1069 Foliar chemical concentrations, growth, and site productivity relations in western red cedar M. A. RADWAN Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Research Station, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 3625 93rd Avenue SW, Olympia, WA, U.S.A. 98502 AND CONSTANCE A. HARRINGTON Southern Forest Experiment Station, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, P.O. Box 3516, Monticello, AR, U.S.A. 71655 Received February 4, 1986 1 Accepted May 26, 1986 RADWAN, M. A., and C. A. HARRINGTON. 1986. Foliar chemical concentrations, growth, and site productivity relations in western red cedar. Can. J. For. Res. 16: 1069-1075. Important site and tree characteristics of western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don) were examined in 19 natural stands in the coastal and interior zones of western Washington and Oregon, U.S.A., and in western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The stands occurred at various elevations and on different soil types and differed in age, soil pH, and associated plant species. Current-year foliage was collected during the winter and concentrations of N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, B, Zn, Cu, Mo, AI, and the chlorophylls were determined. Mean terminal growth during the previous 3 years and site index at 50 -year breast-height age were calculated for each stand. Site index ranged from 18 to 26 m. Terminal growth and foliar concentrations of the macronutrients, micronutrients, AI, and the chlorophylls varied among the 19 sites and between the two zones. Compared with known values for the most common associated conifers, foliar concentrations of red cedar were especially low in Mn and Al and high in Ca and Mo. Site index was correlated positively with N, the chlorophylls, S, Cu, and B, and negatively with Fe and AI. Also, N was positively correlated with the chlorophylls and with some of the other nutrients; there were many correlations among the nutrients and between some nutrients and soil pH or stand age. The data obtained provide base-line information for future analytical work with red cedar foliage. In addition, results suggest that (i) nutrient management strategies in western red cedar stands may differ from those for other conifers and different strategies may be necessary for the coastal and interior zones, (ii) productivity of red cedar may be improved by cultural treatments, including fertilization, which would enhance levels of chlorophyll as well as some essential elements (N, S, P, B, and Mo) in the foliage, (iii) levels of some chemicals in the foliage, such as N, chlorophyll, S, and B, may be useful as indicators to assess site quality for red cedar production, and (tv) chlorophyll may be used as a simple means to estimate N status of red cedar. RADWAN, M. A., et C. A. HARRINGTON. 1986. Foliar chemical concentrations, growth, and site productivity relations in western red cedar. Can. J. For. Res. 16: 1069-1075. Les auteurs ont examine des caracteristiques importantes des stations et des arbres du cectre de l'ouest (Thuja pUcata Donn ex D. Don) dans 19 peuplements naturels des zones c6tiere et interieure de l'ouest des etats de Washington et d'Oregon, Etats-Unis, et de l'ouest de l'lle de Vancouver, C.-B., Canada. Les peuplements se situaient a diverses altitudes, ils etaient associes a des sols differents et ils variaient quant a l'age, au pH du sol et a la vegetation associee. On a echantillonne Ie feuillage au cours de l'hiver et on a mesure les concentrations en N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, B, Zn, Cu, Mo, Al et la teneur en chlorophylle. Pour chaque peuplement, on a calcule la croissance terminale moyenne des trois annees precedentes et l'indice de qualite de station a 50 ans. Ce dernier variait de 18 it 26 m. On a observe une variation des concentrations foliaires en elements et en chiorophylles entre les 19 stations et entre les deux zones. Par comparaison avec des valeurs connues pour les coniferes associes les