Term Project CMPE 553 Cryptography and Network Security, Fall

Term Project CMPE 553 Cryptography and Network Security, Fall
Term project may be made in groups of one or two students. Each group submits 1 report.
In the case of group of two, report should contain explicit information about
responsibility of group members.
Term project consists of two tasks, each with 4 variants. Task 1 concerns
encryption/decryption and networking. Task 2 concerns cryptanalysis. Combination of
variants should be unique for each group (total number of different variants is 16). Tasks
are given below
Task 1. Develop network application which provides DES encoding/decoding of data,
transmitted via network. Implement the following operation mode of DES
1.1. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
1.2. Cipher Feedback (CFB)
1.3. Output Feedback (OFB)
1.4. Counter
Your application should provide interaction of two peers via network (send and receive
data, their encryption and decryption, display of plaintext and sent ciphertext on sending
side; display of received ciphertext and obtained plaintext on the receiving side).
Task 2. Implement application allowing to perform crypt attack:
2.1. Known plaintext-ciphertext attack for Hill cipher
2.2. Known ciphertext attack for mono alphabetic cipher
2.3. Known plaintext-ciphertext attack for Playfair cipher
2.4. Known ciphertext attack for poly alphabetic cipher
Your application should ask from user all necessary for attack information, perform
attack, and display results of attack.
In the case of your own topic, one of the mentioned above tasks may be replaced by your
topic, but not both. For example, if your own topic deals with encryption/decryption and
networking, Task 1 may be replaced.
Grading policy and requirements
1. Maximum point for term project – 30 (weight of each part is 15 points)
2. Term project topics should be chosen and submitted to lecturer before 3.11.2004,
Wednesday, 9.30. Later topics submission will lead to deduction of 4 points from
your grade on the term project (in that case you can get not more than 26 points for your
project for each team member).
3. Materials on term project should be submitted to lecturer not later than 22.12.2004,
Wednesday, 9.30. Later materials submission will lead to deduction of 4 points.
4. Reports will be defended on the week 27.12.2004-30.12.2004, date and time will be
announced additionally. Later defense of reports will lead to deduction of 4 points.
5. Materials on term project should contain:
- paper report on the work done
- diskette with: Word document file of report; source codes and executables of developed
applications; necessary examples of plaintexts, ciphertexts and so on; necessary for work
special libraries if any. So, diskette should contain all information concerning description
of your project, and it should be possible to launch from it your application, to enter
necessary data, to view obtained results.
6. Report on term project should have:
- title page (department, course, title of term project, team members’ names, instructor
name, date)
- formulation of Task1
- description of developed application for Task 1
- description of tests conducted to verify correct work of your application, provide
screenshots of working program, comment them
- formulation of Task2
- description of developed application for Task 2
- description of tests conducted to verify correct work of your application, provide
screenshots of working program, comment them
- conclusion (what are results of this project)
- references to used textbooks, web-sites and so on, if any