MANUAL II NATIONAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC SURVEY 1991 ENUMERATION MANUAL Central Bureau of Statistics, Jakarta - Indonesia CONTENTS I. PREFACE A. B. C. D. II. METHODOLOGY A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. III. General Objectives Scope Schedule on Implementation of Activities Data Collection Method Framework Sample Susenas Sampling Method Method on Data Collection Time Reference of Survey Procedures on Filling in the List Procedures on Interviewing List/Documents Used FIELD ORGANIZATION A. People Responsible on the Survey Implementation At the Local Areas B. Field Officers C. Document Sending IV. HOUSEHOLD LISTING (SSN91-L list) A. B. C. D. E. V. DEMOGRAPHY, SOCIAL CULTURE, TRAVELING AND COMMUNITY WELFARE (SSN91-S1 list) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. VI. Objectives Enumeration Area Segment and Segment Groups Procedures on Numbering Building Procedures on Filling in the VSEN91-L General Block I Block II. Block III. Block IV.A Block IV.B Block V. Block VI. Block VII. Block VIII Identification of Location Household Income Source Information on Enumeration List of Household Members Monthly Household Expenditures Classification Characteristics on Household Welfare Characteristics on Community Welfare General Characteristics on Household Members Characteristics on Traveling CHARACTERISTICS ON EVENTS OF VICTIMS AND THE LOSS OF CRIMINAL EVENTS (VSEN91.S2) A. B. C. D. E. GENERAL Block I. Block II. Block III. Block IV. Identification of Location Characteristics of Households Information on Enumeration Characteristics on Criminal events and Victims During the The Past Year 2 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Example on Filling in VSEN91.L list Attachment 2: Example on Filling in VSEN91.DSRT list Attachment 3: Example on Filling in VSEN91.S1 list Attachment 4: Example on Filling in VSEN91.S2.list 3 I. A. P REFACE General The National Socio-Economic Survey or Susenas is a main National data source on the characteristics of social, economy and demography of the community that is available in the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). Susenas is one of an activity of the Perfecting and Development BPS Statistic Project, that covers two groups of data that is the core data which is gathered periodically, usually once every 3 years or based on the needs. The social, economic and demography data that is available in BPS is The Population Census and The Inter Population Census that are gathered every 10 years. The data collected through Susenas hopefully could be used to visualize the social economic condition and the demography of the people in a certain period. This also can be used as input for decision-makers on developing programs. If the data is collected periodically then the data could be used as material to monitor and evaluate the program that is achieved by the government or private. Since it was launched for the first time in 1963, Susenas has covered several modules. The modules are on the consumption/outcome, education, health/nutrition, social culture, housing, environment, criminality, traveling and community welfare. In the year 1991/1991 the activities of Susenas concentrates on the data collection of social culture, people’s welfare, traveling and criminality. The training of instructors and Susenas 1991 officers will be integrated with other BPS survey activities namely The Survey on Farmers Income. B. Objectives In general the objective of data collection through Susenas is to obtain an indicator that are used to show the welfare or socio-economic level of the community. In the Susenas 1991 besides the social demographic background, other data that are collected covers the main income source, household expenditures and the education of the people. The community’s welfare module aims to collect data on the income and the opinion of head of the household on the development of their own household towards the development of the community’s welfare that live in the same district. Data on the perception of the community is very useful as a subjective indicator to complete the objective indicator to evaluate the success of development programs. The social culture module aims to collect information mainly on the people’s behavior on utilizing the provided mass media facilities such as radio, television, newspaper and magazines. The participation of the people in the activities of art and social organization is recorded as part of this module. Characteristics on the utilization of mass media, the activities of people in social organizations and art are used to understand the possibilities on the usage of mass media or organization to quicken the process and disseminate the development programs. The traveling module that is covered in this survey covers the journey to tourist objects and non- tourist objects. The information collected is the destination, time, expenses, itinerary of journeys and the opinion on the tourist facilities visited. The exact information on traveling to tourist objects could provide input for the policy on management and development of tourist objects in Indonesia. Security and discipline are important aspects of the community welfare, that it why in the Susenas the criminality module provides a large attention. The objective is to collect data on the crime level and characteristics on crimes that occurs in the community and in order to increase the community welfare if the data on could be described precisely, prevention could effectively be done if the data is precisely described. C. Scope Susenas 1991 is conducted all over the area of Indonesia with a sample size of 49,000 households in rural and urban area provinces. Households located at specific enumeration areas (wilcah) and specific households located in regular enumeration areas are not selected as samples. From all selected households in the samples the main data 4 and module data on social culture, community welfare and traveling; and the data on criminality module is collected from households that experienced the criminal acts. D. Schedule of Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ACTIVITY DATE Receive documents from BPS: a. For difficult areas to reach b. For other provinces Early October 1991 End of October 1991 Training for: a. Instructors b. Area Officials Mid-November 1991 November 1991 Implementation a. Household Listing b. Household sampling for enumeration VSEN91.S1/S2 List c. Household enumeration Mid-December 1991 January 1991 February 1991 Local Checking & Processing a. Sub regency Statistic Office b. Provincial Statistic Office February – March 1991 March 1991 Send document that has been filled in from the provinces to BPS April 1991 5 II. A. Type of Collected Data a. Core Data METHODOLOGY The core data is the main characteristics of the people who are related to the data module. The core data are: 1. Names of household members 2. Relationship with head of the household 3. Sex 4. Age 5. Marital status 6. Education b. Target Data (Module) The Target data of Susenas 1991 are: (i) Social culture, the information gathered such as the utilization on mass media facilities, the activities of community in the field of art, sports and social organization. (ii) Household welfare, gather information on the ideas/opinion on head of the household on the development, welfare components such as residence, access to obtain health services/Family Planning, education, work, community security and discipline. (iii) Criminality, gathers the visualization on the level of crime also the characteristics of the event and the victim either crimes that are recorded by the police or not. (iv) Household members traveling, covers the data on the destination of the trip, mode of transportation used, visited objects and locations also type of facilities used and so on. B. Sample Outline The sample outline (namely: KCI/Kerangka Contoh Induk = Main Outline Sample) that is used as a foundation for selecting the sample of Susenas 1991 is the list of selected enumeration areas of SP90 (Sensus Penduduk = Population Census). The number of enumeration areas in the KCI is approximately 20% of the enumeration area from the Main Outline (MFD = Master File Desa/Village). In the MFD that is the Main Outline for selecting, in each regency, the sub-regents are in order based on the geographical location, also in the sequence of each village in each sub-regent and the sequence of enumeration areas in each village. Selecting 20% of enumeration areas is conducted based on the procedures of pps selecting (each enumeration area has the chance to be selected proportionally to the number of households. The procedure on selecting this way results that in each selected enumeration area that has the same multiplying factor (selfweighting). C. Susenas Sampling Method The sampling method used for the urban and rural area is the three phase sampling method. In the first phase a number of enumeration areas are chosen systematically from the selected enumeration areas list of SP90. In the second phase a segment group is selected which are a combination of several segments that are located near of each selected enumeration area. 1 See Attachment 2 for the number of enumeration areas or selected segment groups in Susenas 1991. In the third phase a number of households from each segment groups are selected with the following procedures: 1 The concept of enumeration area and segment is elaborated in Chapter IV. 6 1. 2. 3. 4. D. The list of all households (with VSEN91.L) in the selected segment group All households in selected segment groups where one of the member experienced a criminal event, is namely a Crim Household, is selected as a sample for collecting criminal data. Non-Crim Household is a household where its members did not experience a criminal event and is selected as a sample. The sample selection of Non-Crim Household is conducted systematically, the interval and the first random number is determined by the regency/municipality Statistic Office. Each interval and the first random number of the urban and rural areas are selected independently. The social culture, household welfare and traveling characteristics are collected from both samples they are: Crim Household and the Non-Crim Households. Data Collection Procedures The data collection is conducted by interviewing selected households. The respondents that are interviewed are head/wife of the households or other household members that understand the asked information. E. Survey Time Reference The survey time reference for 1) social culture information is a week ago; for 2) criminality information is a week ago; for 3) traveling information 3 months ago; and for information on traveling is 3 months ago; and for 4) household welfare is 3 years ago. F. Procedures on filling in the list 1. 2. 3. 4. G. Procedures on interviewing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. H. Master the concept and definition also the aim and goals of the survey. Please write using a black pencil Fill in clearly, readable, and write in the provided boxes Check the contents of the list once more and correct the mistakes before submitting to the supervisor Please wear appropriate and decent clothing. Before conducting the interview pay attention on the current situation. If the situation is inappropriate the survey should be postponed to another time/day as long as it does not past the time limit Begin the interview by introducing yourself and explain the meaning of your visit Please be aware who should be interviewed. The assignment letter should be shown if necessary To obtain appropriate data, conduct the interview using the local language Limit the questions only to the needed information Type of List and Documents Used 1. 2. 3. VSEN91.L List: VSEN91.DSRT: VSEN91.S1: 4. VSEN91.S2: 5. Manual Book I: 6. Manual Book II: 7. Manual Book III: Household Listing List of Selected Households Characteristics on Demography, Social Culture, Commu nity Welfare and Traveling Characteristics on Crime Victims and the Loss from the Criminal events Work Manual of Head of Provincial and Regency/Municipality Statistic Office Enumeration Manual Supervisor Manual 7 III. A. FIELD ORGANIZATION Person in Charge on the Implementation of the Local Survey Area Similar to other surveys conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics the person responsible for the survey in the local area is Head of the Provincial Statistic Office who is also assisted by Head of the Regency/Municipality Statistic Office. The responsibilities cover technical and administrative matters. Therefore the Provincial and the Regency/Municipality Statistic Office organizes all matters starting from appointing officers till all documents are gathered at the Central Bureau of Statistics also other aspects related to this survey. B. Field Workers The enumerator officers are Sub-regency staffs of the Regency/Municipality Statistic Office or other person who are determined to work good. The Supervisor/Investigator Officers are Head of the SubSections or staff of the Regency/Municipality Statistic Office that has been appointed by the Head of the Regency/Municipality Statistic Office. Every Supervisor/ Investigator is in charge of two to three enumerators. C. Sending Documents 1. 2. 3. 4. The documents for training also the field implementation is sent by the Central Bureau of Statistics to the Provincial Statistic Office The Provincial Statistic Office is asked to send documents needed for the filed work to the Regency/Municipality Statistic Office. The Regency/Municipality Statistic Office disseminates documents to the Supervisor and the Enumerators will receive the documents from the appropriate supervisor based on the load of assigned work. Documents that has been filled in has to be submitted to the Supervisor based on the schedule that was organized for checking and entering into the Guide Sheet before submitted to the Regency/Municipality Statistic Office. After being checked, it is submitted back to the Provincial Statistic Office and then the documents have to be sent to the Central Bureau of Statistics. 