21 JULY 2011 Minutes of a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am when there were present: Councillors Mrs S A Arnold (Chairman) B Cabbell Manners (Vice-Chairman) M J M Baker Mrs L M Brettle Mrs P Grove-Jones P W High S J Partridge J H Perry-Warnes R Shepherd B Smith Mrs A C Sweeney J A Wyatt Miss B Palmer - substitute for R Reynolds N Smith - substitute for Mrs A R Green Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett - Poppyland Ward Ms V R Gay - North Walsham West Ward B J Hannah - Sheringham North Ward T FitzPatrick - Walsingham Ward Officers Mr S Oxenham - Head of Planning and Building Control Mr A Mitchell - Development Manager Mr R Howe - Planning Legal Manager Mrs E Duncan - Legal and Democratic Services Manager Mr J Williams - Team Leader (Major Developments) Mr G Lyon - Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) Miss J Medler - Senior Planning Officer Mr C Young - Senior Conservation and Design Officer Miss F Davies - Enabling Officer Mr S Case - Landscape Officer Mr D Sutton - Environmental Protection Officer Mr B Dye - Norfolk County Council (Highways) (52) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DETAILS OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs A R Green and R Reynolds. There were two substitute Members in attendance as shown above. (53) MINUTES The Minutes of a meeting of the Development Control Committee held on 23 June 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. (54) ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS The Chairman stated that there were two items of urgent business which she wished to bring before the Committee, relating to 1. A planning application at Great Ryburgh, reference PF/09/0966. The reason for urgency was to undertake a site inspection in anticipation of this application being reconsidered by the Committee. Development Committee 1 21 July 2011 2. To report a change of date for the Committee site inspections in August. (55) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors Mrs S A Arnold, B Cabbell Manners and B Smith declared interests, the details of which are given under the minute of the item concerned. As both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman had interests in Minute (63), it was proposed by Councillor R Shepherd, seconded by Councillor J A Wyatt and RESOLVED That Councillor S J Partridge be appointed Chairman of the meeting for minute (63). (56) CROMER – ENF/10/0002 – Update regarding unauthorised installation of a shopfront and roller shutter and display of illuminated advertisements within Cromer Conservation Area at 57 Church Street by Iceland Foods Ltd The Committee considered item 1 of the Officers’ reports updating the Committee on the current situation with regard to unauthorised works at the premises and requesting the Committee’s further instructions with regard to enforcement action. The Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) referred to comments that had been published in the press which were not supportive of prosecution. He stated that if action were not taken in this case it would give the wrong message to others in the longer term. He reported that no acceptable plans had been submitted and therefore requested authority to commence prosecution proceedings for failure to comply with the Enforcement Notice. The Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) read to the Committee the comments of Councillor K E Johnson, a local Member. Councillor Johnson had expressed concern at the conduct of Iceland Foods Ltd and its agents in this matter. He considered that failure to proceed with action in this matter would send out the wrong message and make the Council appear weak in matters of enforcement. He urged the Committee to authorise further action in this matter. Councillor B Cabbell Manners, a local Member, considered that the former Woolworths shopfront was much better than the current one. He considered that prosecution proceedings should be commenced within 28 days. The Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) reported that the Company’s agent had requested that enforcement proceedings be deferred for a further two months. It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, seconded by Councillor S J Partridge That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to commence prosecution proceedings under section 179 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) against Iceland Foods Ltd for failure to comply with Enforcement Notice ENF/10/0002 unless acceptable plans have been submitted as a formal application within 28 days. Development Committee 2 21 July 2011 As an amendment, it was proposed by Councillor M J M Baker, seconded by Councillor B Smith That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to commence immediate prosecution proceedings under section 179 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) against Iceland Foods Ltd for failure to comply with Enforcement Notice ENF/10/0002. Councillor Cabbell Manners, with the agreement of his seconder, withdrew his proposal. RESOLVED unanimously That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to commence immediate prosecution proceedings under section 179 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) against Iceland Foods Ltd for failure to comply with Enforcement Notice ENF/10/0002. (57) CASTAWAYS HOLIDAY PARK, PASTON ROAD, BACTON ALLEGED UNAUTHORISED DEVELOPMENTS The Committee considered item 2 of