14 APRIL 2011 Minutes of a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am when there were present: Councillors J A Wyatt (Vice-Chairman) in the Chair H C Cordeaux Mrs A R Green P W High S C Mears J H Perry-Warnes J D Savory Mrs M Seward B Smith Mrs J Trett P J Willcox Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett - substitute for Mrs A C Sweeney Mrs P Bevan Jones - Sheringham North Ward B J Hannah - Sheringham North Ward Mrs H T Nelson - Sheringham South Ward Ms V R Gay - observer Officers Mr S Oxenham - Head of Planning and Building Control Mr A Mitchell - Development Manager Mr R Howe - Planning Legal Manager Mr G Lyon - Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) Mr J Williams - Team Leader (Major Developments) Mr G Linder - Senior Planning Officer Miss J Medler - Senior Planning Officer Mr C Young - Senior Conservation and Design Officer Mrs N Turner - Enabling Team Leader Mr B Dye - Norfolk County Council (Highways) (243) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DETAILS OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS Apologies for absence were received from Councillors S J Partridge and Mrs A C Sweeney. There was one substitute Member in attendance as shown above. (244) MINUTES The Minutes of a meeting of the Committee held on 17 March 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. (245) ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS The Chairman stated that there was one item of urgent business which he wished to bring before the Committee, relating to a planning application at Neatishead, reference PF/10/1353. The reason for urgency was to expedite processing of the application by undertaking a site inspection. Development Control Committee 1 14 April 2011 (246) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors H C Cordeaux and J D Savory declared interests, the details of which are given under the minute of the item concerned. (247) HEMPTON – PF/10/0329 – The erection of 5 two storey dwellings and 2 flats: Site adjacent to 21 Dereham Road for Flagship Housing Group The Committee considered item 1 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speakers Mrs Woods (objecting) Mr Burghall (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Environmental Protection Officer was now satisfied with the drainage proposals. The Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager had raised concerns in respect of potential pollutants entering the County Wildlife Site and disturbance and damage to parts of the site. He had recommended that a petrochemical interceptor be installed, mitigation in respect of turf and topsoil, ground protection and other conditions. The Norfolk Wildlife Trust had no objection. Norfolk Landscape Archaeology had commented that the proposed pipe would affect the remains of the former priory. Norfolk County Council’s Historic Environment Service considered that the proposed route was inappropriate and that an alternative route should be sought which did not affect the archaeological remains. A meeting had now taken place between Keith Simpson MP and the Highway Authority. The Highway Authority considered that the proposal was acceptable in highway terms. The Highway Authority considered that neither an alternative site nor alternative access arrangements that had been proposed were acceptable. Amendments had been proposed which reduced the carriageway width to provide a wider area to allow parking for existing residents. An email had been received from former Councillor, Miss D Wakefield, on behalf of Hempton Parish Council expressing concerns in respect of drainage, loss of parking, highway issues, damage to the ancient wall and questioning the applicant’s statement regarding costs. The Parish Council had requested that the whole application be reconsidered in detail. The Senior Planning Officer requested delegated authority to approve this application subject to satisfactory resolution of drainage and archaeological issues, no objection being received from outstanding consultees and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. In answer to a question by Councillor P J Willcox, the Head of Planning and Building Control explained that the proposed drainage solution was acceptable in technical terms. However, an archaeological objection had been received which may require an alternative to the proposed pipe to overcome the concerns. All other issues had been dealt with previously. It was proposed by Councillor P J Willcox, seconded by Councillor J H Perry-Warnes and Development Control Committee 2 14 April 2011 RESOLVED unanimously That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to approve this application subject to satisfactory resolution of drainage and archaeological issues, no objection being received from outstanding consultees and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. (248) SHERINGHAM 05/110 - Land to the rear of 20 Hooks Hill Road The Committee considered item 2 of the Officers’ reports concerning alterations to the ground level on land to the rear of 20 Hooks Hill Road, Sheringham and the works that have subsequently been carried out, following the serving of an enforcement notice. The Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) reported the contents of a letter received from the complainants’ solicitor. The complainants were dissatisfied with the remedial works and had threatened to take the matter to the Ombudsman on grounds of maladministration. However, Officers considered that the Council had already made significant progress in remedying the injury to amenity raised by the objector. This had