8 IV. HOUSEHOLD LISTING A. Objectives The objective of Household Listing is to record all buildings/households also their characteristics such as name of head of the household, criminal victim household and the undertaking of agriculture at the household, in each selected segment group of Susenas 1991. When conducting the Listing, officials should be careful not to miss a building/household or register it twice. The outcome of this Listing is the foundation for selecting the household samples that will be enumerated using the VSEN91-S1 and VSEN91.S2 List. The Central Bureau of Statistic Office determines the selected enumeration area numbers. Whereas the formation of the selected segment groups and the selection of the segment group number is conducted by the Regency/Municipality Statistic Office based on the sketched map of selected enumeration areas, which is the outcome of the Household Listing of the 1990 Population Census. The enumerators may use the sketched map of selected enumeration areas, which is the outcome of the Household Listing of the 1990 Population Census as the guide for identifying the enumeration areas and selected segment groups and its boundaries. B. Enumeration Area An Enumeration Area is a part of a village area/sub-regency with natural or artificial boundaries foreseen not to change in within 10 years. In certain areas, enumeration areas may not have definite boundaries such as forests, mountains, plantation, rice fields or the boundaries overlap the sub-regency, regency and provincial boundaries. An enumeration area generally covers approximately 200-300 households or physical buildings that are not used for living or a combination of households and physical buildings that are not used for living There are three types of enumeration areas formed in the preparation of SP90 which is a Regular Enumeration Area (Wilcah=W), Specific Wilcah (WK) and Prepared Wilcah (WP). In this survey the selected wilcah is the Regular Wilcah (W) that is written as W in the Rural SP-90 Map. If the selected enumeration area number is a WK or WP, the Regency/Municipality Statistic Office has to report to BPS to have the appropriate wilcah. C. Segment and Segment Group Segment is a part of an enumeration area with distinct boundaries. The number of households/buildings does not determine the size of a segment. Basically Segment Groups are one or a group of several whole segments that are close together so each enumeration area is divided equally into segments. Segment Group for the need of Susenas 1991 is one or several segments that are located close together with a number of 70 households. A segment group is formed in order to ease the enumerator’s work when listing and household enumeration. D. Procedures on Building Numbering The buildings are numbered to avoid duplication or passing an enumeration number when Listing is determined. Enumerators that will enumerate selected household using the VSEN91.S1/S2 List require the building numbers. The household sample of Susenas 1991is selected based on the household list in each selected segment group. The regency/municipality office determines the selected segment groups. The sketched map of the enumeration areas which is the outcome of the Household Listing of the 1990 Population Census available in the Regency/Municipality Statistic Office can identify the location of selected segment group. 9 After identifying the location of selected segment groups an officer conducts Household Listing by listing physical buildings and census building in the segment group. When numbering the Susenas physical building the sticker of the 1990 Population Census (SP90) which is pasted on each physical/census building which can be used as a guide. When Household Listing the officer has to write the number of the building in a place that is easy to read and identify (use chalk for writing). Example: Picture 1 in this following page is the sketched map of Enumeration Area 04 in the village of North Cakranegara, Sub-regency Cakranegara, Regency of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province. In the sample list of Susenas 1991 it is defined that the selected segment group number is number 2 that consists of segment number 3 and 6 (S4.3 and S4.6). For example if the smallest physical building number in S4.3 that is written in sticker SP90 is as follows: RURAL/URBAN (K/P) SP90 LOGO D PHYSICAL BUILDING NUMBER 028 ENUMERATION AREA NUMBER 04B0 CENSUS BUILDING NUMBER 031 In this matter the physical building numbering and Susenas 1991 Household Listing begins from physical building number 28, census building number 31 which continues to the next physical/ census building in sequence. Physical building number 28 written on the sticker of SP90 is determined as Susenas physical building number 1, physical building number 29 is Susenas physical building number 2, and so on. After numbering one segment then continue to the next segment. Put Picture 1: Sketched Enumeration Area Map over here please!!!!!! E. Filling in the VSEN91.L list Filling in the VSEN91.L list could be done together or after building numbering. 1. Block I. Identification of Location Write down the name of province, regency/municipality, sub-regency, village/kelurahan, area, number of segment group and code sample Susenas in Question 1 to 8 based on the Susenas Sample List. 2. Block II. Summary The objectives are to understand the recapitulation on the results of household listing in Block IV and as an interval calculation of household selecting. This block is filled in after household listing in selected segment groups is complete. Question 1: Household The contents are the same as the last serial number of Column (3) Block IV Question 2a: Crime Victim Household The contents are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (5) Block IV either as a whole or as a sample. 10 Question 2b: Non-Crime Victim Household The entire contents of Non-Crime Victim Household are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (6) Block IV. The contents of Non-Crime Victim Household sample are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (6) Block IV which serial numbers are circled. Question 3: Household Members that conducted a trip The contents are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (7) Block IV. Question 4: Agriculture Household The entire contents of an Agriculture Household are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (8) Block IV or the same as the total check marks (ü) in Column (9) till Column (14). The contents of Agriculture sample are the same as the total of household sample in (4a + 4b) or the same as the number of check marks (ü) in Column (9) till (14) which serial numbers are circled. Question 4a: Fishery Household The entire contents of a Fishery Household are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (9) Block IV. The contents of Fishery sample are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (9) which serial numbers are circled. Question 4b: Non-Fishery Household (i) Rice and Second Crop Households The entire contents of a Rice and Second Crop Households are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (10) Block IV. The contents of a Rice and Second Crop Household samples are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (10) Block IV which serial numbers are circled. (ii) Vegetables and Fruits Households The entire contents of Vegetables and Fruits Households are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (11) Block IV. The contents of Vegetables and Fruits Household samples are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (11) Block IV which serial numbers are circled. (iii) Plantation Households The entire contents of Plantation Households are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (12) Block IV. The contents of Plantation Household samples are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (12) Block IV which serial numbers are circled. (iv) Livestock and Poultry Households The entire contents of Livestock and Poultry Households are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (13) Block IV. The contents of Livestock and Poultry Household samples are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (13) Block IV which serial numbers are circled. (v) Other Agriculture Households The entire contents of Other Agriculture Households are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (14) Block IV. 11 The contents of Agriculture Household samples are the same as the total of check marks (ü) in Column (14) Block IV which serial numbers are circled. 3. Block III. Information on Enumeration The objective is to understand who is responsible on filling in and checking the list, also when was the enumeration, supervision and checking was conducted. Question 1 – 3: Information on Enumerator Write the name and NIP (Nomor Induk Pegawai = Employment Identity Number), date of enumeration and add the signature of the enumerator. Question 4 – 6: Information on Supervisor/Investigator Write the name and NIP (Nomor Induk Pegawai = Employment Identity Number) of the Supervisor/Investigator, date of enumeration and add the signature of the Supervisor/Investigator. 4. Block IV: Household Listing This block is used to list all buildings/households and other characteristics of the selected segment group. At the upper right hand of each page of Block IV is written Page...of...pages, which is filled in after the enumeration in one segment group is finished. Example: If the selected segment group consists of 72 households, and the total pages used in Block IV are 4 (four) pages, write as follows: On the first page write Page 2 of 5, and the next page put page 3 of 5… and on the fourth page write Page 5 of 5 pages. The number of pages in VSEN91.L list that are filled in are counted as 5 (five) pages including the cover page is considered as page 1. Physical Building and Census Building Physical Building, is a place to shelter that has walls, a floor and roof, either permanent or temporarily, either used as a residence or other. The kitchen, bathroom, garage and others separated from the main building are considered as a part of the main building (one building). Specifically for non residential physical buildings is considered as one physical building if the floor dimension is approximately less than 10 square meters. Examples: Residential home, hotel, store, factory, school, mosque, temple church, office building, meeting hall etc. Census Building is a part or the whole physical building that has its own entrance and is used as a whole. Column (1): Serial Number of Susenas Physical Building The serial number of physical building starts from the smallest segment number of physical building serial number 1, 2 and so on until the last building in the selected segment group. Column (2): Serial Number of Census SP90 Building Fill in the number of building that is written on the SP90 sticker. If the building is new and is not listed in the enumeration of Population Census 1990 (no sticker), then insert a new census building number by adding a letter behind the serial number of the previous census building (the nearest). Column (3): Household Serial Number The procedures on filling in is similar to Column (1) which starts from household serial number 1, 2 and so on until the last household in the selected segment group. If the census building in Column (2) is not a residential building or is empty, then put a dash (-) in column (3) and the utilization in Column (4). A household is classified into a Regular Household and a Specific Household. 12 Regular Household: is an individual or a group of individuals living in a part or the whole physical building/census, and usually lives together also lives out of one kitchen meaning that the daily needs are organized together into one. The household usually consists of mother, father and child. A household is also considered as a regular household such as: 1) An individual who rents a room or part of the census building but provides his/her own meals. 2) Lodging with meals consists of lodgers less than 10 people. 3) Head of dormitory, orphanage, correctional institution and others who live alone or together with their wife and child and other household members and provide their own meals separated from the institution they organize. 4) A group of individuals who rents a room or part of the census building is considered as one regular household. Example: if 3 students rent a room and manage their own meals, they are considered as 3 regular households. Specific household includes: 1) People living in a dormitory, which is a place where their entire daily needs, are under authorization of a foundation or organization. For example a nurse’s dormitory, college students dormitory, or military barracks. A military member who lives in a dormitory with a family and provides their daily needs is not a specific household. 2) People living in a correctional institution an orphanage, a prison and so forth. 