International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 3 Issue 3 No 4 – June 2012 Assessment of Landuse/landcover change and Vegetation response using Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI): A case study of Neyveli Township, Cuddalore district, Using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques *K. Ilayaraja, Peterguspher, Vennilavan and Niranjan Department of Civil Engineering Bharath University Selaiyur, Chennai- 600073. ABSTRACT Landuse and landcover mapping determines the land resources throughout the world also it helps to determine the changes in land uses throughout the world. The landuse/land cover pattern in Neyveli Township was studied by using Survey of India toposheet (1977) and with the available satellite data sets 1991 and 2006. The Landuse/landcover patterns were visually interpreted by using Arc GIS 9.3 software. The study has determined the changes that have occurred over a time period of three decades and those changes impact the surrounding environment, affect the availability of natural resources such as water, and alter the landscape and how it’s used. From the study it is found that the barren lands is decreased by 36.38% (1991), cashew plantation has decreased by 2.63% (1991), water bodies decreased by 14.57% (1991), mines increased by 3.73% (1991) and the area of the mines increased by 1.22% in (2006) and the area occupied by the barren lands, cashew plantation, water bodies, decreased by 3.71%, 2.24%, 14.0% in 2006 respectively. This information, in turn, can help people anticipate and plan for future changes. Remote sensing can present an efficient and reliable means of collecting the information and with the multispectral sensors can provide information of about the health of the vegetation. The spectral reflectance of an area will vary with respect to changes in the crop type, health and growth. The study deals to calculate the NDVI (Normalized difference vegetation index) for the Chennai City using remote sensing technique by using open source Quantum GIS software. For this purpose Landsat ETM+ images of the year 1991 and 2006 was obtained for the study area. Keywords: LULC, GIS, Planning and Management 1. INTRODUCTION Landuse and land cover changes have impacts on a wide range of environmental and landscape attributes including the quality of water, land and air resources, ecosystem processes and function, and the climate system itself through greenhouse gas fluxes and surface albedo effect (Lambin 2000). Bhagawat Rimal (2005) has predicted the land-use pattern for the Kathmandu metropolitan city, Nepal by using remote sensing and GIS Techniques. The knowledge of land use and land cover is important for many Planning and Management Activities and considered as essential element for modeling and understanding the earth as a system Land cover maps have presently developed from local to national to global scales. Land cover is the physical material at the surface of the earth. Land cover includes grass, asphalt, trees, bares ground, water etc. It is a description of how people utilize the land. When considering land cover in a very pure and strict sense, it should be confined to describe vegetation and man-made features. Consequently, areas where the surface consists of bare rock or bare soil are describing land itself rather than land cover. Land use is the human use of land and it is the description of how people utilize the land. Land use involves the management and medication of natural environment or wilderness into built environment such as fields, pastures, and settlements . It has also been defined as “the arrangements , activities and input people undertake in a certain land cover type to produce , change or maintain it (Turner et al., (1990) and Lambin et al., (1999). Land use change maps are also used for predicting the effects on Climate change (Hu et al., 2003 and Klein et al., 2004). According to Kachhwaha (1985) application of remotely sensed data used to study the changes of land cover in less time, at low cost and with better accuracy. GIS is a suitable platform for data analysis, update and retrieval (Star et al. 1997Íž Chilar 2000). Andreas Dittrich et al., (2010) has assessment the land use and land cover changes in oases and surrounding rangelands of Xinjiang, NW China for the last five decades and inferred that the vegetated areas of the surrounding rangelands are decreased, mainly due to drought events. Now-a-days remote sensing and GIS Techniques are widely used to assessment of land use and land cover changes. Therefore, the study aims to assess the landuse and landcover change in and around Neyveli by using remote sensing and GIS ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 30 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 3 Issue 3 No 4 – June 2012 Techniques. The objectives of the study is undertaken in order to achieve the aim are (i) To prepare base map and various thematic maps by using SOI toposheet. (ii) To classify visually and categorizing all pixels in an image in to land use /land cover classification scheme. (iii) To access the cause and effect of the changes responsible for the alterations of geo environmental condition. (iv) To create a digital database of the study area. