Detection and prevention of congestion attacks wireless network

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue3- 2012
Detection and prevention of congestion attacks
and packet loss using piggyback methods in
wireless network
V.Palanisamy2 MCA. M.Tech., P.hd
Research Scholar
Department of Computer Science & Engg
Alagappa university
Karaikudi-630 003
Abstract - Network security involves the authorization of
access to data in a network, which is controlled by the
network administrator. In this paper, we investigate the
problem of packet loss over the wireless communication
and the congestions that are taken place. To prevent the
packet loss, we propose the idea of Piggybacking by which
the data can be transfer between the server and the client
on the secure manner. Moreover the complete data will be
encrypted before the transmission takes place. The RSA
algorithm is used for the encryption and the decryption
purpose. The encrypted data will then piggybacked by
which the data is hided and then moved to the
destinations. Through this the congestion on the network
can be controlled.
Keywords: Network Security, Wireless Communications,
piggybacking, Encryption.
Wireless networks rely on the uninterrupted
availability of the wireless medium to interconnect
participating nodes. However, the open nature of this
medium leaves it vulnerable to multiple security threats.
Anyone with a transceiver can eavesdrops on wireless
transmissions, inject spurious messages, or jam legitimate
ones. While eavesdropping and message injection can be
prevented using cryptographic methods, jamming attacks
are much harder to counter. They have been shown to
actualize severe Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks against
wireless networks. In the simplest form of jamming, the
adversary interferes with the reception of messages by
transmitting a continuous jamming signal, or several short
jamming pulses
Network Security is becoming more and more
crucial as the volume of data being exchanged on the
internet access. The security involves four important
aspects: Confidentiality, message authentication, integrity
and non – repudiation. Popular application of multimedia
technology, and increasingly transmission ability of
network gradually leads us to acquire, information directly
and clearly through images. Hence, image security has
become a critical and imperative issue.
ISSN: 2231-5381
Associate Professor2
Department of Computer Science & Engg
Alagappa University
karaikudi-630 003
Cryptography is the process of transforming
information (plain text/Image) into unintelligible form
(Cipher text/ Cipher Image).The technology of encryption
is called cryptology. For encryption the RSA algorithm is
used to encrypt and decrypt the text, because it is
considered as a better solution for data encryption. In
cryptography, RSA is an algorithm for public key
cryptography. The RSA algorithm involves the use of two
Keys a public key, which may be known by anybody, and
can be used to encrypt Messages a private key, known only
by the recipient, and used to decrypt messages.
Cryptography defines the art of transforming data
into sequence of bits that appears as random and
meaningless to a site observer or attacker. It relates to the
study of mathematical techniques related to the aspects of
information security such as confidentiality, data integrity,
entity authentication, data origin authentication. It protects
information by transferring it into unreadable form.
The process of sending data along with the
acknowledgment is called piggybacking. Piggybacking is
distinct from war driving, which involves only the logging
or mapping of the existence of access points. Piggybacking
on Internet access is the practice of establishing a wireless
Internet connection by using another subscriber's
wireless Internet access service without the subscriber's
explicit permission or knowledge. It is a legally and
ethically controversial practice, with laws that vary by
jurisdiction around the world. While completely outlawed
or regulated in some places, it is permitted in others.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 the
related works are discussed. In section 3 the research
contribution over the encryption and piggybacking are
discussed. In section 4 the results of the evaluated
parameters are discussed. With section 5 the paper is
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue3- 2012
Alejandroproano and Loukas Lazos in their paper
proposed the methods for the packet hiding in jamming
attacks.T.X.Brown, J.E.James and A.Sethi in their paper
proposed the encryption technique taken place in the
wireless networks.
D.Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles,
Protocols, and Architecture,Prentice Hall,2006.
O.Goldreich in his proposed paper discusses about
the basic applications of the cryptography and their
encryption decryption formulas. G.Lin and G.Noubir in
their paper proposed discusses about the denial of service
attacks and their threats in the Local Area Connected
networked. This is referred in the denial of service attack
while the piggybacking takes place.
In the Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles,
Protocols and the architecture by D.Comer the various
types of the protocols used, the basic architecture for the
congestion control and piggyback the selected packets are
taken place.
3.1 Congestion Control and Packet Classification
One of the major problems in the wireless
communication is the congestion control and avoidance
problem. We, in this proposed paper addressed the problem
of discerning congestion attacks in the wireless networks.
We considered an internal adversary model which is
responsible for the congestion. In the adversary model, in
that which the congestion is taken place as a part and hence
easily identified and prevented.
The Adversary model proposed here is responsible
for the packet classification in the in real time applications.
Once the packet is classified, the adversary is responsible
to choose the technique for jamming avoidance.
Fig -1 The IP Address and the Host Name
In the paper proposed by M.Cagalj, S.Capkun and
J.P.Habuax, the wormhole – based congestion technique in
the sensor networks the types of the congestion, the
flooding basics the congestion prevention and avoidance
are referred in this work.