plus communs, les concentrations en Mn et Al etaient tres faibles et les concentrations en Ca et Mo etaient elevees. L'indice de qualite de station etait correJe positivement avec N, les chlorophylles, S, Cu et B, et negativement avec Fe et AI. De meme, N etait correle positivement avec les chiorophylles et avec certains autres elements. Les donnees fournissent une information de base pour des analyses futures du feuillage du coore de I'ouest. De plus, les resultats suggerent que (i) : les strategies d'amenagement de la fertilite dans les peuplements de cectre de I 'ouest peuvent differer de celles qui sont utilisees pour les autres coniferes, et differentes strategies peuvent etre necessaires pour les zones c6tiere et interieure; (ii) la productivite du cectre peut etre amelioree par des traitements culturaux, incluant la fertilisation, capables d'augmenter la teneur en chlorophylle et en elements essentiels (N, S, P, B et Mo) du feuillage; (iii) les niveaux de certains constituants du feuillage tels que N, la chlorophylle, S et B peuvent servir d'indicateur utiles de la qualite de station pour la production du coore de l'ouest; et (iv) Ja chlorophylle peut etre utilisee comme moyen simple d'estimer Ie statut azote du coore de l'ouest. [Traduit par la revue] Introduction Western red cedar (Thuja pUcata Donn ex D. Don) is an important softwood species in the forests of northwestern North America. Its range extends from southeastern Alaska to northern California and eastward to Idaho, Montana, and eastern British Columbia (Fowells 1965). In the United States, more than 50% of the red cedar is in western Washington and IRevised manuscript received May 20 , 1986. Printed in Canada Oregon (Bolsinger 1979); in Canada, the greatest concentration of the species is found in coastal British Columbia. Red cedar occurs most commonly in mixed stands. The most common asso­ ciated conifers in western Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia are Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb. ) Franco) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf. ) Sarg.). Western red cedar is a specialty wood with high natural durability. Demand for and prices of red cedar products have CAN. 1. FOR. RES. VOL. 16, 1986 1070 increased rapidly over the past decade. In the United States, the annual cut in recent years has been about twice the net annual growth (Bolsinger 1979) and the red cedar resource is being depleted. Management of existing young-growth stands could result in increased growth rates and help stretch the resource, Prescribing effective management practices, however, requires basic information on the biology and nutrition of the species. To date very little work has been done. Only a few reports deal with the foliar nutrient content of trees in natural stands (Gessel et al. 1950; Tarrant et al. 1951; Warren et al. 1952; Ovington 1956; Beaton, Moss et ai, 1965; Imper and Zobel 1983; Harrington and Wierman 1985) or young seedlings in the greenhouse or nursery (Walker et al. 1955; Smith et al. 1968). Most publications dealt with very few samples and reported levels of only a few essential elements, Furthermore, the literature does not contain any data on relationships between the different chemical components in the foliage or between site index or height growth and important foliar constituents. This study was designed to assess site quality, height growth, and foliar chemical composition of red cedar from sites of different productivity in the western portion of the species' range. In addition to the nutrients, foliar aluminum (AI) and the chlorophylls were also determined. Aluminum was included because of its potential phytotoxic effects, especially on wet sites. Chlorophylls have recently been shown to be correlated with growth, site index, and (or) foliar nitrogen (N) content of other conifers (Viro 1965; Heinze and Fiedler 1976; Radwan and DeBell 1980). British Columbia Canada United States 13 0 0 14 II 12 0 Olympia Washington 016 o 17 • Portland