International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume3 Issue 6 Number2–Dec 2012 Experimental Study on Eco Recycling of Ferrous Foundry Slag in Concrete A Sustainable Development P. Sachithanantham P. Dayakar Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Bharath University Chennai, India Bharath University Chennai, India Abstract—An industry to be sustainable, it should cater human needs as well as protect the environment from the ill effects of its products and by-products. The anthropogenic impact on the environment in the last century has proven to be very negative due to the rapid development of industries. Hence the preservation of global environment, waste management of sustainable development has attracted the attention of environmentalists. The link between the industry and the environment should be balanced. An attempt is made in this paper to reduce the foundry slag’s environmental footprint by recycling it. Recycling is a key concept of modern waste management and is the third component of waste hierarchy. While most of the foundry industries manage to minimise its waste, the difficulty exits with the small scale industries. Foundry slag which causes series environmental issues when disposed as land fills is the prime focus of this paper. This paper paves a way of disposing this waste by partially replacing cement with foundry slag in cement concrete to prevent its disposal into land which pollutes surface and ground water. To achieve this ferrous slag waste from foundries is replaced partially with cement in concrete. Experimental investigations are carried for M20 and M25 grade concrete. The mix design is carried out by Indian standard method. The workability of fresh concrete are measured in terms of slump, Vee-Bee and Compacting Factor. The test on hardened concrete properties such as Compression, Tension and Flexure are carried and the results are compared with the conventional concrete. The experimental investigations are carried in M20 and M25 grade concrete. From the experimental results it is observed that foundry slag can be partially replaced in concrete for cement. Keywords-ferrous foundry sustainable development I. slag, concrete, workability, INTRODUCTION In India as a developing country a large volume of ferrous slag is produced by Iron and steel manufacturing processes and foundries. A foundry industry is well recognised as one of the supporting industries for machinery and assembling industries. With a recent remarkable economic development in India, the foundry industry has made great progress and today serves as a major part of the world’s automobile needs. On ISSN: 2231-5381 Dr. K.V.B. Raju Sakthi Mariamman Engineering College, Tandalam, Chennai, India the other hand the economic growth results in impact on the surrounding biotic and abiotic environmental components. The environment has a limited inherent capacity to sustain such activities and also to assimilate the pollutants. Ferrous slag produced from steel industries has historically been dumped, without any control or remedial measures and pollution prevention. The slag contains elements that may pose a significant threat to human life and environment. Also leads to leachate and subsequent surface and ground water pollution. Piling of slag requires enormous land and induces environmental issues. Slag is broad term covering all non metallic co products resulting from the separation of a metal form its ore. Its chemistry and morphology depends on the metal being produced and the solidification process. Slag can be broadly categorised as ferrous, (iron/steel) and nonferrous (Copper, Lead/Zinc) depending on the industry from which they emanate. The samples are collected from a medium sized unit in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. II. METHODOLOGY A. Materials Ordinary Portland cement of 43 grade of characteristic compressive strength of 20 N/mm2 is used for the conventional concrete for which the design stipulations and mix proportions arrived are shown in table I and II repectively. Chemical composition of Foundry slag used in this investigation constitutes 80% of iron oxides and the remaining 20% has Carbon, Chromium, Copper, Tin, Arsenic, Nickel, Lead, Cadmium, Vanadium, Phosphorous, Sulphur, Antimony and Molybdenum. Foundry slag waste is re-engineered by crushing, grinding and sieving. Basic tests are conducted as per IS standards on the materials used for concrete, such as specific gravity, fineness, consistency, and initial setting time for cement, specific gravity and sieve analysis for fine aggregates and for the coarse