International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 22 Number 1- April 2015 A Framework for Collective Auditing Method in Third Party Services D. Suresh1, C.P.V.N.J Mohan Rao2 1 1,2 Final M. Tech Student,2 Professor Dept of CSE, Avanthi Institute of Engineering & Technology - Narsipatnam. Abstract: There are many third party servers which provide space for many data players. Data owners outsource their information in cloud service providers. Due to more usage of the web services there is an increase in users. There is hard task to maintain the security over the network for multiple numbers of the user’s transactions. So we introduced a novel method to verify or audit the multiple files of multiple data owners in a cloud. I. INTRODUCTION Away system frameworks it is extremely discriminating to register the secrecy and security over the put away information. The expanding development of the individuals utilizing the cloud administrations are making more twisting to information which is put away in cloud administration. There are some security parameters such as validation and approval, accessibility, secrecy and uprightness, key offering and key administration, reviewing and interruption detection[1][2]. Infrequently, cloud administration suppliers may be exploitative. They could toss the information that have not been gotten to or seldom gotten to spare the storage room and case that the information are still accurately put away in the cloud. Consequently, managers need to be persuaded that the information are accurately put away in the cloud [ 3]. Information ought to be secured amid its whole life-cycle. Confirmation and approval are the most essential security benefits that any stockpiling framework ought to backing. Verification is characterized as the methodology of validating the personality of an entity(called element confirmation or ID) or the wellspring of a message (additionally called message authentication).The stockpiling servers ought to check the character of the producers, consumers, and the managers before giving them proper access (e.g., read or compose) to the information. The demonstration of allowing proper benefits to the clients is called approval. Confirmation can be common; that is, the makers and purchasers of the information may need to confirm the capacity servers to build a complementary trust relationship. Most of the organizations require consistent information accessibility. Framework disappointments and dissent of administration attacks(DoS) are exceptionally hard to anticipate. A framework that implants solid ISSN: 2231-5381 cryptographic systems, yet does not guarantee availability, backup, and recuperation are of little utilize. Typically, systems are made deficiency tolerant by reproducing information or substances that are considered as essential issue of disappointment. However, replication acquires a high cost of keeping up the consistency between replicas[4]. Capacity frameworks must keep up review logs of critical exercises. Review logs are essential for framework recuperation, interruption identification, and PC crime scene investigation. Far reaching examination has been carried out in the field of interruption discovery [8]. Interruption recognition frameworks (IDS)use different logs (e.g., system logs and information access logs) and system streams (e.g., RPCs, system streams) for distinguishing and reporting assaults. Sending IDS at different levels and relating these occasions is important[5][6]. As the information gets produced, transferred, and put away at one or more remote stockpiling servers, it gets to be defenseless against unapproved divulgences, unauthorized modifications, and replay assaults. An aggressor can change or adjust the information while going through the system or when the information is put away on plates or tapes. Further, a malignant server can supplant current documents with legitimate old variants [7,8]. Accordingly, securing information while in travel and additionally when it lives on physical media is critical. Classified-ness of information from unapproved clients can be accomplished by utilizing encryption, while information uprightness (which addresses the unapproved adjustment of information) can be attained to utilizing computerized marks and message verification codes. Replay assaults, where a foe replays old sessions, can be forestalled by guaranteeing freshness of information by making every occasion of the information one of a kind. II. RELATED WORK For protecting the data in cloud includes some challenges, such as The data is highly broadcasted in network and increasing the complexity of the management by introducing the vulnerability status. Page 22 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 22 Number 1- April 2015 In decentralized system it creates the storage system is shared by the users in various security domains with different policies. In the extended time gives more windows for attackers. This raises the less compatibility issues and the data migration process including encryption algorithm moving. We now quickly audit some basic information storage protection mechanisms. Access Control regularly incorporates both verification and approval. Unified and de-brought together get to administration are two models for disseminated stockpiling systems[9]. Both models oblige substances to be approved against predefined policies before getting to delicate information. These access privileges need to be intermittently looked into or re-granted. Encryption is the standard strategy for giving privacy security. This depends on the vital encryption keys