringham was raised as an item of urgent business following a Member’s request that that the Committee undertake a site visit. (115) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None Development Committee 1 30 October 2014 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Where appropriate the Planning Officers expanded on the planning applications; updated the meeting on outstanding consultations, letters/petitions received objecting to, or supporting the proposals; referred to any views of local Members and answered Members’ questions. Background papers, including correspondence, petitions, consultation documents, letters of objection and those in support of planning applications were available for inspection at the meeting. Having regard to the above information and the Officers’ report, the Committee reached the decisions as set out below. Applications approved include a standard time limit condition as condition number 1 unless otherwise stated. (116) BLAKENEY - PF/14/0954 – Erection of two-storey and single-storey extensions to link dwelling and annexe, single storey extension to annexe and erection of boat store to front elevation of annexe; 50 High Street for Mr & Mrs M Archer The Committee considered item 1 of the Officers’ reports. The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Highway Authority had expressed concern over safety as vehicles would need to reverse into the street. The Senior Planning Officer recommended that given the concerns of the Highway Authority the application be refused on grounds of highway safety. Councillor Mrs L Brettle, Ward Member, queried the ownership of the passageway for cars and whether the first two houses had the right to use the space. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs L Brettle, seconded by Councillor Mr R Shepherd and RESOLVED unanimously That the Committee undertakes a site visit and that the Chairman of the Parish Council and the Highway Authority be invited to attend. (117) BODHAM - PF/14/0859 – Erection of sixteen dwellings; Land at Hall Close for Broadland Housing Association The Committee considered item 2 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mr H Bruford (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer recommended a delegation of powers to the Head of Planning to approve this application subject to completion of Section 106 agreement and the imposition of conditions included in the report, and any other conditions considered to be appropriate by the Head of Planning. Development Committee 2 30 October 2014 The Housing Team Leader - Strategy said that comparisons should not be made with the previous shared ownership homes provided on the first exception housing scheme in Bodham. The issue then was around the availability of mortgages in January 2008, which was very different. The shared ownership homes proposed will provide people with the opportunity to own a house. Councillor Mr J Perry-Warnes commented that the people of Bodham were in favour of the scheme. Councillor Mrs A Sweeney agreed and said that the site was dormant land and that housing was needed in Bodham which created an ideal opportunity. Councillor Mr P Terrington asked whether the shared ownership homes would be sold as privately owned homes if they remained empty. The Housing Team Leader - Strategy said that no issues were anticipated, however the homes could not be sold on the open market if they were not occupied through the shared ownership scheme, and the Section 106 Agreement would ensure that they would remain as affordable housing. Councillor Mr R Reynolds informed Members that a similar scheme of shared ownership houses in Fakenham had been very successful. It was proposed by Councillor Mr J Perry-Warnes, seconded by Councillor Mrs A Sweeney and RESOLVED unanimously That the Head of Planning be authorised to approve this application subject to the prior completion of section 106 agreement and subject to the conditions set out in the report. (118) LETHERINGSETT WITH GLANDFORD – PF/14/1085 - Conversion of stables to dwelling; The Stables, Home Farm House, Blakeney Road for Mr R Garnett The Committee considered item 3 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speakers Dr J Whitely (objecting) Mr P Johnson (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer stated that application PF/14/1086 which also related to this site had been withdrawn and therefore the submitted plans had been amended following the removal of the changes to The Dairy (as detailed in item 119). The Senior Planning Officer recommended that authority be given to the Head of Planning to approve this application as stated in the report. Councillor Mrs L Brettle, Ward Member, expressed her support for the application and said that the development would add to the area. The Planning Legal Manager advised Members that issues relating to access to the site concerned were civil matters and should not be taken into account in the decision whether to approve or refuse the application. Development Committee 3 30 October 2014 Councillor Mr P High commented that the site