In the short paper work proposed by M.Wilhelm
and I.Martinovic, J.Schmitt and V.Lenders the “Reactive
jamming in the wireless networks: How realistic is the
threat?” the jamming attacks, principles and the selective
packet hiding techniques are referred.
I.Venkata Saj Manoj in his paper proposed the
various method and the techniques used in the
Steganography and the cryptography.
Piggybacking is well known and extensively used
for real – world applications. For large packets such as I,
the source produces a further compressed packet by
discarding the less- important bits and attaches this small
and redundant packet to data packet i+1.
In this proposed work we propose two new
methodologies to send data between the server and
numerous clients in the secure manner. First the data
encryption technique is handled by the RSA Algorithm.
Secondly the encrypted text is transfer over the network
.When the decryption is done on the clients there the piggy
backing operation takes place. For packet hiding technique
the A Strong Hiding Commitment Scheme (SHCS) is
ISSN: 2231-5381
Fig -2 The Message to be transmitted.
3.2 A Strong Hiding Commitment Scheme (Shcs)
In this paper, we propose a strong hiding
commitment scheme that is based on the symmetric
cryptography method. Main impetus is to satisfy the strong
hiding property while keeping the computation and the
communication overhead to a minimum. The proposed
SHCS requires the joint consideration of the MAC and
PHY layers. To reduce the overhead the de-commitment
value or the decryption key value is done in the same
packet in which the encryption is taken place.
A new sub layer is found between the existing two
layers, which is responsible for the packet formatting and
data hiding. It will form as a frame structure. The purpose
of this is to randomize the input to the encryption
3.3 Encryption of Data
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue3- 2012
The data is encrypted by using the RSA
Algorithm. It is the public key algorithm that uses the huge
prime numbers in their factoring and their multiples as the
code or key to encode the data given. Since the key size is
large the intruders cannot be easily able to hack the data.
Through this RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman) algorithm
the data will be more secure.
In this paper, we propose a new technique for the
security of the data by piggyback the data with the
sequence ID and with the host name. Along with the
piggybacking we also maintain the strong hiding scheme
that provides the packet from loss and stored in the buffer.
The congestion control is maintained in this paper by
following the sequential number ID of the packets. In the
wireless network, the confidentiality of the data is more
important aspect and is maintained in this paper by
piggybacking the packets without loss.
Fig -3 The User Defined Text is encrypted.
Fig -4 The Data is transmitted to the requested clients.
3.4 Piggybacking Technique
In this paper, we proposed a novel
method using piggybacking technique of packet loss during
large volume of packets sent to more number of clients. At
the decryption end, the data in huge volume will be loss
due to congestions. But by piggybacking the packets along
with the header and sequence ID and the host name the data
will be send directly to the selected host.
Hence, the data will be buffered and after that
process the data will be sending to all the clients that are
alive on the network. Thus the piggybacking techniques the
data will be directly send to the client network, after the
acknowledgement is received. The TCP protocol is
responsible for the processing.
[1]Alejandroproano and Loukas Lazos, Packet Hiding Methods for
preventing Selective Jamming attacks, In: IEEE ICC 2010.
[2]T.X.Brown, J.E.James and A.Sethi , Jamming ans sensing of encrypted
wireless ad hoc networks . In proceedings of Mobihoc, pages 120-130,
[3]D.Comer , Internetworking with TCP/IP : Principles, Protocols,and
Architecture,Prentice Hall,2006.
[4]G.Noubir and G.Lin ,Low –power DoS attacks in data wireless LAN’s
and countermeasures , ACM SIGMOBILE MobileComputing and
Communications review,7(3):29-30,2003.
[5]O.Goldreich, Foundations of Cryptography: Basic applications,
Cambridge University Press, 2004.
[6]I.Venkata Saj Manoj ,”Cryptography and Steganography”,
International Journal of Computer Applications (0095 – 8887), Volume 1No.
[7]G.Lin and G.Noubir . On link layer Denial of service in data wireless
LANs. Wireless communications and Mobile Computing, 5(3):273-284,
May 2004.
[8]M.Cagalj, S. Capkun, and J.P.Hubaux, Wormhole-based anticongestion
texhniques in sensor networks.IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,
6(1):100-114, 2007.
[9]M.Wilhelm, I.Martinovic , J.Schmitt, and V.Lenders. Reactive
Jamming in Wireless Networks: How realistic is the threat? In
proceddings of Wisec, 2011.
Miss.M.GOWSALYA is a Research scholar in the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India. She has
received her M.Sc in Computer Science from Alagappa
University,Karaikudi, Tamilnadu in the year of 2011. She
has presented her work in International and National level
conferences. Her areas of research interests include
network security.
Prof. Dr V.PALANISAMY is working as an
Associate Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, Alagappa University,
Karaikukdi, Tamilnadu.
Fig -5 The Data is transmitted without Packet loss.
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