23 AUGUST 2012 Minutes of a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am when there were present: Councillors Mrs S A Arnold (Chairman) B Cabbell Manners (Vice-Chairman) M J M Baker Mrs L M Brettle Mrs P Grove-Jones P W High J H Perry-Warnes R Reynolds R Shepherd B Smith Mrs A C Sweeney Mrs V Uprichard J A Wyatt P Terrington - substitute for Mrs A R Green K Johnson – observer R Oliver – observer N Smith – observer Officers Mr A Mitchell – Development Manager Mr R Howe - Planning Legal Manager Mr G Lyon – Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) Mr G Linder - Senior Planning Officer Mrs K Batchelar – Landscape Officer Mr S Case – Landscape Officer (56) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DETAILS OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS An apology for absence was received from Councillor Mrs A R Green. There was one substitute Member in attendance as shown above. (57) MINUTES The Minutes of a meeting of the Committee held on 26 July 2012 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. (58) ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS The Chairman stated that there were no items of urgent business which she wished to bring before the Committee. (59) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor J H Perry-Warnes, Mrs A C Sweeney and P Terrington declared interests, the details of which are given under the minute of the items concerned. Development Committee 1 23 August 2012 (60) UPPER SHERINGHAM - NNDC TPO (UPPER SHERINGHAM) 2012 No. 1 – The Old Chapel, Chapel Yard The Committee considered item 1 of the Officers’ reports in respect of confirmation of a Tree Preservation Order(TPO) at the above site. Public Speaker Mr Yardley (objecting) Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney, the local Member, stated that she had spoken to the current tenant of the property who considered that the tree caused no problems and was indifferent as to whether or not it should be felled. The neighbour considered that the tree was no longer a problem since the reduction works had been carried out. She proposed the Officer’s recommendation to confirm the Tree Preservation Order. Councillor M J M Baker considered that the presence of the tree made it difficult for the Trustees to manage the property. He proposed that the Order be not confirmed. Councillor J H Perry-Warnes stated that he had spoken to the Estate Manager who had requested a delay in confirmation of the Order for a period of six months to assess whether or not the works carried out to the tree had been satisfactory. He therefore considered that the Order should not be confirmed but that it be reassessed in six months’ time. The Landscape Officer explained that in terms of Officer time it would be preferable to confirm the Order now and any future problems could be assessed under the Order. If the tree impacted adversely on the property it may be appropriate to remove it. Councillor B Cabbell Manners seconded Councillor Sweeney’s proposal to confirm the Order. It was RESOLVED by 10 votes to 3 That North Norfolk District Council Tree Preservation Order (Upper Sheringham) 2012 No. 1 be confirmed. (61) NORTH WALSHAM - NNDC TPO (NORTH WALSHAM) 2012 No.11 - Land at Muckle Hill Farm, Anchor Road, Spa Common The Committee considered item 2 of the Officers’ reports in respect of confirmation of a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) to protect a group of five oak trees at the above site. The Landscape Officer presented photographs to demonstrate the amenity value of the trees and explained that a Tree Preservation Order would not prevent appropriate management. The Planning Legal Manager referred to the legal issues which had been raised by an objector. The Council’s Solicitor had advised that, in his opinion, the Council had the authority to confirm the Tree Preservation Order in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation. Development Committee 2 23 August 2012 Councillor Mrs P Grove-Jones reported that Councillor Mrs V Uprichard, a local Member, was in favour of confirmation of the Order but had had to leave the meeting prior to consideration of this matter. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs P Grove-Jones, seconded by Councillor B Cabbell Manners and RESOLVED unanimously That North Norfolk District Council Tree Preservation Order (North Walsham) 2012 No. 11 be confirmed. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Where appropriate the Planning Officers expanded on the planning applications; updated the meeting on outstanding consultations, letters/petitions received objecting to, or supporting the proposals; referred to any views of local Members and answered Members’ questions. Background papers, including correspondence, petitions, consultation documents, letters of objection and those in support of planning applications were available for inspection at the meeting. Having regard to the above information and the report of the Head of Planning and Building Control, the Committee reached the decisions as set out below. Applications approved include a standard time limit condition as condition number 1 unless otherwise stated. (62) BODHAM - PF/11/0983 - Erection of wind-turbine maximum hub height 60m, maximum tip height 86.5m, associated infrastructure, single-storey substation building, access tracks and crane hard-standing; Land at Pond Farm for Genatec Ltd Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney declared a personal interest in this application as she had attended public meetings at Bodham but had not taken part in those meetings, and had visited Barningham Hall to explain the planning process but had not discussed this application. Councillor J H Perry-Warnes declared a personal interest in this application as he had been acquainted with the Mack family, who were directly involved with Genatec Ltd, for many years. The Chairman stated that all Members had received a considerable amount of correspondence in respect of this application. The Committee considered item 3 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speakers Mr H Bruford (Bodham Parish Council) Mrs Powell (East and West Beckham Parish Council) Dr I Shepherd, Mr S Grewcock