. \., :':T0', FIN- (P R)B (7); 1/98.ill G(~vernmentof Himacbcu Pradesh l;ci;~"tnce<ray Revision) D~partment. The F.C."CUm-Secl'etarv .. (Finance) to the Government of Himachal' Pradesh. , . 1. ..-\.11' :..:\(lminjstr2tive Secretaries to the Governme,nt of l1imachal Pradesh. . 2. .-\11Hea<ls ofthtii Department in H.? 3. The- Regi5trar, H.P. High Court., Shirl1J.a: 4. The,Secretary.. H.P.Vjcihan Sabha.,ShLt'rila. . "fa ..",.'? 1/ 100 the I, ';'~"t"I)'? Dated: ShL~a a ,.. Ap.il, Subject ~ .J""', 00_. . Clarmca:ion regai~'1.g d::\te of. annual mcrement' on plac~ment in higher/next. pa)r'scale. -- .I .8.lii d:i.J.'eCtedto invite a re!etence to Notification No. FIN '. '(PR)1~~(:7)-1_lj~dat~d 1,9.1998 ~"id(' which the post-., 'ise pa)" scales hav~ beef! revlsef! ~,r,e,t: 1,1..19~)6an(!. to sav thai nu.lrii:>~r ofi'efetences ha\Te , ~ been receiYE,d R'.6m various qtlarters seeli.ing ... clro'ification regarding date of next lll:Cl'ement as.a result ..offixation of pay on placement lll:the next highe:rpay scale 011completion ofr~qui,:,it"::ptjiiodof ser..ic:e. rhe.. .matter ht1S ._f_9INA. ~-~-_: c_G,"~~~1~~!.q::~"1_f19'.:ti___, i- -.,'. \vnethel' the. date of next The .d8.te of annual --incr~ment on an.~J.ualinc-l'~~ent of Govt. 'place~en~ ihrh~next h~gh(~r pcy s~aleon ~ervant on p18ccment in comple:tion of reCilusite ~~-earsof ser\'ice,., the next hi&~er pa;v. s~?le shall fall clue aft.~::r--comp1z~}on of 12 1)11corl1pletion of r'~(i..1isite morlths frGIn tl:e dat.e o~~s\;lch plac,:,inel1~ yearS oi ser"ice, sh;:tll f:111 if it. i~ at the miJ1ii'rlUrn of tliE-~.tsct11e. Ln .' due after compl~tion of 12 ,case, the place~~nt. is at a st""g~(:,~ual to n~onths nor..'} 'the da~ of (i,~~ t-fie 5-tage of ray in the e:,;i~,ti~g.io\ver. pla(~~.;:'.~(;11t or the di:lte -of- scale) or highe-rth,..f: tI.!.i?~lirin:u~.,1 rf the ir;'{~J'{j1.1t':,li1:sh,ill ren1a:m higher scaJe. the. (la;:::-;. c!l' ~{l!:.Jlal :-. "'---,'Y' i'-' " " t 1. " ]I , o'"i~ d ."'ln 'I n(''' ._t!.~~~:--;;;.;:,::.:...~mCle-m"n 51.1." Ie m.c,_.". ~n~I;'!:;;c';;--"~ ~ !'A"l..f"111V 1 o " r '" \)1.[:" , :" ~" . .' .,'k;;:,:.",; .,.:, ...\~1~1itional Sec:t:ei:,",::":lC6!iN J)~)'to the Gove:i'nmen t oiHli~aL"b ~l..D:::l\.l.""',~-' t.. ..C(;ntd... P.2/.