the Officers’ reports advising members of alleged unauthorised developments at the Castaways Holiday Park, Paston Road, Bacton. The Planning Legal Manager reported that emails had been received on the morning of the meeting from the owners of the site which included statements from people who had stayed at the park which supported their view. However, he had not had an opportunity to verify these statements. Councillor B Smith, a local Member, considered that a retrospective application should be submitted. He stated that he was supportive of local businesses but there had been problems and he did not consider that it would be helpful to add to them. It was proposed by Councillor B Smith, seconded by Councillor J H Perry-Warnes and RESOLVED unanimously That the owners of the Castaways site, Bacton, be advised that the Council believes that unauthorised development has taken place on the site through the extension of the club-house building and creation of flat nos. 6 & 7 and that retrospective applications for these developments therefore need to be submitted to the authority for consideration. Without prejudice to their determination, such applications should be lodged with the authority within a period of three months from the date of this Committee meeting, failing which a further report will be submitted to the Committee to consider enforcement action to secure the removal of the unauthorised development or to impose appropriate conditions. Development Committee 3 21 July 2011 (58) BRISTON – TPO 2011 No.10 Briston Lodge Holt Road The Committee considered item 3 of the Officers’ reports in respect of a Tree Preservation Order at the above site. It was proposed by Councillor J A Wyatt, seconded by Councillor J H Perry-Warnes and RESOLVED That North Norfolk District Council Tree Preservation Order (Briston) 2011No. 10 be confirmed. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Where appropriate the Planning Officers expanded on the planning applications; updated the meeting on outstanding consultations, letters/petitions received objecting to, or supporting the proposals; referred to any views of local Members and answered Members’ questions. Background papers, including correspondence, petitions, consultation documents, letters of objection and those in support of planning applications were available for inspection at the meeting. Having regard to the above information and the report of the Head of Planning and Building Control, the Committee reached the decisions as set out below. Applications approved include a standard time limit condition as condition number 1 unless otherwise stated. (59) GREAT SNORING - PF/11/0521 - Erection of first floor rear extension; 101 Fakenham Road for Mr and Mrs Roberts The Committee considered item 4 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mr Roberts (supporting) Councillor T FitzPatrick, the local Member, referred to illustrations that had been submitted to demonstrate the impact of the proposed extension on the neighbour and a suggested alternative proposal. He considered that the proposal as submitted did not respect the existing dwelling. He referred to the neighbour’s concerns regarding possible loss of light, overbearing effect and loss of privacy to his garden and patio. He requested a site inspection or refusal of this application. The Development Manager stated that the illustrations referred to by the local Member were not part of the application and their complete accuracy could not be verified. Clarification as to the orientation of the proposal in relation to the neighbouring property was requested by a Member and given by the Senior Planning Officer. It was proposed by Councillor S J Partridge, seconded by Councillor B Cabbell Manners and Development Committee 4 21 July 2011 RESOLVED That this application be approved subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions, including the removal of permitted development rights for windows in the eastern elevation of the extension and the requirement for external facing materials to match the existing as far as is practical. One Member abstained from voting. (60) NORTH WALSHAM - PF/11/0517 - Erection of 36 dwellings; Land off Wood View for Youngs Homes The Committee considered item 5 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speakers Mr Robertson (North Walsham Town Council) Mr Fitzhugh (objecting) Miss Laronde (supporting) Mr Tann (supporting) The Team Leader (Major Developments) reported that satisfactory design amendments had been received. These had been readvertised. Five further letters of objection had been received which were based on similar grounds to those already reported. The Town Council had reiterated its objection. The Team Leader (Major Developments) requested delegated authority to approve this application subject to an archaeological evaluation, completion of a Section 106 Obligation in respect of affordable housing, landscaping and Norfolk County Council contributions and the imposition of appropriate conditions to include those listed in the report and to require prior approval of a construction management plan. Councillor Ms V R Gay, a local Member, referred to the need for affordable housing. She referred to an affordable housing scheme on Ketts Road to which there had been no objection, in contrast with the current application which had attracted many objections. She expressed concern in respect of the use of Grade 2 agricultural land and stated