CEREMONY HOODING School of Law Texas Tech University

School of Law
Texas Tech University
Lubbock MUnicipal Auditorium
May 10,1997
W. Frank Newton
James L. Crowson
Deputy Chancellor
Remarks on Behalf of
Texas Tech University
Introduction of Speaker
Thomas E. Baker
Alvin R. Allison Professor of Law
Honorable Jerry Buchmeyer
U.S. District Court
Northern District of Texas
Main Address
Hooding of the Graduates
Associate Dean
Joseph B. Conboy
Associate Dean
Daisy Hurst Floyd
Stephanie J. McClain
Farewell Remarks
for the Class
Merket Alumni Center
17th and University
Dean W. Frank Newton
Associate Dean Joseph B. Conboy
Associate Dean and Professor Daisy Hurst Floyd
Assistant Dean Kay P. Fletcher
Teaching Fellow Jeanette K. Ahlenius
Adjunct Professor Richard Baker
Alvin R. Allison Professor of Law Thomas E. Baker
Professor Emeritus Hal Bateman
Professor Daniel H. Benson
Teaching Fellow Ralph H. Brock
George Herman Mahon Professor of Law Charles P. Bubany
Professor William R. Casto
Law Library Director and Professor J. Wesley Cochran
Professor David C. Cummins
Professor James R. Eissinger
Professor Emeritus J. Hadley Edgar
Professor Timothy W . Floyd
Associate Professor Susan S. Fortney
Adjunct Professor D. Murray Hensley
Adjunct Professor Donald M . Hunt
Professor Emeritus U.Y. Jones
Foundation Professor of Commercial Law John E. Krahmer
Maddox Professor of Law Bruce M. Kramer
Professor Emeritus Murl A. Larkin
Professor Dellas W. Lee
Professor .Emeritus Annette Marple
Professor Emeritus Richard Maxwell
Professor and Chancellor John T. Montford
Associate Professor Alison G. Myhra
Professor Dean G. Pawlowic
Robert H. Bean Professor of Law Marilyn E. Phelan
J. Hadley Edgar Professor of Law Robert William Piatt, Jr.
Professor Emeritus W. Reed Quilliam, Jr.
Professor Will E. Rice
Teaching Fellow April D. Roark
Associate Law Librarian and Professor Elizabeth K. Schneider
Charles B. Thornton Professor of Law Rodric B. Schoen
Professor Brian D. Shannon
Professor Frank E. Skillern
Adjunct Professor Gary Terrell
Adjunct Professor Rey Valencia
Assistant Professor Rachel A. Van Cleave
Professor RobertA. Weninger
Teaching Fellow Eric Willard
Professor Jayne E. Zanglein
Desmond Brian Acosta
Jeffrey Wayne Actkinson
Nicholas George Aemisegger, Jr.
Adrian Aguilar
Arthur Aguilar, Jr.
James Edwin Akers
David Edward Alexander
Jonathan Craig Allen
Christopher M. Amen
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Professor John E. Krahmer
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Professor Donald M. Hunt
Mr. Brian E. Murray and
Mr. Charles S. Chambers
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Professor Timothy W. Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Assistant Dean Kay P. Fletcher
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Ms. Alice L. Nowlin
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Larry B. Penney
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Claude C. Freeman
Professor Bubany
Professor Donald M. Hunt
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Ed Canas
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. David R. Langston
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Bryan Clayton
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Sam A. Turner
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Elena Augustinova Anderson
Jason Russell Augustine
Jonathan Mark Bailey
Cecilia Barba-McPherson
Polly Nicole Barrett
Casey Ann Barthel
Charles Edward Batchelor
Kurt Bennett
Walter Mark Bennett
Laurie Elizabeth Berniard
Srirama Priya Bharathi
Anthony N. Bishop
Kimberly Ann Bishop
Trace Ryan Blair
William F. Blankenship III
Sallie H. Brasuell
York Macmillian Briggs
Hurshell Kent Brown, Jr.
Kevin Patrick Burke
Fernando Manuel Bustos, Sr.
Eddie Ray Calderon, Jr.
Roberto Canas, Jr.
Lori Lynn Candler
Julie Ann Capps
Edward Wade Carpenter
Jeffery Dayne Carruth
Lissa Hunt Cauley
Benjamin Wade Clayton
Jeffrey Warren Cochran
Jennifer Kristen Colehower
David E. Colmenero
Joseph Francis Coniglio
Donn Michael Coolidge
Jenny Rebecca Cordell
Kevin Scott Cowley
Chad Alan Cox
Christine Marie Crase
Lynn Crossett
DeAnne Z. Cummins-Scott
James Monroe Davis, Jr.
Jefferson Barclay Davis
Jessica Erin Lesser Davis
Christina Marie DeFalco
Christopher Eric Dennis
Lane Anthony DeYoung
Samantha Ann DiMaio
Shelly Markell Drennan
Della Jean Williams Durham
Steven Michael Dye
Slater Chalfant Elza
William Thomas Exley, Jr.
Annando Flores
Mark A. Flowers
David Wayne Frost, Jr.
Stephan Todd Gibson
Maureen Strauss Gonima
Britt J. Gordon
Frank Pierce Greenhaw IV
R. Charles Griffin
Martin M. Guerra
Tiffany Paige Gurkin
Micah Cade Haden
Frederick O. Haiman
Sharon Lynn Haltom
Wesley Paul Hankins
Michelle Kay Harney
Daren Scott Harrell
Kimberly Paige Harris
Tammy A. Harrison
M. Raymond Hatcher
Bill D. Hicks, Jr.