and Mr M McMahon (objecting) Mr D Roe and Mr A Presslee (supporting) Development Committee 3 23 August 2012 The Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) reported that a number of representations had been received since publication of the report which re-stated concerns already set out in the report to Committee. He highlighted the key issues relating to this application, as set out in the Officer’s report, relating to policy, landscape and visual impacts, impacts on the AONB, heritage assets, residential amenity, television and communications, infrastructure, wildlife/ecology, aviation, highway safety and public rights of way, tourism and other sectors, and the benefits of the proposed development in terms of renewable energy and other economic benefits. He presented a series of photomontages produced by the applicant’s agent to demonstrate the impact of the proposed turbines from a number of viewpoints and in relation to residential dwellings and heritage assets. The Landscape Officer explained the issues relating to landscape and heritage assets. The Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) summarised the issues, in particular those in respect of landscape and visual impacts and impact on heritage assets, and stated that the Committee needed to weigh the identified harm against the benefits of the proposal. In the opinion of Officers, the benefits of the proposal would not be sufficient to outweigh the harm and refusal of this application was therefore recommended as set out in the report. Councillor J H Perry-Warnes, the local Member, stated that he understood the majority of residents in his Ward did not support this application. He was concerned that it would set a precedent for similar development. He considered that one turbine would produce insufficient energy to justify the damage to the landscape. He considered that elected Members had a duty to take care of the area and its landscape, which would be permanently damaged by the proposal. He referred to the objections which had been received from surrounding Parishes. He proposed the Officer’s recommendation to refuse this application. Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney stated that the proposed turbine would be closer to West Beckham and Baconsthorpe, which she represented, than Bodham and it would therefore have an impact on a larger number of people. Councillor Mrs Sweeney stated that the environment and wildlife which was vital for the tourist industry would be permanently changed. She considered that approval of this application would make it impossible to refuse others nearby. She was aware that other landowners had expressed an interest in siting additional turbines close to this site. She considered that there would be no community benefits arising from the proposal. Given the current and proposed offshore windfarm development she considered that there was no need to jeopardise the local economy by siting wind turbines on land. Councillor Mrs Sweeney referred to the views expressed by the closest Parish Councils, which reflected the views of local residents. She referred to evidence which, in her opinion, demonstrated that there would be an impact on local property values. Possible noise, flicker and visual pollution were relevant. She considered that the proposed turbine and any subsequent turbines would have an impact on the size and activity at the substation in West Beckham. She referred to the Landscape Character Assessment relating to wind turbine development, which advised against siting them close to the Cromer Ridge. She seconded the proposal to refuse this application. Development Committee 4 23 August 2012 Councillor P W High stated that he did not object to the principle of using natural resources but expressed concern with regard to the siting of the proposed turbine in terms of its visual impact, both on the wider landscape and local residents. Councillor M J M Baker stated that he was a resident of West Beckham and Member for Holt Ward. He expressed concern at the impact of the proposal on the tourist industry. He referred to a recent survey which indicated that 20% of those surveyed would choose not to take a holiday in an area where wind turbines were situated, which would put at risk £60m of income from tourism per year. Councillor R Shepherd supported the comments made by Councillor Perry-Warnes. He stated that the environment was precious and people should not be bullied into accepting development they did not want. Councillor B Cabbell Manners supported the principle of farm diversification, but stated that applicants should consider the impact on other local industries when putting forward proposals. He considered that there were other ways of diversifying into the green energy business, such as photovoltaics or biomass, which the applicants could consider. RESOLVED unanimously That this application be refused for the following reasons: The proposed turbine would be sited within a prominent location and in a landscape setting which has previously been identified as being sensitive to change from large scale wind farm development and which also includes a number of heritage assets, some of which are of the highest designated category. The proposed turbine would be relatively small compared to national schemes and the amount of electricity generation is also relatively small such that, on balance, it is considered that the electricity generation benefits would be outweighed by the identified harm to the wider landscape and a number of heritage assets. In particular it is considered that views of the turbine in the wider landscape and especially those views set against the scale of designated historic assets would result in significant change to the character and scale of the landscape and the way in which it would be understood by different receptors and the way in which historic assets would be understood within their setting. In particular these adverse/harmful impacts are evidenced in views of All Saints Church, Bodham from locations between High Kelling and Bodham on the A148, from certain locations at Baconsthorpe Castle, in wider landscape views south of St Peters Church North Barningham and, to