that there were a number of derelict brownfield sites with the benefit of planning permission conveniently located close to the town. She considered that if those permissions were implemented they would provide 300 homes far closer to the centre of the town, of which a high percentage would be affordable. She expressed concern that the application did not currently include even the minimum requirement for renewable energy. No funding source had been identified. She requested refusal of this application as there was no clear indication it would be affordable, it was not efficient use of land and did not meet Core Strategy Policies EN4 and EN6. The Team Leader (Major Developments) explained that the applicants had confirmed that the dwellings would meet level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes and were happy to accept a condition to that effect, and had also requested a condition in respect of renewable energy. The Senior Conservation and Design Officer stated that Officers had worked with the applicants in respect of the design of the scheme. He considered that the proposed development was compatible with its surroundings and the proportions of the individual dwellings were acceptable. Development Committee 5 21 July 2011 Councillor B Cabbell Manners referred to the shortage of affordable housing in North Walsham and considered that this scheme would be provided at no cost to the Council or the Council Tax payer. He referred to affordable housing schemes in Holt which had been a success. He considered there were no planning reasons on which to refuse this application. He proposed delegated approval as recommended. Councillor M J M Baker stated that this scheme was on the outskirts of the town, whereas those in Holt were infill developments. He considered that grade 2 agricultural land should be retained for food production. He considered that the Committee should determine the full details and did not support delegated approval. The Development Manager explained that there was a great deal of detail in the application and that the recommendation to delegate authority to approve was not unusual. In answer to a question by Councillor S J Partridge, the Enabling Officer stated that funding for affordable housing schemes had changed and explained how funding for this scheme could come forward. Mr Tann was invited to further clarify the situation. He stated that the Homes and Communities Agency would not award funding until permission had been granted. Youngs Homes was in discussion with Victory Housing Trust and had received a firm offer for part of the scheme. Councillor P W High considered that the key issue was the need for affordable housing in North Walsham. Whilst other sites could be developed, the affordable housing element would not necessarily be allocated to local people, whereas exception sites were allocated in accordance with the Council’s local lettings policy. He seconded the proposal. In answer to a question by Councillor S J Partridge, the Team Leader (Major Developments) explained that there was no limit on the number of dwellings that could be provided on an exceptions site such as the one under consideration, although there was a limit on rural sites. Also, the fact that there were objectors to the scheme was not a planning reason to refuse permission. It was necessary to consider the planning policies which had already been through public consultation. Councillor S J Partridge referred to the strength of local feeling against this proposal. Councillor B Smith considered that the town could die if building did not take place within the centre of the town. He did not support building on the edge of town. The Team Leader (Major Developments) referred to the site specific allocations and stated that in North Walsham there were two or three sites which had been allocated for housing or mixed use developments in the town. These were located more centrally than the current site and in some cases included greenfield land. He considered that the exceptions policy would inevitably mean that there would be development on greenfield sites rather than brownfield sites. In answer to a question by Councillor Mrs L M Brettle, the Team Leader (Major Developments) explained the location of facilities such as the primary school in relation to the application site. The proposal to give delegated authority to approve this application was put to the vote and declared lost with 3 Members voting in favour and 9 against. Development Committee 6 21 July 2011 The Development Manager stated that the Committee could either defer or refuse the application and requested that the reasons for doing so be stated. Councillor M J M Baker referred to the local opposition to this application, both from local residents and local Members. The Planning Legal Manager stated that the applicants had a right of appeal to the Secretary of State and that reasons for refusal had to be considered very carefully. In his view, local opposition was not on its own a defensible reason to refuse the application. Councillor Ms V R Gay reiterated the concerns she had raised regarding efficient use of land, land usage, lack of a clear proposal for 10% renewable energy and lack of local distinctiveness, and the use of grade 2 agricultural land when there were brownfield sites available within the town. Councillor B Smith added that he considered that the proposal would not benefit the countryside and did not sit well