AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Crete Synnve Stokstad for the degree of Master of Science in Agricultural and Resource Economics presented on April 21, 1989. Title: Determining Member Contributions to Marketing Cooperative Returns When Raw Products are Commingled Before Sale Abstract Approved: Redacted for Privacy Steven T. Buccola Marketing cooperatives that operate on a pool basis allocate net returns on the basis of the "economic value" of the raw products each member has delivered. Economic values ideally reflect the raw products' expected contributions to pool net return. In a competitive market, raw product prices would reflect these expected returns quite well. In the absence of such a competitive market, one must formulate expectations models of returns to each product, which requires identifying the separate returns. The purpose of this thesis is to describe and employ a method of distinguishing expected return to each raw product when raw products are commingled on the assembly line. The approach taken is to conduct a hedonic analysis of processed product net returns as a function of raw product ingredients. Determining Member Contributions to Marketing Cooperative Returns When Raw Products are Commingled Before Sale by Grete SynnØve Stokstad A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed April 21, 1989 Commencement June, 1989 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Prossor of Agricultural and Resource Economics in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Redacted for Privacy Head of Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graite Scho Date thesis is presented April 21, 1989 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful for the support provided by the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Oregon State University. Thanks to my committee members Olvar Bergland, James Cornelius, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, and my graduate representative Bruce Shepard. Thanks particularly to my major professor, Steven T. Buccola, whose insights and advice, both academic and linguistic, were of great help. The data for this thesis were provided by Norpac Foods, Inc. I am grateful for Norpa&s willingness to discuss the data and issues related to it. Without such help, this research would not have been possible. TABLE OF CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION 1 II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 3 Hedonic Functions Economic Value III CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK General Theory Hypotheses Vegetables Sold in Blended Versus Pure Form Choice of Return Estimate Prescribed Versus Actual Economic Values IV MODEL SPECIFICATION Choice of Model and Estimation Estimated Model and Prescribed Economic Values Variables and Parameters Data Used Calculating Prescribed Economic Values V RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Hedonic Function Results Prescribed Economic Values Effects of Nonmenther-Produced Characteristics 3 9 12 12 18 18 19 21 23 23 26 25 29 30 33 33 38 46 VI CONCLUSIONS 51 VII BIBLIOGRAPHY 53 VIII APPENDIX A. Results Based on Other Return Data 55 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Page Coefficients and Standard Errors Obtained With Ri as Dependent Variable 34 Coefficients and Standard Errors Obtained With Adjusted R2 as Dependent Variable 36 Expected Values of Nonmember-Produced Factors, Blended and Pure Products (Return Ri) 39 Prescribed Economic Values, Blended and Pure Products (Return Ri) 41 Comparison of Prescribed Economic Values, Weighted Mean of Blended and Pure Products, and Actual 1988 Economic Values 42 Comparison of Prescribed and Actual 1988 Economic Values, Relative Basis 44 Comparison of Prescribed and Actual 1988 Pool Return Shares (Return Ri) 45 Change in Implicit Values as Label and Package Type Vary (Return Ri) 48 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Table Page A.l. Coefficients and Standard Errors Obtained With R3 as Dependent Variable 57 A.2. Coefficients and Standard Errors Obtained With Adjusted R4 as Dependent Variable 58 A.3. Expected Values of Nonmember-Produced Factors, Blended and Pure Products (Return R3) 59 A.4. Prescribed Economic Values, Weighted Mean of Blended and Pure Products (Return R3) 60 A.5. Comparison of Actual 1988 and Prescribed Economic Values 61 A.6. Comparison of Actual 1988 and Prescribed Economic Values, Relative Basis 62 A.7. Comparison of Actual 1988 and Prescribed Pool Return Share (Return R3) 63 A.5. CoTnparison of Actual 1988 and Prescribed Economic Values 61 A.6. Comparison of Actual 1988 and Prescribed Economic Values, Relative Basis 62 A.7. Comparison of Actual 1988 and Prescribed Pool Return Share (Return R3) 63 DETERMINING MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS TO MARKETING COOPERATIVE RETURNS WHEN RAW PRODUCTS ARE COMMINGLED BEFORE SALE I INTRODUCTION Vegetable marketing cooperatives frequently make payments to their members through pools. Several vegetable types often are represented in a single pool, in whibh case pool returns are divided among members in relation to the amount and type of vegetables delivered to the pool. important issue An in cooperatives is how to divide the pool return among members or vegetable types. One criterion which is in wide use and which seems fair to many is to allocate returns according to the expected return or profitability of the delivered raw products. In a competitive market, raw product market prices would reflect this expected profitability. Today, however, local markets for processing vegetables often do not exist. Thus, one has to look to the processed product market, which often is more competitive, to determine the profitability of inputs such as member-delivered raw vegetables. This clearly is feasible as long as each vegetable is handled and sold separately. But when vegetables are commingled on the assembly line and sold in blends, it is not a straightforward task. Return to each processed product must be divided among the vegetables in the blend. In the 2 present thesis, this allocation will be accomplished using hedonic analysis,. permitting us to identify the return to each vegetable as the expected contribution of that vegetable to the total return of the vegetable blend. The following chapter includes a short literature review about hedonic analysis and a brief explanation of the use of economic values in a pooling-type cooperative. The third or conceptual chapter provides the general theory of hedonic functions and uses the theory to formulate testable hypotheses about net returns. Chapter four discusses model specification, including alternative functional forms and the method of calculating economic values from statistical results. It also describes variables and parameters employed in the final estimating equation and shows in more detail how economic values are calculated from the statistical results. Results are reported and discussed in chapter five and general conclusions are given in chapter six. 