substantially remedied the situation. As a correction to the report, he stated that whilst the profile of the bank was less than 45o in places, in others it was over 45o. In his opinion, sufficient work had been carried out and he requested that no further action be taken. Councillor Mrs P Bevan Jones read to the Committee the comments of Councillor Mrs H T Nelson, a local Member, who supported the Officer’s recommendation. Councillor P W High considered that the developer had done insufficient work. He considered that the rendered wall was unattractive. The Development Manager stated that the developer had complied with the Enforcement Notice in respect of the wall. The question remained as to whether the planting and scraping back of the soil were acceptable. Councillor Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett expressed concern that rain would wash the bank away. The Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) stated that the Council was potentially being drawn into a neighbour dispute and going beyond what was expected of an enforcement authority. He considered that it would be inappropriate to continue to use the Council’s limited resources to resolve such disputes, particularly when the injury to amenity had been substantially remedied. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs J Trett, seconded by Councillor P J Willcox and RESOLVED by 7 votes to 2 with 1 abstention That although certain elements of the Enforcement Notice have not been fully complied with, the works as carried out are nevertheless considered to be sufficient to restore neighbouring amenities to a reasonable extent and that no further action therefore be taken. Development Control Committee 3 14 April 2011 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Where appropriate the Planning Officers expanded on the planning applications; updated the meeting on outstanding consultations, letters/petitions received objecting to, or supporting the proposals; referred to any views of local Members and answered Members’ questions. Background papers, including correspondence, petitions, consultation documents, letters of objection and those in support of planning applications were available for inspection at the meeting. Having regard to the above information and the report of the Head of Planning and Building Control, the Committee reached the decisions as set out below. Applications approved include a standard time limit condition as condition number 1 unless otherwise stated. (249) BINHAM - PF/11/0108 - Erection of single-storey extension to annexe; Old Barn Farm Bungalow, Binham Road, Wighton for Mr D Cooke Councillor J D Savory declared a prejudicial interest in this application as he owned the adjacent barns. He vacated the Council Chamber during consideration of this matter. The Committee considered item 3 of the Officers’ reports. In response to concerns raised by Councillor Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett, the Development Manager stated that, in his opinion, the proposal was a modest extension to the original building and would not set a precedent. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs J Trett, seconded by Councillor P W High and RESOLVED unanimously That this application be approved subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions including the removal of permitted development rights for the insertion of any window or rooflight in the western elevation and roofslopes of the extension. (250) BODHAM - PF/11/0260 - Conversion of barns to 6 units of holiday accommodation and erection of swimming pool/wood chip boiler building; Manor Farm, Lower Bodham for Mr & Mrs P Cubitt Councillor H C Cordeaux declared a personal interest in this application as he knew the objector at Pine Farm. The Committee considered item 4 of the Officers’ reports. Councillor J H Perry-Warnes, the local Member, considered that the applicants should advise their visitors to turn right when exiting the site. However, he supported this application. Councillor H C Cordeaux supported this view. The Senior Planning Officer stated that a covering letter could be sent with the decision notice advising the applicants of this suggestion. Councillor P W High expressed concern at the suggested routing as it would involve a longer journey if visitors wanted to go to Cromer. Development Control Committee 4 14 April 2011 Councillor P J Willcox asked if Officers would have been minded to recommend approval of six units if the proposed use had been residential. The Senior Planning Officer stated that such a proposal would have been considered subject to additional car parking and amenity space, whereas the holiday use as proposed would enable the area to be kept open. However, the site was in the HO9 policy area which was permissive towards residential use. It was proposed by Councillor J H Perry-Warnes, duly seconded and RESOLVED That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to approve this application subject to no objections from outstanding consultees and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. (251) FAKENHAM - PO/10/1468 - Erection of detached single-storey dwelling; Land at Rudham Stile Lane for Fakenham Town Council The Committee considered item 5 of the Officers’ reports. The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Highway Authority had no objection subject to the imposition of conditions. She requested delegated authority to approve this application subject to no objection from the Community Safety Manager in respect of crime and disorder and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. Councillor