with the surrounding dwellings. Councillor M J M Baker expressed concern at the lack of public transport to service the site and the reliance of residents of the site on cars. Councillor B Cabbell Manners explained that farmers were discouraged from having their land in full production and encouraged to leave margins in order to reduce oversupply of food. He did not consider that concern regarding the use of grade 2 agricultural land was a planning reason to refuse this application. The Planning Legal Manager stated that whilst reasons had been put forward that could be considered as valid planning reasons for refusal, he was unsure as to whether or not they would be defensible on appeal. The Development Manager considered each of the reasons put forward by the Committee. With regard to efficient use of land and use of grade 2 agricultural land, he stated that much of North Norfolk was grade 2 agricultural land and to refuse an application on this ground could rule out any such exceptions proposals in the District. He considered that the proposed density was reasonable and mirrored in some respects the existing density and layout on the adjacent land. With regard to the availability of brownfield land within the town, he stated that some of this land was allocated for development but this may or may not come forward and would depend on the market. Many of the sites were allocated for market housing with some affordable housing, and if all came forward with a 45% affordable requirement it would meet only 10% of the identified affordable housing need in North Walsham. With regard to renewable energy, the applicant was happy to accept a condition. He advised the Committee to defer consideration if Members required further details. With regard to design and landscaping, the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager was now satisfied in terms of design and landscape impact. He stated that it was very difficult to support the reasons for refusal put forward by the Committee. No objection had been raised by the County Council in respect of sustainable transport issues. Councillor S J Partridge considered that the proposal did not meet the criteria specified in Policy CT5 in respect of reducing the need to travel and encouraging sustainable forms of transport. Development Committee 7 21 July 2011 The Development Manager stated that the site was as close to the built up area of North Walsham as possible. Any exceptions site would require people to travel. Whilst there did not appear to be any nearby bus routes, the site was reasonably related to the town centre in his view. Officers considered that it was a reasonable site in this respect. The Highways Officer confirmed that the Highway Authority had no objection to this application in respect of proximity to the town. Councillor B Smith considered that this application should be refused on grounds of detriment to the open countryside and the increased number of traffic movements that would occur. Councillor M J M Baker referred to infrastructure issues that had been identified in a number of Council documents and considered that the existing infrastructure would be unable to cope with the additional requirements. The Planning Legal Manager referred to the terms of reference of the Committee, which needed to be reflected in the Committee’s decisions. He advised that refusal of this application would in his view be a significant departure from policy and Officers were not convinced that there were sound planning reasons for such a departure. In his opinion there could be significant implications for planning policy and, in such cases, it was necessary to defer the matter to a subsequent meeting to seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer on the legal implications and of the Section 151 Officer in respect of any financial implications which might flow from the decision. The Development Manager confirmed that he was the authorised representative of the Head of Planning and Building Control. He agreed with the comments of the Planning Legal Manager and advised the Committee to proceed on the basis that it was minded to refuse this application for the reasons put forward, following which the views of the Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer would be sought and the matter brought back to a future meeting when the Committee could determine the application in the light of the advice received. Officers would also comment on the suggested reasons for refusal. RESOLVED by 9 votes to 3 That the Committee is minded to refuse this application on grounds that the development on the edge of town would be detrimental to the open countryside setting of the site, is remote from the town centre, would result in an increase of traffic in the area and place an unacceptable strain upon inadequate local infrastructure. (61) NORTH WALSHAM - PF/11/0748 - Erection of single-storey rear extension; 30 Bacton Road for Mr Inder-Grey & Ms Sullivan The Committee considered item 6 of the Officers’ reports. It was proposed by Councillor J H Perry-Warnes, seconded by Councillor Mrs L M Brettle and RESOLVED unanimously That this application be approved. Development Committee 8 21 July 2011 (62) SHERINGHAM - PF/11/0713 - Retention of partially constructed dwelling and increase in fence height along northern boundary; The Low House, Campion Way for Mr & Mrs Mash Councillor B Smith declared a prejudicial interest in this application as he was a friend