F' / RAU & SHERMAN'S TEXASADR Be ARBITRATION: STATUTES AND COMMENTARY INCLUDES THE 1997 GOVERNMENTAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION ACT AND 1997 NEGOTIATED RULEMAKING ACT, WITH LEGISLATIVE HISTORY AND ANALYSIS PREPARED BY THE CENTER FOR PUBLICPOLICY DISPUTE RESOLUTION ATTBEUNiVER.SiTYOFTEXASSCIIOOLjJF"LA W, __ c~. _ _ •• '.'.-, , •.. ".,. ",,: ",,,,",,~,'_'. ~,,,:,,,,.,;'- . ' . : '" -~: :~'. "'f-' Commentaries by Alan Scott Rau Edward F~ Shennan Brian D. Shannon 1997 Edition _::.':',,:-"_:'~ '-~i; :'_~ c --, I Table of Contents I. TEXAS STATUTES.GOVERNING ALTElfNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION .... .. .... Page A. Texas Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures Act [Civil Practice and RemediesCode§§ 154.001-154.073] --------B. Texas Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems and Financing Act , [Civil Ptactice"artd Remedies Code §§ '152.001-152.604] --:----.:.;. ._-'~ G-.-~exas~Tcr.iat ..by-.specia11udgeAcL--,- .~ .~ ~...... _",- _ ='=-',--,-,-_ [Civil Practice and Remedies Code §§ 151:001-151.013] :::-------~ . ,D. Texas Settlement Weeks Act [Civil Practice and RerIlediesCode §§155.001,1'55.006] --------g. ADR Statement in Pleadings for Marital Di~soirifioIl [Family Code §§6.404, 102.0085J~~------~~~-~~..'~.. -~-;~----~~-- .. ----=7.F. ADR ofFamjlyLaw.$uits ." . . . " ....../ ....•......•... [FamfiyCode §§6.601, 6.602, 153.0071] __ ~.:. ~~~~~~~:~~~=~~_~=i___ G. Friend of the Court [Family Code'§'§ i6i:00l~202.d05J __ ~_~ , :..~J_~,, ~~~~~-~-----H. Health Care Treatment Decisions [CivilPtacticeand Remedies Code§§ 88.001-88~003] ":~_~.--':::"CLU . I. Performanc~EvaluationsofTenured Faculty .; [Education Code § 51.942] -. ..:;.~~_..:~..:jLi::: 1: :~. L. M. N. 2 61 68 76 83 87 92 95 .'. Child SupportCollection1JyPrivat~·E:ntities [Human R.esources Code §§ 153:001..:153.605]' Victim-Offender M~diation . ... ... . ,....,. ,/7' [Code of <:rimina~ Procedure, Article 26.13(g);Goverriment'Code ." §. 508.153] ----------..;--..;..;---------,--~-~.:.~~-,~--.,~--:..;-:~-~..:H:'-· ..-..---.:.. . •. Motor Vehicle Dealer Franchise Disputes .. .' [Motor VehiCle Commission Code, RCS Art:4413(36)~' § 3.07A] -- " " ADR in Employment Discrimination Disputes . [Labor ,Code § 21.203] ~~--------:----~~-i---~-------.---?;~-----. ..-:-.:-.:.----~, Mediation of Certain Family Law DisputesbyDom6~t:i¢R~iaiidri.~ Office [Family Code § 203.004] -----------------------------------:..------:----- 102 104 108 112 11 6 117 II. TEXAS AND FEDERAL STATUTE'S AND' --~ .. --~--TREATIES GOVERNING' ARBITRATION' .. 1. A. GENERAL ARBITRATION STATUTES AND. TREATIES Federal Arbitration Act [9 U.S.C. §§ 1-307]---------~~---------~-_:-~~--~--~--~--~----~~~-~';.;.--~-_:IX 121 r TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2. 3. 4. 5. United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards ("New York Convention") -------------230 Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration ("Panama Convention") ------------------------------------------------247 Texas Genera;lArbitration Act , . ' , ...," . _ 255 [Civil Practice and Remedi~s Cqde §§ 171.001~171.098] --------Texas International Commercial Arbitration and Conciliation Act [Civil Practice and Remedies Code §§ 172.001-172.310] --------351 ll. LABOR ARBITRATIONSTATUTES Arbitration Between Employer ami Emplqyed [Labor Code §§ 102,001-102;075] -~---"--------------.