S C Mears stated that he had spoken to one of the objectors. He expressed concern regarding highway safety as the road was used by children attending the High School and drivers did not adhere to the 20mph speed limit. He requested a site inspection in order that the Committee could assess the highway situation. It was proposed by Councillor S C Mears, seconded by Councillor H C Cordeaux and RESOLVED unanimously That consideration of this application be deferred to allow an inspection of the site by the Committee and that the local Members, Town Mayor and a representative of the Highway Authority be invited to attend. (252) LUDHAM - PF/11/0113 - Variation of Condition 3 of planning ref: 97/0999 to permit full residential occupancy; Quince Cottage, 5 The Barns, Fritton Road for Mr A Ehren The Committee considered item 6 of the Officers’ reports. The Senior Planning Officer reported that Environmental Health had raised the need for further evaluation of potential contamination issues. Officers considered that this could be dealt with by way of an advisory note. It was proposed by Councillor H C Cordeaux, seconded by Councillor P J Willcox and RESOLVED unanimously That this application be approved. Development Control Committee 5 14 April 2011 (253) LUDHAM - PF/11/0138 - Variation of Condition 3 of planning ref: 97/0999 to permit permanent residential occupancy; Plum Cottage, 6 Fritton Road for Ms L Barnard The Committee considered item 7 of the Officers’ reports. The Senior Planning Officer reported that Environmental Health had raised the need for further evaluation of potential contamination issues. Officers considered that this could be dealt with by way of an advisory note. It was proposed by Councillor H C Cordeaux, seconded by Councillor P J Willcox and RESOLVED unanimously That this application be approved. (254) NORTH WALSHAM - PF/11/0085 - Change of use of existing butchers shop (A1) to a day centre (D1); 3 St Nicholas Court, Vicarage Street for Elizabeth Fitzroy Support The Committee considered item 8 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mrs Easter (supporting) Councillor Mrs M Seward considered that the proposal would increase the footfall in the precinct. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs M Seward, seconded by Councillor H C Cordeaux and RESOLVED That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to approve this application subject to no objections from outstanding consultees and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions, to include further details in respect of ventilation/extraction and waste disposal. (255) NORTH WALSHAM - PF/11/0144 - Erection of attached two-storey dwelling with habitable accommodation in roofspace; 24 Happisburgh Road for Gaviant Developments Limited The Committee considered item 9 of the Officers’ reports. The Senior Planning Officer reported that an amended plan had been received in respect of car parking. He recommended approval of this application subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. It was proposed by Councillor H C Cordeaux, duly seconded and Development Control Committee 6 14 April 2011 RESOLVED That this application be approved subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. (256) NORTHREPPS - PF/10/1453 - Erection of 50 dwellings; The Railway Triangle Site, Norwich Road, Cromer for Hopkins Homes The Committee considered item 10 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speakers Mrs Warner (Northrepps Parish Council) Mrs Callaghan, Mr Jones, Mr Foden and Mr Sanders (objecting) Mr Houghton and Mr Smith (supporting) The Team Leader (Major Developments) reported that Northrepps Parish Council had reiterated its objections in respect of the amended plans. He summarised the issues raised in three further letters of objection that had been received. In respect of viability issues, the Team Leader (Major Developments) reported that the applicants had stated that development costs would increase if the development were to comply with the requirements of Policy EN6, which would reduce the number of affordable units that could be provided. Officers were of the opinion that the requirement for 10% renewable energy could be relaxed, although the development should meet level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Development as this applied to all new development. If the Committee agreed to this suggestion the developer would be required to provide an amended viability report in respect of any reduced provision. The Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager had commented that the developer had made only minor changes and he remained concerned in respect of layout, design and landscaping issues. The Team Leader (Major Developments) requested delegated authority to approve this application subject to successfully negotiating minor revisions requested by the Highway Authority; improvements to house types and elevational treatment along the Norwich Road frontage; reduction in the height of units 3 and 4 or relocation of those units further away from properties on The Avenue; improvement in the mix of materials; a revised viability report which takes into account the requirement for all dwellings to meet Code level 3; a Section 106 Obligation to include securing affordable housing, contributions towards library provision, improvements to recreational facilities at Suffield Park and signage for the extension of the speed limit; and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. Councillor Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett, the local Member, stated that local residents were