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS For the present study, the available data sets like SOI toposheets, multispectral, multi-temporal LANDSAT satellite data were collected for years namely 1977, 1991 and 2006 respectively. LANDSAT image have been taken from Global Land Cover Facility (GLCF), a NASA-funded member of the Earth Science Information Partnership at the University of Maryland. The GLF develops and distribute remotely sensed satellite data and products are available free of cost by the GLCF. The details of the materials used in the study are given in the Table 1 with their date of production, resolution and source. The thematic mapper image of 1991 and 2006 has a resolution of 30 meters. Visual interpolation techniques were adopted to classify the pixels in the images into different classes such barren land, vegetation, settlements, water bodies, mining area and cashew plantation. The key elements such as color, tone, texture, shape, size, pattern, association, shadow are used in detection of the classes. The base map was geo-referenced and was projected to standard projection called the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection with the zone 44N by using ArcGIS 9.3 software. The satellite data which was downloaded composed of seven bands and the standard band combination was carried out for the generation of false composite color (FCC) image. The satellite images were subset by using clip analysis for the limitation of the study area. Therefore all the pixels within the study area are classified into various classes or themes. The generalized flowchart adopted for the present study is shown in figure 1. According to Wardlow et al., 2007 remotely sensed data are applicable, for practical purposes it is the temporal information been most useful for monitoring of major crop types. NDVI has been used extensively to measure vegetation cover characteristics, crop assessment studies (Bausch, 1993, Benedetti & Rossini, 1993, Hatfield et al., 1985). According to Rouse el al., 1974 the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is a representative of the various spectral vegetation indices. According to Tucker, 1979 NDVI is the customary vegetation index used by many researchers for extracting vegetation abundance from remotely sensed data. According to Lillesand & Kiefer, 2004 and Wang et al, 2003, NDVI is a good indicator of the ability for vegetation to absorb photosynthetically active radiation and has been widely used by researchers to estimate green biomass. The generalized flow chart of the present study is given in the figure 1. 3 STUDY AREA The Neyveli power station has founded in 1956. Neyveli Lignite Corporation limited is a government owned lignite mining and power generating company in India. NLC operates the largest open pit lignite mines in India presently mining 24MT of lignite and has an installed capacity of 2740MW of electricity the union government holds 93% shares of NLC and is administered through Ministry of coal NLC has well developed town ship in Neyveli district of Cuddalore Tamilnadu. It is located at 11.30 degree North 79.29 degree East. The township covers 53 Km2 provide around 18000 houses for the employees. The town is surrounded by several water bodies on its southern portion. The national high way from Chennai to Thanjavore NH45A runs north to south of the town and other state highways which runs from Cuddalore to Trichy runs in the west direction of the town. The northern part of the town is mainly occupied by the settlements and southern part is occupied by water bodies. Mines which are present in central part of the township play a very important role in our study. The area occupied by mines is increasing year by year shows the major change in landuse and landcover pattern. The major railway networks are connected in this area. SL. DATA TYPE DATA PRODUCTION SCALE SOURCE LANDSAT 25-08-1991 30m GLCF(global land cover facility) NO. 1 ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 31 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 3 Issue 3 No 4 – June 2012 Image(TM) 2 LANDSAT Image(TM) 18-08-2006 30m GLCF(global land cover facility) 3 Toposheet 1977 1:2,50,000 SOI (Survey of India) Table 1 Details of the data types 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS The landuse and landcover analysis of multi-temporal satellite images using ArcGIS was carried out and results are shown in Table 2. The area