3) A group of peoples living in lodgings with meals where the total number is more than or an average of 10 people. Write in Column (3) and in Column (4) a dash (-) for Specific households and in Column (4) write in the name of specific household. Household members are everyone who usually lives in a household, either when the enumeration was conducted or temporarily unavailable. Household members who have left the house for 6 months or more, and those who have gone less than 6 months but intend to move/will leave the house for 6 months or more, is not considered as a household member. A person who has lived in the household for 6 months or more or a person who has lived in the household less than 6 months but intend to move/live in the household for 6 months or more, is considered as a household member. Information: 1) Domestic help or driver that lives and eats at their employer’s residence is considered as a household member of their employer. On the contrary if the domestic help or driver does not live at their employer’s residence, they are considered as household members where they live in. 2) A head of a household that owns more than one home will be recorded at one of his/her household. Column (4): Name of Head of the Household is an individual from a group of household members who is responsible for daily household needs or someone/appointed as head of the household. Write clearly the name of head of the household in Column (4). Column (5) – (6): Has the Household or the Household Members ever been a Crime Victim during the past year Criminal acts are all acts and actions that are conducted intentionally or unintentionally (either has happened or attempted) that can harm other people in a matter of body/life, valuables or others and the action could be sentenced to prison. In this survey the types of crime are classified into 17 types (see elaboration on this matter in the VSEN91.S2 List). The approach used is the household approach and crime victim. Household Approach is if in the past year the household, or the household members and/or their belongings became crime victims. If household member B by coincidence was at household A when a criminal act happened and A was injured then household A and B as an individual both are victims of a criminal act. 13 Victim Approach means that the victim of the crime is recorded, not the criminal. So, if a household member conducts gambling, or becomes a narcotic dealer is not necessarily a crime victim (criminal household). Except if the household member becomes a victim caused by household members that are gamblers or a narcotic addict or if the household was a criminal victim of burglary or robbery. If the household members experienced/became a criminal victim during the past year then put in a check mark (ü) in Column 5, but if has never been a victim put in a dash (-) in Column (5) and a check mark (ü) in Column (6). Column (7): During the past 3 months has the household member ever traveled (not a routine trip). Conducting a trip is an activity of after departing (not a routine activity) to: a. b. A tourist attraction disregarding the distance and objective. Besides leaving for a tourist attraction, also staying overnight, or for 25 hours – 6 months. An uncompleted trip is if an individual has not returned to his/her residence and is not considered as traveling. Details: A person who conducts a routine trip such as students of a school, pilot, stewardess, or those who work related to tourism is not classified as conducting a tour trip. A tourist object is a destination place that has natural or man-made attraction, or because of the uniqueness of the social culture life of the people. Detail: a. Natural attraction is such as a scenic view, a mountain, beach, lake and hot water springs b. Man-made attraction and social culture of people such as ancient/historical buildings, museums, monuments, temples, dances, art attractions, dams and factories or handicrafts. The past 3 months is the period of 3 months that end a day before the date of enumeration. If there are any household members that conducted a trip fill in a check mark in Column (7), if not fill in with a dash (-). Column (8): Did you undertake agriculture during the past year Undertaking agriculture covers food crop agriculture, field, forestry, livestock, fishery and hunting, including agriculture services. Cereals and Second Crop Agriculture is undertaking a part or the whole work of preparation/planting, cultivation of seedlings, seedbed, maintenance and harvesting crop that covers cereals and second crops such as rice field, gogo rice, corn, wheat, sorghum, tubers (sweet potato, potato) and pulses (peanut, soybean, mung bean). Vegetable and Fruit Agriculture is undertaking a part or the whole work of preparation/planting, cultivation of seedlings, seedbed, maintenance and harvesting crop that covers vegetables such as spinach, swamp cabbage, cabbage, pumpkin, carrot, spring onion, celery, cucumber, eggplant. Also fruits such as banana, papaya, mango, rambutan, oranges, avocado, durian, snake fruit, mangosteen, apple, pineapple, etc. Plantation crops are the undertaking of the preparation/ planting, cultivation of seedlings, seedbed, maintenance and harvesting plantation crops such as tobacco, tea, eucalyptus, coffee, cocoa, coconut, pepper, nutmeg, vanilla, kapok, quinine, clove, sugar cane, agave and rubber. Other plantation crop products are the undertaking of the preparation/ planting, cultivation of seedlings, seedbed, maintenance and harvesting other plantation crops. Undertaking fishery is undertaking the cultivation and or catching fish from the sea or fresh water (river, lake, pond etc) including catching and taking sea products such as pearl, seaweed and corals. Livestock and Poultry are undertaking the raising of large livestock, small livestock, poultry, bees, silk worms, including the breeding. 14 Large livestock such as: cow, milking cow, buffalo and horses. Small livestock such as: goat, lamb, pig and rabbit. Poultry such as: chicken, broiler chicken, duck, manila duck, swan, quail, doves and turkey. Fill in Column (8) with a check mark (ü) if the household undertakes agriculture during the past year and a dash (-) if the household did not undertake agriculture during the past year. If Column (8) is filled in with a dash (-) or the household did not undertake agriculture during the past year then fill in a dash (-) in Column (9) till Column (14). Fill in Column (9) with a check mark (ü) if Column (8) is filled in with a checkmark (ü) and the household undertakes fishery. But if Column (8) is filled in with a checkmark (ü) and the household did not undertake fishery, then fill in Column (9) with a dash (-). Fill in Column (8) with a check mark (ü) and Column (9) with a dash (-) then put in a checkmark (ü) in one of the Column (10) till (14) that undertakes the main agriculture. 15 V. A. CHARACTERISTICS ON DEMOGRAPHY, SOCIAL CULTURE, TRAVEL AND WELFARE General The objectives of this list are to record the characteristics on social demography, social culture, traveling household or household member. Characteristics on household welfare cover the opinion of head of the household on various household welfare indicators also the people’s welfare living near them. The social demography covers a) demography characteristics and the highest education attained and b) school status and characteristics and the ability of respondent on reading, writing and language. The questions in point (a) are for all household members but point (b) is only for those aged over 5 years old. The social culture characteristics cover the activities of respondents on listening/following the programs on radio, television, watching film/movie, reading newspaper/magazine, sport, art and others. The social culture characteristics are aimed to household members aged over 10 years old. The characteristics on travelling cover the respondent’s field of business, frequency of trips, the opinion on tourism facilities, the expenditures spent for a trip and the places visited. B. Block I. Identification of Location The objective is to check whether the list on the results of enumeration of a certain area is complete or not also to ease the processing. Question 1 – 10: Write down the name of province, regency/municipality, sub-regency, village/kelurahan, area, number of enumeration area, number of segment group, code sample Susenas, serial number of household sample. The strata code {whether the household victim of a crime (Crim) or the household is not a victim of a crime (NonCrim)} also the number of household members. C. Block II. Source of Household Income The objective is to understand all sources of household income not only from the head of the household but also the source of income of all household members, where the results are combined to be the household income. Source of Income The source of income is classified into 11 types based on the type of activity or the field of work/ establishment/office of the location of work. The types of work are mentioned in Question 1 till 11 in Block II. 1. The field of Agriculture covers food crop agriculture, field, forestry, livestock, fishery and hunting, including agriculture services. a. Food Crop Agriculture is an undertaking of the preparation/planting, cultivation of seedlings, seedbed, maintenance and harvesting food crop which covers : - b. Cereal: rice, corn, wheat, and other cereals Tuber: cassava, sweet potato, potato and other tuber Pulses: peanut, soybean, mung bean, and other pulses Vegetables: spinach, swamp cabbage, cabbage, pumpkin, carrot, spring onion, celery, cucumber, eggplant, etc. Fruits: banana, papaya, mango, rambutan, oranges, avocado, durian, snake fruit, mangosteen, apple, pineapple, etc. Other agriculture products are the undertaking of the preparation/planting, cultivation of seedlings, seedbed, maintenance and harvesting food crop. Other agriculture products are categorized into plantation crops and other plants besides plantation crops. 16 c. Plantation crops such as: tobacco, tea, eucalyptus, coffee, cocoa, coconut, pepper, nutmeg, vanilla, kapok, quinine, clove, sugar cane, agave and rubber. Other plantation crop products such as : orchid, jasmine, rose, bougainvillea and other garden plants Husbandry is the undertaking of raising large livestock, small livestock, poultry, bees, silk worms, including the breeding of livestock. Large livestock such as: cow, milking cow, buffalo and horses. Small livestock such as: goat, lamb, pig and rabbit. Poultry such as: chicken, broiler chicken, duck, manila duck, swan, quail, doves and turkey. d. Farming and Husbandry Services is undertaking the development of soil, fertilizing, sowing seeds, harvesting, pruning, sorting and gradation of farming products, skinning, grinding, packaging, irrigation, farming machines rental with operator. Also health services for husbandry, fur/wool shearing, services on grass for feed and the development of husbandry which is conducted based on fringe benefits or contract. e. Forestry and Timber Industry is undertaking the plantation of forest wood, collecting forest products, forest wood. Including activities to fulfill forestry needs and based on fringe benefits or contract. Plantation of forest wood are activities which include replanting also relocating various plants such as teak, pine, mahogany, sonokeling, jeunjing and sandalwood. Collecting forest products is an activity which includes seeking resin, forest rubber, rattan, bark, leaves, flowers, roots, honey, seagull nests and charcoal production in the forest. Timber industry is an activity which includes wood chopping which produces logs or rough wood such as meranti, meramin, pulai, keruing, iron wood, and black wood. f. Hunting/catching wild animal hunting with traps and propagating animals is an activity that includes hunting/catching wild animals with traps and breeding animals such as snakes and crocodile. g. Sea fishery is an effort on cultivation, catching and taking sea products such as fish, shrimp, crab, shell fish, pearl, seaweed, reefs, jelly fish etc, including the services of sea fishery conducted based on fringe benefits or contract, such as sorting, gradation and preparation of fish auction. h. Freshwater fishery is an effort on the cultivation, seedling fish/shrimp, fishing in salty water or fresh water, including the effort on services of freshwater fishery. Based on fringe benefits or contract such as sorting, grading the freshwater fishery products, maintenance and reparation of fishponds, pest control, fertilizing also the implementation of the watering system for fishponds. 2. Mining and Quarrying: the sector of mining and quarrying is undertaking the field of mining and quarrying such as coal mining, oil and natural gas, iron ore, stone mining, clay, sand. Also mining and quarrying of salt, mineral mining, chemical materials and fertilizer materials also the mining of gypsum, asphalt and limestone. 3. Industry/handicraft (including industrial services) is undertaking the converting of basic materials into ready-made commodities/half made or commodities with less value into commodities with a more higher value. 4. Electricity, gas and water 5. a. Electricity is an activity of electric generation and distribution is sold to households, industries and other commercial use. b. Gas is an activity on the production and distribution of natural gas to be sold to households, industries and other commercial use. c. Water purification, provision and water distribution is an activity pertaining to the reservoir, purification and distribution of water to household industries and other commercial use. Construction/building is an undertaking of construction, repairs, building demolition, roads and bridges, roads and train bridges, building tunnels, airplane runway, dock building, parking lot, sport-field, electric power 17 plants, transmission and distribution network and network communication building. Including installation of water pumps, digging water well/WC and others. 6. Trading is undertaking activities of selling/ purchasing goods or services, including restaurants, diners/bar, caterer, restaurant on trains, cafeteria, stalls, hotels, motels, hostels and inns. 7. Transportation, storage and communication 8. 9. a. Transportation is undertaking of the transportation of commodities or people by land, sea, river, lake and canal also air transport, packaging and expedition, agency/travel bureau. b. Storage is the undertaking of storage of commodities in a warehouse with it’s facilities, also the storage of commodities in a cold storage and a warehouse for commodities. c. Communication is the undertaking of communication services for the public through postal, telephone, telegram/telex or radio. Finance, insurance, including undertaking the rental of buildings, land and establishment services. a. Financial institution is the undertaking of the banking business organized by the government/private such as commercial banks, savings banks, credit banks also banks that offer services transferring reserve funds with stock, bonds (deposits, checks, giro, etc). Including the business of mortgage, stock exchange, and other financial services such as moneychanger and lender. b. Insurance is the undertaking of insurance such as life insurance, services, accidents, health, commodities/belongings and stocks/bonds including insurance services, insurance agencies, and insurance consultant and pension funds. c. Lease/sell & purchase land, building, and establishment services are undertaking lease/sell & purchase immovable. Real estate agency, broker and manager who organizes the rent, transportation rental business on land/water/air without the operator. Also the purchase, selling and property/building valuation based on fringe benefits or contract, including legal services, accounting services and book keeping, architectural services and techniques, advertising service, data processing services and tabulation, building services, marketing research and machinery rental services. Community, social and individual services are the undertaking of legislative institution, highest state institution, defense and security, international corporation and other extra territorial corporation including education services, health, sanitary, entertainment and culture, social welfare organized by the government or private. Also individual services and households such as private tutors, native healer, laundry, barber, repairmen, doctor who has private practice, midwife, welder, beauty salon, photo studio, masseur, helper, etc. 10. Others is undertaking of an individual, institution not included in one of the sectors mentioned above (Code 1 till 9) or is not clearly defined, such as a scavengers. 