extremely concerned with some aspects of the proposed development, although none of the objectors opposed the principle of development on the site. She stated that this was an important gateway site to Cromer and must be right for the town. She supported the views of the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager and suggested that more flint be incorporated into the design. She was concerned in respect of possible rat-running along The Avenue, which was a narrow lane. She considered that the development should comply with the requirements of Policy EN6. She stated that the dwellings on The Avenue were at least one metre lower than the site and considered that the three-storey building would be overbearing. She proposed deferral of this application for further negotiations. This was seconded by Councillor H C Cordeaux. Development Control Committee 7 14 April 2011 The Senior Conservation and Design Officer explained his concerns regarding the design issues. He stated that for some, this development would be the first or last impression of Cromer. Whilst there were some aspects of the layout which would work, there was a need for good quality architecture which linked with the environment. There was an opportunity to design a development which belonged to the town and he considered that the proposed development did not do so. Councillor S C Mears considered that there were too many outstanding issues to defer the application. He considered that compliance with Policy EN6 was too important to dismiss, changes to the road layout had not been made, and the threestorey building was overbearing in relation to the existing dwellings on The Avenue. He proposed refusal of this application. With the agreement of her seconder, Councillor Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett withdrew her proposal to defer consideration of this application. She seconded Councillor Mears’ proposal. Councillor B Smith was surprised that the Officers had recommended the relaxation of Policy EN6. He considered that the landscaping and design of the site was uninviting and regimented. He stated that it had been suggested that single-storey dwellings be located at the entrance, with the larger dwellings sited further into the site. The Head of Planning and Building Control reminded the Committee that the grounds of refusal had to be sound and defensible and should not choke off the development completely. He stated that Policy HO2 required 45% affordable housing where it was viable to do so, and referred to the applicant’s comments. The Enabling Team Leader referred to the viability assessment provided by the applicant’s agent. She stated that it was necessary to balance Code level 3 and affordable housing, and she would need to reconsider this if Code level 3 were applied across the development. She stated that there was a great need for affordable housing in the Cromer area, with 1000 people currently on the housing register. She stated that the amount of affordable housing being proposed was acceptable, but it was necessary to come to an agreement on sustainability and viability issues. Councillor Mrs J Trett expressed concern that if this application were refused, it could be approved as submitted on appeal. She considered that deferral would allow some of the issues of concern to be resolved. As an amendment, she proposed deferral of this application for further negotiations, which was seconded by Councillor P W High. Councillors J H Perry-Warnes, Mrs M Seward and H C Cordeaux spoke in favour of deferral. With the agreement of his seconder, Councillor S C Mears withdrew his proposal for refusal. Several Members spoke to emphasise the importance of compliance with Policy EN6, even if it resulted in the loss of some of the affordable housing units. Councillor Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett requested that vehicles be prevented from continuing in a south-easterly direction along The Avenue beyond the Kart Track site. Development Control Committee 8 14 April 2011 The Highway Officer explained that if a road were to be stopped part way along its length it would be necessary to provide a place for vehicles to turn round. No provision had been made as part of this application. However, he did not consider that rat-running would be a significant issue. RESOLVED unanimously That consideration of this application be deferred to allow negotiations in respect of relocation of the three-storey dwellings, design and layout issues, and compliance with Policy EN6. (257) OVERSTRAND - PF/11/0196 - Removal of part of boundary wall to create vehicular access; 24 The Londs for Mrs S Berry The Committee considered item 11 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speakers (also speaking in respect of LE/11/0119 below) Mr Vickers (Overstrand Parish Council) Mrs Hastings (objecting) Mrs Berry (supporting) Councillor Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett, the local Member, stated that The Londs was an iconic part of Overstrand because of its flint walls. She referred to a condition attached to the planning permission for the dwelling (application 20001127) which removed permitted development rights for the creation of an access in order to preserve the front boundary wall to protect the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. She stated that the electric gates proposed were neither iconic nor desirable. She stated that flint patching had historically been of poorer quality than the original, however she considered that attempting to repair flint work was better than destroying it. She also referred to the