some extent, on the setting of Barningham Hall. The cumulative effect of these impacts on heritage assets and impacts on the wider landscape is such that, notwithstanding the benefits that can be attributed to the turbine including the renewable energy benefits, proposed heritage asset fund and landscape enhancements, it is considered that the benefits of the scheme do not outweigh the identified harm and there are no other identified material considerations in support of the proposal which would justify a departure from Development Plan policies. Development Committee 5 23 August 2012 (63) BRININGHAM - PF/12/0165 - Removal of Condition 2 of planning permission reference: 91/0344 to permit occupation without complying with agricultural occupancy restriction; Miresfield, Melton Road for Mr D Barkway The Committee considered item 4 of the Officers’ reports. The Committee noted that no comments had been received from Councillor R J Wright, the local Member, who had called in this application. The Chairman requested that an article be included in the Members’ Bulletin to remind Members that they should either attend the meeting or send in their comments to be read out if they call in an application. It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, seconded by Councillor P Terrington and RESOLVED unanimously That this application be approved. (64) HOLT - PF/12/0667 - Change of use of ground floor from A1 (retail) to a mixed use of A1 (retail)/tattoo studio; 20 High Street for The Tonsorial Artist The Committee considered item 5 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mr Whybrow (supporting) Councillor M J M Baker stated that he had called in the application to allow residents of Holt to comment on this application. He referred to the location of the premises in the core retail area of the historic Georgian market town and stated that it was for the Committee to decide if the proposed use was appropriate. It was proposed by Councillor P W High, seconded by Councillor B Cabbell Manners and RESOLVED by 8 votes to 2 with 2 abstentions That this application be approved. (65) LITTLE SNORING - PF/12/0572 - Formation of car-park and widening of existing entrance; Bretts (Lings) Wood, Holt Road for Norfolk Wildlife Trust The Committee considered item 6 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speakers Mr J Cushing (objecting) Mr J Milton (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer stated that the objector’s shooting rights were not relevant in determining this application as this was a civil matter. The comments of the Police Architectural Liaison Officer were still awaited. Development Committee 6 23 August 2012 Councillor P Terrington reported that Councillor Mrs A R Green, the local Member, for whom he was substituting had concerns regarding access to the highway. He proposed refusal of this application on highway safety grounds. Councillor B Cabbell Manners considered that the application should not be discussed without the views of the Police. Councillor M J M Baker was surprised that the Highway Authority had not objected to an additional access onto the corridor of movement. This was a stretch of road where traffic speeds were high. He also expressed concern regarding disturbance to wildlife and danger arising from the exercise of shooting rights. Councillor J H Perry-Warnes reiterated the concerns expressed by the previous speakers and also expressed concern regarding possible anti-social behaviour. The Senior Planning Officer stated that he understood that the public already had access to the wood through the applicant’s lease. However, rights were a civil matter. There was an existing gateway into the wood and vehicles currently parked in the entrance adjacent to the carriageway. The Highway Authority did not object to this application on the basis that vehicles would be removed from the verge without intensifying the use of the access. Several Members expressed concern regarding traffic speeds along this stretch of road and referred to fatalities which had occurred nearby. Councillor R Shepherd considered that a properly constructed lay by would be the safest option as it would be difficult to judge speeds properly from the proposed entrance. Councillor B Smith considered that statistical evidence regarding accidents should be obtained prior to making a decision on this application. The Development Manager suggested that in view of Members’ comments it would be preferable to await the views of the Police Architectural Liaison Officer, and seek information from the Highway Authority in respect of accidents and any further comments in respect of traffic speeds and visibility. In response to a question by Councillor Mrs L M Brettle, the Senior Planning Officer stated that whilst there would be a barrier to prevent vehicular access beyond the car parking area, there was nothing to stop vehicles parking along the access track. Councillor J H Perry-Warnes proposed deferral of this application to await the comments of the Police Architectural Liaison Officer and to seek the further comments of the Highway Authority in respect of accidents, and Members’ concerns in respect of traffic speeds and visibility. Councillor P Terrington withdrew his proposal. Councillor B Smith seconded the proposal to defer this application. RESOLVED unanimously That consideration of this application be deferred to await the comments of the Police Architectural Liaison Officer and to seek the further comments of the Highway Authority in respect of accidents, traffic speeds and visibility. Development Committee 7 23 August 2012 (66) SHERINGHAM - PF/12/0429 - Variation of condition 3 of planning permission reference 10/0639 to permit extension of opening hours to 12.00 midnight on Fridays and Saturdays (excluding religious bank holidays); Zahras, 8A Station Approach for Mr M Miah The Committee considered item 7 of the Officers’ reports. In response to a question by the Chairman, the Senior Planning Officer stated that he understood that the applicant’s staff cleared up any litter outside the premises but could not be responsible for litter deposited elsewhere. Neither of the local Members, who had called in the application, were