Oregon Materials and methods The sites Nineteen natural stands of western red cedar located in western Washington and western Oregon, U.S.A., and western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, were selected for investigation. Eight sites were in the coastal zone within 20 km of the Pacific Coast and 11 sites were in the interior of western Washington and Oregon, 7S-1S0 km from the coast (Fig. 1 ). Sites were selected to assure representation of a wide range of soil and site conditions. Stand age ranged from 18 to 34 years. Each stand had an area of at least O.S ha where topography and stand structure were fairly uniform and red cedar was at least 20 % of the basal area. At each site, 10 dominant or codominant trees were randomly selected for study. All trees appeared healthy with no evidence of previous top damage. Estimation of site index At each site, test trees were felled during the 1981 -1 982 dormant season. Tree heights and ages were determined and site index at 50 -year breast-height age was estimated from Kurucz's (1978 ) tables. Height growth measurements Stem tenninals with more than 3 years' growth were brought to the laboratory where they were cut back to the point where the last 3 years of growth had started. This was determined by counting the rings of the stem cross sections under magnification, Terminal growth was mea­ sured and average height growth per year for the 3 years immediately before harvest was computed. Sampling and pH determination of mineral soil Soil samples, to a depth of 20 cm, were collected beneath the test trees after the forest floor was removed. Each sample consisted of material obtained from two or three randomly selected spots at distances of 0.S-2.0 m from each test tree. Samples of each site were composited, thoroughly mixed, air dried at room temperature, and passed through a 2-mm sieve. Soil pH was determined on 1: 1 mixtures with water using a glass electrode, ·Corvallis 0 18 o 18 FIG. I. Approximate geographic location of study sites in the Pacific Northwest. Sites 1 -8 (.) occur in the coastal zone within 20 km from the Pacific Coast; sites 9-19 (0) are located in the interior of western Washington and Oregon, 7 S-150 km from the coast. Site descriptions are in Table I. Sampling and chemical analysis of foliage Immediately after felling, one composite sample of about 200 g of fresh foliage was collected from all 10 test trees at each site. Samples were obtained from all sides of the trees and sampling was limited to vigorous branches in the sunlit part of the crown, Samples consisted of the current year's growth of secondary lateral branchlets with their scalelike leaves. Current-year growth was identified by its terminal position on the branches and by its lighter color upon examination of the underside (Fig. 2 ). Samples were individually placed in cold jars and transported to the laboratory in a portable cooler. In the laboratory, staminate and ovulate flower buds, if present , were discarded. Subsamples of the fresh leaves were taken for estimation of moisture and chlorophyll contents. Remaining foliage was dried to constant weight at 6SOC, ground to 40 mesh in a stainless steel Wiley mill, and stored in closed jars until it was analyzed. Moisture content was determined by drying the foliage to constant weight at 65°C. The chlorophylls were extracted from the leaves with 80% acetone, optical densities of the extracts were measured, and contents were computed according to Amon (1949). Other foliar analyses were carried out as follows: total N (including nitrate) by the micro-Kjeldahl procedure (Bremner and Mulvaney 1982); phosphorus (P) by the molybdenum blue technique (Chapman and Pratt /961) ; RADWAN AND HARRINGTON 1071 the interior than on the coast (Table 2). Also, as expected, levels of chl-a were consistently higher than those of chi-b. The chl-a:chl-b ratio was somewhat lower in the interior than on the coast. The average ratio of 2.7 is similar to that found in Pinus spp. (Kramer and Kozlowski 