International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume X Issue Y- Month 2015 MODIFIED DES WITH PAIRING FUNCTIONS Dr. S. Kiran#1, N. Subramanyan*2, Dr. T. Bhaskar Reddy#3, G. Madhavi*4 #1 Assistant Professor, Department of CSE Y.S.R. Engineering College of YV University, Proddatur, Andhra Pradesh, India. *2 Teaching Assistant, Department of CSE Y.S.R. Engineering College of YV University, Proddatur, Andhra Pradesh, India. #3 Professor & Head, Department of CST Sri Krishna Devaraya University, Ananthapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India. *3Assistant Professor, Department of CSE MeRITS, Udayagiri, Andhra Pradesh, India. 1 2 3 4 Abstract— The process of exchanging information in secured way is called cryptography. Security is achieved for message with Encryption process at the sender end and Decryption process at the receiver end. Many Ciphers are developed to provide data protection. The effectiveness of the Ciphers that are being used depends mainly on their throughput and memory constraint. Using of large key with huge number of rounds with multiple complex operations may provide high security. Because of this reason the proposed method consists of 16 rounds, 512-bit key with 8-different rounding functions. The key is generated by taking 512-bit random number. Shifting operation is performed on random number based on number of 1’s and 0’s in random number. Permutation will be applied on shifted bits. Encryption will be done by taking 1024-bit plain text. Initially plain text will be permutated then rounding function is performed.. In rounding function key and permuted result will be encrypted to generate intermediate cipher text. Intermediate cipher text will be given to pairing function to generate final cipher text. Keywords— Round Function, Pairing Function, Shifting, Permutation. I. INTRODUCTION Cryptography[1,3] is the study of clandestine writing. It is the art of transferring a decipherable message into one which is indecipherable, and then retransforming that message back into its original form. The message which is in intelligible format is plaintext. The plaintext is converted into cipher text which is in illegible form, by applying encryption algorithm. The process of converting cipher text into plaintext is known as decryption. The process of cryptography results in concealing the context of message from all, except the sender and the receiver. Cryptography has many viable applications. Cryptography shows alternate solutions to many problems like ISSN: 2231-5381 confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, non repudiation. The main traditional cipher types are transposition ciphers and substitution ciphers [2,4,8]. A transposition cipher is one, which rearranges the order of letters in a message. Where as in substitution method, each alphabet in text is replaced by other letter methodically. II. EXISTING METHOD A. Encryption Step1: Start. Step2: Consider 64-bit key and retrieve 56-bits from it. Step3: Perform left circular shift and take 48-bits this is the key-N for round-N. Step4: Continue Step3 for all rounds. Step5: Take the plain text and perform initial permutation. Step6: Step5 result and key-1 will be given to rounding function-1. Step7: Above step result and next key (key-N) is given to next rounding function-N. Step8: Continue the process for 16-rounds. Step9: Perform 32-bit swap on round-16 result. Step10: Perform inverse initial permutation on step9 which generates final cipher text. Step11: Stop. B. Decryption Reverse process of encryption. III. LIMITATIONS OF EXISTING METHOD It uses same round function for all the rounds. Key length is very small. IV. PROPOSED METHOD A. Encryption Step1: Start. Page 1 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume X Issue Y- Month 2015 Step2: Consider 512-bit random number [5] and divide it into two half‟s. Step3: In first half number of 1‟s is even then perform left shift otherwise perform right shift. Step4: In second half number of 0‟s is even then perform left shift otherwise perform right shift. Step5: Take the result of step3 and step4 perform permutation-2. Step6: Result of step5 is the key for rounding function-N, Where N=1, 2….16. Step7: By taking key as 512-bit random number repeat the procedure from step2 to generate keys for all the rounds. Step8: Input the plain text message to be transmitted. Step9: Read 1024-bit plain text at a time and perform permutation-1. Step10: Result of Step9 and key1 (K1) is given to the rounding function-1. Step11: Result of round function-1 and key2 (K2) is given to the rounding function-2. Step12: Continue for all rounds, output of rounding function-16 is given to the pairing function which generates final cipher text. Step13: Stop. B. Decryption Step1: Start. Step2: Take 512-bit random number (Considered in Encryption) and divide it into two half‟s. Step3: In first half number of 1‟s is even then perform left shift otherwise perform right shift. Step4: In second half number of 0‟s is