International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) Awareness of Motorcycle Users towards Vehicle Air Pollution: A Study With Reference to Jalgaon City Mukesh B.Ahirrao1, Vishal S.Rana2, Saroj B.Patil3 Asstt Prof (MBA Dept)1 Associate Prof & Head (MBA Dept)2 Asstt Prof (MBA Dept)3 S.S.B.T’s College of Engineering & Technology, Post Box.No.94, Bambhori, Jalgaon (M.S) (India) Abstract: Air pollution is most imperative issue in the 21st century among all others. There is no need to reiterate its importance. The present research paper covers the study of air pollutants and its effects on human health and property. Further it focuses comparative study of emission standard between India and Europe and role of government to control air pollution. This study is based on primary as well as secondary data. Secondary data is used to conceptualize the study and primary data is collected to analyze the behaviour of motorcycles users in Jalgaon city towards cause of air pollution. The present study reveals that awareness and attitude of motorcycle users in Jalgaon city towards air pollution is positive but at the same time it lacking in taking steps or actions from vehicle riders to minimize the pollution. The study covers various policy measures to control the same with emphasis on common directed efforts of human society. Keywords: Air pollutions, Environmental issue, Causes of air pollutions, emission standards etc. I. INTRODUCTION: Air pollution may be described as contamination of the atmosphere by gaseous, liquid, or solid wastes or by-products that can endanger human health and welfare of plants and animals, attack materials, reduce visibility or produce undesirable odors. It contaminates biodiversity and capacity of earth to reproduce. It is also harmful to the health of all living creature on earth. The major sources of air pollutions are transportation sources, stationary sources, industrial processes, solid waste disposal, forest fires, and coal mining many more. The major pollutants released by all these sources contain carbon monoxide (CO), lead (Pb), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ozone (O3), particulate matter, sulphur dioxide (SO2) (Introduction to Air Pollution). Air pollution has multiple corners. It is not only a scientific process but also has some behavioural as well as social corner. Air is polluted through the industrial and mechanical process of human societies. Human behaviour as well is a most important contributor in air pollution. Though pollutants are released by industrial and mechanical process, its ISSN: 2231-5381 proportion can be controlled through human care. Proper maintenance of machines and plants can be subjected to control the emission of many pollutants in the atmosphere. Among the many sources transportation is the major contributor of air pollutions. In 2013, transportation contributed more than half of the carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, and almost a quarter of the hydrocarbons emitted into our air (Union of concerned Scientists, 2014). Till date we as human being have enhanced our understanding about all corners of air pollution. We have developed technological solutions to control the air pollutions. We have also established proper administrative arms and social norms to control the emission of pollutants. Literature review regarding air pollution denotes that all the strategic aspects of controlling air pollution are doing their job satisfactorily. But there are many drawbacks in human society as awareness, attitude and behaviour of ordinary people whether educated or uneducated are not positive to control the air pollutions. II. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: To study awareness and attitude of motorcycle users towards air pollution caused by motor cycles in Jalgaon city III. HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY H0: Motorcycle users in Jalgaon city are not aware of motorcycle condition causing more air pollution. IV. NEED OF RESEARCH According to Road Transport Year Book (2011-12), the proportion of motorcycle in developing country is four times the proportion in developed country. As well as proportion of motorcycles against total proportion of vehicles registered in India is 72% (MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS, 2012). That is significant in nature. Such huge proportion of motorcycles in developing country indicates the proportionate contribution of motorcycles in air pollution directly and indirectly. These figures indicate the seriousness of air pollution in developing countries. To control such air pollution is the biggest challenge before human society particularly in developing country as reducing carbon emission by developing country means reducing the Page 478 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) living standards and may lead to all other social unrest in developing country. V. PUBLIC EDUCATION: Education facility in relation to environment science is offered almost in all countries. But there is no provision of education to the people those seeking driving license from govt. In many developing countries including India, Pakistan, Nepal and Srilanka, driving license in any vehicle category is offered without any inspection of the awareness of applicants towards air pollution. Driving schools as well does not provide any type of education and training to control the air pollutions through vehicles maintenance. Also there are no laws enacted to control and administer the quality of driving schools throughout the India. VI. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Preference of Petrol Pump 46 VII. DATA ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION: TABLE I: FREQUENCY OF VEHICLE SERVICING Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 Vehicle Frequency Frequency % Servicing 4 Months 51 56.67 6 Months 29 32.22 1 Year 7 7.78 Breakdown 3 3.33 Total 90 100.00 (SOURCE: FIELD SURVEY, 2015) From the above table it can be seen that, motorcycle users in Jalgaon city is cautious towards the conditioning of their vehicles. It is a positive behaviour from pollution point of view. is Petrol Figure I: Preference of Petrol Pump Figure I denotes that, 51.02 % motorcycle user prefer to refill fuel from any nearest petrol pump without considering the quality grade of the fuel. As substandard grade of fuel is also a reason behind emission of carbon from the exhaust of motorcycles. Awareness of air Pollutants 60 40 48 22 11 9 20 0 0 HC CO2 None 0 CO Nox All FIGURE II: AWARENESS OF AIR POLLUTANTS Figure II is denoting that awareness of pollutants causing air pollution among motorcycle users in Jalgaon city is quite good. 24.49 % motorcycle users know Carbon monoxide (CO) as air pollutant, 10.20 % know Nitrogen oxides (NOx) as pollutant, Carbon dioxides (CO2) is identified as pollutant by 12.24 % users and 53.06 percent motorcycles users know that all these are air pollutants. This reflects that vehicle users are quite cautious about the air pollutants that are basically emitted by their vehicles. Table II: Awareness of Vehicle Users about Conditions of Vehicle Causing Air Pollution (SOURCE: PRIMARY DATA) Table II denotes the awareness of vehicle use condition that cause more carbon emission among motorcycle users. 