aggregates tests like impact value, crushing value and abrasion value (Los Angeles and Deval’s) are conducted as per standards. Page 36 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume3 Issue 6 Number2–Dec 2012 TABLE III. B. Mix Design Concrete used for the investigation is designed in accordance with IS 10262. Specific Gravity Test Data for Materials Fineness Cement used Test Specific gravity of Cement - 3.15 Specific gravity of coarse aggregate- 2.57 Specific gravity of Fine aggregate - 2.83 Values 3.15 96.56% Consistency OPC – 53 grade - TEST ON CEMENT 31% Initial Setting Time TABLE IV. 35 min TEST ON FINE AGGREGATE Test Water absorption Values Specific Gravity 2.83 2% Coarse aggregate - 1% Free Surface Moisture Fine aggregate - Nil Gradation Coarse aggregate - Nil Fine aggregate - 2% Free surface moisture TABLE V. TEST ON COARSE AGGREGATE Test Values Specific Gravity Sieve analysis Coarse aggregate -Confirms grading of IS 383 - 1973 Fine aggregate -Confirms zone – II TABLE I. Zone II DESIGN STIPULATIONS FOR M20 AND M25 GRADE CONCRETE 2.57 Aggregate Impact Value 24.46% Aggregate Crushing Values 15.69% Aggregate Abrasion Value (Los Angeles) 6% A. Workability Tests to measure the workability of fresh concrete such as slump cone test, compacting factor test and Vee-Bee Consistometer test are carried for conventional, foundry slag concrete and the values are tabulated in table VI and VII. Design Stipulations M20 M25 Characteristic Compressive Strength 20 N/mm2 25 N/mm2 Maximum size of aggregates 20 mm (angular) 20 mm (angular) Degree of Workability 0.9 (Compacting Factor) 0.9 (Compacting Factor) Type of Exposure Mild Mild Slag powder (%) Slump, mm Compacting Factor Vee-Bee time, s Degree of Quality Control Good Good 0 11 0.829 22 5 17 0.858 20 10 26 0.889 17 15 31 0.899 13 TABLE II. DESIGN MIX PROPORTION TABLE VI. TEST ON FRESH CONCRETE - CONVENTIONAL AND FOUNDRY SLAG CONCRETE – M20 GRADE Grade Cement Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate w/c ratio M20 1 1.47 3.28 0.5 Slag powder (%) Slump, mm Compacting Factor Vee-Bee time, s M25 1 1.22 2.87 0.44 0 13 0.839 22 5 21 0.874 18 10 32 0.900 13 15 38 0.904 11 III. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS The following tests are conducted on cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate and the results are tabulated in table III, table IV and V respectively. ISSN: 2231-5381 TABLE VII. TEST ON FRESH CONCRETE - CONVENTIONAL AND FOUNDRY SLAG CONCRETE – M25 GRADE Page 37 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume3 Issue 6 Number2–Dec 2012 B. Compressive Strength The compression test on conventional concrete, foundry slag concrete cubes of size 15 x 15 x 15 cm are conducted for both 7 days and 28 days and values are tabulated in table VIII and IX. TABLE VIII. COMPRESSION TEST – M20 GRADE Comp. Strength, N/mm2 (7 days) Comp. Strength, N/mm2 (28 days) 0 14.67 28.19 5 14.82 29.65 10 15.83 31.83 15 12.93 28.63 Slag powder (%) TABLE IX. D. Tensile Strength The split tensile strength test on conventional concrete, foundry slag concrete cylinders are conducted for both 7 days and 28 days and values are tabulated in table XII and XIII Slag powder (%) Tensile Strength, N/mm2 (7 days) Tensile Strength, N/mm2 (28 days) 0 1.38 1.805 5 1.38 1.805 10 1.38 1.805 15 1.38 1.805 COMPRESSION TEST – M25 GRADE Slag powder (%) Comp. Strength, N/mm2 (7 days) Comp. Strength, N/mm2 (28 days) 0 15.69 35.32 5 16.56 36.62 10 16.86 37.08 15 15.40 36.18 TABLE XIII. FLEXURAL TEST – M20 GRADE Slag powder (%) Flexural Strength, N/mm2 (7 days) Flexural Strength, N/mm2 (28 days) 0 2.22 3.98 5 2.27 4.10 10 2.30 4.37 15 2.35 4.37 TENSION TEST – M25 GRADE Slag powder (%) Tensile Strength, N/mm2 (7 days) Tensile Strength, N/mm2 (28 days) 0 1.53 1.94 5 1.53 1.94 10 1.53 1.94 15 1.53 1.94 C. Flexural Strength The flexural strength test on conventional concrete, foundry slag concrete cubes of size 10 x 10 x 50 cm are conducted for both 7 days and 28 days and values are tabulated in table X and XI. TABLE X. TENSION TEST – M20 GRADE TABLE XII. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Workability of Fresh Concrete From the table VI and VII curves are plotted between percentage of foundry slag with slump as shown in fig. 1. It is observed that the slump of the fresh concrete increases with the addition of foundry slag. Slump Test 40 TABLE XI. FLEXURAL TEST – M25 GRADE Flexural Strength, N/mm2 (7 days) Flexural Strength, N/mm2 (28 days) 0 3.92 5.15 5 3.95 5.30 Slag powder (%) Slump, mm 35 30 25 M20 Grade 20 M25 Grade 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 Slag powder, % 10 4.02 5.34 15 4.59 5.34 ISSN: 2231-5381 Figure 1. Relation between percentage of foundry slag and Slump Page 38 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume3 Issue 6 Number2–Dec 2012 0.91 0.9 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.82 17 16 M20 Grade 15 M25 Grade 14 13 12 0 5 10 15 20 Slag powder,% M20 Grade M25 Grade Figure 4. Relation between percentage of foundry slag and Compressive Strength ( 7 days) 0 5 10 15 20 Slag powder, % Figure 2. Relation between percentage of foundry slag and Compacting Factor From the table VI and VII curves are plotted between percentage of foundry slag Vee – Bee time as shown in fig. 3. It is observed that the Vee – Bee time of the fresh concrete decreases with the addition of foundry slag. Vee-Bee Time Vee-Bee time,s 18 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 From the table VIII and IX curves are plotted between percentage of foundry slag with compressive strength as shown in fig. 5. It is observed that the 28 days compressive strength of foundry slag concrete increases to the maximum value for an optimum dosage of 10%. Compressive Strength - 28 Days 38 Compressive Strength, N/ Compacting Factor Compacting Factor Compressive Strength - 7 Days Compressive Strength, N/ From the table VI and VII curves are plotted between percentage of foundry slag with compacting factor as shown in fig. 2. It is observed that the compacting factor of the fresh concrete increases with the addition of foundry slag. 36 34 32 M20 Grade 30 M25 Grade 28 26 24 M20 Grade 0 M25 Grade 5 10 15 20 Slag powder,% 0 5 10 15 Figure 5. Relation between percentage of foundry slag and Compressive Strength ( 28 days) 20 Slag powder, % B. Properties of Hardened Concrete From the table VIII and IX curves are plotted between percentage of foundry slag with compressive strength as shown in fig. 4. It is observed that the 7 days compressive strength of foundry slag concrete increases to the maximum value for an optimum dosage of 10%. Flexural Strength - 7 Days Flexural Strength, N/ Figure 3. Relation between percentage of foundry slag and Vee-Bee Time From the table X and XI curves are plotted between percentage of foundry slag on flexural strength as shown in fig. 6. It is observed that the 7 days flexural strength of foundry slag increases to the maximum value for a dosage of 15%. 5 4.5 4 3.5 M20 Grade 3 M25 Grade 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 5 10 15 20 Slag powder,% Figure 6. Relation between percentage of foundry slag and Flexural Strength ( 7 days) ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 39 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume3 Issue 6 Number2–Dec 2012 From the table X and XI curves are plotted between percentage of foundry slag on flexural strength as shown in fig. 7. It is observed that the 28 days flexural strength of foundry slag increases to the maximum value for a dosage of 15%. Tensile Strength, N/ Tensile Strength - 28 Days Flexural Strength, N/ Flexural Strength - 28 Days 5.5 5 2 1.95 1.9 M20 Grade 1.85 M25 Grade 1.8 1.75 1.7 0 4.5 M20 Grade 10 15 20 Slag powder,% M25 Grade 4 5 Figure 9. Relation between percentage of foundry slag and Tensile Strength (28 days) 3.5 3 0 5 10 15 20 V. Slag powder,% Figure 7. Relation between percentage of foundry slag and Flexural Strength ( 28 days) From the table XII and XIII curves are plotted between percentage of foundry slag on tensile strength as shown in fig. 8 and 9. It is observed that there is no appreciable increase in tensile strength of foundry slag concrete for both 7 days and 28 days compared with conventional concrete. The following conclusions are drawn from the test results. The workability of the fresh concrete increases with addition of foundry slag for both M20 and M25 grades. The compressive strength of foundry slag concrete increases on the addition of slag to a maximum of 10%. The Flexural strength is enhanced on the addition of foundry slag. The tensile strength of foundry slag concrete has not decreased on the addition of foundry slag. Hence it is observed that the foundry slag can be effectively disposed by partially replacing cement in concrete to encourage the concept of sustainable development. Tensile Strength - 7 Days Tensile Strength, N/ CONCLUSIONS 1.55 1.5 1.45 M20 Grade 1.4 M25 Grade 1.35 REFERENCES [1] 1.3 0 5 10 15 20 Slag powder,% [2] Figure 8. Relation between percentage of foundry slag and Tensile Strength ( 7 days) [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] ISSN: 2231-5381 P. Sachithanantham, P. Dayakar, S. 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