even then perform left shift otherwise perform right shift. Step5: Take the result of step3 and step4 perform permutation-2. Step6: Result of step5 is the key for rounding function-N Where N=1, 2….16 Step7: By taking key as 512-bit random number repeat the procedure from step2 to generate keys for all the rounds. Step8: Input the cipher text message. Step9: Read 512-bit cipher text at a time, and given it to the reverse pairing function. Step10: Result of above step (1024-bit) and key16 (K16) is given to the rounding function-16. Step11: Result of Step10 and key15 (K15) is given to the rounding function-15. Step12: Continue for all rounds, Perform inverse permutation-1 for the output of rounding function-1. Step13: Output of inverse permutation-1 is the plain text. Step14: Stop. C. Pairing Function A pairing function[6,7] on a set A associates each pair of members from A with a single member of A, so that any two distinct pairs are associated with two distinct members. ISSN: 2231-5381 D. Cantor pairing function When x and y are non−negative integers, CantorPair[x, y] outputs a single non−negative integer that is uniquely associated with that pair. Fig 1. Cantor pairing E. Elegant pairing function When x and y are non−negative integers, ElegantPair[x, y] outputs a single non−negative integer that is uniquely associated with that pair. Fig 2. Elegant pairing F. Rounding Function The proposed structure recommends 16 rounds and different round functions which are selected using Multiplexer Circuit. Let the rounding function for round 1 to round 16 be RF1, RF2, etc. up to RF8 and again from RF1 to RF8. The user can incorporate their own round functions for designing the cipher[4]. The round function which have been selected in the present Design includes: EX-OR,EX-NOR, NOT (Key bits „0‟), NOT (Key bits „1‟), CIRCULAR LEFT SHIFT(Key bits „0‟), CIRCULAR LEFT SHIFT(Key bits „1‟), Page 2 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume X Issue Y- Month 2015 CIRCULAR RIGHT SHIFT(Key bits „0‟), CIRCULAR RIGHT SHIFT(Key bits „1‟) Selection S3 S2 S1 S0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 H. Flow Chart for Encryption and Decryption: Round Function RF1 RF2 RF3 RF4 RF5 RF6 RF7 RF8 RF1 RF2 RF3 RF4 RF5 RF6 RF7 RF8 G. Flow Chart for Key Generation: Fig 4. Flow chart for encryption and decryption I. Flow Chart for Single Round Encryption: Fig 5. Flow chart for single encryption J. Result: For encryption and decryption process following key 512 bit random number is considered as key: Fig 3. Flow chart for key generation ISSN: 2231-5381 93846850055346952473693261358674973005706669900250 87889452229210992649003087234541419063293183209107 Page 3 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume X Issue Y- Month 2015 31896143537510130467171983464486246753893459865583 5953 Consider plaintext as: “To understand steganography, one must first understand its predecessor: cryptography. Cryptography is the art of protecting info” Intermediate Cipher text Character Character 1,3,…127 2,4,….128 Cipher text Intermediate Cipher text Character Character 1,3,…127 2,4,….128 Cipher text 187 152 115634 115 9 15730 236 213 202522 51 103 23972 0 209 43890 138 69 43332 54 100 23978 129 167 88170 4 12 280 122 164 82326 191 209 160782 117 90 43290 240 146 149862 74 60 18238 184 125 96158 88 9 9682 63 130 37568 35 246 79312 146 151 88798 196 5 40994 85 172 66476 108 98 42858 152 77 52974 181 76 66668 138 174 97932 170 202 139096 49 206 65378 88 184 74432 77 144 49216 138 167 93606 69 134 41550 140 185 106230 74 30 11068 48 215 69528 143 138 79528 241 91 111038 41 192 54604 76 88 27212 9 134 20610 104 117 49270 237 55 86030 90 248 114762 240 122 131886 132 165 88770 14 108 15034 135 41 31422 54 164 47850 176 193 136882 72 235 94700 26 133 25492 176 101 77358 59 196 65398 96 97 37634 241 211 205238 172 81 64606 73 197 73316 193 171 133246 245 126 138502 32 77 12054 30 197 51816 76 19 9272 13 143 24518 144 145 84098 148 249 158302 ISSN: 2231-5381 V. FEATURES OF PROPOSED ALGORITHM Vigorous key- uses maximum of 2512 possibilities to guess the key. Different round functions and Pairing functions. Fast transmission. Page 4 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume X Issue Y- Month 2015 VI. CONCLUSION The role of cryptography is to provide a very high degree of security for the information. In the proposed method 16 rounds of encryption is done with different rounding functions to increase the security. The final cipher text is reduced to half of the plain text with pairing functions. Further the length of the key can be increased to more than 512. The number of rounding functions may also be increased to enhance the security. New pairing functions may be derived from the existing which makes more complex in cipher generation. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] William Stallings. Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practices, Forth Edition, Prarson Education, 2008. 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