present at the meeting. Councillor Mrs P Grove-Jones questioned why the business required an extension of hours when other takeaway businesses closed at 11pm. She was concerned that approval of this application would set a precedent. Councillor R Shepherd stated that he lived close to these premises and there had been no problems. There was a neighbouring takeaway business which had unrestricted hours so a precedent had already been set. The Senior Planning Officer stated that planning permission had been given for redevelopment of the adjacent premises subject to a condition to require the business to close no later than 11pm. However, this permission had not yet been implemented and the existing business was currently unrestricted. Councillor Mrs P Grove-Jones withdrew her objection. It was proposed by Councillor R Shepherd, seconded by Councillor B Cabbell Manners and RESOLVED That this application be approved for a temporary period of 12 months. One Member abstained from voting. (67) WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/12/0623 - Retention of lighting column; Walkway, Outer Harbour, Beach Road for Wells Harbour Commissioners Councillor P Terrington declared a personal interest in this application as he had raised concerns over associated developments. He would speak on this application as local Member but abstain from voting. The Committee considered item 8 of the Officers’ reports. The Senior Planning Officer reported that the applicants had confirmed that the light was a health and safety requirement and also for security. It had been in situ for a year without complaint. Councillor P Terrington, the local Member, referred to the planning history of the jetty and relevant policies. He considered that the recommendations of the Environmental Statement in respect of application 20090581 which required low level, low wattage lighting should be considered in this case. He considered there was no justification Development Committee 8 23 August 2012 for the lighting column if health and safety concerns had been met by the low level lighting He stated that the Norfolk Coast Partnership had not been consulted in respect of the current application. He considered that the lighting column was unsuitable for a rural setting, did not enhance the landscape and could set a precedent for additional lighting columns towards the town. He requested deferral of this application pending finalisation of the Council’s Integrated Coastal Zone Management policy, consultation with Norfolk Coast Partnership and to request the applicant to consider low level lighting solutions as recommended by the Environmental Impact Assessment. Councillor R Reynolds stated that he was an electrician involved in health and safety work. He considered that low level lighting might not be satisfactory from a health and safety viewpoint. He proposed approval of this application. Councillor B Smith referred to the lighting on the nearby football pitch which bore no comparison to the lighting column now under consideration. He considered that the light was a beacon for vessels entering the harbour at night. He seconded the proposal. RESOLVED by 9 votes to 0 with 1 abstention That this application be approved. (68) APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDED FOR A SITE INSPECTION The Committee considered item 9 of the Officers’ reports. RESOLVED That site visits be arranged in respect of the following applications and that the local Members and Chairmen of the Parish Council be invited to attend: BLAKENEY - PF/12/0681 - Erection of 24 dwellings (of which 50% affordable dwellings) and associated garages, carports, boundary wall and fences and creation of 2 accesses; Land west of Langham Road for Hillside Residential Ltd EAST RUSTON - PF/12/0478 - Erection of two 18m high wind turbines (height to hub); Old Manor Farm, Long Common for Mr J McLeod (69) DEVELOPMENT UPDATE MANAGEMENT AND LAND CHARGES PERFORMANCE The Committee noted item 10 in respect of the quarterly report on planning applications and appeals for the period from April to June 2012, covering the turnround of applications, workload and appeal outcomes. Figures were also included for land charge searches. The Chairman congratulated the Development Management team on keeping up with the current workload. The Committee noted that the year out student, Gillian Lipinski, would shortly be leaving the authority to resume her studies. The Committee requested that its thanks and best wishes for the future be passed on to Mrs Lipinski. Development Committee 9 23 August 2012 (70) APPLICATIONS APPROVED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee noted item 11 of the Officers’ reports. (71) APPLICATIONS REFUSED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee noted item 12 of the Officers’ reports. (72) NEW APPEALS The Committee noted item 13 of the Officers’ reports. (73) PUBLIC INQUIRIES AND INFORMAL HEARINGS - PROGRESS The Committee noted item 14 of the Officers’ reports. (74) WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS APPEALS - IN HAND The Committee noted item 15 of the Officers’ reports. (75) APPEAL DECISIONS The Committee noted item 16 of the Officers’ reports. (76) EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 6 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act. (77) PLANNING ENFORCEMENT SCHEDULE OF CURRENT CASES The Committee considered item 17 of the Officers’ exempt report updates the situation previously reported concerning the schedule of current enforcement cases and unresolved complaints more than three months old as at 30 June 2012. The Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) informed the Committee that efforts were being made to deal with the backlog of cases. However, he had not been able to give as much support to the Enforcement team as he would like given the number of large ‘special case’ applications that had recently been submitted. RESOLVED 1. That the contents of the report and the annexed Schedules of Current Enforcement Cases be noted. 2. That the cases where compliance has been achieved be removed from the Schedules. The meeting closed at 1.00 pm. Development Committee CHAIRMAN 20 September 2012 10 23 August 2012