1960) but lower than that reported for western hemlock (Radwan and DeBell 1980). For all sites combined, levels of chi-a, chl-b, and t-chl were each significantly correlated with site index, terminal growth, and total N in the foliage (Table 3). This is not surprising since N is part of the chlorophyll molecule and foliar N levels were b d related to site index and terminal growth (Table 3). These correlations are similar to results obtained earlier with other forest tree species (Viro 1965; Heinze and Fiedler 1976; Radwan and DeBell 1980). Total N Foliar N concentrations ranged from 0.88 to 1.54% (Table 4). Average total N (1.20%) was within the deficiency levels «1.5%) for red cedar seedlings (Walker et al. 1955). For most study sites, therefore, growth of red cedar would likely benefit from application of N fertilizer. Success of such treatment has been recently demonstrated in a thinned stand of red cedar in [. FIG. 2. Diagram of the upper part of a branch of western red cedar illustrating (a) previous year's growth, ( b) current year's growth, (c) branchlet, and (d) foliage taken for analysis. sulfur (S) by the turbidimetric method of Butters and Chenery (1959); potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn). zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) by standard atomic absorption techniques (Perkin-Elmer Corporation 1976); molybdenum (Mo) by the thiocyanate colorimetric method (Chapman and Pratt 1961); and boron (B) by the quinalizarin procedure (Horwitz 1980). Statistical analysis coastal Washington (Harrington and Wierman 1985). For all sites, total N was significantly correlated with many of the variables determined, in addition to site index, terminal growth, and the chlorophylls (Table 3). Foliar nutrients cor­ related with N included S, P, Mg, Cu, and B (Table 5). Strongest correlations were with S (r = 0.90) and P (r = 0.73). Sulfur is essential for the synthesis of S-containing amino acids and P is especially important to N nutrition through its key role in energy metabolism (Bonner and Varner 1965). Macronutrients other than N Foliar concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, and S were consis­ (p < 0.01) in the interior than on the coast (Table 4). In this respect, red cedar is similar to western hemlock tently higher (Radwan and DeBell 1980). Mineral soils from the interior sites contain higher concentrations of extractable mineral nutrients Correlation coefficients (r) between the variables measured were calculated for all sites combined and separately for each of the two geographical zones (Snedecor 1961). Mean values for the two geographical zones were compared with at-test (Snedecor 1961). Differences between individual sites could not be statistically tested because observations were made on subsamples; no replication was possible at the different sites. than do soils from coastal sites (unpublished data on file at the Results and discussion (e.g., Beaton, Moss et al. 1965; Harrington and Wierman 1985). Many coastal soils are known to be especially low in The sites The sites studied varied in many physical, soil, and plant properties (Table 1). Average elevation was highest in the interior zone. The sites represented 17 soil series. Average pH was lower (p < 0.01) on the coast than in the interior. Average site index for the coastal sites was not significantly different from that for the sites in the interior zone. Terminal growth for the 3 years immediately before harvest ranged from 30 to 65 cm/year. Terminal growth was higher (p < 0.01) in the interior than in the coastal zone. For all sites, the average growth was 52 cm/year and terminal growth was correlated with site index (r = 0.64, p < 0.01). A similar correlation was obtained with hemlock (Radwan and DeBell 1980). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Olympia, WA) and this is reflected in the composition of the foliage. Phosphorus concentrations were especially high in the interior (0.28%). Average P for the coast (0.16%), however, was within the range of values in the literature for red cedar extractable P (Radwan and Shumway 1983). Correlations with other mineral nutrients indicate that for all sites, P was strongly related to K, Mg, and S (Table 5). As expected, Ca concentrations were high (0.58-0.90%) relative to important associated conifers such as Douglas-fir (0.25-0.50%; Beaton, Moss et ai. 1965; Lavender and Carmi­ chael 1966; Zobel and Hawk 1980) and western hemlock (0.18-0.50%; Beaton, Moss et ai. 1965; van den Driessche 1976; Radwan and DeBell 1980; Zobel and Hawk 1980). Our values, however, are not as high as some of those reported in the literature for red cedar (1.14-1.98%; Gessel et al. 1950; Imper and Zobel 1983). This discrepancy, we believe, is due to differences in methods of sampling the foliage. Unlike others, we sampled only current-year growth of secondary branchlets. The chiorophylls Concentrations of chlorophyll a (chi-a), chlorophyll b Samples of others included "two or three years growth" (Gessel (p < 0.01) in et al. 1950) or consisted of the "apica1 2 dm" tissue that included (chi-b), and total chlorophyll (t-chl) were higher CAN. J. FOR. RES, VOL. 16. 1986 1072 TABLE 1. Site No. and general location Stand age (years) Site index at 50 years (m) Tenninal growth per year (cm) Characteristics of western red cedar sites Elevation (m) Soil pH Soil series Associated plant speciesQ Coastal zone 1 30 17.8 30 5 4.5 2 28 22.7 38 15 5.2 3 19 24.1 56 75 4.4 4 23.1 46 19.3 44 8 10 4.2 5 30 26 6 28 22.8 44 2 4,5 7 28 21.3 44 2 4.0 8 27 24.0 54 6 27x 21.9x 44x Averageb 15x 4.0 4.6 Reeses Kootowis Kydaka Kydaka Tealwhit H albert Hoko Knappton Hemlock, Hemlock, Hemlock, Hemlock, Hemlock, Hemlock, Hemlock, Hemlock, Crinker Olomount Elwell Playco Bunker Lates Bromo Swift Swift Carpenter Frissell Douglas-fir, hemlock, salal Hemlock, fern, devil's club, salmonberry Douglas-fir, hemlock Hemlock, Douglas-fir, silver fir, Oregon grape, fern Douglas-fir, vine maple, salal, devil's club Douglas-fir, vine maple, salal, devil's club Hemlock, Douglas-fir, yew, Oregon grape Douglas-fir, noble fir, blackberry Pine, noble fir, hemlock, salal Douglas-fir, hemlock, vine maple, fireweed Douglas-fir, big-leaf maple, fern, blackberry pine, sala!, huckleberry pine, salal, huckleberry alder, salal, huckleberry alder, salal, huckleberry spruce, salal, huckleberry Douglas-fir, pine, salal, huckleberry Douglas-fir, pine, salal alder, salal 4.4x Interior zone 9 19 27.0 64 1200 10 21 25.7 63 625 5.1 4.7 11 34 31 23.8 65 925 4.8 12 17.7 46 1025 5.2 13 29 24.4 53 350 5.3 14 28 24.9 58 600 5.2 15 26 22.8 64 875 5.3 16 19 22.8 58 900 5.4 17 24 19.1 57 875 5.3 18 18 24.8 60 875 5.8 19 24 25.2 52 750 5.7 25x 23.5x 58y 818y 5.2y Averageb "Hemlock, Tsuga heterophylla; pine, Pinus m Oil/le ola ; salal. Gaultheria shallon; huckleberry, Vaccillium parvifolium; alder. Alnus rubra; spruce. Picea s;lehells;s; Douglas-fir. Pseudotsuga menziesii; fern. Polys/iellum munilwn; devil's club. Oplopanax horridum; salmonberry, Rubus speetabilis; silver fir. Abies amabilis; Oregon grape, Berberis aquifolium; vine maple. Acer circinawm; yew, Taxus brevifolia; noble fir. Abies procera; blackberry. Rubus 'lTsinlls; fireweed. Epi/obium allguslifolium; big-leaf maple. Acer macrophyllum. bAverage values in the same vertical column followed by the same letter are not statistically different at p < 0,05. TABLE 2. Chlorophyll levels in western red cedar foliage Site No, and general location Chlorophyll Chlorophyll a b (mg/g) (mg/g) Total chlorophyll (mg/g) Coastal zone 1 1.22 0.44 1.66 2 1.50 0,55 2.05 3 1.48 0.49 1.97 4 1.42 0.44 1.86 1.48 5 1.10 0.38 6 1.44 0.50 1.94 7 1.58 0.58 2,16 8 1.50 0.56 2.06 1.41x 0.49x 1.90x 2.55 Averagea Interior zone 9 1.78 0.77 10 2.42 1.04 3.46 11 2.04 0.81 2.85 12 1.16 0.43 1.59 13 2.52 0.86 3.38 14 2.30 0.86 3.16 15 1.86 0.66 2.52 16 17 2,23 0.78 3.01 1.85 0.66 2.51 18 1.90 0.82 2.72 19 1.60 0_65 2.25 1.97y 0.76y 2.73y Averagea QAverage values in the same vertical column followed by different letters are