-----~":_--~--~"~-,,--,-~~---~--2,--l'exas,-Workers'-Compensation Law,-Dispute Resolution P;ovisions [Labor Code §§ 410.001-410.308; 28TAC §§ 140.1 etseq., 141.;1 et seq., 142.1 et seq., 143.1 et seq., 144.1etseq.,)4~.1, 145.11, ~4?17, 147.1et seq., 148.1 ets~9'] -----~-~--------3. Texas Municipal Civil Service Law [LocalGovemrnent G6d{§ 143.057]. --~~-----------------------------4. Texas Fire &Police EmployeeRe1ationsAct [Local Government Code §§ 174.1~1:-174.l64; 174.25t-174:253J~-1. 1. 2. - ). 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C. OTHER STATUTES DEALING WITH ARBITRATION IN SPE,CIFIC CONTEXTS Voluntary Arbitration in Patent Disputes. [35 U.S.C. ,§ 294] '----~"----:_--------~--~---:--;---'-----~-.-~------"--:,-_::~-,..­ Required Conspicuous Notice of Arbitra!ion Clqllse inCertain,. Contract Cases '. [Business and Commerce Code§§35.52, 35.53]~~--,-------~:-=:;-:; Required. c:onspicuous Notice pi Arbitration Clause in MediSilJ .', , . Liability Actions' "', " ,., [RCS, Art. 4590i] -----------_-~------~-----------------~-.---------------~-­ Specific Pe~f~rn~@c;e ofi\greements to Arbitrate FutureDisput~s';" . Involving Non-Profit Corporations , , [Civil Pr~ctice and Remedies §§ 173.001-173.004] ---"-----------Arbitration i~ Seed Performance Disput~~ , [Agriculture Code §§ 64.00 1-64.007] --~--------_:_:-=:_-:_--~~-----.-----­ ArbitratIon inuisputes ,OverPayment Of Workers,arid Mechanid"Under Public Works Contracts' , [Governmen! Code §§ 2258.053-2258.055] -----------------;-------Arbitration Relating to Location, Survey, Sale andLease of Vacant and UIlsqrveyedPublic. Ss;hoolLand [N aturai,Res~ur~e,s,Code §' 51. 194],,'. -.--------;----~-------------------­ Arbitration in Certain Tax Disputes' . [Tax Code. §. 42:225] -----_-~-~---"-+,~-,.-::.---.~~---------------~:_-::-~~--­ Arbitration in'Disputes Involving Business Corporations [Business Corporation Act, RCS, Art. -2.30-1] --------~~~------7--~~-~ x 422 -431 503 508 518 524 531 " 533 537 541 543 545 TABLE OF CONTENTS ".. . --.( . Page ,~ 10. Arbitration in Disputesfuvo1ving Consumer Credit" [Business and Commerce y?de §, 20.08] -~7-~------------------------­ 11. Arbitration in Disputes Involving Placements in Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Prognrins' [Education Code § 37.011 (p)] ------------------------------------------12. Arbitration in Disputes Relating to Greyhol.lnd Racing [Texas Racing Act, RCS Art. 17ge, § 11.,Ol'i].~-~------:"~-"::-:------13. Arbitration in Certain Disputes Invo1vingHealth CaryIn.stit~ti9n.S" [Health, and Safety Code §§ 2.42.251-242.2(i8] ,-~-"-..:~:_:,::-..:----:.::..:-,.... .--'.-.. 548 550 552 554 III. SELECTED DISPUTE RESOLUtIoN PROVISIONS OF TRANSNATIONAL 'e, l'RA))E-AGREEMEN+S-,::.~---:.----"-The North American Free Trade Agreement --------7--~-------..:----..:-W orId Trade Organization ------------------------------..:---..:--..:..:~..:..:--~-~~..: --------A. B. 564 591 IV. TEXAS AND FEDERAL STATUTES AND' ,RUL~S-RELATINGTO SETTLEMENT A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Enforceability of Settlement Agreements [TRCP Rule 11] :-..:..:----~-----..:------------------~------"~~-~~--~"-"~~,"~~",~~~' Openness of Settlement Agteements [TRCP76a, 166b(5)] --------------..:---~---7--..:-~~-L----~-..:~~-~--.:---~-"" Pre-Judgment and Post-Judgrnent Interest [Finance Code §§ 302.002~ 304.001etsf<l,;Title71, Chapter 21, Article 4590i, §§ 16.01, 1(i.02, Revised, Civil Statutes;Title 79, Chapter lE, Articles 5069~lC:b02,5069..:1E:OOlto~' ,~;; -5069': IE.108, Revised Civil Statutes] ---~"~..:.:-~----..:~.:~-~---~::. Pretrial Conferences [FRCP 16; TRCP 166] ~ ~~_~L ~~;~c.:'~..:::.---..:..:~-..:.:..:-_,,~--L.:' Offer of Judgment [FRCP 68] "--------------c~-,,~~~~~---,_-.:.~-.:.