International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 5 – Feb 2015 Analysis on Mitigation of Current Harmonics Using Shunt Hybrid Active Power Filter Strategy for Three Phase Three Wire Distribution System S.Srinivasan1, G.Annalakshmi2, I.Arivazhagan3 1,2,3 Assistant Professor & Department of EEE & Alpha College of Engineering and Technology, Puducherry, India. Abstract— This paper investigates the three phase three wire shunt hybrid active power filter strategy for compensating the current harmonics and power factor corrections. The extension synchronous reference frame (ESRF) technique is modelled as dc voltage controller for shunt hybrid active power filter strategy. This technique utilizes PI controller for regulating dc-link voltage. The performance of the shunt hybrid active power filter strategy is analysed for three phase rectifier RL load. The simulation analysis for mitigating current harmonics is carried out in Matlab Simulink environment. Keywords— Active filter, current harmonic mitigation, hybrid filter, extension synchronous reference frame. I. INTRODUCTION The recent growth of nonlinear load such as UPS, SMPS, refrigerators, computer, laser printers, fax machines, discharge lamps, arc furnaces, battery chargers, have caused a greater awareness on power quality issues in power system. These nonlinear loads create current harmonics in the transmission and distribution system [3]. The current harmonics present in the system lead to distortion in power quality, i.e. lagging of power factor, excess power is consumed by the load, overheating of equipments, harmonic resonance present in the utility, increased losses, interference to communication network, malfunction of instrument, and failure of electrical machines etc. An exhaustive of research is carried out to identify the appropriate compensating device for mitigating the power quality related problems [6],[8]. These power quality problems are compensated by using suitable custom power devices. The shunt active power filter strategy is one of the popular custom power device to mitigate the power quality related problems such as harmonic distortion, balancing current, neutral current and power factor correction. The hybrid filter is the combination of passive filter and active filter are connected in series. These filters are connected parallel to the transmission at the point of common coupling (PCC). In this paper the shunt hybrid active power filter strategy is the combination of tuned RL-passive filter and small rated active power filter is the cost effective current compensating devices. There are various control techniques employed for the shunt hybrid active power filter strategy are based time domain and frequency domain approaches are revised in these literature survey. The extension synchronous reference frame control technique produces the switching sequence of the active power filter [5]. The organization of these papers as follows. The basic introduction for power quality problems and shunt hybrid active power filter strategy is discussed here. The system configuration of the shunt hybrid active power filter strategy ISSN: 2231-5381 is modeled in section II. The extension synchronous reference techniques based dc-link voltage regulation for shunt hybrid active power filter strategy is designed and explained in Section III. The simulation result of designed model is analyzed in Section IV. The conclusion of the paper finds a place in Section V. II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION The system configuration of three phase, three wire shunt hybrid active power filter strategy is shown in fig. 2. The diode bridge rectifier based nonlinear load will produce current harmonics to the transmission line. This current harmonics are compensate by shunt hybrid active power filter strategy, the hybrid filter is the combination of three phase tuned RL passive filter and small rated voltage source inverter based active filters are connected in series without transformers. This hybrid filter is connected parallel to the transmission line at the point of common coupling (PCC). The tuned passive filter will compensate fifth order harmonic frequency and active filter will compensate all other higher order harmonic frequency. This passive filter has an additional function of power-factor correction [3],[4]. Fig. 1. System configuration of three phase shunt hybrid active power filter Page 238 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 5 – Feb 2015 TABLE I SPECIFICATIONS AND PARAMETERS OF THE SYSTEM Supply Voltages VS 230V Supply Frequency F S 50Hz R,L tuned passive filter RF,LF 1Ω, 20mH DC-Link capacitor CF 1600µF DC-Link voltage Vdc 400V Rectifier based R,L Load 7Ω, 20mH i Lu , i Lv , and i Lw into two-phase currents i Ld5 and i Lq5 on the reference frame rotating at the fifth-harmonic frequency ω5. The fifth-harmonic currents not positive sequence but negative sequence currents. The fifth-harmonic currents present in the load currents corresponds to dc currents i Ld 5 and i Lq5 that are extracted by the two first order low-pass filters (LPFS) with the same cutoff frequency as 16Hz. Then the feed forward current references in steady state can be calculated by equation (4) III. CONTROL STRATEGY ……..