'I II REVIEW OF LITERATURE Hedonic Functions The hedonic technique is used to estimate the effect on price of changes in the characteristics or qualities of nonhomogeneous goods. This is accomplished by regressing prices of closely related products on the characteristics themselves. The price differentials caused by marginal changes in the characteristics are called the characteristics' implicit prices. Such hedonic price functions are of the general form; p1 = p(x111..,x1) (1) where p1 is observed price and x is the amount of characteristic j in good i. Justifications for the existence of hedonic functions vary. Griliches (1971) points out that the existence of hedonic functions is based on empirical rather than theoretical questions. Further, there is no a iriori reason for expecting price and quality to be related in any particular fixed fashion. Some of the early works, and especially those which estimate hedonic functions for the purpose of constructing quality-corrected price-indices, fall into this group Griliches, 1961). (Waugh, 1928; Griliches; Adelman and 4 Most of the recent research on hedonic functions refers to why and how prices should be treated as functions of the goods' characteristics. three groups. (1952). These theories can be divided into In the first group is the work of Houthakker He assumes the price of a commodity can be expressed as: p1 = a1 + b1v1 (2) where a1 and b1 are constants reflecting "quantity price" and "quality price", respectively, and v1 is the quality of good i, (b1 > 0 and a1 + b1v1 > 0 for all V.). Consumers maximize utility, which depends upon both the quantity q1 and quality of goods, subject to the income constraint I: q1(a1 + b1v1) = I. (3) Houthakker looks at changes which occur to the consumer's utility as income and/or prices change. Finally, he suggests introducing more variables to specify a variety of commodities. But he limits his theory to situations where only one variety can be bought. In group two, one can find the works of Gorman (1980), Lancaster (1966, 1971) and Ladd and Suvannunt (1976). The consumer's utility maximization problem is treated quite similarly in these works. First, utility U depends on the total amount x of each characteristic j, not directly on the quantity of goods consumed. Thus: U = tJ(x11..,x) (4) where n is the number of characteristics. Maximization is performed subject to an income constraint I: ;p1q1 = I (5) where p1 is the price paid for good i and q1 is the quantity bought of good i. The consumer can vary the quantities of goods bought but not the amount of each characteristic in each good. Total consumption of each characteristic can be expressed as a function of quantities of products consumed and of the amount of characteristic j in each good: = f(q1, . . ,q11x11, x0 ,x) (6) Lancaster and Gorman specify an additive relationship between the total amount of characteristics and the amount of characteristics in each good: x0 = (7) so that 8x0/8q1 = x. Ladd and Suvannunt instead optimize (4) subject to (5) and (6) by forming a Lagrangian and solving for the first order conditions assuming the characteristics are measured on a continuous scale. The result is p1 = 3(0x3/3q1)[(8U/3x)/(3U/8I)J (8) where 8x/c9q is the reciprocal of the marginal effect x the jth product characteristic on ith product volume. bracketed term of The in (8) can be interpreted as the rate of substitution between characteristic j and income or expenditure. This is the marginal implicit price paid for the jth characteristic, and as long this is a constant, it can be denoted The relationship between product price and characteristics can thus be written: p1 = (9) In the case where the characteristics are discrete variables (e.g. Lancaster), this same relationship can be found by deriving the dual of the problem, as in Ladd and Suvannunt. Lancaster takes tJ ie approach of a cost minimizing problem, the dual of which also gives relationship (9) as shown by Lucas (1975). One advantage of Ladd and Suvannuntts approach is that it allows for negative implicit prices, which are ruled out in the Lancasterian model. If the marginal utility of characteristics in a good are assumed constant, Ladd and Suvannunt suggest using a linear form of the hedonic function as in (9) above. If instead marginal utility of a characteristic is not believed to be constant, they suggest using a quadratic form. But the latter will not be consistent with their equation (8), which specifies product price as the sum of the products of characteristics marginal yields and their marginal implicit prices. Muellbauer (1974) shows that a semilog form of the price-characteristic relationship is not possible in the household production framework, i.e in the Lancasterian approach. Lancaster, Gorman, and Ladd and Suvannunt see hedonic functions as a way of soliciting information about the demand for characteristics and they deliberately avoid considering the supply side of the problem. The third theory direction is represented by Rosen (1974), whose work can be viewed as an extension of Houthakker's. Rosen limits his model to apply only when one unit of a brand, with given characteristics, purchased. can be His model assumes competitive equilibrium. Rosen claims that estimated hedonic functions typically identify neither demand nor supply; they are envelope functions of consumers' bid functions and producers' offer functions. being Bid functions reveal consumers' preferences, indifference curves showing price-characteristic combinations for which a consumer's utility is constant. Offer functions instead reveal the cost structure of individual firms, being indifference curves showing pricecharacteristic combinations for which a firm's profit is constant. Hedonic functions represent the price- characteristic combinations necessary in order for consumers and producers to agree on a particular product price. 8 There are two extreme situations in the Rosen framework. If all consumers have similar preferences, their bid functions are identical to each other. The hedonic function will then be estimated from the points where firms' offer functions are tangent to this unique bid function. Therefore, the hedonic function will be the same as the unique bid function and will identify the structure of the demand for characteristics. If, on the other hand, all firms have the same cost structure while consumers' preferences vary, the hedonic function will be estimated from points where consumers' various bid functions are tangent to the unique offer function. In this latter case, the hedonic function will be the offer function. In most cases the situation is between these two extremes. The hedonic function, which is then a joint envelope function, will not identify consumers' preference structures or firms' cost structures. Rosen suggests, however, how to estimate bid and offer functions simultaneously after first obtaining the hedonic function. More recent studies, for example Epple (1987) who considers Rosen's approach, shows that only under special conditions is identification and estimation of these simultaneous models feasible. On the choice of functional form of the hedonic price function, Rosen comments that linearity is unlikely as long as there is increasing marginal cost of characteristics for sellers and as long as it is not possible to "untie packages" of characteristics. Thus, he suggests using the functional form which gives the best £ it when estimating (1). Economic Value Most marketing cooperatives operate one or more pools. In each pool, payment to a particular raw product group is distributed from the pool's total net return. Payment GQ to the jth raw product is expressed as: GQ1 = (PJQJ/JPJQJ) NR where Q (10) is the quantity of raw product j, P3 is the "economic value" per unit of raw product j, and NR is net return in the pool. Each vegetable type delivered into a pool is assigned an economic value. Economic values, along with quantities Qi, determine how total net return is distributed among raw products. It is only the relative size of the economic values, not the actual values assigned, which are important for the impact of economic values on payment to each raw product. Return per unit of raw product is found by dividing both sides of (10) by quantity Q of the jth raw product: = (P/P3Q) NR. (11) 10 Cooperatives typically can, at least ex post, come up with good estimates for total net return and quantity of each raw product delivered to the pool. The problem is to derive good economic values P, that is, those which provide an efficient or equitable distribution of total net return. Cooperatives have various ways of assigning economic value weights P. They may use market prices, quality indices, or an equal weighting of raw products. All of these methods essentially are based on a forecasted return of the respective raw product (Buccola and Cornelius, 1989). One of the reasons for operating a pool is to reduce risk for the individual raw product producer; but in the long run, no