International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue5- 2012 Efficient RC low-power bus encoding methods for crosstalk reduction Gopaldas Sunil kumar, Patnam Samulu Department of Electronics and Communication, RGMCET Nandyal, Kurnool, A.P. Abstact: In on-chip buses, the RC crosstalk effect leads to serious problems, such as wire propagation delay and dynamic power dissipation. Crosstalk noise is dominated by the coupling capacitance, resulting in wire propagation delay, logical malfunction and power dissipation on on-chip buses. Therefore, eliminating crosstalk effects have become a very important consideration in the development of the bus encoding design. This project presents two efficient bus-coding methods. The proposed methods simultaneously reduce more dynamic power dissipation and wire propagation delay than existing bus encoding methods. Our methods also reduce more total power consumption than other encoding methods. The proposed methods transform the bus signal to reduce and eliminate the worst crosstalk types, i.e. Type-4, Type-3, and Type-2. They reduce power and wire propagation delay by decreasing the switching and coupling activities. 1. Introduction: Crosstalk noise is dominated by the coupling capacitance, resulting in wire propogation delay, logical malfunction and power dissipation on onchip buses.capacitive couplings result in crosstalk noise, power supply noise, and leakage noise in deep submicron (DSM) technology. Coupling capacitance results from parallel wires and adjacent wire switching in opposite transition directions. Data transmission reliability on bus lines is also debased by wire propagation delay. In other words, wire propagation delay degrades overall system performance. Thus, the practical design process must consider crosstalk effects.Inorder to decrease dynamic power dissipation and wire propagation delay on buses, system engineers present several kinds of options to solve these problems. The first option is that a shielding line (VDD/Ground) can be inserted between two adjacent signal lines. This method is separated into the passive shielding and ISSN: 2231-5381 the active shielding. Although this method results in a larger chip area, it eliminates the worst crosstalk effects. The second option is that we can use placeand route tools to avoid routing bus lines side by side. Inorder to reduce switching activty the previous well knownare INC-XOR,T0,T0-XOR coding schemes are desined for instruction buses. Bus-invert (BI), and partial bus-invert (PBI) coding schemes are designed for data buses, which are generally random. The number of transmitting transitions does not exceed half of the bus width. To limit transmitting transitions, it uses an extra control line.When the number of transmitting transitions is more than half of the bus width, the original data are inverted and the control line is set to ‘‘High’’; otherwise, the original data are transmitted and the control line is set to ‘‘Low’’. In other words, the original data bus width is changed from 8-bit to 9-bit, from 16-bit to 17-bit, or from 32-bit to 33-bit. The PBI method, i.e. an extension of the BI method, partitions bus lines into two parts, and then encodes each part with the BI method. Thus, the PBImethod offers greater advantages than the BI method, but it requires additional control lines. For instance, the PBI method increases two extra control lines on an 8-bit bus. In other words, the original data bus width is changed from8-bit to 10-bit, from 16-bit to 20-bit, and from 32-bit to 40-bit after the PBI method is applied. The proposed bus encoding design can reduce dynamic power dissipation and wire propagation delay simultaneously on on-chip buses. The proposed methods transform the bus signal to reduce and eliminate the three worst crosstalk types, i.e. Type-4, Type-3, and Type-2.They reduce power and wire propagation delay by decreasing the switching and coupling activities. Simulation results show that by simulating various random data streams, they decrease more dynamic power dissipation and wire propagation delay than othe rmethods presently used in the bus encoding design.Both they fully eliminate the Type-4 coupling, and greatly decrease the Type-3 coupling. Page 645 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue5- 2012 2. Power Expressions in RC Buses: There are two majorfor crosstalk nmoises areavailalable they are load capacitances (CL), and coupling capacitances (CC), and the total capacitances are increased by operating the coupling and load capacitances inparallel. A load capacitance indicates the wire-to- ground capacitance. A coupling capacitance is located between the wire and its adjacent wires. Coupling capaci- tances in SoC systems are several times largerthan load capacitances.Crosstalk effects apply Eq.