MSAENV272B Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Assessment task

MSAENV272B Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Assessment task
Due Date: 18 November 2011
Choose a workplace. It could be the TAFE laboratory or a job that you currently work in or have
previously worked in. Your task is to work through each of the following activities and answer the
questions based on your chosen workplace. There may be some activities that you are unable to
complete for your chosen workplace. Discuss this with your teacher in order to find an alternative
Activity 1: What resource efficiency issues are relevant to your workplace?
1.1 Workplaces generally use a range of resources, energy, water and materials, and produces waste.
Complete the table below by identifying 5 resource efficiency issues that relate to your chosen
workplace. You should consider different types of energy used, transport, water, wastes and
resources and items that are purchased for the business.
Resource Efficiency Issue
Environmental impact
1.2 Measure one of the following for your chosen workplace (note, you can complete this question
based on your home if you wish)
(eg electricity, gas,
petrol, water, paper, a
particular chemical,
What is the unit of
measurement? (eg
kwh, litres, kg)
What is the source of
your information? (eg
energy bill, energy
meter, water meter,
water bill, invoices,
asking staff)
How much is used?
(indicate whether this
amount applies to
daily, weekly, monthly
or annual usage)
Activity 2: Improve resource efficiency
2.1 List 5 resource efficiency issues (they can be the same or different to the ones you listed in 1.1)
and make suggestions for how you could improve efficiency.
Resource Efficiency Issue
What would you suggest to reduce use of this resource or creation
of this waste?
2.2 What sort of plans and procedures might a workplace have to improve resource efficiency?
Activity 3: Compliance with environmental laws
3.1 Which of the following would be a breach of an environmental law?
A tap left dripping overnight wasting water
Wash water containing detergents overflows from a sink and flows to a creek
Waste that could be recycled is placed in the bin that is disposed of to landfill
Dust and odours are released from the workplace and are affecting neighbours
Hazardous waste is disposed of by taking it to a neighbouring property with the owner’s consent
Drums of cooking oil are stored in the car park outside the building and spill to stormwater
Your work mate slips over and breaks his arm
The lights, computers and air conditioners are left on all weekend wasting energy
Solvents that are used to clean equipment are left in a drum outside so that they will evaporate
3.2 List five specific things that could occur at your chosen workplace that would result in a breach of
environmental laws?
3.3 If there was an environmental incident at work that resulted in a breach of legislation, who
would you report it to?
3.4 What sort of procedures do you think would be appropriate at your chosen workplace to a)
minimise the chance of an environmental incident occurring and b) minimise the impact of the
incident once it occurred?