preamble to Policy CT5 and considered that The Londs had no capacity to carry additional traffic. She referred to an appeal against refusal of application 20061115 for a vehicular access further along The Londs which was dismissed on grounds related to highway safety. She proposed refusal of this application, which was seconded by Councillor H C Cordeaux. The Development Manager explained that application 20001127 related to a replacement dwelling and the condition was imposed to retain control over the appearance of the area. The appeal decision in respect of 20061115 related to an additional dwelling, therefore the circumstances were different. He stated that the Highway Authority had no objection to the current application which could cause difficulty in the event of an appeal. With regard to Policy EN8, Officers had made a balanced judgement. He advised that if the Committee were minded to refuse this application it should do so for reasons of detriment to visual amenity rather than on highway safety grounds. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett, seconded by Councillor H C Cordeaux and RESOLVED unanimously That this application be refused on grounds that the proposal in contrary to adopted Core Strategy policy EN8 as the removal of the section of wall would lead to a loss of continuity and sense of enclosure in the street scene and be detrimental to the character and appearance of the Overstrand Conservation Area. Development Control Committee 9 14 April 2011 (259) OVERSTRAND - LE/11/0119 - Removal of part of boundary wall to create vehicular access; 24 The Londs for Mrs S Berry The Committee considered item 12 of the Officers’ reports. See PF/11/0196 above. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett, seconded by Councillor J H Perry-Warnes and RESOLVED unanimously That this application be refused on grounds that the proposal in contrary to adopted Core Strategy policy EN8 as the removal of the section of wall would lead to a loss of continuity and sense of enclosure in the street scene and be detrimental to the character and appearance of the Overstrand Conservation Area. (260) SHERINGHAM - PF/10/1478 - Demolition of church and erection of seven residential units; Baptist Church, Holway Road for Sheringham Baptist Church The Committee considered item 13 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mr Williams (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Highway Authority had no objection to the proposed visibility improvements. She recommended approval of this application subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. Councillor Mrs H T Nelson, a local Member, expressed concern in respect of traffic on Holway Road. However, given the significance of this application, she considered that a site inspection would be appropriate. Councillor J H Perry-Warnes proposed a site inspection, which he withdrew as there was no seconder. It was proposed by Councillor J D Savory, duly seconded and RESOLVED unanimously That this application be approved subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. (261) SHERINGHAM - PM/11/0061 - Erection of two-storey dwelling; 1A Havelock Road for Mr R Carter The Committee considered item 14 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speaker Mrs Carter (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Town Council had no objection to the amended plans. Development Control Committee 10 14 April 2011 The Planning Legal Manager reported that a letter of objection had been received from the neighbour to the east of the site who had been unable to attend the meeting to speak. The letter reiterated the objections listed in the report. Councillor B J Hannah, a local Member, stated that he had met the applicant and the objector. He stated that the applicant wished to build a home for his young family. He considered that the applicant had addressed many of the concerns that had been raised and that the proposed dwelling was in keeping with the surroundings. He supported this application. Councillor Mrs P Bevan Jones, a local Member, stated that she had requested a site inspection in view of the concerns of the neighbour and possible overdevelopment of the site. However, she now supported the application. It was proposed by Councillor H C Cordeaux, duly seconded and RESOLVED unanimously That this application be approved subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions including materials, car parking, ground levels, obscured glazing and removal of permitted development rights. (262) THORPE MARKET - PF/10/1439 - Erection of two detached one and a half storey dwellings; Land to the rear Green Farm Cromer Road for Mr & Mrs Perry The Committee considered item 15 of the Officers’ reports. Public Speakers Mr Wright (Thorpe Market Parish Council) Mr Lord (supporting) The Senior Planning Officer reported the comments of Councillor Mrs S A Arnold, the local Member, who had been unable to attend the meeting. She considered that two cottage style dwellings would be preferable to the previously approved design. Whilst not single-storey, they were only 18 inches higher than the adjacent building. She had commented that as the application site was in separate ownership the issue relating to car parking for the other dwellings was not relevant. She considered that the fencing which appeared to have been erected without consent could be covered by a condition. Councillor H C Cordeaux referred to the history of the site and expressed concern regarding car parking. Whilst he considered that the proposal was not ideal, he supported the views of the local Member. Councillor