raw product is meant to be subsidized by any other raw product in the pool (Buccola, Cornelius and Meyersick, 1989) In order to eliminate such subsidies, it is often sufficient to base economic values on the expected return of the respective raw product: = E(R1) (12) In an efficient market, prices for raw products are good forecasts of this expected return. Today, however, processing firms in many localities are becoming fewer, and often an efficient local market for vegetables does not exist (Buccola and Cornelius). Therefore, a proxy for expected return must be estimated in some other way. If raw products are processed and sold separately, returns to each raw product can easily be measured and, with suitable additional information, a forecast model for each raw product's net return can be developed. However, one of the reasons mentioned for operating a pool is that raw products frequently are commingled on the assembly line. When products are physically commingled, it is difficult to distinguish one raw product's sales revenue or processing cost from another. For these products, developing a patronage-weighted procedure along the lines of (10) requires a method for distinguishing one raw product's profitability contribution from another. In the remainder of this thesis, such a method --employing hedonic analysis-is discussed. 12 III CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK General Theory The method essentially is to employ the hedonic technique to determine the relative values of raw products used in final products. Before this technique can be used, the following conditions must be satisfied: 1) the end products must be characterized as a group of nonhomogeneous goods, 2) the raw products must be viewed as characteristics of the end products, and 3) the amount of raw product (characteristic) in different end products must vary. In the present application, end products are various combinations of mixed vegetables. Return R1 from the ith end product is used as the dependent variable. A hedonic function relating end product return R1 of each unit of end product to the characteristics of the ith end product can be estimated as: R1 = R(x111..,x1,k111...,k1) i=1,2,..,m (13) where x11 (j=1,...,n) is the fraction of end product i consisting of vegetable j, and (t=l,...$) is one of the other s characteristics which affect return to the ith product, such as size of container and container type. Taking the first derivative of this equation with respect to fraction x gives the marginal return to the jth 13 raw vegetable, that is, the implicit value of a unit increase in fractional share of that vegetable. Multiplying both sides of (13) by Q, the quantity of end product i sold, gives the total net revenue from selling end product 1: R1Q = R(x1 , . . ,x1,k11 , . . . ,k1) Q1 Note that x is specified as x (14) = q1/Q1, where Q shipment or sale quantity of i and q1 is total is the total amount of shipment i consisting of raw product j. If (13) is linearly homogeneous in the x's, then multiplying (13) by Q gives: R.Q1 = R (x1 , . . , k11 , . . . , k) Q1 = R (x11Q1 , . . , x1Q , , . . . , k.) Thus (14) can be expressed as: R.Q1 = R(q11, . . ,q1,k11, . . . ,k1) . (14') Hence the marginal implicit return R11 to the jth raw product in end product i is RfJ = 8R1Q/8q1 = 3R(q1, . . ,q,kj1, . . . ,k1)/8q. (15) If the cooperative is to completely distribute it's total profit R1Q to member-producers, we require that the sum of the implicit returns to each unit of raw product equal total net return. Implicit return to all the jth raw product used in end product i is, from (15), 14 Hence the sum of this total over the n member-produced raw products should yield total return to the ith end product: = R1Q Summing again over the in (16) end products gives total pool return: = where 8R1Q/8q = (17) is the marginal implicit or prescribed economic value of the jth raw product in the ith end use. It is interesting that dividing both sides of (16) by Q gives: ;(aRQ1/aq1)q1/Q, = R1 which says that unit return to the ith end product is the sum of the raw products' marginal contributions to the ith end product's net return weighted by these raw products' fractional shares in the ith end product. In Ladd and Suvannunt's terminology, our R.Q1 is expenditure term E and our q/Q1 is x01/q = ôx0/3q1. Substituting these expressions gives Ladd and Suvannunt's equation (8). This implies that analysis of pool net return calculations is formally equivalent to the analysis of consumer goods prices 15 in terms of the goods' characteristics.1 Restriction (16) and (17) -- that pool returns be completely distributed to members -- will not hold unless (13) is linearly homogeneous in the x's (or equivalently (14') is linearly homogeneous in the q.'s). Linear homogeneity should not extend to the factors k1, which represent nomnember-produced end product characteristics such as label and packaging type. homogeneity to factors Extending linear would ensure, contrary to cooperative principles, that part of pool net return be paid to nonmember factors of production. Linear homogeneity in member-produced raw product contributions x can be satisfied by using a linear or a Cobb Douglas specification in the x's. Define the implicit return R to a unit of the jth raw product as: = where q = = (18) is the total amount of raw product j provided by members. Expression (18) says j's implicit Weil (1968) shows that in equilibrium, total costs of He suggests using production always sum up to total revenues. this restriction when costs are allocated among inputs. Following neoclassical theory of production, the optimal output level for a profit maximizing firm is when the marginal costs of employing an input equals the marginal revenues it contributes, Viewing characteristics as separate inputs, the same principle also holds for these. Thus this approach could be adopted to any profit maximizing firm with similar costs allocation problems as those we studied. 16 return per unit is the sum of its marginal net return contribution to each end product weighted by the proportion of j used in each end product. Multiplying (18) by q gives total implicit net return contribution of all the jth raw product provided: Rq1 = (19) Summing (19) over all n raw products gives total raw product contribution to net return: = (20) Since, from (17), the right side of (20) equals 1RQ1, we have: = (21) The requirement of equation (17) is confirmed that total end product return equal the total implicit net return contribution of all raw products. Expressing (17) in the form of (21) is useful because the concept of an end-product-weighted implicit return R permits us to apply principle (12) directly. In order to eliminate pool subsidies, that is, each unit of raw product should be given an economic value P equal to the expectation of its implicit return R. When products are commingled, the econometric task is first to estimate the hedonic function (13) or (14) using historical data. 17 Implicit returns R then are derived from (14) analytically. However, to do this we need to suppose that there is some continuity in end product composition. If a separate end product were defined for every discrete combination of raw products, derivatives in (18) could not be computed because marginal changes aq1 would not be possible. Assuming complete continuity among blended products permits us to drop the i subscript in (14'), giving regression surface: (22) The differential of (22) with respect to the jth raw good applies to a given level of non-raw-product factors. Thus, the jth product's implicit pool contribution R, as a mean across all non-raw-product characteristics k, is found by computing the expectation across such characteristics of the derivative of (22) with respect to q1: R = EcaRQ/aq(k1,...k)] (23) A forecast of this return, E(R), can be derived by utilizing suitable forecasts of end product net return RQ. 18 Hypotheses Vegetables Sold in Blended Versus Pure Form The main objective in the following is to develop and test a new method of estimating implicit values of memberdelivered vegetables in a cooperative where these inputs are conuningled on the assembly line. Lately, vegetable mixes and blends have made up an increasing share of processed Therefore it is of interest to investigate vegetables sold. possible differences in returns to pure and blended products. Return in (22) is explained by two types of variables and thus also by two sets of coefficients. 