11. Other income recipient, which covers as, follows: a. Pension recipient b. Rent recipient who receives income from renting a house/land, machinery and equipment without being responsible of the business risk (example: agriculture field, tennis court, house, shop, warehouse, machinery equipment etc). Including the share from the agriculture products of the land which was undertaken by another party c. Interest recipient from banks, post office, cooperative etc (including individuals) from money savings or loans from individuals d. Profit recipient from the establishment in the form of a legal body (Government Company, Personal Firm etc) 18 Work Status Each type of income source either as a worker/entrepreneur or undertaking business 1. 2. Worker/employee is a person that is employed by an institution/office/establishment and receives salary/wages in cash or in-goods. Undertaking work either helped by family workers or by employing paid workers. Main income source is one of the household income sources that supports the life of the household or has the largest income. How to fill in: In the row of household income write figure 1 in Column ‘worker’ if the income is obtained as a worker or figure 2 in Column ‘undertaking’ if the income is obtained from undertaking a business. Then total the codes from each row and write the results into the provided processing box. From the income sources 1 till 11 ask which is the main income source. Write it into the box on the right ‘the code of main income source’ based on what is written on the left of the main income source. Example if the main income source is from undertaking agriculture then the content of the box on the right is 012. Example: Mr. Ridwan’s household consists of 7 people that are Mr. Ridwan and his wife, 4 children and 1 nephew. Mr. Ridwan is a retired employee from BNI46 and also has an Orchid plantation and sells the crops. The eldest child is a doctor that works in the hospital and also opens practice at home the second child is an employee at the Department of Attorney. Mr. Kosasih’s wife makes weaving from bamboo to support her husband’s income and Mr. Ridwan’s nephew helps Mr. Ridwan and receives payment. The main income source of this household is from undertaking Orchids. Based on this example filling in Block II is as follows: a) In Question 01 Agriculture each box is coded 1 & 2 and the box on the right is 1 + 2 = 3 b) In Question 03 Industry the box in Column ‘undertaking’ is filled in with code 2 and the box on the right hand is filled in with 2 c) In Question 09 Community Welfare, Social and Individual the box in Column ‘worker’ is filled in with figure 1 and box in Column ‘undertaking’ is 2. The box on the right is also filled in with 1. 19 Block II is filled in as follows: Serial Number Source of Income 1 2 Worker/Employee Undertaking 3 4 1 2 3 - - - 01. Agriculture, Husbandry, Forestry, Hunting and Fishery 02 Mining & Quarrying 03 Manufacturing Industry - 2 2 04 Electricity, Water & Gas - - - 05 Building/Construction - - - 06 Large & Small Trading, Restaurants Also Hotels - - - 07. Transportation, Storage and Communication - - - 08. Finance, Insurance, Rent Building, Land and Establishment Services - - - 09. Community services, Social & Individual 1 2 3 10. Others - - - 11. Income recipient (pension, sent, gift, Etc) 12. The main income source is: Undertaking the agriculture sector (from Orchids) 1 1 0 12 D. Block III. Information on Enumeration The objectives are to understand who is responsible in filling in this list and when was the enumeration and checking done. Question 1 till 3: Write name of enumerator, date of enumeration and enumerator’s signature Question 4 till 6: Write name of supervisor/investigator after the list has been checked. 20 E. Block IV.A Household Member List The objectives are to record all household members in the household without missing any of them. The concept and definition of Head of the Household and Household Members are similar to what is mentioned in Block IV VSEN91.L list. Column (1): Household Member Serial Number Serial numbers are written from number 01-15. If the number of household members are more than 15 people, use additional paper and continue the serial number with 16, 17 and so forth. Column (2): Names of Household Members In order to obtain the information first write the name of Head of the Household then members of the household. Begin from head of the household, wife/husband, unmarried children, married children, inlaws, grandchildren etc. Read aloud the names written and ask whether there are any name of individuals left out such as a newborn baby, household members that has temporarily left the household or a household helper that lives in the household. Add the names left out in this household. The interview conducted for filling in this block has to start by filling in Column (1) and (2) completely for all household members. After making sure it is complete, then start by filling in Column (3) and so forth. Column (3): Relationship with Head of the Household The relationships with head of the household are as follows: a) b) c) d) e) f) Head of the household Wife/husband head of the household. Biological children, step children or adopted children of the head of the household In laws, who are husband/wife from biological children, step children or adopted children. Grandchildren, who are children from biological children, step children or adopted children. Parents/ father or mother in laws, who are the father/mother of head of the household or father/mother from the wife/husband of head of the household. g) Other family such as individuals who are related to the head of the household or with wife/husband head of the household, for example younger/older sibling, uncle, aunt, grandfather or grand mother h) Domestic help are individuals who work as a helper and lives in the household and receives salary/wages in cash or in goods i) Others who are not related to head of the household such as a guest, friend or a lodger Ask the relationship of each household member with head of the household and fill into Column (3). Column 4: Conducted a Trip during the past 3 months Ask to each household member if during the past 3 months they had conducted a trip. If yes code it 1 in Column (4) for the related household members, if not code it 2. Column 5: Main Purpose for not conducting a Trip If the answer in Column (4) is coded 2, fill into Column (5) the code of purpose for not conducting a trip. Put in a dash (-) if Column (4) is coded 1. Code 1: No desire, if did not conduct a trip because had no desire/motivation Code 2: No Financial support, maybe has desire but due to no financial support then did not conduct a trip. Code 3: No time/busy, possibly has desire and financial support, but because is busy with work or family then has no time to conduct a trip. Code 4: Lack of information is if a person did not conduct a trip due to lack of information on the destination of the trip 21 Code 5: Health is a person did not conduct a trip due to the health conditions that causes a person not to conduct a trip Code 6: Others are other purposes that are not mentioned in 1 till 5. F. Block IVB: Monthly Household Expenditures The monthly household expenditures are the average expenses spent by the household on a month for household consumption. The average monthly expenditures here are the total expenditures for monthly consumption added with the average expenditures during the past year (one twelfth of last year’s expenditures) for non-food consumption. Consumption goods that are obtained in-kind also self-produced and consumed is also calculated. Also the estimated house rent that is owned and lived in. What is not included as consumption is the needs for business, handed to another party as transfer also the expenses for purchasing a house. Fill in the code for the classification of monthly household expenditures for this household into the box with guidance from the code table located on the left side of the box. To calculate the monthly expenditures, elaboration is needed which is not mentioned here, so experience and initiative of the officers is highly needed. G. Block V. Characteristics of Household Welfare This objective of this block is to understand the development of the respondent’s welfare level during the past 3 years. This block consists of 2 groups of questions that are question group A and question group B. Question group A question 01 till 21 are questions on the development of several aspects of household welfare during the past 3 years. Question group B consists of 22 questions on the level of welfare questions in a whole during the past 3 years. The procedures on filling in question 01 till 22 is to choose one of the appropriate codes 1 till 6, circle it and write the code into the box on the right {Column (8)}. Code 6 (much improved): if the welfare development has increased drastically (meaningful) during the past three years. Code 5 (improved): if the welfare development has increased not so drastically during the past three years. Code 4 (the same): if the welfare development has not increased during the past three years but the situation is still good. Code 3 (inadequate): if there are no welfare developments during the past three years and the situation is still bad. Code 2 (more inadequate): if there are no welfare developments and has decreased not so drastically during the past three years Code 1 (very inadequate): if there are no welfare developments and has decreased drastically during the past three years. Group A Questions: The opinion of Head of the household (respondent) on the development of several welfare aspects of their own household during the past 3 years. When asking each question 01 till 21 please use complete questions such as in the examples for question 01 and 02. Question 01: Household Income The household income is all income/receiving from all household members that are obtained in the form of salary/wages, income from a household industry/business, other income also transfers (the remainder of income from charity/sent). Example on how to ask the question: “What is your opinion on the development income level of your household during the past 3 years?” 22 Question 02: Household Food Consumption The food consumption is food/food materials that are actually consumed by the household disregarding the origin of the goods. Example on how to ask the question: “What is your opinion on the development of your household consumption during the past 3 years?” Food Consumption is as follows: a. Cereal (rice, corn, etc) b. Tuber (cassava, sweet potato, potato, taro, sago, etc) c. Fish (freshwater fish, seawater fish, etc) d. Meat (water buffalo, cow, goat, pig, chicken, etc) e. Egg and milk (chicken egg, duck egg, fresh milk, sweetened condensed milk, etc) f. Vegetables (spinach, swamp cabbage, etc) g. Pulses (peanut, Soya bean, Mung bean, etc) h. Fruits (banana, papaya, etc) i. Other consumption (cooking oil, coconut, salt, etc) j. Ready-made food and beverage (soft drink/lemonade, iced syrup, biscuits, mixed vegetables with peanut sauce (gado-gado), etc) k. Alcoholic drinks (beer, TKW, liquor, etc) l. Tobacco, beetle leaves (cigarettes, cigar, etc) Question 03: Condition of Residence The condition of residence covers the condition of the building, rooms and materials of the building. Question 04: Facilities of a Residence The facilities of a residence are the medium that is provided such as drinking water facility, bathing water, family toilet, electricity, telephone and household furniture. Question 05: Clothes of Household Members The clothes here are observed from the quality and quantity of clothes/clothing material that are used such as shirt, pants, Tee shirt and underwear. Question 06: Health of Household Members A person is considered ill if a person suffers from chronic disease or other health disorders that causes working activities disturbed. Question 07: The access on Obtaining Health Services from Medical/Paramedic Workers The access on obtaining health services from medical/paramedical workers are observed from the economic and non-economic aspects, access of financial and non-financial factors, distance and procedures. Traditional Birth Attendants/other workers that have been trained by the Ministry of Health are also included as paramedic workers. Question 08: Access on Obtaining Family Planning Services The access on obtaining Family Planning Services is observed from the economic and non-economic aspects such as the access on obtaining contraceptive devices, Family Planning consultation and distance. Question 09: Access on Obtaining Pharmaceutical Medicine The access on obtaining pharmaceutical medicine is the access on obtaining medicine from a pharmacy observed from economic and non-economic aspects such as the access on price, distance to a drugstore and services. Traditional herbs (jamu) that are made into pills and capsules are not included as pharmaceutical medicine. Question 10: Access on Registering Children to the Elementary School The access on registering children to the elementary school is the access to register household members of the Elementary School age (if any) observed from the economic and non-economic condition, for example the access on school expenses, distance and the procedures on registration. This question is only asked if the respondents during the past 3 years registered their children to an Elementary School. During the past 3 years means during the last 3 periods of Elementary School registration. 