----..:-..:_L:_._~'L..:.:~"", Inadmissibility-&iOffersloCo!hpr6ffiise [FRE 408, 409; TRCE 408, 409] --------------------------------..:.:..:---..:; DTPA arid Insurance Code Mediatioriimd Offers ofSettlerrierit ' [Business and Commerce Code §§ 17.5051, 17.5052;Insuran.ce Code, Artitle 21 :21, § § 16A, 16B]' ~~~_c~_~_~~_~..:..:..:~.:.::_..:l;--c..:- 596 620 629 645 660 665 676 V~TEXAS AND FEDERALCOURT:c RULES CONCERNING::ADR A. Texas Supreme Gourt Order on Mandatory Reports ofJlJ.dicia1:' B. RulesofTnal Coul.1:s0f Selected Texas Countie$,;.~-.:.:,.-'-_:-"::::;_:.:.:~;~Rules of Selected Texas Courts of Appeals --"---:,.::~~~~-_:,;~7:":~:-c":"-~ UnitedStates District Court Rules -~"~--~-~~--.:~"-+~-:::_:';;-~:=.-:--.:.::~,.:.~:::.::",~ C. 'D. AppQintllleill~ @Q F~~~ ----------------------------~----------:---..:----- XI 684 686 ]23 }46 T.ABLE OF CONTENTS VI. TEXAS STATUTES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING ADR PRACTI(;E INSTATE GOVERNMENT A. STATUTE~' ".' L 2. ::~. ~ ~r':~) -,-. ", : Governmental- Dispute Re~9~utiop Act . .'_ _.. . 1,,1,,·, "', [Government Code §§ 2008.'001-2008.055] , ,I " ' _ - - _ , - ' '.:' , ' ' ~·F. '. ' ~ _;., .'1 ~~_.:~~'C:_~;j ~.\ Negotiated RUlemakingAc~ ~"", ", ',' " [Government Code §§ 200Ko'01':20b8.058]~-------·-----------~--':-'~'" 3. Open Me~~ings Act , " 4. State PurchasIng anetGepe:(aJ,Se;rvices Act i [Former: Revised Ciyil Statu~es, Article 60ih, § 5.26(c)l---~-----Juvenile Restitution Settlement , [Family Code § 54.041 (b)] ----------------------------------------------- . Administrativ y Practice al;ldProcedur~), [GovernmentCQde §§ 200l.001;200L029; 2001.031120Ql.PS6] -Records Management and Archiving " [Government Code §§ 441.091,441.180,441.031; Local Government Code § 201.003] -~---~T-~---~~~--'-7~7-~---~,.~ Training of Administrative Law Judges [Government Code § 2003.0451], ---T------~-~-----------~-~-----,------ , . 5. 6. 7. 8. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. "',",' 784 803 " [Governni~nr"<;,o~~ §§5~LdQi-~;5 ~.14;6] '~--~-;:----~/;'----~-T--':----j' " L ', Page 817 ' 841 845 847 850 857 ,'B.'AGEN'CYREGULATIONS Texas Natural~esoW'c.e,·ConseF\[~tiOri.,Cqmmissio~;· [30 TAC, § 40.1 et seq. ],--~-::~TC--;c:~-:";:-"r~:-.,-::-~--.7~---~-,--~~----.-.·T-Public Utility Commission " " [16 TAC §§ 22.301 et seq., 23.67(s) L----------------';---T----.-----.~~~~·:> Texas Commission on Human Rights [40 TAC § 327.21et seq.] -~--_-------------------~-~~-----------~--:--'-~;' State Office of Administrative H;earings/Departll,1entofHuman Resources " " [l TAC §§163.1 ,et seq.] ---:-,--~----~---.~-~-::--;-~--------------'~-------, General Land Office ' [31 TACI2ii43], ---.~-----.------:-~"---~----------~~---~---~7--~:--::-:---,-­ Texas Education Agency [19 TAC §§ 89.1045.; 89.1050L----------~-..:_--+,+-:~-:;+-~,----------­ Early Childhood Intervention Council [25 TAC '§ 621.42] __ --~~_--_--~.:._--~---_---~~..;-~~-~_~---..;-~----'C-.~~~+-~-'..i 858 862 874 891 893 896 VII. STANDARDS OF PRACTICE GOVERNING ADR A. ", B. C. Texas Supreme Court Code ofJudicial Conducti Canon:4F --~----Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conducr' -~,-~"h-";----~----~.The Texas Lawyer's Creed -------~---------------------------------------XII 900 901 906 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page D. E. F. G. H. Ethical Guidelines for Mediators ----------------------------------------ABA Standards of Practice for Lawyer Mediators in Family Disputes Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators ---------------------------Pleading, Papers and Sanctions: Federal Rule 11 --------------------Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes------------Index (Page 937) * xm 907 911 915 920 928