13 Each coefficient gives the effect of a member-produced raw product j holding other variables constant. Each coefficient, on the other hand, shows the effect of changing non-raw-product or nonmember-produced factor k holding all other variables constant. To see whether a member-produced vegetable will affect return differently if it is used in a pure rather than in a blended product, one can compare the 13 coefficients between the equation estimating returns to blended products with the one estimating returns to pure products: H0: I3 (pure) = 13 (blend), for each or all j. A second potential source of difference between the 19 returns from blended and pure products is a possible unequal effect of nonmember-produced characteristics in the two equations. This will be tested by comparing the estimated coefficients ; in the blended product equation with those in the pure product equation: H0: a (pure) = ; (blend), for each or all t. It should be kept in mind that imputed value R of the jth raw product is conditional on k variable levels themselves as well as on the 8 Thus, it is a parameters. not enough to show that the i3 and coefficients are similar in the blended and pure product equations in order to conclude that the imputed value of a vegetable used in a pure product is the same as that in a blend. If the mean sizes of k variables differ between pure and blended products, imputed values R might differ even if the equations' B and ; parameters are the same. Choice of Return Estimate Unfortunately, there is no "right" way to divide some non-raw-product costs among raw products. Unsegregable or fixed costs are somewhat subjectively allocated and the method of their division may influence vegetable profitability estimates. We therefore measure net return in 20 two alternative ways. In return R2, administrative and finance costs and factory burden are not deducted from net returns. In return Ri, these two types of costs are subjectively allocated and deducted from net return. always higher than Ri. R2 is Failing to deduct administrative finance costs and factory burden from return essentially implies these costs are divided in proportion to return. It was indicated previously that the current fixed cost distribution across products depends on the products' expected returns. Comparing the coefficients from Ri and R2 equations allow us to check this conjecture. Since explanatory variable specification is the same in each equation, at least some coefficients of the equations in which R2 is the dependent variable will differ from those in which Rl is the dependent variable. To compare such results, one must scale down R2 by the constant E(Rl/R2)=a. Using dependent variable (R2) (a) instead of R2 will provide coefficients which are comparable to those estimated in the equation for Ri. This will allow us to compare coefficients in order to determine whether the two alternative equations would H0: generate different implicit values. Estimates of implicit values derived when (R2) (a) is the dependent variable will provide the same relative implicit values as when Ri is the dependent variable. 21 This will be tested by determining whether B(Rl) is within 1.96 a-1imits of 13j[(R2)(a)] and whether a(Rl) is within 1.96 is the T-value at five -1iitüts of a[(R2)(a)]. 1.96 percent level when sample size is large, a and are the standard errors of the estimated coefficients 13(Rl) and a(Rl). The converse relationship also will be B[(R2)(a)] is within 1.96 investigated, that is whether a-1imits of (Rl) and whether a[(R2)(a)] is within 1.96 as-limits of a(R1), where are standard errors from and equation [(R2) (a)]. Prescribed Versus Actual Economic Values Estimating implicit values in the manner described above employs only one objective: Pay each raw product an amount proportional to what it has contributed in net revenue. It is of interest to compare the economic values the cooperative presently uses with those that will be estimated in the above manner. Other objectives, such as equalizing per-acre payments to each member or promoting a varied and complete end product line, might influence today's payment system. Possible reasons for differences in the economic values observed in practice and those prescribed could be divided into two groups: those which are unexpected and those which are expected given the 22 cooperative's diverse objectives. H0: Allocation of the cooperative's incoirLe among raw products is the same using the prescribed approach as it is using the current approach. This will not be tested statistically. However, return allocations using the prescribed approach will be compared with those the cooperative uses today. 23 IV MODEL SPECIFICATION Choice of Model and Estimation To estimate equation (13) or (14'), a functional form must be specified. The choice is between a linear form or a Cobb-Douglas form; these are the only linearly homogeneous relationships between returns and member-produced raw product quantities. Use of a linear form does not allow investigating changes in per-unit implicit values caused by proportionate changes in raw product combinations. But using a Cobb-Douglas form would restrict us to estimating (13) or (14') only for subsets of the cooperative's products. No end product contains every form of raw product, so some variables always will be zero. Cobb- Douglas forms can only be used after zero-level x variables have been eliminated. The linear form, in contrast, allows estimation of implicit values combining all available information together. It provides statistical averages of implicit values over the whole sample, which reasonably may be used to determine payments to members. Functional form may be linear only in member-produced raw products. In order to preserve linear homogeneity in the raw products, the total effect of other characteristics, K, must enter the equation multiplicatively. major forms of K from which to choose. One is There are two 24 where k is a nonmember-produced K = a1k1 + a2k2 +...+ raw product characteristic and is a parameter. Using this expression implies no interaction between the characteristics, although interaction between memberproduced raw products x and the weighted sum K of the kr's On the other hand, a form such as still would be permitted. a2 K = k, k2 .. . k aS assumes interaction between all the k characteristics as well as between each k and each x. latter form of K is chosen in the present research. The The model, then, can be expressed as: = k' where (13x1) (24) is the fraction of j in a unit of output i and x (t=l,...,$) and J3 (j=l,...,n) are parameters. Regression surface (24) represents the mean value of R encountered for different combinations of the k1's and x's. Dropping the i subscripts and multiplying (24) by end product quantity Q gives RQ = a1 k1 k2 a 2...kaS (.J3.q.). (25) Differentiating with respect to q gives the jth product's implicit or economic value: R = 8RQ/3q = k, a1 k2 a2 J3. (26) for given combinations of non-raw-product characteristics k1, k2, . . . ,k. The condition that the sum of net return be 25 completely allocated to members is satisfied because multiplying (26) by q1 and summing over j gives: 2Rq1 ]çl)Z]çS (I3q1) which equals (25). It is clear from the above that economic values (26) can be derived by fitting either (24) or (25). Data supplied by a vegetable marketing caoperative, aggregates, in a given month, all end product sales with a given combination of raw products ànd other characteristics. Such aggregates represent varying quantities of output Qf and fitting (24) would fail to reflect this. Each observation i instead should be weighted by the quantity Q associated with that observation. Otherwise, two observations i and i' with different sales volumes Q1 and Q1' would have the same influence on the estimated regression surface. Multiplying (24) by Q, as in (25), before the function is estimated solves the weighting problem. In short, we estimate marginal contributions to total rather than to unit return, that is, equation (25). Equation (25) is estimated using software package TSP4.1B2, which employs the Gauss-Newton search algorithm. The Gauss-Newton algorithm is a least-squared-error 2 Documentation of TSP4.12 is found in TSP Reference Manual, Gauss Newton search algorithm is explained f.ex. in Judge (1988). 