ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to several people for their advice and help on this monograph. John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt deserve credit for inspiring and guiding me, as well as for patiently reading over various drafts and contributing their expert opinion. Walter Nelson also read and critiqued an early version, which led to the inclusion of at least two of the historical cases. David Persselin and Russ Glenn read early versions. I owe them a substantial intellectual debt for their expert contribution and critical analysis. Jeff Marquis was indispensable in helping to refine the analysis about military swarming in general. Thomas McNaugher and Michele Zanini deserve thanks for their insightful comments. Paul Davis and Randy Steeb deserve special thanks for their patient and constructive review of the final draft. Finally, I thank my editor, Marian Branch, for her constructive comments and meticulous improvement of the final draft. Needless to say, any error, omission, or misuse of history is my responsibility alone. xxi