23 Question 11: Access on Registering Children to the Secondary School This question is similar to question 10, but aimed for the secondary school. Question 12: Access on Registering Children to the High School This question is similar to question 10, but aimed for the high school. Question 13: Access on Obtaining Transportation/Expedition Facilities The access on obtaining transportation/expedition facilities means that the access observed either from economic or non-economic aspects, such as the expenses/fee, facilities (number of vehicles, quality of roads) and the possession of vehicles. Question 14: Religious Life Is the freedom to conduct religious beliefs based on the religion of each individual. Question 15: The Comfort of a Religious Celebration (Idul Fitri, Idul Adha, Christmas, Nyepi, Waisak) The comfort of a religious celebration is the prosperous feeling such as when celebrating Idul Fitri for Muslims, Christmas for Christians, Nyepi for Hindus and Waisak for Buddhist. Question 16: The Security Feeling from Disturbances Is the feeling of safety from burglary, robbery and assault Question 17: The Access on Listening to the Radio Is to listen to the radio programs when wanted. A person that does not own a radio can purchase or listen from a neighbor’s radio easily, then that person is classified as has the access to listen to the radio. Question 18: The Access to Watch Television The principles are the same as Question17 Question 19: The Access to Obtain Reading Materials (Newspaper, Magazine etc) Is the access to obtain printed media such as newspaper, magazine, comics and novels either by buying or borrowing. Question 20: The Access to Obtain Formal Occupation (for those that are looking for work) Is the access to obtain a formal job and receive income. This question is asked if one of the household members is looking or has ever looking for formal work in the past three years. Question 21: Access in Conducting Sports Is the access observed from the time and sports facilities if the household members would want to conduct sports. Group B Questions: the opinion of head of the household (respondent) on the whole welfare level development of the household during the past 3 years. Question 22: What is your opinion on the whole welfare development of your own household during the past 3 years. This question is to obtain a general visualization on the household welfare level development from the whole welfare aspects that are asked in questions 01 till 21. The procedures of filling in the questions are similar to the questions in Group A. H. Block VI. Characteristics on Community Welfare This block aims to understand the community welfare level development that lives in the respondent’s surrounding during the past 3 years. This block consists of 2 groups of questions that are Group A and Group B 24 Questions. Group A question consists of questions 01 till 14 that are the group of questions on the development of several community welfare aspects during the past 3 years. Group B consists of 15 questions on the development of community welfare as a whole during the past 3 years. Circle one of the codes 1 to 6 to answer questions 01 till 15, as explained in Block V and move the codes into the box in Column (8). Group A Questions: The opinion of head of the household (respondent) on the community welfare level development that lives in the respondent’s surrounding during the past 3 years. Similar to Block VI, when asking each questions 01 till 14 please use complete questions. Example on how to ask a question: Question 01: “What is your opinion on the income level development of your surrounding community during the past 3 years?” Question 02: “What is your opinion on the health level development of your surrounding community during the past 3 years?” Question 01 till 07 and 09 till 12: the objective of these questions are similar to questions 01,06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 13, and 16 in Block V, but it is aimed for the surrounding community of the respondent. Question 08: Supervision towards School Dropouts These school dropouts are taught skills mentally spiritually by giving them courses, training on skills and so on. School dropouts are those that left school before completing a certain education level. Example: Amin use to go to school, but before he graduated he has left school, Amin is considered as a school dropout. Question 13: Places of Worship Facilities for worship are such as a Mosque, church, pura and vihara. Question 14: Mutual Work Conducting work together disregarding either the benefits or the losses Group B Questions: The head of the household’s opinion (respondent) on the community welfare level development that lives in the respondent’s surrounding during the past 3 years. Question 15: “What is your opinion on the community welfare level development at your surrounding during the past 3 years?” This question is to obtain a general visualization on the community welfare level development of the surrounding community. The procedures of filling in the questions are similar to the questions in Group A. I. Block VII. General Characteristics on Household Members This block is used to record characteristics on the household members. The characteristics recorded includes the name, relationship with head of the household, sex, age, marital status, attained education and other educational information of household members aged 5 years above. Also the social culture activities conducted by household members aged over 10 years old. Name: Write down the names of the household members based on Block IV.A Column (2). Number: Write down the serial number of household members based on the sequence on Block IV.A Column (1). Question 01: Relationship with Head of the Household The content is codes 1 till 9 25 The concept on household members and the relationship with head of the household is elaborated in Chapter V.E. Question 02: Sex The content is code 1 or 2 Code 1: Male Code 2: Female Question 03: Age (in years) Ask the age of household members and write into the provided space. The age is estimated till the last month and year with rounding downwards or based on the last birthday. The age estimation is based on the Roman calendar. Information: a. If the age is 7 years 10 months then the age is written as 7 years b. If the age is less than 1 year then the age is written as 0 years If the respondent is uncertain of his/her age then try to relate the age with important events that occurred either nationally or locally so the age could be estimated. Several important events to predict a person’s age are: 1. The landing of Japanese in Indonesia (1942) 2. Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Proclamation (1945) 3. First general election (1955) 4. The 30th September Movement/PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia = Indonesian Communist Party) in 1965. The boxes provided for writing in the age consists of 2 boxes then the age less than 10 years old could be added a number 0 in front and for those aged 98 or over is written 98. Example: 7 years 07 0 years 00 103 years 98 Question 04: Marital Status The contents are code 1 till 4. Code 1: Not yet married is a status of them that are not married during enumeration. Code 2: Married is the status of those that are married either living together or separated during enumeration. In this matter not only those who are legally married by law (custom, religion, state etc) but also those who are living together and by the community is considered as husband and wife. Code 3: Widowed is husband or wife whose husband or wife died and has not remarried. Code 4: Divorced is a separation between husband-wife due to divorce but has not remarried. Including in this matter are those who admit to be divorced although not officially by law. On the contrary, excluding those who have lived separately but their status is still married, for example husband/wife abandoned by their wife/husband to another place due to studying, working, seeking for work, or other requirements. Question 05: Highest Education Attained Graduated School means have attended classes and passed the final examinations of a class or the last education level at a public or private school and obtained a diploma. Someone who has not attended classes at the highest level but has followed the final exams and passed is considered as graduated from school. The following codes of highest education attained are as follows: Code 0: Not/Has Never Attended School is has never registered and attended an education, including those who has not passed/not yet passed Nursery School but did not continue to Elementary School. Code 1: Never/Not Yet Graduated Elementary School has attended Elementary School 5/6 or 7 years or equivalent (including Basic Level Special School, Islamic Elementary School, Village Administrator 26 School, Package A1-A100, Equivalent Package ‘A’) but has not/not yet graduated. Those who has passed 3 years of Elementary School/equivalent is considered have not yet passed. Code 2: Graduated Elementary School has passed Elementary School 5/6/7 years or Basic Level Special School, Village Administrator School, Package A1-A100, or Islamic Elementary School, Elementary Pioneer Development Project School or Indonesian Elementary School located overseas. Code 3:Graduated General Secondary School has graduated Secondary School, MULO = secondary school during the Dutch colonial in Indonesia, HBS 3 years, Secondary Level Special School, Islamic Secondary School, Secondary Pioneer Development Project School or Indonesian Secondary School located overseas and Secondary Sports School. Code 4: Graduated Vocational Secondary School has graduated vocational school such as SKP, SMEP=Secondary School of Economics, ST=Technic School, SKKP=Home Economics Secondary School, 4 years of vocational school, school of agriculture, secondary school of agriculture, SGB=School of Teacher’s Assistant, 4 years of religion teacher or PGA, course on administrative officer or KPA and education on religion judicature officer. Code 5: Graduated General High School has passed a general high school: High School (SMU), Islamic High School or equivalent, AMS (high school during the Dutch colonial in Indonesia), HBS 3 years, High Level Special School, Islamic High School, Secondary Pioneer Development Project School or Indonesian Secondary School located overseas and High School for athletes.. Code 6: Graduated from Vocational High School is has passed a secondary level of education that mainly increases the ability of student to conduct various kind of work such as SMPS=School for Social Workers, School of Handicraft Industry, School of Art. Also School of Gamelan and Singing, School of Music, School of Development Technology. School of Agriculture Technology, School of Shipping Technology, and School of Mining Technology. Also School of Graphic Technology, School of Sports Teacher, School of Teaching the Handicapped (SGPLB), School for Religion Teacher 6 years, School for Pre School Teachers, Course on Teaching (KPG), School of Chemical Analyst, School of Pharmacist Assistant (SAA), School of Midwives, School of Radiology Worker, Courses on Administrative Officers. Code 7: Graduated from Diploma I/II Program is an educational level of those who has graduated from Diploma I/Diploma II program also included those who graduated from akta I/II. Code 8: Graduated from an Academy/Diploma III has graduated from an Academy/Diploma III, but those who are in their 4th year in a University that do not give out Bachelor’s certificate in this survey is recorded as a graduate from General High School/Vocational High School. Code 9: Graduated from a University has graduated from an undergraduate educational program, post graduate, doctoral, diploma IV, akta IV and V, or Specialist I and II from a University/ Institute/College. Question 06:School Status Attention: Question 6 till 12 for household members aged over 5 years old, or household members in Block VII question 3 which is written over 5 years old. The contents of question 6 is code 1 till 3 27 Code 1: Not/Has Never Attended School is the education status of household members that has never registered and attended an education, including those who has not passed/not yet passed Nursery School but did not continue to Elementary School. Code 2: Still Attending School is the education status of household members that when during enumeration was still attending Elementary, Secondary or High education level. Code 3: Not attending school is the education status of household members that has attended Elementary, Secondary or High education level but during enumeration was not attending school anymore. Question 07: Purposes of not Attending School anymore Block IV question 7 is filled in if Block IV question 6 is coded 3 or not attending school anymore. The contents are coded 1 till 6. Code 1: Education is considered enough is the category for those that consider the attained education is enough or does not have to be continued anymore. Code 2: Financially incapable, clear enough Code 3: Intellectually incapable, clear enough Code 4: School is unavailable/too far, clear enough Code 5: Not accepted is the category for those that have registered to a higher education level but was not accepted. Code 6: Others, clear enough Question 08: The type of Highest School Ever Attended/Currently Attending Block IV Question 8 is filled in if Block IV Question 6 is filled in with Code 2 or 3. The content of Block IV Question 8 is filled in if one of the codes is 1 till 8. The type of highest school ever attended/currently attending is the type of highest education ever attained by a person either has graduated or not. Question 09: Highest Level/Class Ever Attended/Currently Attending The content is one of the codes 1 till 8, if has graduated circle code 8. Detail: a. b. c. d. e. A person that has graduated from elementary, secondary or high education is coded 8. An undergraduate that has followed postgraduate (master) program is coded 6, if has graduated it is coded 8. A person that has followed a doctoral program (Ph.D.) is coded 7, and if has graduated is coded 8. A person that has followed Diploma I program is coded 1 and if has graduated is coded 8 A person that has followed Diploma II program is coded 2 and if has graduated is coded 8 Note: For those who has attended/currently attending an educational institution that uses the credit system (per semester) the information on the level/year currently attended can be obtained by asking additional question such as: "How many credit points has been achieved?” - 30 credit points = 1st year 31 – 60 credit points = 2nd year 61 – 90 credit points = 3rd year 91 – 120 credit points = 4th year 121 - 160 credit points = 5th year 28 Example: a. b. A person that has achieved 44 credit points is classified as has