S1. INTRODUCTION TO SPECTROSCOPY PURPOSE 1. 2. 3. 4. To use hand held spectroscopes to identify continuous and line spectra. To observe the spectra emitted by elements in a flame and by various light sources To use emission spectra for qualitative and quantitative purposes To record simple absorption spectra. PREWORK 1. List the chemicals you will be working with in this practical. 2. Note any safety requirements as indicated by the MSDS 3. Give reasons for not looking directly at the sun. INTRODUCTION A spectroscope is an instrument that splits up light into a spectrum, just as a prism does. Using a spectroscope it is possible to determine whether the light contains a “continuous spectrum” where the light appears to contain all wavelengths more or less equally, or whether the light consists of just a few “bands” of colour, or perhaps just a few really narrow bands known as “lines”. Light is emitted when an outer electron takes in heat energy, jumps to a higher energy position, then gives out, emits, the energy in the form of light as it falls back to its original position. PROCEDURE I. Use of hand-held Spectroscope • Take the spectroscope out of its box and practise by looking at the lights in the laboratory. Find out how to increase and decrease the amount of light coming into the instrument by narrowing and widening the slit. II. Emission Spectra of Elements in a Flame 1. Light the flame as directed by your teacher, and aspirate the series of metal ion solutions provided into the flame. Observe the colour by eye, and using the spectroscope, determine the spectrum of lines emitted by each ion. Record your observations in the results section. Between each solution, rinse the system by aspirating de-ionised water into the flame until any unusual colour disappears. Compare your results to the spectrum shown on the wall chart. 2. Obtain the set of unknown solutions, which are mixtures of two of the metals ions observed in step 1. Noting the colour of the flame by eye and by using the spectroscope identify the elements in the unknown solutions. 3. Pour about 50 mL of de-ionised water into a small beaker, and stir with two fingers for about 1 minute. 4. Aspirate the three Na standard solutions (5, 25 and 50 mg/L) and a sample of tap water. Estimate the Na content of the two water samples, recording your results. III. Emission Spectra of Light Sources 1. Using the spectroscope , record the spectrum obtained from: a. sunlight (by projecting the light onto a piece of white paper…do not look directly at the sun) b. an incandescent light c. a fluorescent light d. light shining through a piece of coloured glass From the spectrum chart in the laboratory, identify the element responsible for the light from the fluorescent tube. IV. Basic Absorption Spectroscopy 1. Using a scanning spectrophotometer, record the absorbance of a 50 mg/L permanganate solution every 20 nm between 400 and 700 nm using a clean plastic cell. It will be necessary to run a blank of distilled water across the same wavelength range. Note the wavelength of maximum absorbance of the permanganate and draw a sketch of the scan. 2. Using the scanning spectrophotometer, record the spectrum of a didymium filter between 400 and 700 nm. Note the wavelengths of the peaks. Note the appearance of the spectrum on the wallchart for didymium. 3. Using the maximum absorption wavelength for permanganate, measure the absorbance of the 50 mg/L solution in TEN different plastic cells. CALCULATIONS 1. Plot a graph of absorbance (y-axis) against wavelength (x-axis) for the permanganate readings. 2. Calculate the average and relative precision for the absorbances from the different cells. DISCUSSION • explain how you identified the element emitting light in the fluorescent tube, and the identity of the two elements in the unknown mixtures. • comment on the difference between your manual spectrum and the scanned spectrum of permanganate • explain how you could make your permanganate spectrum more similar to the scanned one • explain how the two spectra of didymium (scanned and wallchart) are providing the same information • comment on the variation in absorbance values for the different cells QUESTIONS 1. How does the measurement of absorption and emission spectra differ? 2. What is the difference between line and band spectra? 3. Explain how spectroscopy can be used for quantitative and/or qualitative analysis 4. What causes the series of dark lines in the sunlight spectrum? 5. Copper (II) ions give a blue-green colour in solution. This means they are absorbing most of the radiation from about 600-650 nm. If you looked at copper (II) solution through a hand held spectroscope, what would you see? 6. Compare the emission spectrum of copper obtained in this experiment with the absorption spectrum described in Question 5. Why are they different? S1 RESULTS SHEET Date of analysis Instrument identity II. Emission spectra of Elements in a Flame Element Copper Lithium Potassium Calcium Strontium Sodium Barium Unknown 1 Identity of elements Unknown 2 Identity of elements Sample Tap water Skin Flame Colour 2 2 Approx. Conc III. Emission of Spectra of Light Sources Appearance of sunlight spectrum Appearance of incandescent light spectrum Appearance of fluorescent light spectrum Appearance of coloured light spectrum Colour of Spectral Lines IV. Basic Absorption Spectra. Manual spectrum of permanganate Wavelength (nm) 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 Absorbance Wavelength (nm) 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 Absorption Peaks for didymium (nm) Spectrophotometer Wallchart Absorbance of permanganate solution in different cells Have you? Completed the instrument log Completed the sample register Completed the standard register Teachers signature Date Signature