26 procedure which finds coefficients giving the lowest sum of the squared error terms. Thus, if estimating (24) minimizes L where: L = e2 then estimating (25) instead minimizes L': L' = That is, 1(Q1e1)2. (25) weights each observation in (24) by its volume importance Q. Estimated Model and Prescribed Economic Values Variables and Parameters A number of the cooperative's raw products are processed and sold in pure as well as in blended form. For any pure product, x=l since, apart from waste in processing, q=Q1. Because the fraction x of raw product j in a blend is generally well below one, we do not assume continuity in raw products when comparing blends products. and pure Instead, we allow factors (k1,...,k) to affect blend returns differently from the way they affect pure products' returns. Coefficients of the two independent functions (25) 27 describing blends and pure products are here estimated simultaneously. This is done by introducing two dummy variables, D and Db. D is zero when the ith product is a blended product and 0: ne if it is a pure product. D for pure products and one for blended products. The is zero estimated function is then RQ = (KJBJqJ) Db + D (27) where b refers to blended product and p to pure product. Kb and K, in (27) are the vectors of nonmember-produced characteristics described previously. 13bj and are parameters for blended and pure member-delivered raw products, respectively, allowing return to vary depending on the amount of raw product j used in the end product. Raw products are divided into three groups: minor and purchased raw products. major, Major raw products are supplied to the cooperative mainly by members and together they make up a large part of the quantities of raw product handled by the cooperative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Green beans Wax beans Italian beans Broccoli Cauliflower Zucchini Yellow squash Cut corn These products are 28 9. Cob corn3 Minor raw products are both supplied by members and bought In any event, they represent small from other sources. volumes. They are here added together in one unweighted sum and included as a single x variable. In addition to the variables above, therefore we have the tenth variable: 10. Minor products The minor products include carrots, peas, sugar-snap peas, Finally, purchased raw products peppers, and cooked squash. are obtained from nonmembers. Purchased raw products are not included among the x characteristics. Five variables are included among nonmenther-produced characteristics k. They are characteristics expected to affect a product's return. which are They include: Purch: The fraction of output i consisting of vegetables from the purchased raw product group. This is the unweighted sum of the fractional shares occupied by: Garbanzo beans, mushrooms, onions, pearl onions, potatoes, and celery. always zero. For pure products, purch is Thus, purch is not an explanatory variable in the equation for pure products returns. Size: Size of each container in ounces of capacity. 3corn cob is always a pure product, thus the equation estimating return to blended products does not contain x9 (q9) --cob corn-- as an explanatory variable. 29 Month: Indicated by successively numbering the month of sale from one to fourteen. Label: Zero when the end product is sold under a private label, one if sold under a house label. Pack: Zero when the end product is packed in a polyethylene bag, one if packed in a standard carton or microwavable carton. Including the dummy variables in the form of the k 's suggested in (24) would force expected return to be zero when one or more of the dummies are zero. To avoid this, ak each dummy may be included as an exponental term e allowing k to be zero without forcing estimated return to In sum, K be zero. and K in equation (27) are defined as: Kb = size e = size e pack Label e a4 month a5 pUrCh e and 02 LabeL e 03 pack month 04 Data Used The data set includes approximately 600-700 observations per month for fourteen months, beginning in October 1987 and ending in November 1988. The sample used 30 in estimating (27) had 8391 observations, of which 34% where observations of blended product sales and 66% where observations of pure product sales. Data were provided by one of Oregon's major marketing cooperatives for vegetables. Calculating Prescribed Economic Values Substituting Kb above into (27), we have, for blended products: RQb = size a1 e a2LaL e a3pack month purch e (28) JBJqJ The jth derivative of (28) is = = size a1 e a2 LabeL e pack month a4 e a5purch (29) 3bJ the implicit value, in a blend, of vegetable j for a given noninember-produced factor k -- equivalent to (26). remove the conditionality on the k variables, R is To computed as a mean across all nonmeinber-produced characteristics by calculating the expectation of (29) across such characteristics (as described in (23)): E(RbJ) = E(size e Label e pack month e% purch (30) J3) If the covariance between each pair of k variables were zero, (30) could be estimated as: a1 E(RbJ) = BbJE(slze )E(e LabeL )E(e pack a4 )E(month )E(e purch ) 31 Although the covariances in fact are small, (30) is calculated more exactly as: E(Rbj) = i31(s1ze a1 a2tabet e e (13 pack month (14 e (15 purch q/qj) (30') where qbJ refers to total amount of j in blends and is quantity of j in output 1. Substituting K into (27), we have for pure products RQ= size (1 e (1LabeL e pack (14 month (31) might differ from and '3bj might differ from = Q gives marginal Differentiating (31) with respect to where apt to the jth raw product in pure form at implicit return given levels of factor k: = 8RQ/8q1 = sizea1 e%P8Ckmonth(14 (32) J3 Taking the expectation of (32) over all observations 1, (where 1 refer to an observation with pure products), gives the jth product's mean implicit return contribution when sold in pure form: E(Rbj) = BbJE(size a e (12tabeL e (13pack month(14 ) (33) As in (30'), this may be estimated as: E(RbJ) = 133(size and e LabeL e pack month (Z e C purch LJ/bJ) (33') represent the implicit value of a unit of 32 raw product contained in a final product. This is not identical to the implicit value of a raw product delivered by a member, because waste occurs in processing (qbj is not equal to QbJ and q is not equal to Q). This waste loss is with the fraction accounted for by multiplying BbJ and (wi) of raw product j delivered by members which actually = ends up in the final product. That is, I3,J = wJi3bJ and in for bj in (29') and I3J for Substituting wJBbj. and as the implicit value per unit (33') will give raw product delivered by members. Finally, the marginal contribution of the jth raw product to pool return is a weighted average of j's use in blends and pure products. This is found by applying (18) to (30') and (33'), recalling in the present case that i = b,p. The weighted average is j's marginal implicit contribution (30') to blend net return, weighted by the proportion qbJ/qJ of the jth product sold in blend form, plus j's marginal contribution (33) to pure product return, weighted by the proportion q/q1 of the jth product sold in pure form: R= where qJ+qJ = q + R' (34) 33 V RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Hedonic Function Results As discussed above, returns were defined in two alternative ways: a) Ri = Price - Direct cost - Factory burden Administrative overhead b) R2 = Price - Direct cost Equation (27) was estimated twice, first with R]. multiplied by Q1 (total shipment) as dependent variable, then with (R2) (a) multiplied by Q as the dependent variable4 Table 1 shows the estimated coefficients and their standard errors when (Ri) (Q1) was the dependent variable. Holding all k (nonmember-produced) factors constant, the J33 coefficients show the implicit marginal contributions of raw products j to net return. product's coefficient I3 Table 1 shows that a raw and coefficient of a nonmember- produced characteristic, tends to differ between blend and pure form. The right-hand-side column of Table 1 indicates whether in each case the difference is significant, that is, whether the null hypothesis abaP = 0 and = 0 can be rejected at the five and one percent confidence levels. Among noninember-produced characteristics, only the effect of 4See page 20 for explanation of (a). 