attended the 2nd year A person that has achieved 75 credit points is classified as has attended the 3rd year Question 10: Can You Speak the Indonesian Language? Is able to use the Indonesia language for communicating orally. The codes for filling in the Questions are 1 or 2. Question 11: Daily Language Used The codes are one of the codes 1 till 3. Code 1: Indonesian Language is the language acknowledged as the language of the Republic Indonesia that is a national, cultural language and used for social function. Code 2: Local language is the cultural language and for social function in each local area in Indonesia. Code 3: Foreign language is the daily language used at home besides the Indonesian and local language Question 12: Capable to read and write Capable to read and write means that can read and write words/simple sentences using a certain alphabet. The codes for filling in the Questions are 1till 3. Block VII (Continued): Social Culture Characteristics The objective is to record the social culture characteristics from every household member aged over 10 years old. Circle one of the appropriate answer code (except question 26 that possibly have double answers) then move the code into the box on the right. In the questionnaire there are signs used for guidance on how to fill in the consistency of the data. Question 13: Listened To A Radio Program during the past week Circle the appropriate code 1 or 2 Listening to the radio is paying attention or providing times listening to a radio program and is able to understand or enjoy it. Information: Listening to music, songs, stories or others from a tape recorder is categorized as not listening to the radio. Listening to the radio could be from own radio or from a neighbor/someone else. Question 14: Most Interesting Program The contents are one of the codes 1 till 6. Question 15: Watched a Television Program during the past week Circle the appropriate code 1 or 2 Watching a TV Program is paying attention or providing time to watch a TV program and is able to understand or enjoy it. Question 16: Most Interesting Program The contents are one of the codes 1 till 6. Question 17: Watched a Movie/Cinema during the past week Circle the appropriate code 1 or 2 then write into the box A movie/cinema is directly watching a sequence of live picture that is showed to public and is not a commercial, either paying or not. Watching a film could be inside a theatre or outside an open air (misbar and layar tancap). Note: a. Watching a film that is for a group of certain people (example: organization or employees of an institute) and watching a film from a video-cassette is not classified as watching a film. b. People that watched a film but left before the film was over is still considered as watching a film, but if fell asleep during watching a film, is not considered as watching a movie. 29 c. A person that works as a film operator or collects the movie admission tickets at a cinema is classified as not watching a film although watches a film everyday. Question 18: Most interesting film The codes are one of code 1 till 9. If only watched a film once during the past week then the most interesting film is the one only watched. If watched a film more than once, ask what type of film was the most interesting one. Question 19: Read newspaper/magazine. Is at least reading a topic from a newspaper/magazine and knows/understand the contents of the topic. Circle the appropriate code and write in the provided boxes. Information: a. b. c. Reading a newspaper/magazine does not have to be from a new newspaper/magazine, but could also be from an old one. A person, who read a torn newspaper/magazine and read a complete topic, is considered as reading a newspaper/magazine. Those who only reads advertisements or looks at the pictures are not considered as reading a newspaper/magazine. Question 20: Most interesting article The codes are one of code 1 till 7. Question 21: Conduct sports during the past week Circle the appropriate code 1 or 2 then write into the box Conduct sports are conducting sport activities that aim to increase health and performance through exercises or tournaments. Information: a. A teacher/coach that teaches sports to their students is classified as not conducting sports except if conducted sports outside working hours b. A professional sportsman that is in a tournament is not considered as conducting sports. c. An amateur sportsman (unprofessional) that is in a tournament or exercising is considered as conducting sports d. People that are playing chess for fun is not considered as conducting a sport except if it is conducted as a trial for a tournament or for increasing performances e. Conducting exercises (warming-up) in order to increase the performance of badminton is included as conducting a sport (badminton) Question 22: Most frequent sport conducted The codes are one of code 1 till 9. Athletics covers: (i) Sprint run for 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1,500m and 3,000m (ii) Hurdle races (iii) Long jump, High jump and Pole vault (iv) Discus throw, Javelin toss, Hammer throw, and Shot-put Martial arts covers: Silat (traditional martial arts), Judo, Karate, Kung fu, Taekwondo, Kempo, Wrestling and Boxing. Other sports are Chess, Bridge, Tennis, Basketball, Archery, Shooting and Sepak Takraw (traditional sport such as Volleyball using head and feet instead of hands). Question 23; Watched/Conducted an Art Performance during the past 3 months The codes are code 1 or 2. Watching an art performance such as dances, music, drama/play and wayang (traditional art performance) Note: a. A person that watches a rehearsal of performing arts is not considered as watching an art performance 30 b. c. A person that watches a person selling medicine (usually traditional medicine on the pavement by the streets) that also conducts magical attractions is not considered as watching an art performance A person that watches a person doing an attraction that is conducted from house to house such as a remote circus show, a singer playing guitar or a dancer, is not considered as watching an art performance Question 24: The type of art performance that is most frequently watched/conducted The codes are one of code 1 till 5. Question 25: Become a Social Organization Member The code is code 1 or 2. A social organization is an organization that conducts services in the field of social welfare and has a definite organizational structure (has a chief/head, secretary and a treasurer) that is organized by the government or by private. A person is classified as a member of a social organization if when during enumeration he/she is officially registered as a member of one or several social organizations. Question 26: Type of Social Organization The codes could be more than one code. The circled code is totaled and moved to the box on the right. Question 27: Purposes of not becoming a member of a social organization If question 26 is answered ‘no’ or code 2 is circled, ask the main purpose of not becoming a social organization member. The content is one of the codes 1 till 5. J. Block VIII. Characteristics on Traveling This block is to obtain the visualization on the pattern of traveling of the people of Indonesia, specifically that considers the development of tourism in general. Name: write in the name of household members that are coded 1 in Column (4) Block IVA. Question 1: Age The age is determined in Question 3 Block VII. If the age is less than 10 years circle code 1 and if is aged over 10 years old circle code 2, then move the code into the box. Question 2: Works/has a job during the past week This question is asked only to respondents aged 10 years old or over. The content is code 1 or 2. Working is an activity of conducting work in order to obtain or help to obtain income or profits at least one hour during the past week. Working during that one hour has to be conducted consecutively nonstop. Owns a job is for those that has a fixed job either is working or temporarily not working during the past week. Temporarily not working could be caused by is sick, on leave, waiting for harvest, on strike and others. Question 3a: Main work status The codes are one of code 1 till 5. Main work: if a person owns a job then that job is recorded as a main job. If conducts more than one job then determining the main job is based on the most time used. If the time used is the same then the job that contributes the most is considered as the main job Work status is the position of a person in a job. a. Individually is working or undertaking at own risk and not using paid workers or unpaid workers. Example: 1. Independent taxi driver that drives own car at own risk 2. A trader that works alone 31 b. Helped by workers/non permanent workers is working at own risk and using unpaid workers and nonpermanent workers. Non permanent workers are workers that work with other people or an institution/ office/establishment and only receives salary/wages based on the how long the work is or the volume of work done. Example: 1. A shopkeeper who is helped by the household members or helped by other people temporarily who are paid non permanently 2. A farmer who works on his land helped by household members and or non permanent workers c. Helped by permanent workers is undertaking at own risk and hires a minimum of one permanent worker. Permanent worker is someone that is employed by someone else or by a state institution/ office/ establishment with receiving salary/wages permanently, even though there is no activity. Example: 1. A shopkeeper that employs more than one permanent worker 2. A person who owns a cigarette factory who employs permanent workers d. Worker/private employee is a worker/employee that works for a private, institution, office, private company and receives salary/wages in cash or in goods. A farm worker although does not have a certain employer is classified as a worker. e. Family workers/unpaid workers are workers that work and do not receive salary/wages, in cash or in-goods. Question 3b: Main Field of Work The content is one of the codes 1 till 9 or 0. The concept of main field of work is explained in Chapter V.C Question 4: Frequency of Traveling during the past 3 months Ask the respondent the frequency of traveling conducted during the past 3 months. One trip is considered starting from leaving the house and returning back home. Write in the answer in (…times) and move the answer into the box. Note: The date of conducting the trip could possibly be before or during the period of enumeration. Example: The enumeration was conducted on February 18th 1991 a. On November 15, 1990, Guntur went to Sragen to visit his family. He arrived back home on November 20, 1990. In this matter he is still considered as conducting a trip because the date of return is still in the period of the past 3 months. Departure Nov 15, ’90 Arrival Enumeration Nov 18, ’90 Nov 20, ’90 Feb 18, 1991 3 months period (reference period) b. On December 1990, Amir left for Bengkulu for a holiday from Jakarta for 1 week. After 3 days returning from Bengkulu he has to leave for Bali for 5 days to attend his sister’s wedding. In this matter Amir has conducted a journey twice. The first trip to Bengkulu for 1 week and to Bali for 5 days. Nov 18 ’90 Dec 1 ’90 Dec 7 ’90 Dec 10 ’90 Dec 15 ’90 Feb 18 ‘91 3 months period (reference period) 32 Note: If a household member conducts more than 3 trips during the past 3 months then use the next page to fill in all the information of the trips (write the trips as the 4th , 5th 6th and so forth) by writing the names of the household members into the extra page. Question 5: Based on Experience during conducting a trip, give your opinion on these following Tourism Facilities There are 8 types of tourism facilities that are surveyed or valued based on the quality and its price/rate. The quality is valued as Good (Code 1), Moderate (Code 2) and Fair (Code 3). The price/rate is classified as Cheap (Code 1), Reasonable (Code 2) and Expensive (Code 3). The value towards the facilities of tourism has to be based on the actual experienced or paid for (although the money was from another person) each time a main tourist object was visited. Write the appropriate coding value for each trip. If the respondent did not use/pay for the facilities fill in with a dash (-) into the box. Note: If the respondent is young and cannot give opinion on the quality value or price of tourism facilities fill in the contents of Question 6a – 6h, the same as the contents for their parents or the head of the group. Detail: Expenditures for accommodation include if paying for sleeping overnight at the house of local people. Expenditures for food/beverage cover all expenses for food and beverages purchased during the trip also that is provided from home and actually consumed during the trip. Expenditures for transportation covers all types of transportation used when leaving the house till returning back home. Expenditures for souvenirs are expenses spent for buying statue, painting and ceramic. Expenditures for attraction/entertainment, for example purchasing admission tickets to an entertainment park, ticket shows, renting instruments and entertainment. Expenditures for package tours are traveling expenses that are coordinated by traveling bureaus or others. Expenditures for health and beauty during the trip, not included here are medical expenses that are spent by the respondent that conducted a trip for medication (health purposes). Expenditures for tour guide are the expenses spent for paying a tour guide during the trip. Other expenditures are all expenditures that are not covered in (a) till (h) such, as gifts brought from a trip like food, vegetables and fruit. Total expenditures are the total of (a) till (i). Note: If the respondent conducted a trip and stayed overnight but cannot predict the expenditures spent for accommodation or others elaborate with whom (household members) the expenses were paid together with. Example: A respondent conducted a trip together with head of the household, usually the expenses for accommodation are paid by head of the household, in this matter give the information in the provided part of this questionnaire. The number of person paid for: write the number of people paid by head of the household that are household members and non-household members. Question 7: When was the trip conducted Write code 1 if the trip was conducted during a holiday/on leave, Code 2 if on a