P J Willcox considered that the proposed dwellings were a vast improvement on the approved dwellings. He considered that additional flint on the northern and eastern elevations would further improve the design. However, he proposed approval of this application. There was no seconder. The Development Manager referred to the previous application and agreed that, in hindsight, the design was not ideal. However, he shared the concerns of the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager in respect of the current proposal. He was also concerned in respect of car parking. Development Control Committee 11 14 April 2011 It was proposed by Councillor Mrs M Seward, seconded by Councillor Mrs A M FitchTillett and RESOLVED by 5 votes to 2 with 4 abstentions That this application be refused in accordance with recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control. the (263) WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/10/0484 - Formation of public vehicle park with associated pedestrian and vehicular accesses and landscaping; Land to North of Freeman Street for Holkham Estate Councillor J D Savory declared a prejudicial interest in this application as a close relative was employed by the applicant. He vacated the Council Chamber during consideration of this matter. The Committee considered item 16 of the Officers’ reports. Councillor Mrs J Trett, a local Member, supported the views of the Town Council. She stated that the proposal would have an impact on residents of Mainsail Yard. However, those residents were also concerned that they could not access their properties because of traffic. She stated that the applicants were sensitive to keeping the area as it is. She considered that the proposed car park would be an improvement. Councillor H C Cordeaux referred to the comments of the Norfolk Coast Partnership. He suggested conditions in respect of closing of the car park and lighting. He questioned the need for coach parking on the site and requested that cycle facilities be located closest to the town. The Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) stated that no lighting was proposed. He considered that if coaches were not allowed to park on the site it could be counter-productive to improving the economic success of the town. He considered that it may be preferable for cycling facilities to be provided at The Quay. It was necessary to consider how to get cyclists into the town in the long term, but in his opinion the current proposals were acceptable. Councillor Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett expressed concern at the impact of the proposal, particularly with regard to surfacing materials. She considered that Grasscrete would be more acceptable than bitumen and gravel as proposed. The Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) explained that it was only proposed to surface the most frequently used area with bitumen and gravel, with the remainder being constructed with reinforced mesh and grass. However, materials could be agreed. Councillor B Smith emphasised the need to consider security of the site with regard to crime and disorder issues. Councillor P J Willcox considered that bunding and additional landscaping should be incorporated to screen the coach parking area. Development Control Committee 12 14 April 2011 The Team Leader (Enforcement and Special Cases) considered that further additional tree planting would be out of keeping with the landscape character. He stated that there was already a bunded area on the corner near the coach park. He suggested that a landscaping condition be imposed to require agreement on the landscaping scheme. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs J Trett, seconded by Councillor H C Cordeaux and RESOLVED unanimously That this application be approved subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions to include landscaping. (264) WICKMERE - PF/11/0227 - Erection of replacement garage; Meadow Cottage, Goose Green for Mr & Mrs A Harmer The Committee considered item 17 of the Officers’ reports. RESOLVED That this application be approved subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. (265) APPLICATIONS APPROVED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee noted item 18 of the Officers’ reports. (266) APPLICATIONS REFUSED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS The Committee noted item 19 of the Officers’ reports. (267) NEW APPEALS The Committee noted item 20 of the Officers’ reports. (268) PUBLIC INQUIRIES AND INFORMAL HEARINGS - PROGRESS The Committee noted item 21 of the Officers’ reports. (269) WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS APPEALS - PROGRESS The Committee noted item 20 of the Officers’ reports. (270) APPEAL DECISIONS The Committee noted item 21 of the Officers’ reports. (271) NEATISHEAD - PF/10/1353 - Construction of 5 mw solar generating facility; RAF Neatishead, Irstead Street for PV Farms 04 Ltd The Chairman stated that he had determined that this item be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to the powers vested in him by Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Development Manager recommended that the Committee visit the site to expedite processing of this application. Development Control Committee 13 14 April 2011 RESOLVED That consideration of this application be deferred to allow an inspection of the site by the Committee and that the local Member and Chairman of the Parish Council be invited to attend. The meeting adjourned for lunch at 1.20 pm, resumed at 1.45 pm and closed at 2.20 pm. Development Control Committee 14 14 April 2011