6 WHAT IS CHROMATOGRAPHY? 6.1 Introduction Chromatography dates back to the turn of the century when a Russian botanist found that he could separate a various plant pigments, such as chlorophylls, by pouring a solution of the complex extracted mixture through a glass tube, holding finely powdered calcium carbonate. The various components of the mixture took different times to pass through the tube. Chromatography refers to separation of mixtures by making use of differences in the physical properties of the substances in the mixture. There are a great range of chromatographic techniques, but all have two common factors: a stationary phase – the components interact by surface adsorption or solubility, a mobile phase – this carries the mixture through the stationary phase. All chromatographic separations are based upon differences in the extent to which components of a mixture are attracted to the mobile and stationary phases, as shown in Figure 6.1. Stationary phase (SP) direction of flow of mobile phase (MP) FIGURE 6.1 Representation of the separation process CLASS EXERCISE 6.1 In Figure 6.1, which substance is most attracted to (a) the stationary phase and (b) the mobile phase? 6.2 Some General Principles Stationary Phases Stationary phases are so-named because they don‟t move! This means they are either solid – in powder form – or liquid which is bonded to a solid surface. For successful separation, the components of the mixture must be capable of interacting physically or chemically with the stationary phase. This will occur through some chemical or physical interaction, such as polarity („like dissolves like‟). 6. What Is Chromatography? Mobile Phases Mobile phases move, which means they must be either liquid or gaseous. The components of the mixture can only move along the chromatography path when in the mobile phase. If the compound is so strongly attracted to the stationary phase, and not to the mobile phase, it will never move. Thus, a component which is strongly attracted to the stationary phase will move much more slowly than one which is very soluble in the mobile phase. The relative attraction of a component between the two phases is often determined by the polarity of each of the substances. The polarities of the components of the mixture are, of course, fixed; to achieve separation the polarities of the mobile and/or stationary phases must be varied. The mobile phase in most cases can be infinitely varied, liquid phases being chosen from any suitable solvent or solvent mixture. The easiest method by which a poor separation of a mixture can be improved is by changing the polarity of the mobile phase. The simplest measure of the polarity of potential mobile phases is the dielectric constant for each liquid (as given in Table 6.1), the less polar solvents having a lower dielectric constant. The dielectric constant of a mixture of solvents can be approximated, using the proportion of each solvent in the mixture. TABLE 6.1 Dielectric constants of pure liquids at 20ºC Liquid Cyclohexane D.E. 2.02 Liquid Toluene D.E. 2.44 Trichloromethane 4.81 Ethyl ethanoate 6.02 Ethanoic acid 6.15 1-Butanol 17.8 Ethanol 24.3 Water 80.4 CLASS EXERCISE 6.2 Arrange the following solvents in order of increasing polarity: cyclohexane toluene ethanol water trichloromethane ethanoic acid ethyl ethanoate 1-butanol ethanol/water (1:1) ethanol/water (4:1) ethanoic acid/ 1-butanol/water (7:2:1) So, the movement of a particular compound through the chromatography path is determined by its attraction to both phases. If the stationary phase has a stronger attraction, then the compound will move slowly, because it will not spend as much time in the mobile phase, as a compound that is more attracted to the mobile phase. The term given to the movement of a compound in a chromatography path is elution, and generally refers to the compound reaching the end of the path. Sci Inst Analysis (Spectro/Chrom) 6.2 6. What Is Chromatography? CLASS EXERCISE 6.3 Predict the order of elution of the following mixture from a non-polar stationary phase, with ethanol as mobile phase: sodium benzoate (contains ionic groups) caffeine (contains polar covalent bonds) carotene (contains only C-C and C-H bonds) Choosing the phases Most frequently, separation will be required of chemically similar substances, such as the components in petrol which are all hydrocarbons. To separate these similar components requires that they be attracted to the stationary phase; if they weren‟t, then they would travel through the path at the same rate. General Rule for choice of phases (where polarity is the attraction mechanism) Stationary phase – match the polarity of the stationary phase to that of the analytes Mobile phase – use a mobile phase that is different in polarity to the stationary phase (but not too different, otherwise the analytes won’t shift at all) EXAMPLE 6.1 What combination of phases would be suitable to separate a mixture of hydrocarbons? Given the analytes are hydrocarbons, this means their polarity is very low, so a non-polar stationary phase would be suitable. The mobile phase can’t be too pol ar (eg water), otherwise, the hydrocarbons would never go into it. Therefore, something of medium -low