of two of the objectors. Whilst he was present during part of the debate, he vacated the Council Chamber prior to the vote being taken. The Committee considered item 7 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speakers Mr Hobbs (objecting) Mr Bond (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that six further letters of objection had been received which reiterated some of the objections in the report and raised additional concerns regarding the impact of the proposal on property values. One letter of support had been received. The Highway Authority had confirmed that it did not object to the revised scheme and the proposed garage doors. The applicant had sent a letter to Members explaining the background to the scheme. The Senior Planning Officer recommended approval subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions as listed in the report. Councillor R Shepherd, a local Member, proposed a site inspection. seconded by Councillor B Cabbell Manners. This was Councillor B J Hannah, Member for Sheringham North Ward, stated that he had been in discussion with both the applicants and the objectors. He considered that a building of this design was incompatible with the area. He stated that this case had caused a great deal of animosity between the applicants and the neighbours. However, he supported the Officer’s recommendation and requested that a dropped kerb be included in the conditions. The Senior Planning Officer stated that a condition would be imposed to require the access to be constructed. RESOLVED by 7 votes to 4 That consideration of this application be deferred to allow an inspection of the site by the Committee and that the local Members and Town Mayor be invited to attend. (63) JUDICIAL REVIEW - PRE-ACTION PROTOCOL LETTER RE CONTINUED USE OF AIRFIELD AT WINSPURS FARM, NORTHREPPS Councillor Mrs S A Arnold declared a prejudicial interest in this application as she was acquainted with one of the parties involved in the dispute. Councillor B Cabbell Manners declared a prejudicial interest in this application as he was related by marriage to one of the parties. Both Members vacated the Council Chamber during consideration of this matter. Development Committee 9 21 July 2011 Councillor B Smith stated that he had been acquainted with the Gurney family several years ago but did not have contact with them now. The Planning Legal Manager advised that there was no declarable interest. Councillor S J Partridge chaired the meeting for this item. The Committee considered item 8 of the Officers’ reports seeking the Committee’s response to a letter putting the Council on notice of a potential judicial review of the Council’s alleged failure to take enforcement action following expiration of temporary planning permission in respect of continued use of an airfield. The Planning Legal Manager outlined the background to this case. He explained the pre-action protocol and stated that the correct procedure had been followed by the Solicitors who were acting for the local residents. He stated that it appeared that the problems appeared not to be from fixed wing aircraft. However, other aircraft such as gyrocopters and microlights which flew circuits appeared to be causing most of the objections. He recommended that the Committee considers whether it is appropriate to take enforcement action in this case and referred Members to paragraph 5 of PPG 18 “Enforcing Planning Control” which was quoted in the report. The Head of Planning and Building Control stated that there had been a large number of representations in respect of the current planning application. Some consultation responses had been received but other important responses were awaited. Environmental Health wished to carry out a monitoring exercise at an Open Day on 23 July. One of the crucial issues related to the Habitats Regulations in respect of sites along the North Norfolk coast. Natural England had no objections to the proposals which it considered would have no impact on designated sites. No incidents of disturbance had been reported through the Wash and North Norfolk Coast European Marine Site Management Scheme or any other means. Measures introduced had been effective at minimising impact. It was untrue that there had been an objection from Natural England as alleged in the Solicitor’s letter. An appropriate assessment under s61 of the Habitats Directive would not be needed but conditions would be imposed. The main issues were in respect of noise and disturbance to wildlife, which had either been dealt with or were in hand. The Legal and Democratic Services Manager stated the Council had to consider its enforcement powers if there was an impact on wildlife and noise complaints. She had considered the case law referred to in the Solicitor’s letter which, in her opinion, did not give the complainants significant cause for action against the Council. She stated that the Committee had to weigh the competing interests in this matter. She considered that there was a defence against judicial review if a case were brought. The Planning Legal Manager considered that it was preferable for the applicants to continue flying to enable Environmental Health to continue to monitor the site and the surrounding area. He considered that the Open Day would be the best day to do so. If there were a significant problem the matter would be reported back to the Committee at the next meeting for consideration of enforcement action. However, if