12.24 % users know that faulty air 1 2 Awareness of Vehicle Frequency % Frequency Conditions Faulty air filter 11 12.24 Wrong grade of fuel 15 16.67 3 Faulty block or cylinder 18 20.41 4 None 4 4.08 5 All 42 46.67 90 100.07 Sr. No. Total ISSN: 2231-5381 Petrol Any Nearest Pump Type of Research: The present study is a field survey based on facts and figures. It is descriptive in nature having composition of both primary and secondary data. Secondary data is used to conceptualize the objective, nature and scope of the survey. And primary data is used to collect actual facts regarding proposed problems in objectives. Types of Data: Primary data: primary data were collected through structured questionnaire methods. Primary data includes actual facts about awareness respondents towards air pollution through motor vehicle. Secondary data: Secondary data were collected through various sources such as official‘s reports, working papers, official manuals, research papers & websites etc. Most of the secondary data is collected through internet. Sample Size: Feedback is collected from 90 respondents. Standard Available 44 Page 479 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) filter causes more emission of pollutants, 16.67 % identified wrong grade of fuel and 20.41% identified faulty block and cylinder whereas 46.67% vehicle users know that all these conditions of vehicle use increase the emission of pollutants. Attitude: Air Pollution is not my problem. 30 28 24 20 20 7 10 11 0 Strongly Disagree disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree proper care of their vehicles. 75 % - 80 % motor cycle users serviced their vehicles on time. That is a positive behaviour from air pollution control point of view. 3. 53.06 % vehicle users are fully aware about the various pollutants that are generally emitted by motorcycles. But still remaining portions can be considered significant as 47 % respondents lack the awareness of air pollutants. 4. Similar is the case of awareness of usage conditions of vehicles. 54 % respondents have partial knowledge about ideal usage conditions. 5. Statistics about the attitude is reflecting same conditions. Attitude of near about 50 % respondents are positive as they consider air pollution is problem for them. X. SUGGESTIONS: Figure III: Attitude: Air Pollution is not my problem. The above bar chart denotes attitude of motorcycle users towards the cause of air pollution. 57.14 % accept that air pollution is a problem associated with every individual whereas 20.41 % do not consider air pollution as his problem. VIII. HYPOTHESIS TESTING H0 = 50 % motorcycle users are not aware of motorcycle condition causing more air pollution. H0: P = 0.50 & Ha: P ≠ 0.50 Expected Probability of success (p0)= 0.50 Expected Probability of failure (q) = 0.50 Sample Size (n) = 90 Observed frequency of success = 86 Observed frequency of failure = 04 Level of significance =5% P^ = Proportion of success. (P^) = 86/90 = 0.955555556 The H0 is two sided Z Test Statistics (Z) Controlling air pollution is the responsibility of entire society. And all stake holder of society are required to act in integrated manner with due sincerity. 1. 2. 3. 4. = (P^-P0)/√P0 (1-P0)/n……… (Single sample Z Test) = 0. 955555556 – 0.50 / √0.50 (1 – 0.50) / 90 = 8.644 The P Value is <0.0001 and the result is significant at P < 0.05. In this case the P value is less than significance value, hence we reject the null hypothesis and accordingly, we conclude that 50 % of motorcycle users are aware of motorcycle usage condition that causes more air pollution. IX. FINDINGS: 1. Similarly no formal policies and regulation exist to administer the grading of driving schools and quality of their education and training. Further no standard curriculum of driving schools exist neither it cover any portions to create awareness among learners. 2. The maintenance habits of motorcycle users in Jalgaon city are moderately good and they take ISSN: 2231-5381 5. Ever growing intensity of air pollution can be controlled through the integrated efforts of all stake holders of the society. Human behaviour in this system must be tightened to minimize the negligence as well as air pollution. Public education and training can be subjected to control the pollution. At the time of granting driving license, it should be compulsory to obtain formal education and training from a recognized institute on environmental aspect. Also at the time of purchasing vehicles it should be mandatory to have such certification. As use of vehicle is a sensitive part for society and it must resort in responsible hand. Government needs to enact the laws so as to monitor and regulate the quality of driving schools as there are no such formal laws regulating the quality of driving schools. Granting of license to driving school should cover stringent requirement of sufficient technical faculties, course curriculum with theory and practice, maintenance tips on ideal conditions of vehicle usage and service. Such period of curriculum must be at least 2 month so that human behaviour can be moulded to safeguard the environment. PUC centres must also provide ideal usage conditions of vehicle to control the air pollutions through the PUC certificate. XI. CONCLUSION: The issue of air pollution is a result of interactive behaviour of human society and it is common to all. There is no need to reiterate the importance of it. Over the last few decades the approach of human being in controlling the air pollution is satisfactory. But it is time to take next step ahead i.e. we must unite to tackle this issue commonly. From the above analysis it is concluded that awareness and attitude of motorcycle users in Jalgaon Page 480 International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management (ICGTETM-2016) city towards air pollution is quite positive. People need to convert their positive attitude in positive action so as to safeguard the environment. It is not impossible to solve this issue but certainly it will require another revolution from the side of human being. We must unite and commonly act towards this goal. 2. 3. 4. Introduction To Air Pollution. (N.D.). 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