International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 Empirical Study to Determine Optimum Parameter of Muscle Stimulator Ms.A.V.Shah#1, Mr. J.B.Vyas #2 # 1,2 Biomedcal Engineering Department, Gujarat Technological University, Gandhinagar, India Abstract— Muscle stimulation therapy has the potential to assist individuals who are moderately to severely affect by Stroke in restoring voluntary motor functions. The use of Muscle stimulation as a form of rehabilitation therapy provides the ability to restore voluntary body functions in individuals suffering from paralysis. It is extensively used therapeutically to initiate and facilitate voluntary contraction of muscle. This idea may be applied where voluntary muscle contraction is inhibited by pain or injury. There are clear effects of stimulation on excitable tissue, that is nerve and muscle, which lead to numerous indirect effects. For example, modifying pain perception in the central nervous system or causing muscle contraction is secondary to the stimulation of the nerve fibre. There is also evidence of direct effects on these tissues affecting their growth and metabolism. Electrical stimulation signals can be characterized in terms of shape, frequency, pulse-width (PW) and amplitude. This study aims to provide the optimum patterns of stimulation for the paralyzed patients Keywords Rehabilitation, Paralysis, Electrical Stimulation I. INTRODUCTION Muscle stimulation is the elicitation of muscle contraction using electric impulses. Muscle stimulation has received increasing attention in the last few years, because it has the potential to serve as: a strength training tool for healthy subjects and athletes; a rehabilitation and preventive tool for partially or totally immobilized patients; a testing tool for evaluating the neural and/or muscular function in vivo; a post-exercise recovery tool for athletes. Muscle stimulation causes adaptation, i.e. training, of muscle fibers. Because of the characteristics of skeletal muscle fibers, different types of fibers can be activated to differing degrees by different types of Muscle stimulation, and the modifications induced depend on the pattern of Muscle stimulation activity. These patterns, referred to as protocols or programs, will cause a different response from contraction of different fiber types. Some programs will improve fatigue resistance, i.e. endurance, others will increase force production. out and the central representation of the damaged extremity is improved. It forces reorganization of the damaged brain areas and motor learning processes. variable frequency train improves the performance by increasing the strength generated by the muscles compared to fixed frequency train muscle stimulator. Joke Kroon performed the review to explore the relationship between characteristics of stimulation and the effect of electric stimulation on the recovery of upper limb motor control following stroke. 22 patient groups were evaluated and a positive effect of electrical stimulation was reported for 13 patient groups. Positive results were more common when electrical stimulation was triggered by voluntary movement. There was no relation between the effect of electric stimulation and the other characteristics examined. Kim Y S studied the effect of low versus high frequency electric accupoint stimulation on motor recovery after ischemic stroke. Electrical acupoint stimulation (EAS) has been used to treat motor dysfunction of stroke patients with reportedly effective results The results of the study suggested that low frequency EAS activates the central motor conduction system better than high frequency EAS, and EAS with low frequency could be more helpful for motor recovery after ischemic stroke than that with high frequency. III. TYPE OF CURRENT USED FOR THE STUDY This study has been performed using a muscle stimulator of TAPSI as shown in the Fig 1.surged faradic current is applied to the paralysed patients. Fig.2 shows the surge faradic current. II. EMPIRICAL STUDY PERFORMED SO FAR REGARDING MUSCLE STIMULATION Simona Ferrante and her team performed experiments on six persons to observe the effect of variable frequency train during functional electric stimulation. They concluded that ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig.1. Muscle stimulator used for the study A. Faradic and Surge Faradic Current Page 1679 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 Faradic current is a short-duration interrupted current, with a pulse duration ranging from 0.1 and 1 msec and a frequency of 50 to 100 Hz. Faradic currents are always surged for treatment purposes to produce a near normal tetanic-like contraction and relaxation of muscle. Current surging means the gradual increase and decrease of the peak intensity. PATIENT DATA OBTAINED WITH MUSCLE STIMULATOR Sr. Patient No Name Age Wt Condition Since SF (Kg) of the (Years) (mA) 2.4 58 1.4 68 0.8 52 2 45 0.2 30 3 45 0.1 40 0.4 45 1 55 0.8 35 0.2 30 14 30 0.7 50 2.3 70 Patient 1 Mr. 64 79 Sudhir In surged currents, the intensity of the successive impulses increases gradually, each impulse reaching a peak value greater than the preceding one then falls either suddenly or gradually. Surges can be adjusted from 2 to 5-second surge, continuously or by regularly selecting frequencies from 6 to 30 surges / minute. Rest period (pause duration) should be at least 2 to 3 times as long as that of the pulse to give the muscle the sufficient time to recover (regain its normal state). The most comfortable pulse is either 0.1-msec pulse, with a frequency of 70 Hz or 1-msec pulse with a frequency of 50 Hz. 2 Mr Hemiplegia 65 68 Ramesh 3 Mr. Ravi Right Right Hemiplegia 50 62 Right Hemiplegia 4 Mr. 65 68 Jyantibhai 5 Dr. Hemilegia 60 78 Dinesh 6 Mr. P. C Right Right Hemiplegia 75 62 Left Hemiplegia 8 Mr. 47 64 Girishbhai 9 Mr. Hemiplegia 35 65 Jignesh 10 Mr. B. The mechnism of Pain Inhibtion and Muscle Spasm Pain has an inhibitory effect on the large anterior horn cells. Stimulation of the afferent nerve fibers decreases this inhibition and influences the alpha motor neurons. Subsequently, facilitation of transmission of impulses to the extrafusal fibers follows with inhibition of the antagonists, allowing a more natural sequence of movements. Controlled muscle contraction results from Excitation of the small efferent fibers, which cause contraction of the intrafusal fibers, Stretching of muscle spindle, which sends information to the anterior horn cells, recruiting the motor unit, leading to muscle contraction and Inhibition of the anterior horn cells supplying the antagonistic groups. IV. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Following table 1 shows the results obtained using the Muscle Stimulator of TAPSI Company. The study has been carried out at different physiotherapy centres like, Apang Manav Mandal at Vastrapur and Memnagar, Hope Neuro Rehabilitation Centre. Study has been carried out on 15 patients. Common reasons for the paralysis were High Blood pressure or accidental injury on to the brain. 11 Mrs. 45 70 Mrs. 70 65 Miss 52 75 Mr. 15 45 Mr. Altaf Right Hemiplegia 24 53 Vishal 15 Right Hemiplegia Hetali 14 Right Hemiplegia Kanta 13 Left Hemipegia Rama 12 Left Hemiplegia Pradeep Fig.2. Surge Faradic current Left Right Hemiplegia 47 48 Paraplegia EMG Signal has also been obtained for the patients. EMG signal is half than that of Healthy person. Fig. 3 shows the stimulator applied to the patient. TABLE I ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 1680 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 [14] [15] [16] [17] Fig.3. Stimulator Applied to the patient From the above results it can be concluded that surge faradic current is suitable for the treatment of the paralysed persons. With the regular treatment suggested by the doctors muscle regeneration is possible and the range of current required for the patients is 30 mA to 70 mA. 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