(1) as follows as: Ceff Cc*|(V2 V1)/ E| Cc*|(V2 V3)/ E| PD,coded = (α CL *C L +α Cc *Cc )*V = (α CL +λ*α Cc )*C L *V DD 2 DD *f *f Where f is the clock frequency and λ is the capacitance ratio and defined as, λ = Cc /CL 3. Crosstalk on RC buses: As explained earlier different crosstalk are available.they are catogirised as five different types. Table 1 shows the five-crosstalk effects. For a 3bitbus, a Type-0 coupling occurs if the 3-bit data on the bus is transited with the same transitional direction. For example ,at ransition from 000to111 ISSN: 2231-5381 Table 1: Crosstalk types Type0 Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 −−− −−↑ ↑↓↓ −↑↓ ↑↑↓ ↓↓↓ −↑↑ ↓↑↑ −↓↑ ↓↓↑ ↑↑↑ ↑−− ↑↓− ↑↓↑ ↑↑− ↓↑− ↓↑↓ (1) Where ∆V2,∆V1,∆V3 are the voltage variations of the centerwire and adjacent wires,E is the power supply voltage which equals rail-to-rail signal voltage in cmos circuits,Ceff is the coupling capacitancevariation. The crosstalk effects of interconnect bus characteristics to be a simple case of three adjacent wires. Dynamic power dissipation, which is generated by load capacitances, is proportional to the number of signal transitions on buses. On the other hand, power dissipation is also generated by coupling capacitances, and they result from relative signal transitions between coupled bus lines. The Dynamic power consumption on a coding bus is calculated as follows: 2 (i.e.↑↑↑) causes a Type-0 coupling.Three conditions cause a Type-0 coupling. For a Type-0 coupling, the coupling capacitance is zero. A Type1 coupling occurs when1-bit or 2-bit data is changed between the(B(t), Inv(t)) data value and the (B(t_1), Inv(t_1)) data value. For example, a transition from 001 to 101 (i.e↑−−) causes a Type-1 coupling. Eight conditions cause a Type-1 coupling. For a Type-1 coupling, the coupling capacitance is CC. −−↓ −↓↓ ↓−− ↓↓− Switching from “0’ to “1” : ↑,switching from “1”to “0 ” : ↓ The occurrences of Type-2 coupling are shown as follows. For example, the data is changed from 100 to 011 (i.e.↓↑↑) or from 010 to 000 (i.e.−↓−), which causes a Type-2 coupling. Ten conditions cause a Type-2 coupling. For a Type-2 coupling, the coupling capacitance is 2. CC. A Type-3 coupling occurs when the center wire under goes the opposite state transition with one of the two wires while the other wires are quiet. For example, the data is changed from 010 to 001(i.e. −↑↓), which causesaType-3 coupling and the coupling capacitance of 3. CC. Four conditions cause a Type-3 coupling. For a Type-4 coupling, all threewire transitions act in the opposite states with respect to eachother and their previous bus state. For example, the data is changed from 010 to 101(i.e. ↑↓↑), which causes a Type-4 coupling with the coupling capacitance of 4. CC. Two conditions Page 646 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue5- 2012 causeaType-4 coupling. The worstcrosstalke ffects indicate theType-2,Type-3and Type-4 couplings. We define the symbol swhich are used throughout the paper as follows: b (t): The multiple-bit bus value is sent presently on the bus at time t (source wordattime t). b (t_1): The multiple-bit bus value is sent previously on the bus at time t_1 (source word at time t_1). B (t): The encoded multiple-bit bus value is sent presently on the bus lines at time t (encoding code word at time t) . B (t_1) the encoded multiple-bit bus value is sent previously on bus lines at time t_1 (encoding code word at time t_1). Inv (t): A bus line for acting the bus is invertedornot at time t. Inv (t_1): A bus line for acting the bus is invertedornot at time t_1. 