Scheme of work – Cambridge International AS Level Physical Science... PHYSICS – SECTION III Unit 3: Matter

Scheme of work – Cambridge International AS Level Physical Science (8780)
Unit 3: Matter
Recommended prior knowledge
Students should have a qualitative understanding of the simple kinetic model of matter. They should also be familiar with the concepts of density and pressure.
This unit links with Unit 1 (Theoretical Chemistry) in the chemistry section of the scheme of work and there are advantages in linking the teaching of the two parts.
Students will revise and develop their ideas linking the microscopic and macroscopic properties of matter in particular regarding the change of temperature and
change of state. They will also develop their understanding of pressure of in liquids and gases.
Syllabus ref
Learning objectives
Suggested teaching activities
Learning resources
Candidates should be able to:
There is a limited supply of past papers
for the 8780 examination, therefore all
examples of past paper questions are
taken from Physics 9702 AS papers.
These reflect the type of question that
candidates are likely to meet in the
8780 examinations.
define the term density
Discussion of density, definition of density, comparison of densities of
different materials, comparison of densities of solids, liquids and gases.
Simple revision problems.
Experiment 1: Measurement of densities of solids / liquids with
estimation of uncertainties in both measured and calculated quantities.
v2 2Y07
Cambridge International AS Level Physical Science (8780)
suitable solids and liquids, measuring
cylinders, rulers, balance
Past paper
Oct/Nov 2009, paper 22, question 2(b)
May/June 2007 paper 2 question 3(a)*
Syllabus ref
Learning objectives
Suggested teaching activities
Learning resources
define the term pressure ... derive
from the definitions of pressure
and density, the equation
p = ρgh
Discussion of concept of pressure, define pressure, introduce the unit of
pressure (Pa) include simple problems using pressure = force /area.
indentations on modelling clay e.g.
plasticine, of known weights with
different surface areas
use of the equation p = ρ g h
Pressure in a liquid – dependence (if at all) on
– direction
– shape of vessel
– depth
Derivation of equation p = ρgh
– incompressible fluid
– pressure due to fluid only
Problems using p = ρ g h
Use of a manometer
Experiment: measuring gas supply or lung pressure
The mercury barometer and atmospheric pressure
water filled balloons, Pascal vases,
plastic bottle with holes drilled,
large cylinder, thistle funnel with thin
rubber covering attached to a water
water manometer
mercury barometer
Past papers
May/June 2008 paper 2 question 4(c)
May/June 2007, paper 2, question 3(b)
& (c)*
* It might be preferred to give this
complete question at this point as a part
of an end of section test.
P7(a) & (c)
describe matter in terms of
particles, with a qualitative
understanding of their behaviour
describe a simple kinetic model
for solids liquids and gases
Discussion and revision of concepts, microscopic molecules, in
continuous movement.
Experiments: marbles in a tray / polystyrene spheres in container
Brownian Motion
Discussion and revision of concepts, including models of solids, liquids
and gases.
marbles in a tray
kinetic theory models
smoke cell, microscope
Past paper
Oct/Nov 2008, paper 2, question 5
crystal models
site 3
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relate the difference in structures
and densities of solids, liquids
Experiment: use polystyrene balls to demonstrate different ways in
which molecules can pack to give different structures.
Cambridge AS Level Physical Science (8780)
stackable polystyrene spheres
Syllabus ref
Learning objectives
Suggested teaching activities
and gases to simple ideas of the
spacing, ordering, including
simple packing structure, and
motion of the molecules
Learning resources
Past papers
May/June 2010 paper 23 question 4
May/June 2010 paper 21 question 6
show an understanding that the
mean speed of molecules
increases with increasing
temperature, including qualitative
idea of Boltzmann distributions at
different temperature
Discussion: Boltzmann Distribution curve, relevance to rate of reaction
and activation energy.
site 4
distinguish between the
processes of melting, boiling and
evaporation in terms of the kinetic
Discussion: the interlink between macroscopic and microscopic
Past paper
Oct/Nov 2009, paper 22, question 2(a)
describe, using the kineticmolecular model the liquid state,
the liquid state, melting and
v2 2Y07
Cambridge AS Level Physical Science (8780)