occupied by the barren lands, cashew plantation, settlements, water bodies, mines and vegetation in the base 1977 are 469.6, 128.21, 106.28, 33.24, 2.12 Km2 respectively of the percentage 63.49, 17.34, 14.39, 4.50, 29, respectively (Figure 2-4). The area occupied by the barren lands ,cashew plantation, settlements, water bodies, mines and vegetation in the base map 1991 are 200.39, 147.65, 173.21,18.67, 29.75, 169.74 Km2 respectively of the percentage of 27.10,19.97,23.43,2.52,.4.02,22.96 respectively. The area occupied by the barren lands ,cashew plantation, settlements, water bodies , mines and vegetataion in the base map 2006 are 172.39, 126.89, 204.68, 15.46, 38.60, 181.86 Km2 respective of the percentage of 23.31, 17.16, 27.68, 2.09, 5.22, 24.59 respectively. From the above table it is seen that the mines and vegetation tremendously increased during the year, 1977 to 2006, these lands are increased to 38.60 km2 and 181.86 km2 respectively of the percentage increase of 5.22 and 24.59. Barren lands have been reduced to 172.39 km2of the percentage of 23.31. However, of all the major attributes, built-up areas occurred at the fate of other land use and land cover. This may result in disastrous affect on the physical, ecological and biological environment. The land use / land cover map and areas of the different attributes for the year 1977, 1991 and 2006 are compared and shown in the Figure 5. The pixel values of the NDVI data layer range from -1 to +1. The higher NDVI values indicate increase in biomass per unit area and the layer is presented in Fig. 1. In this figure, the NDVI values for the year 1991 vary from -0.43 to +0.61 (Figure 6). The NDVI values for the year 2006 vary from -0.42 to +0.55 (Figure 7). The positive values represent different types of vegetation classes, whereas near zero and negative values indicate non-vegetation classes, such as water, and barren land. It has been noted that the values which are greater than 1 represent the low as well as the dense vegetation. In this study it is identified that is a reduction of vegetation cover during the year 2006 may be due the increase of settlements within the study area. 5. CONCLUSION The landuse/land cover pattern in Neyveli town was studied by using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Survey of India toposheet (1977) and LANDSAT TM satellite data sets such as 1991 and 2006 were used. The Landuse/landcover patterns such Barren land; Vegetation, Water bodies, Settlements and Mining areas were visually interpreted and classified as various themes in the satellite image. The study has determined the changes that have occurred over a time period of three decades and those changes impact the surrounding environment, affect the availability of natural resources such as water, and alter the landscape and how it’s used. From the study it is found that the barren lands is decreased by 36.38% (1991), cashew plantation has decreased by 2.63% (1991), water bodies decreased by 14.57% (1991), mines increased by 3.73% (1991). The area of the mines increased by 1.22% in (2006), barren lands, cashew plantation, water bodies, decreased by 3.71%, 2.24%, 14.0% in 2006 respectively. This information, in turn, can help people anticipate and plan for future changes. Remote sensing data are pretty good for classification of urban areas. An attempted has been made to classify the reflectance characteristics of remote sensing data by using open source Quantum GIS software. It has been noted that the values which are >1 represent the low as well as the dense vegetation. These data sets can provide base line details of the study area. Therefore, the use of ancillary datasets in addition to remote sensing data has been recommended. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 32 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 3 Issue 3 No 4 – June 2012 DATA COLLECTION LANDSAT SATELLITE IMAGE BASEMAP/TOPOGRAPHIC SHEETS GEOREFERENCING VISUAL INTERPRETATIO N BASE MAPS THEMATIC MAPS FIELD VALIDATION DETECTING LANDUSE/LANDCOVER CHANGE FIG 1 Flow Chart of methodology Table 2 Areas of different attributes for the years 1977, 1991 and 2006 Land Use Land Toposheet (1977) 1991 Cover Sq.Km % Sq.Km % Barren land 469.46 63.49 200.39 27.10 Cashew plantation 128.21 17.34 147.65 19.97 Settlement 106.38 14.39 173.21 23.43 Water bodies 33.24 4.50 18.67 2.52 Mines 2.12 0.29 29.75 4.02 Vegetation 0.00 0.00 169.74 22.96 Total 739.41 100 739.41 100 ISSN: 2231-5381 2006 Sq.Km 172.39 126.89 204.68 15.46 38.60 181.86 739.41 % 23.31 17.16 27.68 2.09 5.22 24.59 100 Page 33 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 3 Issue 3 No 4 – June 2012 ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 34 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 3 Issue 3 No 4 – June 2012 Figure 6. 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