A. Duke Hildreth
Shannon Michele Hill
Seth Russell Hoyt, Jr.
Harvey Martin Jarvis
Robyn Rae Jones
Gwynn Powell Key
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Professor Charles P. Bubany
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Joseph B. Conboy
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Ms. Anita Burgess
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Bryan Holt Davis
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Honorable David Hajek
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. David Martinez
Professor Thomas E. Baker
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Ms. Kip Poe
Honorable Olin Strauss
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Bill Wischkaemper
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Professor Robert A. Weninger
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. P. Howard Bailey, Jr.
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Chief Justice John T. Boyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Tommy J. Swann
Mr. Michael West
Mr. Luis de la Garza
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Professor Charles P. Bubany
Mr. G. Russell Hill
Professor Dellas W. Lee
Honorable Don L. Jarvis, Sr.
Ms. Renee Vaughn
Mr. Jack P. Driskill
Sidney Todd Lange
Cheryl Sellers-Lay
Stephen Scott Lilley
Marc Linden Lippincott
Tommy Wayne Lueders II
Michael Patrick Maguire
Christopher Irvin Mann
John Scott Mann
John Francis Martin
Stephanie J. McClain
Mindy Meyer McClure
Patrick Kelley McCormick
Sammy Mark McCrary
Ginger Renee McDaniel
Jason David Melville
Amy Eileen Mertler
Matthew Carson Cottingham Miles
Amy Elizabeth Miller
Jennifer Michelle Money
John Joseph Mongogna
Holly Renee Monk
Aaron Roderick Moore
Steven Donald Moore
Jeanne Marie Morales
Vinod Tilak Nandipati
Tamara Burnsed Needles
Patricia Ann Nellenbach
Benjamin T. O'Neal
T ekla Louise Ostrom
David Tuan Owens
Marisa Perales
Sean Linton Pitman
Leta Karam Powell
Jason Warren Pruitt
Susan Michelle Redford
Adam Brent Reed
Jay Don Reeve
Shannon H. Reeves
Christopher R. Richie
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. David Getz and
Assistant Dean Kay P. Fletcher
Ms. Tanya Pierce
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Tommy Wayne Lueders
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Ms. Tamara L. Reno
Professor Robert William Piatt &
Mr. Art Alcausin Hall
Mr. William F. Warnick
Honorable Michael J. McCormick
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Bradley C. Miles
Mr. J. Craig Johnston
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Professor Brian D. Shannon
Mr. Brad Moore
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Honorable John C. Akard
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Steve Carter, Jr.
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Eric E. Ostrom
Dr. Thomas R. Owens
Mr. Juan Perales
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. G. Dwayne Pruitt
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Ms. Tanya Pierce
Mr. Boyd L. Richie
Merry Katherine Roberts
Rebecca Ellen RuBane
Mark Patrick Schwartz
Stacy Kay Seidlitz
Robert Steven Sharp
Gwendolyn Dawn Shawger
Matthew Jacob Shovlin
Lesli Anne Smart
Christopher Scott Smith
Michael A. Smith
Michael David Stacy
Brian Scott Stagner
Cari Lynn Starritt-Bumett
Deidre Seree Sterling
James Lee Stevens
Stephen W. Stewart
John Whitmire Sumner
Shelley Swift
Debra Kay Thomas
R. Lowell Thompson
John W. Tinder
Brandee Liane Todd
Stephen Brent Turner
Kie Cameron Watkins
Morris Eugene White III
Sandra Ramos White
Cynthia Lynn Wilkinson
Ruth Monty Willars
Melissa Marie Williams
Patrick Michael Wilson
Richard Scott Wilson
Michael Dbane Windham
Jeffrey Gordon Woodahl
Terry Paul Wright
Dean Alan Wynn
Michael Alan Yanof
Michael Angelo Yeager, Jr.
Michael Vincent Young
Joaquin Javier Zamora
Mr. Steven Dillon Roberts and
Ms. Anna Bilhartz Roberts
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Ms. Renee Vaughn
Mr. John Cash Smith
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Professor Rodric B. Schoen and
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Professor Charles P. Bubany
Professor Dellas Lee
Professor Robert A. Weninger
Associate Dean DaisyHurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Ms. Donna Courville
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Professor Charles P. Bubany
Mr. Bary M. Brown
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Ms. Coretta Kerr
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Honorable Olin Strauss
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Jacob Monty
Professor Donald M. Hunt
Mr. Frank Webb
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Mr. Chris Wright
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
Associate Dean Daisy Hurst Floyd
The Academic Regalia
10 designate
10 Indicale academic
Oes~nalesd lsciOlrne
(see academIC COiorSI
Academic Colors
Blu. Vlolet-ArchilecllJt
Whlt.-Arts, l eners &HurnaniUes
Crlf1\So n-Journalism
Purpl ............ aw
Pink- Music
Aprlco t---Nufsiog
Olive Grnrt-Pllartnacy
OilrkB lue otBlack-Ptlilosoplly
Saoe Gtee n--l(jnesioloQ~
Pncock Blue-Public AOOlimSlralion
Citron-Social Wort.