SPONSORED PROGRAMS BUDGET ESTIMATING TABLES Estimated GRA Stipend Levels and Tuition & Fee Rates to be used in Proposal Budgets to External Sponsors (Not to be used to generate EPAFs or offers to graduate students, these are only estimates used for budgeting purposes) GRA STIPENDS: (future years include an anticipated 5% increase in annual stipends) MASTERS MASTERS Ph.D. Ph.D. One Year Range Sem. Range One Year Range Sem. Range Fall 15 18,753‐35,000 6,251‐11,666 21,774‐41,000 7,258‐13,666 Spring 16 19,066‐35,000 6,251‐11,666 22,137‐41,000 7,258‐13,666 Summer 16 19,379‐35,000 6,251‐11,666 22,500‐41,000 7,258‐13,666 Fall 16 19,692‐35,000 6,564‐11,666 22,863‐41,000 7,621‐13,666 Spring 17 20,020‐35,000 6,564‐11,666 23,244‐41,000 7,621‐13,666 Summer 17 20,348‐35,000 6,564‐11,666 23,625‐41,000 7,621‐13,666 Fall 17 20,676‐35,000 6,892‐11,666 24,006‐41,000 8,002‐13,666 Spring 18 21,021‐35,000 6,892‐11,666 24,406‐41,000 8,002‐13,666 Summer 18 21,366‐35,000 6,892‐11,666 24,806‐41,000 8,002‐13,666 Fall 18 21,711‐35,000 7,237‐11,666 25,206‐41,000 8,402‐13,666 Spring 19 22,073‐35,000 7,237‐11,666 25,626‐41,000 8,402‐13,666 Summer 19 22,435‐35,000 7,237‐11,666 26,046‐41,000 8,402‐13,666 Note: Effective September 7, 2010, the Michigan Tech maximum graduate assistantship stipend level became $41,000 per year for PhD students and $35,000 for MS students. TUITION AND FEES: Department 2015/2016 School Year Acad. Sem. Biological Sciences ‐ 9 credit cap 2016/2017 School Year Sum. Sem. Acad. Sem. 2017/2018 School Year Sum. Sem. Acad. Sem. 2018/2019 School Year Sum. Sem. Acad. Sem. Sum. Sem. 8,034 3,035 8,436 3,187 8,858 3,346 9,301 3,513 10,239 3,060 10,751 3,213 11,289 3,374 11,853 3,543 Business ‐ 9 credit cap 7,819 2,585 8,210 2,714 8,621 2,850 9,052 2,993 Chemical Engineering ‐ 9 credit cap 9,110 3,060 9,566 3,213 10,044 3,374 10,546 3,543 Biomedical Engineering ‐ 10 credit cap Chemistry ‐ 9 credit cap 8,166 2,585 8,574 2,714 9,003 2,850 9,453 2,993 Civil & Environmental Engineering ‐ 9 credit cap 9,264 3,510 9,727 3,686 10,213 3,870 10,724 4,064 Computer Science ‐ 9 credit cap 8,894 3,185 9,339 3,344 9,806 3,511 10,296 3,687 Cognitive & Learning Science‐Applied Science Education ($561/cr) ‐ 9 credit cap Cognitive & Learning Science‐Applied Cognitive Science Human Factors ‐ 9 credit cap Electrical & Computer Engineering ‐ 10 credit cap 5,212 1,683 5,473 1,767 5,747 1,855 6,034 1,948 7,916 2,585 8,312 2,714 8,728 2,850 9,164 2,993 10,334 3,510 10,851 3,686 11,394 3,870 11,964 4,064 Engineering (Master of Engrg) ‐ 9 credit cap 9,894 3,060 10,389 3,213 10,908 3,374 11,453 3,543 Forest Resources & Environ Science ‐ 9 credit cap 8,299 2,680 8,714 2,814 9,150 2,955 9,608 3,103 Geological & Mining Engrg & Science ‐ 9 credit cap 8,849 3,060 9,291 3,213 9,756 3,374 10,244 3,543 Humanities ‐ 9 credit cap 7,754 2,585 8,142 2,714 8,549 2,850 8,976 2,993 Kinesiology & Integrative Physiology ‐ 9 credit cap 8,154 2,585 8,562 2,714 8,990 2,850 9,440 2,993 Materials Science & Engineering ‐ 9 credit cap 9,204 3,060 9,664 3,213 10,147 3,374 10,654 3,543 Mathematical Sciences ‐ 9 credit cap 7,879 2,585 8,273 2,714 8,687 2,850 9,121 2,993 Mechanical Engrg & Engrg Mech (Masters) ‐ 10 cr cap 10,095 3,310 10,600 3,476 11,130 3,650 11,687 3,833 Mechanical Engrg & Engrg Mech (PhD) ‐ 9 credit cap 9,234 3,310 9,696 3,476 10,181 3,650 10,690 3,833 Physics & Applied Physics ‐ 9 credit cap 8,154 2,585 8,562 2,714 8,990 2,850 9,440 2,993 Social Sciences ‐ 9 credit cap 7,794 2,615 8,184 2,746 8,593 2,883 9,023 3,027 School of Technology – 9 credit cap 7,829 2,585 8,220 2,714 8,631 2,850 9,063 2,993 Per credit rate If budgeting 1 credit in the summer, subtract these figures from the summer semester rates: Applied Science Education Only: Per Credit Rate If budgeting 1 credit in the summer, subtract these figures from the summer semester rates: 862 905 950 998 1723 1809 1900 1995 561 1,122 589 1,178 618 1,237 649 1,299 Rates in the academic year are based on 9 to 12 credits (depending on the department) and may include an Engineering/Computer Science differential tuition fee and estimated lab fees. Rates in the summer semester are based on 3 credits and may include an Engineering/Computer Science differential tuition fee (half of the academic semester rate) and estimated lab fees. The student is responsible for all charges above the calculated departmental cap (9 to 12 cr. ay, 3 cr. su.). A 5% increase should be applied in future years. GRA Table Effective 07.01.2015