polarity, such as ethyl ethanoate would be suitable. CLASS EXERCISE 6.4 Choose a combination of phases that would satisfactorily separate the following mixtures: (a) DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons (non-polar compounds). Non-polar compounds require a non-polar stationary phase for any interaction, and therefore, a mobile phase as polar as possible. (b) A mixture of polar sugar compounds. The highly polar sugar compounds would need a polar stationary phase, and a mobile phase of limited polarity. Stationary phase Mobile phase (a) (b) Sci Inst Analysis (Spectro/Chrom) 6.3 6. What Is Chromatography? It should be noted that these generalisations cannot be applied to all techniques, because there are limitations on the variety of either phase available. For example, in thin layer chromatography, only relatively polar stationary phases are available, while in gas chromatography the mobile phase is a chemically non-interacting gas. 6.3 Variations in chromatographic systems Chromatographic methods may be classified according to a variety of schemes because of the number of possible variations in the way in which separation can be achieved. 1. By physical state of mobile phase – the most common mobile phase used in chromatography is liquid; but the technique of gas chromatography is a very useful quantitative tool in organic laboratories. 2. By mechanism of interaction between stationary phase and solute – adsorption refers to the physical interaction between a solute and a solid stationary phase; partition refers to the case where both phases are liquids and the solute will be dissolved in each, depending on the relative polarities of it and the two liquid phases (i.e. the micro-scale equivalent of an extraction in a separatory funnel); ion-exchange involves transfer of ions from solute to stationary phase and vice versa. 3. By movement of compounds through system – development chromatography produces a result where the solute components remain in the chromatography path for analysis; elution chromatography has the separated components move out of the system where they are analysed 4. By geometry of system – column chromatography has the stationary phase packed into a column, or bonded into its walls, and the stationary phase is pumped or filters through the column; planar chromatography has the stationary phase spread out in a thin, flat layer, and the mobile phase passes across it by capillary action (upward travel) or by gravity (downward travel). During this subject, two different methods will be examined: gas (GC) and high performance liquid (HPLC). Table 6.2 shows how they fit into the categories above. You may have seen other forms of chromatography, such as thin layer, in other subjects. TABLE 6.2 Classification of HPLC and GLC Technique GC HPLC By Mobile Phase gas liquid By Stationary Phase partition or adsorption By Means of Movement By Geometry elution column partition or ion-exchange elution column 6.4 Chromatographic Analysis Whether the technique relies on elution or development will determine how the separated component bands are detected and analysed. Because both techniques examined in the next chapter are elution types, that is all we will look at in this subject. Elution, where the compounds are washed out the end of the column, requires the “collection” of the eluate and detection of the compound bands either visually or instrumentally. The band will appear as a peak, where the number of molecules of the compound forming the band reaching the end of the column will steadily increase to a maximum and then decrease. Figure 6.2 shows the chromatogram obtained from the elution of two different compounds, X and Y. Sci Inst Analysis (Spectro/Chrom) 6.4 6. What Is Chromatography? Detector response X Y 0 10 20 30 40 Time (s) FIGURE 6.2 Elution chromatogram Qualitative analysis If everything stays the same, a given compound will travel at the same rate through a chromatography system each time it is run, regardless of whether it is in a mixture or by itself. This is an important qualitative aspect of chromatography, in that an unknown solute from a mixture may be identified due to its similar behaviour to a known compound. The retention time (R t), used in column chromatography as an identification measure is the time taken for a compound to pass through the system. CLASS EXERCISE 6.5 Determine the retention times for compounds X and Y in Figure 6.2. X Y If you want to identify a given peak in a chromatogram, you could compare its retention time to that of a series of standards, run under the same conditions. CLASS EXERCISE 6.6 Determine the possible identities of compounds X and Y in Figure 6.2, given the R t data below. Compound Methanol Ethanol 1-Propanol 2-Propanol Ret. time (s) 5 10 14 15 Compound 1-Butanol 2-Methyl-1-propanol 1-Pentanol 1-Hexanol Ret. time (s) 20 21 25 30 X Y Sci Inst Analysis (Spectro/Chrom) 6.5 6. What Is Chromatography? Where identification is made difficult by the fact that a number of possibilities have similar retention times, as you found for compound X, then a method known as spiking is used. This involves adding a small amount of the possible pure substance to a portion of the sample, and re-running the “spiked” sample. One of two things will occur: one of the peaks will get larger (see Figure 6.3(a)) – this means that the spiking compound is causing that the peak in the sample another peak will appear (see Figure 6.3 (b)) – the spiking compound is not in the sample (a) Detector response X Y 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time (s) (b) Detector response X Y 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time (s) FIGURE 6.3 Outcomes of spiking (a) peak X increases relative to peak Y (b) another peak appears Quantitative analysis The techniques of gas- (GC) and high performance liquid (HPLC) chromatography are instrumentbased, and use electronic detectors which measure the amount of a solute emerging from the end of a column. A peak is obtained as each compound emerges, from which information can be obtained as to the total amount of each component. The area under the peak is proportional to the amount of substance. The peak height for normal „triangular” peaks is a reasonable alternative. To determine how much substance produces a given size peak, calibration standards of known concentration are run, and the peak area or height, plotted against concentration. The volume of sample and standard must be exactly the same, which can be a difficulty because in GC and HPLC, microlitre volumes are involved. Sci Inst Analysis (Spectro/Chrom) 6.6 6. What Is Chromatography? Measurement of peak area has been made much simple in recent times through the advent of, first, mechanical integrators and now electronic ones. These allow an accurate determination of peak area. Without these, peak height is the better option. CLASS EXERCISE 6.7 Calibration standards for compound X in Figure 6.2 have been measured. determine the sample concentration, using peak height in mm. Standard X conc. (mg/L) 100 250 500 Peak height (mm) 20 46 95 6.5 Improving the separation Chromatographic separations should be made as efficient as possible, which means getting all the compounds out as quickly as possible, whilst still maintaining separation. The separation of peaks is known as resolution. Apart from saving time, a quicker separation also improves the peak shape. The longer a compound stays in the chromatographic path, the more its molecules will spread out from each other, making it more dilute and consequently difficult to detect, and also risking overlap with another compound's band. This is known as band broadening. The reason for band broadening is simple. For any given compound travelling through the medium, some molecules will travel faster than the average, and some slower. Since, distance is proportional to time, the longer the time spent in the system, the greater the difference in the distances travelled by the fast and slow molecules. Reducing or eliminating slow separations can be done in a number of ways, the most common being a change in one or both of the phases, or in GC, an increase in temperature. Sci Inst Analysis (Spectro/Chrom) 6.7 6. What Is Chromatography? What You Need To Be Able To Do define relevant terms describe the basic process of chromatography describe the general nature of stationary and mobile phases explain how polarity of solvents (mixed and pure) can be estimated predict the order of elution of a given mixture from a particular stationary phase choose a combination of phases (in terms of their polarities) that would satisfactorily separate a given mixture describe the chromatographic techniques studied in terms of the various methods of classification draw a representation of the results obtained from elution and development chromatography describe how qualitative and quantitative analysis can be performed by chromatography Terms And Definitions Match the term with the definition. 1. 3. 5. 7. stationary phase elution resolution band spreading 2. 4. 6. mobile phase retention time spiking A. B. C. D. E. F. G. broadening of peaks caused by long retention times when the compound reaches the end of the system adding a small amount of pure substance to help identify a peak the liquid or gas that moves the compounds through the system the usually solid material that the analytes are attracted to, causing separation the separation of two peaks the time taken to pass through the system Review Questions 1. What three factors are common to all chromatographic techniques? 2. Describe the passage of two different compounds in a mixture through a chromatography path. 3. Describe the passage of two different molecules of the SAME compound through a chromatography path. 4. Describe how (a) planar and (b) column chromatography could be used to identify a component in a mixture. 5. Explain why retention factor is used for identification in planar chromatography rather than simply the distance travelled by the solute. 6. (a) Using the retention times in Table 6.2, identify the peaks in the chromatogram below. Sci Inst Analysis (Spectro/Chrom) 6.8 6. What Is Chromatography? Detector response A B 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time (s) (b) Given the following calibration data for peak A, determine the concentration in the sample. Standard A conc. (%v/v) 0.25 1 2 Sci Inst Analysis (Spectro/Chrom) Peak height (mm) 10 38 77 6.9