visit had been very informative. He stated that he thought the application should be refused because of traffic issues and by reason of over-development. Members expressed concerns regarding the removal of a flint wall to allow access and the position of the car parking and the amount of space available. It was proposed by Councillor Mr R Reynolds, seconded by Councillor Mrs S Arnold and RESOLVED by 8 votes to 6 That authority be granted to the Head of Planning to approve this application subject to the receipt of a plan showing a satisfactory revised parking arrangements to include the retention of the courtyard wall and appropriate conditions. (119) LETHERINGSETT WITH GLANDFORD – PF/14/1086 - Conversion of former dairy building to a dwelling; The Dairy, Home Farm House, Blakeney Road for Mr R Garnett This application was withdrawn prior to the meeting. (120) LETHERINGSETT WITH GLANDFORD - PF/14/1087 - Conversion of coach house and stable to dwelling; The Coach House, Home Farm House, Blakeney Road for Mr R Garnett The Committee considered item 5 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Dr J Whitely (objecting) The Senior Planning Officer recommended that authority be given to the Head of Planning to approve this application as stated in the report. Councillor Mrs L Brettle, Ward Member, said that the conversion created no further intrusion onto the Glaven Valley and that she thought the property should be preserved. She added that she supported the application and suggested screening for vehicles. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs L Brettle, seconded by Councillor Mr R Reynolds and RESOLVED by 10 votes to 4 That authority be granted to the Head of Planning to approve this application in accordance with the report to the Committee. Development Committee 4 30 October 2014 (121) NORTH WALSHAM - PF/14/0952 – Erection of subterranean dwelling; Land off Field Lane, Scarborough Hill for Mr & Mrs Bird The Committee considered item 6 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mr R Bird (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer showed Members an amended plan of the site which included the addition of a passing bay in Field Lane as well as the lowering of the bank at the junction with Yarmouth Road, in order to address concerns raised by the Highway Authority. The Senior Planning Officer recommended refusal of the application as stated in the report. Councillor Mr P Moore, Ward Member, expressed his strong support for the application. He said that the development would make use of an otherwise unusable site as it had been a land fill site. Councillor Mr P Moore said that the objections raised with regard to traffic were inane when comparing domestic traffic of one family to the amount of lorries that used the lane when it was a land fill site. Councillor Mr P Moore said that there were public benefits from the proposed landscape enhancement and public access and that these should be sufficient to warrant approval. Members discussed the concerns of the Highways Authority but did agree with Councillor Mr P Moore upon the comparison of lorries and domestic traffic. The Senior Planning Officer advised Members that in the opinion of Officers the proposal did not comply with paragraph 55 of the National Planning Policy Framework. In his view although the design was interesting, it could not be considered as either innovative or outstanding. Councillor Mrs P Grove-Jones said that she thought it was an innovative and good use of the land and that the only negative would be that the site is in the countryside and outside the area where development would be acceptable. The Planning Legal Manager advised the Committee on issues of materiality and weight in the determination of planning applications and also outlined conditions which the Committee may wish to have imposed on the permission, should the Committee wish to approve this application. Members considered that the development involved a brownfield site and would result in a reduction in traffic movements. They agreed with Councillor Moore in that this and the benefits he had referred to previously outweighed the policy concerns. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs L Brettle, seconded by Councillor R Shepherd and RESOLVED by 11 votes to 2 That this application be approved subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions including provision of a passing bay, and junction improvements, landscaping and removal of permitted development rights. Development Committee 5 30 October 2014 (122) NORTH WALSHAM - PF/14/1003 – Removal of Condition 1 of planning permission ref. 13/0417 requiring the construction of attenuation pond; Davenports Magic Kingdom, Cromer Road for Davenports Magic Kingdom The Committee considered item 7 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mr Wagstaff (objecting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that there had been no evidence of flooding at the site and recommended that the company should be allowed to continue operating without the attenuation pond. He stated that