34 Table 1. Coefficients and Standard Errors Obtained With Ri as Dependent Variable Blend St.Error Coef. Size Pure Coef. St.Error Test* ** -0.0949 0.0152 -0.1488 0.0053 Label 0.1417 0.0152 0.1255 0.0059 Pack 0.1154 0.0431 -0.0564 0.0162 ** Month 0.0345 0.0056 0.1452 0.0031 ** Purch 0.7074 0.2163 - - Green Beans 0.2920 0.0282 0.2693 0.0058 Wax Beans 0.4386 0.0824 0.4160 0.0406 Italian Beans 0.2565 0.0447 0.3299 0.0116 Broccoli 0.5507 0.0401 0.3244 0.0083 ** Cauliflower 0.4472 0.0631 0.3068 0.0132 * Cut Corn 0.4141 0.0284 0.3710 0.0075 Corn Cob - - 0.2358 0.0045 Zucchini 0.6803 0.0565 0.2192 0.0093 Yellow Squash 0.3729 0.0715 0.2566 0.0159 Minor Product 0.2977 0.0222 0.1398 0.0037 * ** ** T-test for the hypothesis that each pair of coefficients for blended and pure characteristics are equal. Explanation: a) b) ** * The hypothesis is rejected on a 1 % level. The hypothesis is rejected on a 5 % level. 35 label type does not differ significantly at a 5 percent level between the pure and blended forms. Among raw products, coefficients of the minor products and of broccoli, cauliflower, and zucchini are significantly different at the 5 percent level between blended and pure products. The Wald test for the hypothesis that the coefficients of all characteristics are jointly the same between blended and pure products gives a computed ChiSquare of 1390.2. Thus, the hypothesis that blended and pure products give the same implicit values is rejected at the one percent confidence level. Table 2 shows the estimated coefficients and their standard errors when (R2) (a) is used as the dependent variable5. Results are similar to those in Table 1 except that the differences between coefficients for the pure and blended forms seem to be somewhat greater than in the case of Ri. Here, the hypothesis that a coefficient in the blended products equation is equal to that in the pure products equation cannot be rejected at the 5 percent level for wax beans, green beans, and label type. The second hypothesis proposed in chapter three was to determine whether alternative methods of computing net returns would have any impact on estimated thus on raw products' implicit values. 5Parameter 0.739. a, which is the coefficients and Ninety five percent expectation of (Rl/R2), was Table 2. Coefficients and Standard Errors Obtained With Adjusted R2 as Dependent Variable Blend St.Error Coef. Pure St.Error Coef. Test ** -0.0823 0.0122 -0.1190 0.0040 Label 0.1214 0.0121 0.1055 0.0045 Pack 0.0982 0.0345 -0.0362 0.0122 ** Month 0.0283 0.0045 0.1130 0.0023 ** Purch 0.8055 0.1709 - - Green Beans 0.2733 0.0169 0.2694 0.0044 Wax Beans 0.4676 0.0214 0.3739 0.0305 Italian Beans 0.2621 0.0339 0.3320 0.0085 * Broccoli 0.5280 0.0305 0.3119 0.0062 ** Cauliflower 0.4031 0.0473 0.3180 0.0100 * Cut Corn 0.3898 0.0215 0.3425 0.0052 * Corn Cob - - 0.2172 0.0031 Zucchini 0.6408 0.0427 0.2304 0.0069 ** Yellow Squash 0.3951 0.0547 0.2617 0.0112 ** Minor Product 0.2872 0.0169 0.1596 0.0028 ** Size * * T-test for the hypothesis that each pair of coefficients for blended and pure characteristics are equal. Explanation: a) b) * * The hypothesis is rejected on a 1 % level. * The hypothesis is rejected on a 5 % level. 37 confidence intervals for each of the parameters in table 1 For blended products, all and table 2 were estimated. coefficients in each equation fell within the other's corresponding 95 percent confidence intervals. whether one uses Ri or R2 Thus, as the dependent variable for obtaining coefficients for blended products would seem to make little difference. At the five percent error level, we cannot reject the hypothesis that the two equations would give the same implicit values for vegetables used in blends. For the pure products, on the other hand, results were mixed. Coefficients of size, label type, and month in the Ri equation all were outside the corresponding 95 percent confidence intervals in the R2 equation (and vice versa). This also was the situation for minor products, cut corn, and cob corn. In addition, the coefficient of broccoli in the Rl equation does not fall within the confidence interval of its adjusted coefficient in the R2 equation. Both pure cut corn and cob corn have significantly lower coefficients in the Ri equation than in the R2 equation. Thus, it would appear that using R2 as dependent variable would give a lower relative implicit value for corn than would of Ri as dependent variable. the use Since corn is one of the cooperative's major products, this difference might induce a substantial change in the share of total pool return paid to each raw product. A third equation also was estimated using as dependent 38 variable the gross price received for the end product, that is, with no processing costs deducted. These results are not of particular interest for the purpose of estimating implicit values since they would not necessarily reflect raw products' contributions to returns. As one would expect, relative economic values determined from these results differed substantially from the results obtained from the two returns equations discussed above. Prescribed Economic Values With the coefficients in (27) estimated, the implicit or economic values of each member-delivered raw product now can be calculated. The following tables and discussion are based on parameter estimates derived using returns Ri (table 1). Because of the conditionality of (29) and (32) on the k variables, we need to calculate such implicit values as expectations over the k. Table 3 shows expected values of noniuember-produced factors for blended and pure products, E(KbJ) and E(K), respectively.6 These expectations vary across vegetables because each vegetable is associated with a different mean combination of end products and a different 6Dividing (30') and (33') with I3 we get E(RbJ)/131 = E(KbJ) and E(R)/J3 = E(K1), thus after these divisions the right hand sides of (30') and (33') show how the expectations of K and Kb are calculated. 