weekend and Code 3 if was conducted on other days. During holiday/on leave is: 33 (i) (ii) (iii) Holiday is an official holiday announced by the government such as Idul Fitri/Adha, ascension day of Jesus, Independence day or Waisak day School holiday is the day announced by the government or headmaster of a school that the students are temporarily not conducting educational/lectures, such as quarter holiday, semester holiday or the holiday of going up to a higher class/level On leave are days where a person does not attend work based on a request to their superior. Usually a leave is granted to maintain the mind and body of the employees. Question 8: With who was the trip conducted Fill in one of the codes of 1 till 6. Code 1: Alone, is if the respondent conducted a trip without being accompanied by a household member or other people Code 2: Together with husband/wife if the respondent conducted a trip accompanied by husband/wife Code 3: Together with household members or other relatives, if the respondent conducted the trip together with the household members or other relatives. Code 4: Together with school friends if the respondent conducted a trip accompanied by school friends Code 5: Together with friends if the respondent conducted a trip accompanied by other friends such as an office colleague or a neighbor Code 6: Together in a group if the respondent conducted a trip together with other people that is not familiar with. Question 9: Frequency of visits Frequency of visits is classified into 2 groups that are the first visit (Code 1) and a repeated visit (Code 2). A repeated visit is the second, third visit and so on disregarding when was the visit conducted. Write the appropriate code based on the respondent’s answer for each trip into the provided box. Note: A respondent that conducted a visit to various places could be classified as a repeated visit if has visited a place that has been visited before. Question 10: How was the trip organized Write one of the codes 1 till 5. Question 11: Purpose/main purpose of trip Write one of the codes 1 till 8. Code 1: Holiday/recreation if the respondent conducted a trip with the main purpose as a holiday/recreation Code 2: Work if the respondent conducted a trip with the main purpose as conducting work such as inspection to the local areas, conducting a work meeting, congress or seminar Code 3: Education if the respondent conducted a trip with the main purpose for following an education such as working lectures, studying assignment or joining courses. Code 4: Health if the respondent conducted a trip with the main purpose health maintenance/recovery or for seeking medication. Code 5: Visit a holy place or cemetery if the respondent conducted a trip with the main purpose visiting a holy place, cemetery or others. Code 6: Visiting friends/relatives if the respondent conducted a trip with the main purpose is visiting friends/relatives 34 Code 7: Art/sports mission is if respondent conducted a trip with the main purpose is to carry out art/sports mission. Code 8: Others if the respondent conducted a trip with the main purpose other than as in code 1 till 7 such as for shopping. Question 12: Main transportation used The contents are one of the codes 1 till 7 Main transportation is the type of transportation used when conducting a trip. If the trip uses more than one type of transportation, then the main transportation is the one that took the farthest distance or the longest time. Code 1: Air transportation is using a commercial or military airplane. Code 2: Sea transportation is transportation using a sea vessel, motor boat or a boat Code 3: River/Lake transportation is the transportation used on a river/lake by using a ferry, motor boat, or a boat. Code 4: Train is transportation using a train Code 5: Public transportation is over land transportation such as a bus, minibus, bemo, oplet, taxi or a helicak Code 6: Personal/official transportation is over land transportation such as a personal/official bus, minibus, jeep or a sedan Code 7: Others are using a motor cycle, bicycle, horse driven carriage, on horseback including walking Question 13a: Duration of trip (in nights) The duration of a trip is the total of nights (not days) that is used for traveling, counted since the respondent left the house till returns back home. A night is counted minimum 6 hours starting from 24:00 till 6:00 a.m. (sunrise). Write how long was each trip into the provided box. Question 13b: Duration of staying overnight (in nights) The duration of staying overnight is the number of nights used for staying overnight during the trip. Staying overnight in this survey is using accommodation facilities such as a hotel, inn, guest house or others, renting a room/house from a local, camping or staying overnight at a relative/friend. Sleeping all night on a vehicle, bus terminal or at a train station is not classified as staying overnight. Write the duration of staying overnight for each trip in the provided box. Question 14: Places visited During a trip the respondent may have visited one or several places, either tourist objects or non-tourist objects. The number of places visited in this survey is limited to a maximum of 3 places. The selection is based on first, the main objective of the trip (written in point a). If the objective of the trip is not to visit a tourist object then write code 17 but if the main objective is to visit a tourist object then the content varies from code 1 till 16, based on the most impressive tourist object for the respondent. The second and third selection is based on the sequence of the visited tourist object that is most impressive for each respondent disregarding the location of the tourist object is located in the same province or in another province (written in question b and c). (i) (ii) Write the code of the appropriate tourist object based on the respondent’s answer for each visit. Write the code of province where the tourist object (i)is located Note: Code 1: Beach is clear enough Code 2: Lake either freshwater lake or salted water lake 35 Code 3: Dam is clear enough Code 4: Cave is a hole/tunnel that is usually used as a hiding place, meditation or others. Example: The Japanese Cave that was used as a defensive fortress during World War II. Code 5: Recreation Park is a tourist object that has attractions such as flora, fauna and beautiful scenery. This park is usually opened for public. Example: Bogor Botanical Park, Bina Ria Ancol and Orchid Park. Code 6: National Park is a tourist object such as preserved forests that has its own attraction of flora and fauna. A special permit is needed in order to visit a National Park. Example: Ujung Kulon Protected Forest. Code 7: Marine Park is an underwater tourist object on life under he sea. Example: Marine Parks in Indonesia are: Ternate and Bunaken. Code 8: Historical Remains are tourist objects on culture and monuments that has historical value. Example: Yogyakarta Palace, Demak Mosque and Sultan Deli Palace. Code 9: Museum, clear enough Code 10: Cultural Center is a tourist object based on the recommendation of the Directorate General of Culture to conduct cultural activities such as recreation, art performances, exhibitions, cultural week and lectures which are organized by the Directorate General of Culture (including an Art Center). A Cultural Center is similar to an Art Center the difference is only on the management, an Art Center is managed by private. Example: The Ismail Marzuki Art Center, Wherdi Budaya in Bali and Purna Budaya in Yogyakarta. Code 11: Custom Ceremony, clear enough Code 12: Art attraction, clear enough Code 13: Recreation Park is a tourist object where the visitors can enjoy recreation, relaxed also various attractions. Example: Taman Ria Recreation Park. Code 14: Zoo, clear enough Code 15: Camping ground, clear enough Code 16: Others are tourist objects not mentioned in Code 1 till 15 Code 17: Non-tourist object is other visiting objects besides to a tourist object such as a factory, education centers or working assignment. Question 15 till 17 are only asked if one of Question 14a, 14b and 14c (point I) is coded 1 till 16. Question 15: The Main Attraction of a Visited Tourist Object The content is one of the codes 1 till 9. Question 16: Did you Obtain Information on the Visited Object before Leaving The content is one of the codes 1 or 2 Question 17: Source of Information if question 16 is answered ‘yes’ The content is one of the codes 1 till 7. 36 VI. A. CHARACTERISTICS ON THE CRIME VICTIM AND THE LOSS DURING THE CRIMINAL EVENT General The objective of this list is to record the characteristics of the criminal event that happened to a household or household members during the past year also the effect that occurred to the household members or household victims. The criminal event that is recorded here is an event experienced by the household or its members, not including crime that is aimed to establishments or other institutes, either government or private. A robbery that happened at a bank, a shop or an office is not covered here. If the household member became a criminal victim where the crime was actually aimed to the establishment where the employee works, for example during working hours a person is robbed while carrying the establishment’s money or possession this event is recorded if the victim’s household is selected as a sample. B. Block I. Characteristics of Location The procedures on filling in Block I Question 1 till 9 is similar to the procedures on filling in VSEN91.S1 list Question 1 till 9 which is taken from the Selected Household Sample List (VSEN91.DSRT). C. Block II. Household Characteristics Question 1: Name and Age of Head of the Household Write clearly the name and age of head of the household. The age is written in years and rounded downwards and written in the provided box. Question 2: Number of Household Members Write the number of household members, including the head of the household into the provided box. Question 3: Number of Criminal Events Write the number of criminal events experienced by the household during the past year into the provided box. The content has to be similar to the last serial number in Column (1) Block IV. Criminal Event is one or several criminal actions that occurred during a certain period Criminal acts are all actions conducted by a person or a group of people either intended or not, either has happened or attempted, may cause handicap or loss to the body/life, the possession of another party and by the law is sentenced to prison. Question 4: Number of Victim The content has to be appropriate to the number of victim in Column (12) Block IV. D. Block III. Information on Enumeration The procedures are similar to filling in the VSEN91.S1 Block III, Information on Enumeration. E. Block IV. Characteristics on the Criminal Event and the Victim during the Past Year This block is used to record the characteristics on the criminal events experienced by the people or household that occurred during the past year. The past year is the period of 12 months that ends a day before the date of Household Listing. If the Household Listing was conducted on December 25th 1990 then the past year is December 25th 1989 till December 24th 1990. The columns of this block is divided into 2 parts: a. The columns for characteristics on the criminal events that occurred during the past year towards a household or household members are Column (1) to (10). 37 b. The columns for characteristics on the victim of the related event are Column (11) till (18). How to fill in: (1) At least one row is needed for Column (1) till (18) to record the characteristics on a criminal event and its victim, if the victim is one only person or one type. (2) If one criminal event effects more than one victim (type of victim) then Column (1) till (10) are written in one row only; and the characteristics of each victim (type of victim) are written in each event starting from Column (11) till (18) until all characteristics of the victims are recorded. (3) Each column is only filled in with one code/answer except Column (15) that is filled in with more than one code as much as the type of criminal act experienced by a victim (maximum 3 kinds). Column (1): Serial Number of Criminal Event Write the serial number (two digits) of criminal events starting from 01 till the last serial number. The last serial number shows the number of criminal events that occurred in the household during the past year. Example: Serial number 1 is written: 0 1 Serial number 2 is written: 0 2 Serial number 3 is written: 0 3 Column (2): Location of Event Write the Code 1 if the event occurred inside the house, Code 2 if the event occurred outside the house. A house is a residential building or a place to shelter that has walls, a roof either permanent or temporarily, either used as a residence or other including a yard with distinct boundaries. The criminal event occurred inside the house if all of the events occurred inside the house disregarding who the owner is. Note: If at first the criminal event occurred inside the house then continued outside the house or vice versa but is still related into one event, then the location of the criminal event is where it started. Example: a. An abduction occurred inside the house then torture was conducted elsewhere (in a storage room, etc) then the location of the event is inside the house. b. An abduction occurred outside the house for example at a school or other places, then it continues with the violence of freedom/was locked up inside the house then the location of the criminal event is outside the house. Column (3): Month, Year of Event Write down the month and year of the criminal event, the month inside the first two boxes and the year inside the continuing two boxes. Example: 0 5 9 0 A robbery occurred on May 2nd 1990, Column (3) is filled in: A robbery occurred on December 31st 1989, Column (3) is filled in: 1 2 8 9 Note: If a crime lasts continuously for a certain period such as abduction, then the month of when the abduction occurred is when the victim was realized as abducted. But if the crime continues during a certain time period but not continuously then the crime is recorded as several events. 