there were financial reasons why the pond had not been constructed, which were out of Davenports Magic Kingdom’s control. The Environmental Protection Officer had reported that there was no evidence of flooding and that the company had not contributed to any flooding at the site. The Senior Planning Officer recommended approval of this application on the grounds that the entertainment centre be allowed to trade for a further two years without the need to provide a second attenuation reservoir and that during this period monitoring of the site continues to ensure that there are no issues of off-site flooding. Councillor Mrs V Gay, Ward Member, stated that the situation was a difficult one as there were financial implications on both sides and that the flooding problems had not been caused by Mr Davenport. She added that she was mindful that the Council had had one year to monitor the situation already. Mrs V Gay said that it was a vital site for North Walsham, and district-wide, for employment and that the Council should take a more active role in resolving the issue. She suggested that the condition was not removed but questioned whether two years was too long a time frame. North Walsham Town Council had suggested one year. Councillor Mrs A Moore, Ward Member, agreed with Councillor Mrs V Gay and added that monies were available but that the responsibility fell to Citygate the owners of the site. She said that the year suggested should not be for monitoring the site but to allow time for Citygate to install the reservoir. Councillor Mrs A Moore added that pressure should be put on Citygate to fulfil their responsibilities. Councillor Mr R Terrington said that there was no doubt that a second attenuation pond was needed as the existing pond overflows and floods farmland. Councillor Mr R Reynolds said that from an engineering viewpoint the flooding was not from Davenports as the swales they had installed to help tackle the issue were always empty. The Committee discussed whether two years was too long a time frame and whether one year was long enough when considering average rainfall. The Senior Planning Officer agreed that Davenports Magic Kingdom had done what they could by installing the swales and that the attenuation pond was the responsibility of Citygate who were in discussions with a Corporate Director. Development Committee 6 30 October 2014 It was proposed by Councillor Mr R Reynolds, seconded by Councillor Mr B Smith and RESOLVED by 11 votes to 3 That this application be approved on the grounds that the entertainment centre is allowed to trade for a further two years without the need to provide a second attenuation reservoir and that during this period, monitoring of the site continues to ensure that there are no issues of off-site flooding. In addition a letter be sent from the Committee to Citygate seeking assurance of their intention to construct the attenuation reservoir. (123) APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDED FOR A SITE INSPECTION The Committee considered item 8 of the Officer’s reports and the following item of urgent business. The Development Manager reported that a local Member had requested that the Committee undertake a site inspection in respect of a planning application for the erection of a single storey dwelling at St Austin’s Grove, Sheringham reference PF/14/1126. RESOLVED That the Committee undertakes the following site inspection and that the local Members and Town Mayor or Chairman of the Parish Council be invited to attend: SHERINGHAM – PF/14/0887 – Partial demolition of hotel and erection of six residential apartments and single storey rear extension to hotel; Burlington Hotel, The Esplanade for Mr McDermott FULMODESTON – PF/14/0956 – Erection of three duck rearing units to house 36,000 birds; Clipstone Farm house, Clipston for Ralph Harrison and Partners BLAKENEY - PF/14/0954 – Erection of two-storey and single-storey extensions to link dwelling and annexe, single storey extension to annexe and erection of boat store to front elevation of annexe; 50 High Street for Mr & Mrs M Archer SHERINGHAM PF/14/1126 – Erection of a single storey dwelling; Threeways, 47 St Austin’s Grove for Ms J Rayner and Ms S Thirtle The site visits will take place on 20 November 2014. (124) APPLICATIONS APPROVED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee noted item 9 of the Officers’ reports. (125) APPLICATIONS REFUSED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee noted item 10 of the Officers’ reports. Development Committee 7 30 October 2014 (126) NEW APPEALS The Committee noted item 11 of the Officers’ reports. (127) PUBLIC INQUIRIES AND INFORMAL HEARINGS - PROGRESS The Committee noted item 12 of the Officers’ reports. (128) WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS APPEALS - IN HAND The Committee noted item 13 of the Officers’ reports. (129) APPEAL DECISIONS – RESULTS AND SUMMARIES None. (130) COURT CASES – PROGRESS AND RESULTS The Planning Legal Manager updated the Committee on current cases. The meeting closed at 12.22 pm. Development Committee 8 30 October 2014