(4) The control circuit of the three phase shunt hybrid active power filter strategy is shown in fig. 1. In this control circuit consist of three section, they are feedback control, feedforward control, and DC-Link voltage control [10],[12]. A. Feedback control In this feedback control consist of three phase source current isu, isv and isw are taken has inputs apply to d-q transformation. The d1-q1 transformation converts three phase supply current into two phase synchronous direct and quadrate axis current id1-iq1. …..(1) The fundamental components of the three phase supply current correspond to dc components into id1 and iq1, and harmonic components to ac components. Two first order highpass filters (HPFS) with the same cutoff frequency of 50Hz ~ extract ac components i d1 and i~ q1 from id1 and iq1, respectively. Then, the inverse transformation of d1-q1 produces their supply harmonic currents. …(2) The each harmonic current ishu, ishv, ishware amplified by the feedback gain k will produced three phase feedback path current reference I*AFb * IAFb k. i sh …… (3) Then the two-phase reference currents i*d5 and i*q5 are converted into three-phase reference currents I*Aff ,I*Bff ,I*Cff with the help of inverse d-q transformation. sinωt cos ωt I* Aff * 2π 2π i*d5 sin ωt cos ωt * .......(8) I Bff 3 3 i q5 * 2π 2π I Cff sin ωt cos ωt 3 3 C. Dc Link Voltage Control The DC link voltage control is maintained constant by a proportional and integral (PI) controller. The dc link capacitor voltage is build up and regulated without any external power supply. In order to meet the loss inside the active power filter strategy, an amount of active power is required and generated by producing a fundamental ac voltage controlled by the active filter. Since a fundamental leading current flows through the RL passive filter, the active filter should generate a fundamental voltage that is in phase with this leading current. As a result, the current reference ( Id1) obtained in this control loop is added to the direct axis current component Idh. ki PI Controller = Verror k p s ……(9) Where, V error Vdc V*dc , kp – proportional gain, ki – integral gain. B. Feed forward control The feed forward control for the most dominant fifthharmonic current converters three-phase load currents ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 239 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 5 – Feb 2015 Fig. 3. Supply voltage before compensation for operating condition I. Fig. 4. THD analysis for supply current before compensation for operating condition I. Fig. 2. Extension synchronous reference frame control techniques. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS Fig. 5. Supply voltage after compensation for operating condition I The simulation results are verified by using Matlab/ Simulink to verify the viability effectiveness of the proposed shunt hybrid active power filter. The feedback gain of the active filter is 1pu, and the dc-link voltage is 400 V. The simulation results are analyzed for two different operating conditions. The operating condition I is normal load condition and operating condition II is load change conditions. A. Simulation results for supply voltage In operating condition I, The performance analysis of supply voltage for mitigating the harmonics are validated as follows. In figure 3, 4, 5 and 6 Shows, the THD% of the source voltage for before compensation is found to be 5.80% whereas after compensation, the THD for the source voltage is noticed to be 0.83%. From the analysis, with (SHAPFs) 85.68% of source voltage THD is reduced. In operating condition II, the performance of load change conditions are analysed for supply voltage has follows. From the figure 7, 8, 9 and 10 reprecent, the THD% of the source voltage for before compensation is found to be 8.17% whereas after compensation, the THD for the source voltage is noticed to be 0.80%. From this analysis, with (SHAPFs) 90.20% of source voltage THD is reduced. Fig. 6. THD analysis for supply current after compensation for operating condition I. Fig. 7. Supply voltage before compensation for operating condition II. Fig. 8. THD analysis for supply voltage before compensation for operating condition II. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 240 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 5 – Feb 2015 Fig. 11. Supply current before compensation for operating condition I. Fig. 9. Supply voltage after compensation for operating condition II. Fig. 10. THD analysis for supply voltage after compensation for operating condition II. Fig. 12. THD analysis for supply current before compensation for operating condition I. TABLE II REDUCTION OF THD ANALYSISOF SUPPLY VOLTAGE FOR BOTH OPERATING CONDITION Fig. 13. Supply current after compensation for operating condition I. In Table II, expresses the comparative analysis of three phase supply voltage THD for before and after compensation. In operating condition I, the reduction THD levels are more than 85% and in operating condition II, the reduction THD levels are more than 90%. B. Simulation results for supply current In operating condition I, The performance analysis of supply current for mitigating the harmonics are validated as follows. In figure 11, 12, 13 and 14 shows, the THD% of the source current for before compensation is found to be 42.69% whereas after compensation, the THD for the source current is noticed to be 4.88%. From this analysis, with (SHAPFs) 88.56% of source current THD is reduced. Fig. 16, 17, 18 and 19 will expreses, the THD% of the source current for before compensation is found to be 30.91% whereas after compensation, the THD of the source current is noticed to be 3.65%. From this analysis, with (SHAPFs) 88.19% of source current THD is reduced. From the fig. 20, is observed that the reference supply current is tracking with actual supply current with good accuracy. ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig. 14. THD analysis for supply current after compensation for operating condition I. Fig. 15. Actual and reference current tracking for operating condition I. Fig. 16. Supply current before compensation for operating condition II. Page 241 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 20 Number 5 – Feb 2015 and reference DC – Link voltage (Vdc) is 30.75%. And operating condition II is represent in fig. 23. shows the peak overshoot value of actual and reference DC – Link voltage (Vdc) is 5%. Fig. 17. THD analysis for supply current before compensation for operating condition II. Fig. 21. Actual and reference dc-voltage for operating condition I. Fig. 18. Supply current after compensation for operating condition II. Fig. 22. Actual and reference dc-voltage for operating condition II. TABLE IV PEAK OVERSHOOT AND SETTLING TIME OF DC-LINK VOLTAGE Fig. 19. THD analysis for supply current after compensation for operating condition II. Fig. 20. Actual and reference current tracking for operating condition II. TABLE III REDUCTION OF THD ANALYSIS FOR SUPPLY CURRENT FOR BOTH OPERATING CONDITION Three THD analysis for operating THD analysis for operating phase conditionI(%) conditionII(%) supply Before Afte Reducti Before After Reduction current compe r on of compens of THD nsation THD ation Isa 42.69 4.88 88.56 30.91 3.65 88.19 Isb 42.79 4.61 89.22 30.96 3.93 87.30 Isc 42.70 4.35 89.81 30.91 3.82 87.64 In Table III, expresses the comperative analysis of three phase source current THD for before and after compensation. In operating condition I, the reduction THD levels are more than 88% and in operating condition II, the reduction THD levels are more than 87%. Operating condition Peak overshoot(%) Settling time(sec) Operating condition I 30.75 0.26 Operating condition II 5 0.097 In Table IV, expresses the comparative analysis for peak overshoot and settling time of DC-Link voltage for different operating conditions are verified. In operating condition I, the peak overshoot and settling times are very high when compared to the operating condition II. V. CONCLUSION The shunt hybrid active power filter strategy for mitigation of current harmonic produced by the non-linear load are designed and analyzed for various operating condition. The extension synchronous reference frame technique is designed to control the dc-link voltage for the shunt hybrid active power filter strategy. The feasibility of the proposed strategy for the power quality is demonstrated for various operating condition with promising results. This algorithm has proved the technique for realizes an acceptable power factor profile and reducing the current harmonics. The technique fines simple in the sense, that it does not involve any complicated topology. REFERENCES C. Simulation results for dc-link voltage In operating condition I and II, The performance analysis of dc-link voltage for operating condition I is shown in fig. 21. 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