38 Column (4): Time of Event Write the code of when the criminal event occurred, Code 1 for an event that occurred during the daytime and Code 2 if it happened in the evening. Daytime is during between 6 a.m. till 6 p.m. or between sunrise till sunset. Evening is during between 6 p.m. till 6 a.m. or between sunset till sunrise. Note: If the criminal event occurred during 2 time periods (in the daytime and evening) then the time of event is when the criminal event started or at a time realized by the victim. Example: A torture occurred during the afternoon till the evening is considered as daytime (when the event started). Column (5): The type of Main Crime that Occurred Write one of the code of type of crime 01 till 17 into the provided space based on the type of main crime. Type of main crime is the main objective of the crime based on the answer of head of the household or household members that became victims. The classification and code of type of crime are as follows: Code 1: Homicide is an action of deliberately taking another person’s life. Code 2: Severe mistreatment is an action of ruining other person’s health, causing the death of a person, become wounded/handicapped, sick or incapable of conducting daily chores perfectly. Code 3: Light mistreatment is an action of ruining other person’s health, causing the person becoming sick or lightly wounded but is still able to conduct daily chores. Code 4: Abduction/confinement is an action of kidnapping someone by opposing the law, and aims to make the person under the power of the abductor or under the power of another individual. Code 5: Robbery is stealing belongings or livestock from someone else by breaking the law, and hurting the victim physically or mentally (wounded severely, murdered, tied up and the mouth was sealed or was mad unconscious). Code 6: Burglary is stealing belongings or livestock from someone else by breaking the law. This type of crime is usually conducted at night or during a disaster, in the yard/secluded place, by breaking in/destruction. Code 7: Larceny is stealing belongings from someone else to own it (no matter how much the value) without destruction but is still against the law. Code 8: Arson is a deliberate action by burning something (example a house, forest) that may bring danger to the public, possession and life/body. Code 9: Destruction is a deliberate action and against the law to destroy or ruin until cannot be used again or is broken. Also included here are pet animals Code 10: Embezzlement is a deliberate action that is against the law to cheat/deviate possessions not owned by a certain individual/s. Code 11: Fraud is seducing or lying to make other people suffer. Code 12: Rape is an action that is conducted with violence or threatening a woman whom is not their spouse to have sexual intercourse by force. Code 13: Adultery is having sexual intercourse with a person who is not the wife/husband without force. 39 Code 14: Insult is a deliberate action to ruin a person’s good image by accusing, humiliating or insulting in words, writing or illustration. Code 15: Narcotics is the action of unauthorized people who sell, possess, carry, use, provide or cultivate narcotic. Several narcotic substances are Opium, Morphine, Heroine and Marijuana. The people who are authorized to use narcotics are a doctor and pharmacist who has a legal license. Code 16: Gambling is an activity that relates to the provision of the medium, instruments and the location, also involved in gambling. Code 17: Others are other actions that are not mentioned as above. Column (6): The Character of the Main Crime Experienced Write the code of the character of the main crime experienced: Code 1 if the crime has occurred and Code 2 if it was an attempt. A criminal act has occurred if the main crime has been conducted. A main crime is an attempted crime if the main crime has not been completely conducted by the criminal. The results of the attempt could be losses or wounded victims. Example: (1) Robbery has been carried out if other people’s possessions are taken by force together with threatening the owner. (2) Attempted murder is trying to murder a person using a gun but missed when shooting or causing a person not dead but only slightly injured. (3) Attempted robbery is has tried to enter a house by opening a window but had no time to enter the house and take the possessions. Column (7): Was the Event Reported Code it 1 if was reported and 2 if not. Column (8): What was the reason of not reporting the event Write one of the following appropriate codes based on the respondent’s answer: Code 1: Did not know it had to be reported Code 2: Considered as can be settled by the respondent Code 3: Waste of time Code 4: Not appropriate to be reported Code 5: Worried it would be hectic Code 6: No use to be reported Code 7: Others 40 The explanation of codes in Column (8): Code Content Explanation 1 Did not know it had to be reported Clear enough 2 Considered as can be settled by themselves Considers that the event could be settled by themselves that causes the case was not reported. 3 Waste of time The location of the place for reporting or the location for processing the case is considered to far and takes time or when processing the crime has to leave work too frequently. 4 Not appropriate to be recorded 5. Worried it would be hectic The criminal is still family related or the type of crime could cause humiliation for the victim such as a rape victim or adultery If the crime is reported it may be costly, either for transportation or other costs or when the event was reported the investigation will be too hectic; or when reported the victim is worried that the criminal will pay their revenge. 6. No use to be reported The stolen goods are considered as will not be founded or there is no use for reporting. 7. Others If not classified into the reasons above such as stolen goods are founded. Column (9) and (10): Where were the crime reported and the follow-up of the reported crime. If Column (7) is coded 1 then Column (9) and (10) has to be filled in. Fill in Column (9) based on the respondent’s answer one of the code of where the crime was reported (1 till 6). In Column (10) fill in based on the respondent’s answer one of the code of the follow-up of the reported crime (1 till 5). Code 1: Did not receive any service Code 2: Received service but not till finalized Code 3: Received service but not yet finalized Code 4: Received service till finalized Code 5: Finalized until court 41 Explanation on the codes of Column (10) Code Content Explanation The place of reporting did not receive the report . 1 Did not receive any service 2 Received service but not till finalized Received service from the place reported but there was no follow up. Example the report was only recorded but has no follow –up. 3 Received service but not yet finalized Received service from the place reported and the report has not been finalized either terminated peacefully, or agreed based on the valid legal law 4 Received service till finalized Received service from the place reported and is finalized, for example if the stolen goods has returned from the robbery incident and it is considered final, both parties select a peaceful way, or the person who reports the crime drops the charges and considers the case closed 5 Final until court The case is sent to court until finalized based on the laws and the valid regulations. The court sentence does not have to occur during enumeration. Column (11): Crime Target The content of this code is a 3-digit code, the first digit is the crime target and the next 2 digits are the number of victims. Write in the first box of this column one of the code of crime target: Code 1: The crime target is the household Code 2: The crime target is an individual Code 3: The crime target is a household and an individual Code 4: The crime target is others If the crime target is the household and the crime occurred inside the house and is not intended to an individual or certain people in the household. Example: a robbery or destruction in a home. If the crime target is an individual is a crime aimed to a certain person that occurs inside or outside the house. Example: assault, burglary or rape If the crime is target is a household and an individual Example: Robbery in a household If the crime target is others if the crime was not aimed to a person or a household but directly to the possessions/goods outside the household/yard. Example: stealing cassava from a yard, robbing a shop owned by an individual, destruction of a parked vehicle. Inside the 2 boxes on the right of Column (11) fill in the number of victims for each crime event. The number of victims should be the same as the number of rows filled in with the name of victims in Column (12) for each crime event. Column (12): Name of Victim Write the serial number and name of victim, one victim in each row. If the crime victim is a household write the name of head of the household. Column (13) Age Write the age in the provided boxes. 42 Column (14) Sex Write the code of sex of the victim whose name is written in Column (12) Column (15) Type of crime Fill in the codes of type of crime that was experienced by each victim in each crime event. A victim could possibly experience more than one type of crime so the content could be more than one code. Example: in a robbery together with destruction Column (15) is filled in with code 05 and 09. If the type of crime is more than 3 (three) write the main three only. Column (16) Life or body Write in this column the code of life or body that became the victim of the crime from each victim inside the provided boxes. The victim is the life or body is the effect of a victim that suffered from a criminal event. Code 1: Died is the lost of someone’s life Code 2: Handicapped is permanent deformity of the body caused by a criminal act therefore the part of the handicapped part cannot function normally without the aid of a device. Code 3: Injured is an abnormal condition of the body such as broken bones and skin abnormality caused by a criminal act such as a scratch or loss of blood which is not permanent but cannot return as normal. Code 4: Others is all abnormality of the body either permanent or not including the category of injured or handicapped such as concussion or loss of virginity. Pay attention that this column is only filled in with one code which is the most severe for the victim. Example: a. The effect of mistreatment causes the victim suffer from severe injuries and after a certain period the victim died because of the injuries. So Column (16) is filled in with Code 2 which is Died. b. If the victim of mistreatment becomes handicapped after a certain period then fill in with Code 2, Handicapped. Column (17): Type of Goods/Possessions Fill in one of the appropriate codes based on the type of goods/possession that was lost (stolen, broken, lost, etc). Use one row for each type of good/possession. Explanation of codes in Column (17) Code Content Explanation 1 Agriculture Products Rice, corn, cassava, tea, clove 2 Livestock Cow, pig, goat, water Buffalo, etc 3 Poultry Chicken, duck, birds 4 Motor vehicles Vehicles with 2, 3, or 4 wheels such as motor cycles, bemo and a car 5 Electronics Radio, television, video, refrigerator, and fan 6 Jewelry Rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings 7 Money/stocks or bonds Such as land certificate, deposit certificate and house certificate 8 Others Belongings not mentioned in category 1 till 7 such as: clothes and furniture 43 Column (18) Value of money Fill in the money value or the estimation of money value (in rounded rupiahs) on the loss of belongings. The estimation of value is based on the price of belongings when the crime occurred. Only the loss of the victim is recorded and is the total of all losses suffered. If a criminal act has occurred (not attempted) the belongings that has returned is still recorded as losses. 44 EXAMPLE ON HOW TO FILL IN VSEN91.S2 Susenas 1991 Mr. Anton (aged 52 years) has a household of 5 household members that consists of himself, his wife Santi (48 years old) and 3 children who are Siti (female, 28 years), Andy (male, 23 years) and Suharti (female, 9 years). During the past year the Mr.Anton’s household/household members experienced 4 (four) criminal events. 1. On January 2nd 1990 approximately 8.p.m. Mr. Anton’s house was robbed. During this robbery 4 people were assaulted besides raping Siti and ruining their possessions. Mr. Anton became handicapped, Siti was injured, Andy was severely injured and up till now is still being treated. Danny (male, aged 15 years old) Mr. Anton’s nephew who was incidently in the household during this event also suffered from light injuries. Based on the obtained information Mr. Anton lost his possessions consisting of a television that costs Rp200,000 and household furniture that costs Rp.75,000 also has to cover the payments for the damage Rp.100,000. Either Mr. Anton or other household members did not have time to report this case, because the household members are mostly injured. But after the event 2 police officers came to investigate this case. Until the Household Listing the investigation of this event has not been followed-up and the criminal has not been captured. 2. On February 1st 1990 approximately on midnight Mr. Anton’s water buffalo was stolen from it’s stall inside the yard of Mr. Anton. This event was not reported to the police because based on his experience when he was robbed there was no use reporting to the police, so he reported to the military security force (Koramil) that was very costly. The criminal was captured and is still in the law process. The loss of stolen goods was the price of a Water Buffalo : Rp475,000 and repairs for the broken stall Rp.5,000,-. 3. On February 21st 1990 Mr. Anton’s youngest daughter, Suharti was assaulted and suffered from light injuries on the way home from her school around 11:30 a.m. During this event a pair of earrings that costs Rp.30,000 was stolen by the criminal. Suharti reported this crime to the police but there was no follow-up at all although she received satisfying services when giving the report. 4. On May 2nd 1990 another criminal event occurred during the daytime when Suharti returned from a friend’s house. Suharti was assaulted by a unknown person that caused a handicap on her left arm. This made Mr. Anton’s family very concerned because Suharti had already experienced an assault and although the crime was reported there was no follow-up. This event was not reported because it is considered as there is no use on reporting. Procedures on filling in Block IV for Mr. Anton’s household can be observed in attachment 4. 45