being deliberately overseen, including procedures for adaptable key offering, invigorating and renouncement. In circulated situations mystery offering systems can likewise be utilized to part delicate information into various segment shares. Storage trustworthiness infringement can either be inadvertent (from equipment/programming breakdowns) or malignant assaults [4,10].Accidental change of information is commonly ensured by reflecting, or the utilization of fundamental equality or erasure codes. The recognition of unapproved information adjustment obliges the utilization of Message Authentication Codes (MACs) or advanced mark plans. The recent gives the stronger idea of non-renouncement, which keeps an element from effectively precluding unapproved adjustment from claiming data. Data accessibility components incorporate replication and redundancy. Recovery instruments might likewise be needed with a specific end goal to repair harmed information, for instance re-scrambling information when a key is lost. Interruption Detection or Prevention components distinguish or anticipate vindictive exercises that could bring about robbery or harm of information. Review logs can likewise be utilized to help recuperation, give confirmation to security ruptures, and in addition being critical for consistence. General threats to secrecy incorporate sniffing stockpiling movement, snooping on support reserves and de-allotted memory. Record framework profiling is an assault that uses access sort, time stamps of last alteration, document names, and other document framework metadata to pick up knowledge about the stockpiling framework operation. Capacity and reinforcement media might likewise be stolen so as to get to data[11][12]. General threats to respectability incorporate capacity sticking (a malignant however surreptitious adjustment of put away information) to alter or supplant the first information, metadata change to disturb a stockpiling framework, and subversion assaults to increase unapproved level access to adjust basic framework ISSN: 2231-5381 information, and man-in-the-center assaults so as to change information substance in travel. General threats to accessibility incorporate (conveyed) disavowal of-administration, circle fracture, system disturbance, equipment disappointment and document cancellation. Unified information area administration or indexing servers can be purposes of disappointment for refusal of-administration assaults, which can be propelled utilizing noxious code. Long haul information filing frameworks present extra difficulties, for example, long haul key administration and in reverse similarity, which undermine accessibility in the event that they are not directed carefully[13][14]. General threats to validation incorporate wrapping assaults to SOAP messages to get to unapproved information, united confirmation utilizing programs that can potentially open a way to take verification tokens, and replay assaults to mislead the framework into handling unapproved operations. Cloud-based capacity and virtualization stance further threats. For instance, outsourcing prompts information managers losing physical control of their information, bringing issues of inspecting, trust, getting backing for examinations, responsibility, and similarity of security frameworks. Multi-occupant virtualization situations can bring about applications losing their security setting, empowering a foe to assault other virtual machine cases facilitated on the same physical server. III. PROPOSED SYSTEM In proposed work we designed a protocol that we have three roles such as clients, cloud service provider, and verifier. The client store data in cloud service provider. There are multi-owners present in the network in the cloud. The client store data in encrypted format in cloud service provider. The plain text is to be encrypted by random alphabetic encryption process which is shown below: Random Alphabetical Encryption and Decryption Algorithm : Encryption: P=plain Text Key with variable length (128,192, 256 bit) • Represented with a matrix (array) of bytes with 4 rows And Nk columns, Nk=key length / 32 Block of length 128 bits=16 bytes • Represented with a matrix (array) of bytes with 4 rows And Nb columns, Nb=block length / 32 • Block of 128 bits= 16 bytes Nb=4 State = X 1. Add_CycleKey(State, Key0): Each byte of the state is combined with a block of the round key using bitwise xor. for r = 1 to (Nr - 1) a. Sub_Bytes(State, S-box): A non-linear substitution step where each byte is replaced with another according to a lookup table. b. Transfer_Rows(State):a transposition step where the last three rows of the state are shifted cyclically a certain number of steps. c.Combine_Columns(State) Page 23 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 22 Number 1- April 2015 d. Add_CycleKey(State, Keyr):a mixing operation which operates on the columns of the state, combining the four bytes in each column. end for In the block mode transforming, if the blocks were encrypted totally autonomously the encrypted message may be powerless against some trifling assaults. Clearly, if there were two indistinguishable blocks encrypted with no extra connection and utilizing the same capacity and key, the comparing encrypted blocks would likewise be indistinguishable. This is the reason block figures are typically utilized as a part of different modes of operation. Operation modes bring an extra variable into the capacity that holds the condition of the figuring. The state is changed amid the encryption/decoding process and joined with the substance of each block. This methodology mitigates the issues with indistinguishable blocks and may additionally fill for different needs. The instatement estimation of the extra variable is known as the introduction vector. The contrasts between block figures working modes are standing out they consolidate the state (introduction) vector with the input block and the way the vector quality is changed amid the count. The stream figures hold and change their inward state by outline and generally don't bolster express input vector values on their input. 