Provost’s Council Meeting Attendees AUGUST 31, 2015 3:00PM, PRESIDENT’S CONFERENCE ROOM

Provost’s Council Meeting
Dr. Jeffery Knighton
Dr. Richard Baskin
Dr. Susan Finazzo
Dr. Mike Mahan
Dr. Anne Purvis
Professor Teresa Betkowski
Professor Peter Higgins
Ms. Brenda Blackstock
Ms. Laura Shadrick
New Name for the Group
The group will now be called the Provost's Council.
Title IX notifications to students
Please send a reminder to faculty to read the Title IX statement to all classes.
AA Organizational Chart
Organizational Charts should only include personnel who are 50% or more admin.
Web Site Changes
When you make a change, please let Professor Betkowski know.
Dead Hour Changes
Deans and Department Heads should make schedules with revised dead hour- 3:30-4:20
p.m. on Monday and Wednesday.
Wednesday, September 2.
If a student has a conflict, please refer them to see Dr. Chamberlain.
Guided Pathways issues
Professor Betkowski received an email from Barbara Brown and has until 10/1 to address.
 Please submit responses as soon as possible.
 Look for a meeting request from Professor Betkowski on this.
GSConnect time-out
Please consider alternative ways to make important announcements and recognize
CETL Participation
Please inform Department Heads that CETL event participation is a topic to consider on
annual evaluations.
Area Reports
Dr. Mahan reported that he experienced a miscommunication from a parent
about MOWR, and Dr. Baskin advised the group that MOWR debriefing meetings
will take place very soon to discuss issues and new ideas.
Dr. Finazzo reported that she is chairing the Budget Advisory Committee and has
been diligently working on the monitoring report.
Professor Higgins reminded everyone of the process for Always Alert and that the
program is now open.
o A glitch was experienced, but is in the process of being corrected.
The Success Center is pleased to announce the hire of their new Program
Assistant, Dawn Scharnhorst.
Professor Betkowski announced that IE hired Wendy Briggs as the new IR Data
Analyst and she begins this role tomorrow, September 1.
Please submit evidence of improvement reports for annual plans to Dr. Knighton
o Annual plans will be completed in Performance Cloud in the future.
o Training and support will be available.
Nuria Cuevas will be here 9/8.
o Meeting requests came from IE for times to report.
o Lunch will be provided for the leadership team.
The meeting adjourn at 3:36 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Laura Shadrick