39 Table 3. Expected Values of Noninember-Produced Factors, Blended and Pure Products (Return Ri) Blend Pure Commodity E(KbJ) E(K.1) Green Beans 0.9034 0.7480 Wax Beans 0.9664 0.8048 Italian Beans 0.8791 0.7563 Broccoli 0.8752 0.8768 Cauliflower 0.8554 0.8762 Cut Corn 0.8771 0.7453 Corn Cob - 0.6552 Zucchini 0.8810 0.6098 Yellow Squash 0.8728 0.6284 Minor Product 0.8751 1.4563 40 mean combination of nonmember-produced characteristics. a given raw product j, E(KbJ) For E(K), because of differing characteristic combinations and differences in parameter a across blends and pure products. Both the highest and lowest values of E(K) are found among pure products. Economic values, computed separately for each raw product in its blended and pure forms, are reported in table 4. Italian beans is the only raw product which has a higher implicit value in pure form than in blended form. However, this product is not one of the cooperative's major commodities. For the most part, raw products give a higher marginal return in blend than in pure form. A blended product can absorb more of a lower-grade vegetable before the loss in end product quality is apparent to most consumers. Thus, it is not likely that the difference in marginal value between blended and pure products is due to using a higher quality of raw products in blends. Indeed, we probably have underestimated the net profit advantage to members of selling raw products in blended form because the lower cost of producing lower quality vegetables has not been taken into account. Table 5 shows economic values of each raw product considered as a mean between their blended and pure forms. This mean is estimated according to (35), weighting Rbj and by the proportions they represent of total output. Next to the prescribed or estimated economic values are those the 41 Table 4. Prescribed Economic Values, Blended and Pure Products (Return Ri) Commodity Blend S/lb Pure 5/lb Green Beans 0.2012 0.1536 Wax Beans 0.3158 0.2494 Italian Beans 0.1876 0.2076 Broccoli 0.4396 0.2594 Cauliflower 0.2337 0.1643 Cut Corn 0.2555 0.1943 Corn Cob7 - 0.2871 Zucchini 0.3758 0.0838 Yellow Squash 0.2164 0.1072 Minor Product 0.1907 0.1491 Tvalue per pound in cob corn form. Multiply with 2.667 to get value per pound in cut corn equivalent. 42 Table 5. Comparison of Prescribed Economic Values, Weighted Mean of Blended and Pure Products, and Actual 1988 Economic Values Commodity S/ton 1988 Actual S/ton Prescribed8 Green Beans 178 330 Wax Beans 184 547 Italian Beans 250 400 Broccoli 350 740 Cauliflower 335 429 Corn 163 463 Zucchini 122 360 Yellow Squash 154 257 Minor Product - 336 8Employing return Ri. 43 cooperative used in 1988. Estimated implicit values are high compared to those the cooperative employed in 1988, which are based on rough estimates of processor's raw product market prices. But one should remember that the estimated values include all returns to the cooperative, including those which a noncooperative processor ordinarily would keep as net profit. Table 6 compares relative economic values with those used by the cooperative in 1988. These values are normalized by expressing them relative to the implicit value for green beans. Table 6 suggests that wax beans, broccoli, corn, and zucchini were underpaid relative to green beans in 1988 while Italian beans, cauliflower, and yellow squash were overpaid relative to green beans. Values in table 5 now may be used in (10) and (11) to calculate each member's share of total pool returns. Implicit or prescribed economic values expressed as a percentage of some base value, as in table 6, could just as well have been used since only relative implicit values matter for this purpose. Table 7 shows the share of total pool return that would have been paid to each type of raw product assuming the cooperative used (a) the economic values it did employ in 1988 and (b) economic values derived from the present research (table 5). Quantities Q3 delivered by members in 1988 were used for those calculations. Inspection of table 7 shows that using the prescribed or estimated economic 44 Table 6. Comparison of Prescribed and Actual 1988 Economic Values, Relative Basis Commodity 1988 Actual Prescribed9 Green Beans 1.00 1.00 Wax Beans 1.03 1.66 Italian Beans 1.40 1.21 Broccoli 1.97 2.24 Cauliflower 1.88 1.30 Corn 0.92 1.41 Zucchini 0.69 1.09 Yellow Squash 0.87 0.78 9Employing return Rl. 45 Table 7. Comparison of Prescribed and Actual 1988 Pool Return Shares (Return Ri) Commodity Green Beans 1988 Pool Return Share Prescribed Pool Return Share 29.15 24.75 Wax Beans 0.98 1.33 Italian Beans 3.90 2.85 Broccoli 13.14 12.71 Cauliflower 13.31 7.80 Corn 34.85 45.28 Zucchini 2.90 3.92 Yellow Squash 1.77 1.35 46 values would give green beans a smaller share of return than it actually was paid in 1988. The return share going to broccoli also would decrease even though, relative to the other raw products, beans' prescribed economic value is larger than its economic value was in 1988. An increase in relative economic value does not necessarily translate into an increase in pool return share because the relative economic values of the other raw products and delivery quantities Q also must be taken into account. Using the prescribed values would result in an increase in corn's return share to 45.28 percent compared to its 1988 share of only 34.85 percent. beans also would increase. The share to zucchini and wax The share of return going to cauliflower would decrease to 7.80 percent, about half of its 1988 level. In addition, return share would decrease for Italian beans and yellow squash. Effects of Noninember-Produced Characteristics Table 1 shows that for both blended and pure products, selling a product under one of the house labels brought higher mean return, ceteris paribus, than did selling it under a private label. The effect of changing package type between carton and polyethylene bags, on the other hand, gave mixed results. With blended products, carton-packed 47 products give a higher return than did identical products sold in poly bags. But among pure products, a carton-packed product brought a lower return than that in a poly bag. As a weighted average between blended and pure forms, carton packaging brings a slightly higher return than does poly bag packaging. All coefficients are significant at the percent confidence level. 99 But among both pure and blended products, package type has the lowest t-values (2.677 and for blended and pure product, respectively), while 3.474 label type, month, and size, all have clearly higher tvalues. Suppose the nonmember-produced characteristics that are not dummy variables are held at their sample means, namely: Blend Size Month Purch 41.6 oz Pure 113.1 oz 7.5 7.5 0.055 -- Altering the dummy variables for label and package type gives the change in raw products' marginal return contributions as label and package type vary. Table 8 shows some examples of the impact this would have on the estimated effects of nonmember-produced factors and on the resulting implicit values of some selected raw products. The impact of changing dummy variables is greater among blended than among pure products. This is seen by comparing 48 Table 8. change in Implicit Values as Label and Package Type Vary (Return Ri) Blended Raw Products Label Private Package Poly Private carton K1 S/lb Gr.Beans $/lb Broccoli S/lb Cut Corn 0.78 0.174 0.392 0.226 0.90 0.200 0.452 0.261 House Poly 0.88 0.196 0.442 0.255 House Carton 1.009 0.225 0.507 0.292 Pure Raw Products S/lb Gr.Beans Label Package $/lb Broccoli S/lb Cut Corn 0.66 0.135 0.195 0.171 Private Cartoon 0.63 0.129 0.186 0.164 House Poly 0.75 0.154 0.222 0.195 House Cartoon 0.71 0.146 0.210 0.184 Private Poly 49 the estimated nonmember factors Kb and K for different dummy variable combinations in table 810. For both groups, blended and pure, a product with a combination of a private label and a polyethylene bag would give the lowest implicit raw product values. The highest values for a blended product are found for products sold under a house label and For pure products, the highest value in a carton package. is also obtained for a product sold under a house label but in a polyethylene bag. For blended green beans and cut corn, these variations would result in a variation in implicit value of between five and six cents per pound. For broccoli the implicit value variations would be at most 11.5 cents per pound, and possibly lower depending on the combination of package and label type. Among pure products, implicit values would vary about two cents per pound for green beans and cut corn and 2.7 cents for broccoli. In addition to these effects, it is clear from table 1 that container size has a negative effect on an end product's profitability. As size increases, average return decreases with elasticity 0.09. That is, increasing container size by ten percent reduces net return by about one percent. The effect of month is positive, especially for pure products. This indicates that, on average, return 10Purchased amount of vegetables which only affect KbJ has a positive effect on return, but we do not know wheter p'rice of purchased raw products are accounted for or not, thus the true net effect is not known. 