5. Collect signatures from receivers 6. Monitor files Auditor User 7. Send Status 4. Receive signatures from multiple 7. Send Status 8. Decrypted file 2. Send meta details Data Owner 1 3. Send encrypted File Cloud service Data owner 2 ……….. 1.Encrypt file, generate signature KEY GENERATION PROCESS : KeyGeneration(Ks)→(pk , sk , skh). The key generation algorithm takes no input other than the implicit security parameter Ks. It randomly chooses two random numbers for selecting random numbers generate two prime numbers from P. Then calculate primitive roots of the two prime numbers and those two primitive roots are st ,shrepectively and belongs to Prime number group as the tag key and the hash key. It outputs the public tag key as p t = gsKs mod G2, the secret tag key st and the secret hash key sh. Then generate hash for sh is calculated by using simple hash function which means second random value given input to hash function that explains as follows. For example consider that each input is an integer I in the range 0 to N−1, and the output must be an integer h in the range 0 to n−1, where N is much larger than n. Then the hash function could be h = I mod n (the remainder of I divided by n), or h = (I × n) ÷N (the value z scaled down by n/N and truncated to an integer) or so many other formulas. Signature Generation (M, st ,sh) → T. The signature generation algorithm takes each data component M, the secret tag key st and the secret hash key sh as inputs. It first chooses s random values r 1, r2, …. , xn є I and computes uj = gxj mod G1 for all j є [1, n]. For each data block mi(i є [1,n]), it computes a data challenge as:C=({c1}I€SChal,{rn} n€j ISSN: 2231-5381 where Wi = FID||i (the “||” denotes the concatenation operation), in which FID is the identifier of the data and i represents the block number of mi. It outputs the set of data tags T = {ti}iє[1,n]. Chall(Minfo) → C. The algorithm takes the brief information of the data Minfo as the input And it selects some different data blocks to construct the Challenge Set Q and generates a random number for each chosen data block mi(i є Q). It computes the challenge stamp R = (pt)r by randomly choosing a number r є Z*p. It outputs the challenge as Tp=∏𝑅€𝐶 𝑡𝑘𝑙 Proof(M,T,C) → P. The proving algorithm takes as inputs the data M and the received. The proof consists of the tag proof TP and the data proof DP. The challenge proof is generated as To generate the data proof it first computes the sector linear combination of all the challenged data blocks MPj for each j є [1, s] as Mpj=Vj.Mij Then, it generates the data proof DP as DProof=∏𝑠𝐽=1 𝑒(𝑢𝑗, 𝑅)Mpj It outputs the proof P = (TP,DP). Verify(C,P, sh, pt ,Minfo) → 0/1. The verification algorithm takes as inputs the challenge C, the proof P, the secret hash key sh, the public tag key pt and the abstract information of the data component. Initially it computes the identifier hash values hash(sh,Wi) of all the challenged data blocks such as Page 24 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 22 Number 1- April 2015 hash value is calculated by using SHA256 method and computes the challenge hash Hchallange as Hchal=∏𝑖€𝑄 (h(Skh,Wi)) Then it verifies the proof from the server by the following verification equation: Vp=e(HChallenge,pt)=e(Tp,gr2) If the above verification equation holds it outputs 1. Otherwise it results 0. Experimental Analysis: For experimental implementation, we verified through .net application which shows the auditing protocol. Data owner uploads the data component after segmentation and encryption of the individual blocks, our approach reduces the time complexity while encryption of the data components dynamically and updates corrupted blocks and prevents the auditor from misusage of data component without losing data integrity and proposed approach is more reliable . The following result shows time complexity between traditional and proposed approaches 6 5 4 Time complexity 3 Data integrity 2 Reliability 1 0 Traditional Proposed IV. CONCLUSION In this our work we propose a novel dynamic auditing protocol with more secure cryptographic methods. The data security over the network for multiple data owner network with cryptographic method. This also extend for future enhancements there is a chance to multiple data owners with multiple cloud services. This could be the best achievement in auditing methodologies. REFERENCES [1] P. Mell and T. Grance, “The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing, ”technical report, Nat’l Inst. of Standards and Technology,2009. [2] M. Armbrust, A. Fox, R. Griffith, A.D. Joseph, R.H. Katz, A.Konwinski, G. Lee, D.A. Patterson, A. Rabkin, I. Stoica, and M.Zaharia, “A View of Cloud Computing,” Comm. ACM, vol. 53,no. 4, pp. 50-58, 2010. [3] K. Yang and X. 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He has guided more than 50 M.Tech Projects and currently guiding four research scholars for Ph.D. He received many honors and he has been the member for many expert committees, member of many professional bodies and Resource person for various organizations. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 26