4. Bus Invert Methods: In method 1 there are N4 count_0 and N4 count_1 are there they are used for detecting type 4 crosstalk.If any such type of crosstalk exists this N4 block will find and the output will be the inverted forn of input.N3 count_0 and N3 count_1 are there for finding existance of type 3 crosstalk which was explained in the table.If any such kind crosstalk exists this module will detect and the output will be the inverted form of method 1 we are unable to find the typr crosstalkl even though it exists we are unable to find.the outputs of N4 count and N3 count are one and two bits these outputs are fed to multiplexer where thes are considered to be the selection lines and the inputs are present inputs and inverted inputs,with the help of those selection lines the mux is going to select one of the inputs as output. And that output fed to an register where this will used for next as an previous input.In method 1 we are only able to reduce type 4 and type 3 completely. To treduce the crosstalk effects two methods were proposed and are specially applied to three adjacent wires.they treduce not only not only dynamic power consumptionbut also wire propogation delay. Therefore they improve overall system reliability. To reduce the coupling activites from crosstalk effects, we present two bus invert methods to reduce dynamic power consumption and wire propogation delay. 4.2 Metod 2 In method 1 we are only able to find the type 4 and type 3 only which wii be considered as an limitation. Moreover type 2 crosstalk was also had worse effects. Hence type 2 should be reduced. Inorder to reduce type 2 one more module has to be added for the existing method 1.Hence N2 count_0 and N2 count_1 has to added to the existing method 1. 4.1 Metod 1 The proposed methodI divides the bus width into several clusters. Each cluster has a 4-bit width and an extra control bit. After the bus encoding is applied,the n-bit bus extends to n+n/4 bits. The bus encoder outputs the inverts of the input data when the original input data and the previous bus state, i.e.((b(t), 0) and (B(t_1), Inv(t_1))) cause the Type2,3 ,or 4 crosstalk effect. Block diagram of method 1 ISSN: 2231-5381 Block diagram of method 2 The block diagram of method 2 was shown above.this was modified version of method1 where some extension was made i.e N2 count was included to it. The outputs of N4 count, N3 count and N2 count are one, twoand one bit. These fed to the multiplexer as selection lines.Depending up on the above modules if crosstalk occurs in any module its output was considered as 1, otherwise as 0.To the mux present input and inverted inputs are Page 647 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue5- 2012 fed based upon the selection lines the corresponding input is going to be selected as output.If crosstalk ocuurs in any of the module the output is the inverted form of input otherwise same was received as output. if(A1 == 1) B(t) = b(t) Inv(t) = 1 else if(D1 == 1) B(t) = b(t) Inv(t) = 0 else if(B1 > C1) Table 2: Bus Method 1(n.s) Method 2(n.s) width 4 2.585 3.330 8 2.585 3.316 16 2.637 3.316 32 2.637 3.316 Delays associated with two methods 6. Conclusion: B(t) = b(t) The two methods 1&2 are two novel bus encoding methods to reduce efficiently dynamic power dissipation and wire propagationdelay on buses.Both the proposed methods reduce more dynamic power dissipation,total power consumption, and wire propagation delay than existing bus encoding methods. Mean while, our methods also reduces total power consumption 8bit to 32-bit data buses. Inv(t) = 1 else if(B1 < C1) B(t) = b(t) Inv(t) = 0 else if(E1 == 1) B(t) = b(t) Inv(t) = 1 else B(t) = b(t) References: Inv(t) = 0 The above algorithm was implemented for method 2 where it finds all the three worst crosstalks. Method 2 helps us in detecting the type4, type3 and type2 and also in eliminating them. 5. Results after simulation: After trying so many combinations of various inputs for 4bit, 8bit, 16bit, 32bit method1 eliminates type4 and type3,where as method 2 eliminates type4, type3 and type2 as well.These two methods reduce switching transitions therefore coupling capacitances were reduced to some extent. Therefore dynamic power dissipation was also reduced,the propogation delay was also reduced and was tabulated as fallows. [1] W.-W. Hsieh, P.-Y. Chen, C.-Y. Wang, T.T. Hwang, A bus-encoding scheme for crosstalk elimination in high-performance processor design, IEEE Transac- tions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 26 (12) (2007) 2222–2227. [2] K.-H. Baek, K.-W. Kim, S.-M. Kang, A low energy encoding technique for reduction of coupling effects in SoC interconnects, in: Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. 1, 8–11 August 2000, pp. 80–83. [3] B. Victor, K. 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