Table 11—Fire regime severity/frequency classes within the Basin Assessment area. Frequency Severity Class Historic percent — 0.0 14.2 14.2 Lethal frequent 21.5 6.0 -15.6 Lethal infrequent 20.4 34.5 14.1 Lethal very infrequent 3.2 8.1 4.9 Lethal extremely infrequent 2.2 1.5 -0.8 Mixed very frequent 0.6 0.0 -0.6 Mixed frequent 6.2 3.8 -2.5 Mixed infrequent 9.3 16.8 7.5 Mixed very frequent 1.3 0.0 -1.3 24.3 1.4 -22.9 Nonlethal frequent 6.9 2.3 -4.6 Nonlethal infrequent 2.7 10.0 7.3 Rarely 1.3 1.5 0.2 No Data 0.1 0.1 0.0 100.0 100.0 Lethal very frequent Nonlethal very frequent Total Comparing fire severity between historic and current times for forested potential vegetation groups on FS- and BLM-administered lands show an increase in lethal fire from 20 to 50 percent of the area and a reduction in non-lethal fires from 40 to 15 percent (fig. 14). Subregional differences exists; although eastern Oregon and Washington as well as Idaho and western Montana show decreases in non-lethal fire, and increases in lethal fire, the drop in non-lethal fires in Oregon and Washington is greater than in Idaho and Montana. The increase in lethal fires has been greater in Idaho and Montana than in Oregon and Washington. Altered fire regimes have been largely responsible for more homogeneous forests and rangeland landscapes. Large wilderness or unroaded areas 62 Change Current prevail in ERUs such as the Central Idaho Mountains, Northern Glaciated Mountains, Northern Cascades, and Owyhee Uplands. Even in wilderness and unroaded areas, where fire exclusion alone has been the primary management influence, fire, insect, and pathogen disturbance regimes have been significantly altered. Despite these disturbance regime changes, wilderness and unroaded areas are among those least altered by management. Predicted road densities vary greatly across the Basin (fig. 15). Examples of road densities within subwatersheds are shown in figure 16. Roads are correlated with many changes in vegetation, land use, and hazards, yet a consistent inventory of roads across all ownerships within the Basin does not exist. Roads are important from both an ecological and socioeconomic perspective. This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Text errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Figure 12—Changs in Basin fire regimes from historic to current by severity class. 63 Figure 13—Changes in Basin fire regimes from historic to currem by frequency class. 64 Figure 14—Fire Severity for FS- and BLM-administered Forested Potential Vegetation Groups. 65 Figure 15—Predicted road density classes. 66 Figure 16—An example of road density categories for subwatersheds within the Basin. 67 Aquatic/riparian10 Seven key salmonids were selected for detailed analysis. These are bull trout, westslope cutthroat trout, Yellowstone cutthroat trout, and redband trout; steelhead; and ocean-type and stream-type chinook salmon. Less area within the basin is currently occupied by three or more key salmonids (fig. 17) than existed historically (fig. 18). Figure 19 shows the distribution of subwatersheds with by one or more key salmonid species stonghold. Key salmonid strongholds are subbasins that support strong populations based on the consideration of life history forms, trends in population numbers and relative abundance of individuals. Strong populations (fig. 20) are associated with higher-elevation forested lands, and the proportion declines with increasing road densities (fig. 21). The largest areas of contiguous watersheds supporting strong populations of key salmonids are associated with the Central Idaho Mountains, the Snake Headwaters, and the Northern Cascades ERUs. Important but more restricted areas are found in the Blue Mountains, Upper Clark Fork, and the Northern Glaciated Mountains ERUs. Strongholds varied between 32 percent of the occupied range for Yellowstone cutthroat trout and less than 1 percent for stream-type chinook/ salmon (table 12). Many of the aquatic strongholds occur in areas of low road density (the definitions of road density categories are in figure 16). The higher the road density, the lower the proportion of subwatersheds that support strong populations of key salmonids (fig. 21). There is an apparent difference in the response of aquatic systems between FS-administered lands and all other lands at very low road densities. Strongholds within the "all lands" category decline more quickly as road density increases. Strongholds on FS-administered lands remain stable or slightly increase. At higher road densities FS-administered lands provide a greater proportion of strongholds. For the Basin, 56 percent of the unroaded area is in key 10 Details on historical trends and current status of the Basin's aquatic/riparian ecosystem are in the Component Assessment— Aquatic chapter (Lee and others 1996). 68 salmonid strongholds but the proportion varies from a high of 76 percent in the Snake headwaters to none in the Upper Klamath (table 13). Designated wilderness and potentially unroaded areas are important anchors for strongholds throughout the Basin. More than 19 million acres (8 million ha) (27%) of FS- and BLMadministered lands in the Basin contain strongholds (40% FS and 4% BLM). These stronghold subwatersheds contain large areas of unroaded land (about 11.6 million acres/4.7 million ha), averaging 58 percent of the area of an individual subwatershed. The use of intensive forest management to re-establish more natural landscape patterns and disturbance regimes has variable risks and benefits across the landscape. However, the consequences of large fires are dependent on habitat conditions and the inherent resiliency of local populations. Damage to aquatic ecosystems from fire may be most severe when they have been seriously degraded and fragmented. Intensive management of watersheds that support healthy populations may pose greater risk for disruption of watershed processes and degradation of habitats than does fire. Rehabilitation of depressed populations of anadromous salmonids cannot rely on habitat improvement alone but requires a concerted effort to address causes of mortality in all life stages. These include freshwater spawning and rearing, juvenile migration, ocean survival, and adult migration. Thus, to realize the benefits of improved migration and ocean survival, there must be maintenance of good-quality freshwater habitats and healthy populations as well as increases in the distribution of high-quality spawning and early rearing habitats. Federal land management plays a key role in spawning and rearing habitats. Analysis of the extensive stream inventory data reveals that major decreases in pool habitat, both frequency of pools and deep pools, have occurred over the last 40 to 60 years. These are attributable to losses in riparian vegetation, road and highway construction, timber harvest, grazing, farming, Figure 17—Current number of key salmonid species present within the Basin. 69 CONTINUED