Provost’s Council Attendees Annual Evaluations

Provost’s Council
Peter Higgin
Richard Baskin
Mike Mahan
Susan Finazzo
Anne Purvis
Laura Shadrick
Annual Evaluations
Faculty Annual Evaluations are due mid-February.
Dr. Knighton will evaluate Deans in April.
Hiring Needs (Part-time postings)
The Council discussed various hiring needs across campus including new hires needed and limited term faculty entering
their second year.
Interest was expressed for having all part time posting placed in free areas like the AJC.
3rd year review for Tenure/Promotion
The Council discussed the importance of the 3rd year review and the impact that it has on the Promotion and Tenure process.
Deans will bring recommendations on a Pre-tenure process to the next meeting
Class observations – 1st year
Faculty should be observed each semester during their first year, and once yearly thereafter.
Class Cancellations/Office Closures
If a faculty member must miss a class due to sickness or a medical appointment, he or she must notify his or her Department,
make arrangements for the class (online work, readings, etc.) and enter exception time into ADP.
Faculty should not cancel classes because of committee meetings.
Budget requests
It’s time to begin thinking about budgetary needs for FY17 and year-end purchasing requests.
o Any requests should be connected to the annual plans.
Catalog changes
All changes for the 2016-2017 Academic Catalog must be submitted by April 1, 2016.
Meeting Hour Feedback
The Council briefly discussed feedback received after the decision to move the dead hour was announced.
President Research Scholarship
We’ve received several applications for the President’s Faculty Development Initiative Grant for Summer 2016.
Dr. Mahan will lead the evaluation committee.
Outstanding Student Awards and Faculty Member
Dr. Janssen is planning the awards banquet similar to last year’s.
o GSC has already decided an overall winner, so it is now time for each School/Department to determine a single
winner for each.
o This year we will also include an Outstanding Tutor.
o There was also a brief discussion of possibly allowing student nominees to vote for an Outstanding Faculty Member.
Emeriti faculty
Deans and Department Heads should send a letter of nomination speaking for the faculty of their school within the next few
Annual Plan Feedback – Planning Committee
Deans have received annual plans back with recommendations from the Planning Committee, and it is now time to make any
needed revisions.
o Dr. Knighton will schedule appointments to discuss.
Faculty Expectations – Professional Distance
Faculty relationships with students should be strictly based on mentoring.
Area Reports
Dean Purvis
 NAHS received a visit from ACEN and received recommendations.
Dean Mahan
 The School of Education hosted the PSC site team visit in November 2015 – all areas were approved
 The School has also been awarded another grant.
Dean Finazzo
 Dr. Finazzo thanked everyone for their assistance with SACSCOC data gathering.
Professor Higgins
 The SSC opened the Always Alert program a few weeks ago, and responses are coming in.
o They are using new faculty to advise any students reported, and this process is working well.
Dr. Baskin
 The issue of offering double majors has risen, and Dr. Baskin will take the lead on developing a policy.
 Interest is being expressed for the new Faculty Assignment for a Move on When Ready Coordinator to handle all academic
aspects of the MOWR program.
o Interested faculty should submit letters of interest to Laura Shadrick.