50 trended up more for pure products than for blended products during the 14-month sample period. 51 VI CONCLUSIONS The results show that there generally are higher returns to raw products sold in blended form than in pure form. This was especially true for broccoli, cauliflower, and zucchini. The apparent implication is that the cooperative faces less competition for its products in the vegetable blend market than in the pure product market. However, one should keep in mind that only a 14-month time period was considered in the analysis. The hypothesis that the subtraction of factory burden and administrative and finance costs from return does not affect relative economic values could not be rejected for blended products. For pure products, results were mixed. For example, among pure products, corn has a lower implicit price when such costs are subtracted than when they are not subtracted. The cooperative's most important products are green beans and corn. Overall, our results show that corn has a higher implicit or economic value to the cooperative than has green beans. For example, when return Ri is employed, Using return R2 the ratio of bean to corn value is 1:1.4. instead decreases corn's relative value significant margin over beans. to 1.36, still a Assuming 1988 delivery quantities and using our prescribed implicit values instead of the cooperative's current ones would increase corn's 52 return share and decrease the return to green beans. Among the other vegetables, our analysis suggests a relative increase in the share of return to zucchini and wax beans and a decrease in the share to Italian beans, cauliflower, and yellow squash. Implicit values prescribed in this study can be used as forecasts of the raw products' profitability or for determining pool payments to raw products. should be recognized for what they are: These values returns to the respective raw products over a 14-month sample period. Atypical short-term conditions may influence such estimates. However, they serve as a good starting point for determining payments to raw products in the absence of competitive raw product markets. 53 VII BIBLIOGRAPHY Adelman, I. and Z. Griliches. "On an Index of Quality "Journal of the American Statistical Change. Association, 56(1961) :535-48. Buccola, S.T., J.C. Cornelius and R.R. Meyersick. "Equitable Pool Payment Rules for Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives." Journal of Agricultural Cooperation, 4(1989):in press. 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Results Based on Other Return Data Tables A.l though A.7 present the same type of information as tables 1 to 7, but based on a different data set. The new data set has 8191 observations because observations with cooked squash included in the minor products variable are deleted. The major differences between the two data sets are how returns are defined. In the previous data set, costs denoted as raw product costs are not deducted from the return estimate (for both Ri and R2). For a majority of the observations, however, this raw product category contains some non-raw-product costs. Specifically, many raw products are processed in two operations, first into bulk form and then into final form. For such products, the "raw product cost" category includes costs of processing raw product through to the bulk stage. This cost is approximately 50 percent of the "raw product cost" category. In table A.1 through A.8, costs of initial processing (into bulk form) have been estimated as "raw product costs" less average accounting prices charged for each type of raw vegetables multiplied by quantity of the vegetable. a) Return is defined as: R3 = Price - Direct cost - Factory burden - 56 Administrative overhead - Estimated initial processing cost b) R4 = Price - Direct cost Estimated initial processing cost. Table A.l shows coefficients and standard errors when R3 is used as return estimate. As earlier, a = E(R3/R4). Table A.2 shows the estimated coefficients employing [(R4) (a) J as estimated return. Tables A. 3 through A. 7 use coefficients obtained with R3 as an estimate of returns. 57 Table A.l. Coefficients and Standard Errors Obtained With R3 as Dependent Variable Blend St.Error Coef. Pure Coef. St.Error Test* -0.0920 0.0239 -0.2680 0.0079 ** Label 0.2464 0.0246 0.4462 0.0106 ** Pack 0.063411 0.0698 0.1079 0.0241 Month 0.0736 0.0087 0.3316 0.0064 Purch 0.8011 0.3636 - - Minor Products 0.0758 0.0135 0.1111 0.0043 ** Green Beans 0.1943 0.0226 0.1002 0.0035 ** Wax Beans 0.0789 0.0536 0.1363 0.0247 Broccoli 0.1439 0.0246 0.1497 0.0055 Italian Beans 0.003811 0.0310 0.1523 0.0079 ** Cauliflower 0.3968 0.0527 0.1488 0.0077 ** Cut Corn 0.2009 0.0206 0.1765 0.0055 Zucchini 0.3461 0.0415 0.0991 0.0070 Yellow Squash 0.0921 0.0484 0.1460 0.0115 Cob Corn - - 0.1039 0.0031 Size ** ** * T-test for the hypothesis that each pair of coefficients for blended and pure characteristics are equal. Explanation: a) ** b) * The hypothesis is rejected on a 1 % level. The hypothesis is rejected on a 5 % level. 11The coefficient is not significant on a 5 percent level. 58 Table A.2 Coefficients and Standard Errors Obtained With Adjusted R4 as Dependent Variable Blend St.Error Coef. Pure Coef. St.Error Test * -0.0713 0.0174 -0.1866 0.0054 ** Label 0.1807 0.0175 0.2872 0.0065 ** Pack 0.048212 0.0500 0.1120 0.0164 Month 0.0522 0.0063 0.2059 0.0036 Purch 0.9118 0.2516 - - Minor Products 0.0881 0.0092 0.1185 0.0031 ** Green Beans 0.1552 0.0141 0.1135 0.0025 ** Wax Beans 0.1390 0.0359 0.1329 0.0181 Italian Beans 0.0483 0.0200 0.1658 0.0055 Broccoli 0.1639 0.0166 0.1488 0.0038 Cauliflower 0.2876 0.0318 0.1612 0.0056 Cut Corn 0.1752 0.0132 0.1650 0.0034 Zucchini 0.2997 0.0266 0.1230 0.0047 Yellow Squash 0.1295 0.0322 0.1452 0.0071 Cob Corn - - 0.0974 0.0019 Size ** ** ** ** * T-test for the hypothesis that each pair of coefficients for blended and pure characteristics are equal. Explanation: a) b) * * The hypothesis is rejected on a 1 % level. * The hypothesis is rejected on a 5 % level. 12The coefficient is not significant on a 5 percent level. 59 Table A.3. Expected Values of Noninember-Produced Factors, Blended and Pure Products (Return R3) Blend Pure Commodity E(KbJ) E(K) Green Beans 1.0476 0.8834 Wax Beans 1.1813 1.0010 Italian Beans 1.0330 0.8881 Broccoli 1.0060 1.0922 Cauliflower 0.9873 1.1761 Cut Corn 1.0086 0.8653 Corn Cob - 0.6948 Zucchini 1.0348 0.6111 Yellow Squash 1.0312 0.7317 Minor Product 1.0145 1.0394 Table A.4. Prescribed Economic Values, Weighted Mean of Blended and Pure Products (Return R3) Commodity Blend S/lb Pure S/lb Green Beans 0.1552 0.0674 Wax Beans 0.0694 0.1015 Italian Beans 0.0033 0.1125 Broccoli 0.1320 0.1491 Cauliflower 0.2394 0.1069 Cut Corn 0.1317 0.0992 Corn Cob13 - 0.0578 Zucchini 0.2246 0.0380 Yellow Squash 0.0632 0.0710 Minor Product 0.0569 0.0854 13$/lb of corn in cob corn form. Multiply with 2.667 to get value per pound in cut corn equivalents. 61 Table A.5. Comparison of Actual 1988 and Prescribed Economic Values Commodity S/ton 1988 Actual S/ton Prescribed14 Green Beans 178 177 Wax Beans 184 185 Italian Beans 250 140 Broccoli 350 277 Cauliflower 335 405 Corn 163 241 Zucchini 122 199 Yellow Squash 154 139 Minor Product - 137 14Emnploying return R3. 62 Table A.6. Comparison of Actual 1988 and Prescribed Economic Values, Relative Basis Commodity 1988 Actual Prescribed15 Green Beans 1.00 1.00 Wax Beans 1.03 1.04 Italian Beans 1.40 0.79 Broccoli 1.97 1.56 Cauliflower 1.88 2.29 Corn 0.92 1.36 Zucchini 0.69 1.12 Yellow Squash 0.87 0.78 15Employing return R3. 63 Table A.7. Comparison of Actual 1988 and Prescribed Pool Return Share16 (Return R3) 1988 Pool Return Share Prescribed Pool Return Share 29.15 24.89 Wax Beans 0.98 0.84 Italian Beans 3.90 1.87 Broccoli 13.14 8.92 Cauliflower 13.31 13.81 Corn 34.85 44.24 Zucchini 2.90 4.06 Yellow Squash 1.77 1.37 Commodity Green Beans Using quantity of member delivered vegetables from 1988.