there were no significant problems which required immediate action, the planning application would be reported as soon as possible, but no enforcement action taken in the meantime. He also recommended that the Committee undertake a site inspection. Councillor M J M Baker stated that a number of Committee Members had already visited the site. He stated that he had voted against temporary approval previously as he considered that the use should be permanent. He stated that this airfield was Development Committee 10 21 July 2011 crucial to North Norfolk tourism, the airfield had been in existence for a long time and the current planning application had been submitted within the timescale for renewal. He expressed concern at carrying out monitoring on the Open Day when there would be more noise than usual. Councillor Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett, the local Member, stated that she was attending the meeting as an observer. She stated that the operator and one of the principal objectors were close personal friends and would make no comment at this stage. Councillor Baker proposed that in the event of no significant problem resulting from the Open Day on 23 July the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to approve the application on a permanent basis. The Head of Planning and Building Control stated that there were a number of issues that had not yet been addressed, and objectors may feel that they had not had a fair hearing. He considered that the Committee should consider the planning application. The Environmental Protection Officer explained the reason for undertaking monitoring at the Open Day. He stated that he would be visiting the properties from which noise complaints had been received to assess the amenity issues. Councillor N Smith stated that Parish Councils in his Ward had expressed concern regarding the noise from microlights. He considered that the number of microlights had increased over the past two years. Councillor R Reynolds supported a site inspection as he had not seen the site. He asked if Network Rail had been consulted. The Head of Planning and Building Control confirmed that the Company had been consulted but had not yet responded. It was proposed by Councillor J H Perry-Warnes, seconded by Councillor B Smith and RESOLVED (64) 1. That the Committee undertakes a site inspection prior to consideration of planning application PF/11/0232 and that the local Member and a representative of the Parish Council be invited to attend. 2. That Environmental Health monitor the Open Day on 23 July and in the event of significant problems this matter be reported back to Committee on 18 August for consideration of enforcement action, or if no significant problems are found, the planning application be reported to a future meeting. APPLICATIONS APPROVED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee noted item 9 of the Officers’ reports. (65) APPLICATIONS REFUSED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee noted item 10 of the Officers’ reports. (66) NEW APPEALS The Committee noted item 11 of the Officers’ reports. Development Committee 11 21 July 2011 (67) PUBLIC INQUIRIES AND INFORMAL HEARINGS - PROGRESS The Committee noted item 12 of the Officers’ reports. (68) WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS APPEALS - IN HAND The Committee noted item 13 of the Officers’ reports. (69) APPEAL DECISIONS The Committee noted item 14 of the Officers’ reports. (70) RYBURGH - PF/09/0966 - Erection of 2 silos construction of lorry park with wash bay, associated surface water balancing pond, bunded fuel tank, storage container, office, staff car park and associated earthworks and landscaping; Land at Crisp Maltings, Fakenham Road for Crisp Malting Group Ltd The Chairman stated that she had determined that this item be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to the powers vested in her by Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Development Manager recommended that the Committee visit the site pending reconsideration of this application at a future meeting. RESOLVED That a site inspection be arranged in respect of this application and that the local Member and Chairman of the Parish Council be invited to attend. (71) SITE INSPECTIONS - CHANGE OF DATE The Chairman stated that she had determined that this item be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to the powers vested in her by Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. It was noted that the site inspections would now take place on Thursday 4 August 2011. (72) EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 6 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act. (73) PLANNING ENFORCEMENT SCHEDULE OF CURRENT CASES The Committee considered item 15 of the Officers’ exempt reports updating the situation previously reported concerning the schedule of outstanding enforcement cases and unresolved complaints more than three months old as at 30 June 2011. Development Committee 12 21 July 2011 The Committee considered the cases listed in the Schedules and identified those which they wished to be prioritised. RESOLVED 1. That the contents of the report and the annexed Schedules of Current Enforcement Cases be noted. 2. That the cases highlighted by Members be dealt with as a priority. 2. That the cases where compliance has been achieved be removed from the Schedules. The meeting closed at 1.10 pm. Development Committee 13 21 July 2011