statistically different at p < 0.01, "some fine, brittle branchlets" (Imper and Zobel 1983). Such sampling elevates the results of the Ca content because Ca accumulates in older foliage and woody tissues. With one minor exception (Ca vs. S in the interior), Ca concentrations were not correlated with concentrations of other elements. In addition, all macronutrients except Ca were positively related to tenninal growth (Table 6), The poor relationships between Ca and other variables may be indirect evidence that red cedar accumulates Ca in excess of its nutrient needs. Concentrations of K, Mg, and S were within the range of published values for red cedar trees (e.g., Ovington 1956; Beaton, Moss et at. 1965; Imper and Zobel 1983; Harrington and Wiennan 1985); some values, however, especially in the coastal zone, were within the deficiency levels for seedlings (Walker et at. 1955). Concentrations of P, K, Mg, and S in red cedar were within the ranges of values reported for western hemlock and Douglasfir (e. g., Beaton, Moss et al. 1965; Lavender and Carmichael 1966; van den Driessche 1976; Radwan and DeBell 1980; Zobel and Hawk 1980; Radwan et at. 1984). For all sites, there were strong correlations between K and S, K and Mo, Mg and Zn, and S and Cu (Table 5), Micronutrients and aluminum Concentrations of the microelements B, Zn, Cu, and Mo were higher (p < 0.05) in the interior than on the coast. The largest difference between the two zones was for Mo (0.21 vs. 0,05 ppm) (Table 7). This may be related to differences between 1073 RADWAN AND HARRINGTON TABLE 3. Correlations between nitrogen, site index, tenninal growth, and chlorophyII for western red cedar TABLE 5. Significant correlations (p < 0.05 ) between elemental concentrations in western red cedar foliage Significant correlations by element pai Correlation coefficienta (r) Characteristics being compared All sites 0.77** 0.77** 0.78** 0.73* 0.56 0.69 0.60* 0.62* 0.62* Site index versus: nitrogen chlorophyll a chlorophyll b total chlorophyll 0.60** 0.58** 0.65** 0.61** 0.81* 0.75* 0.5 3 0.70 0.43 0.51 0.73* 0.59 Terminal growth versus: nitrogen chlorophyll a chlorophyll b total chlorophyll 0.71** 0.67** 0.73** 0.70** 0.69 0.42 0.23 0.37 0.39 0.43 0.59 0.49 0.05; .'. P Element P Interior sites Nitrogen versus: chlorophyll a chlorophyII b total chlorophyll "Level of statistical significance: '. p < TABLE Coastal sites < N P K S Ca Mg Fe Mn B Zn Cu Mo ACI AC A AC A A I A £;. C C B Zn Cu Mo Al AC A AC A A A A AI A A AI AI C A AI A A I AI £. AC A A A "The symbols A. C, and I indicate significance of the correlation coefficient (r) for relations are underlined. 0.01. P K Ca Mg S Averagea 0.90 1.10 1.20 1.15 0.88 0.92 1.08 1.22 1.06x 0.15 0.16 0.21 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.15 0.15 0.16x 0.47 0.51 0.60 0.46 0.36 0.46 0.52 0.47 0.48x 0.60 0.80 0.58 0.60 0.67 0.64 0.61 0.79 0.66x 0.12 0.11 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.13 0.13x 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.09x Interior zone 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Averagea 1.48 1.5 3 1.28 1.21 1.38 1.54 1.25 1.32 L12 1.13 1.00 1.29y 0.29 0.32 0.30 0.28 0.24 0.32 0.30 0.25 0.24 0.30 0.26 0.28y 1.05 0.86 0.63 0.88 0.60 0.72 0.82 0.66 0.86 1.12 0.92 0.83y 0.62 0.68 0.74 0.72 0.90 0.70 0.82 0.78 0.73 0.74 0.90 0.76y 0.14 0.16 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.14 0. l 3 0.14 0.15 0.15y 0.13 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.09 O. l ly Coastal zone I Ca Mg Fe Mn all sites combined (A). coastal sites only (C). or interior sites only (I). Negative cor­ N 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S AI 4. Macronutrient concentrations (%) in western red cedar foliage Site No. and general location A K "Average values in the same vertical column followed by different letters are statistically different at p < 0.01. the zones in soil pH (Table 1); Mo availability is known to decrease with increased soil acidity (Mortvedt et al. 1972). Literature on the rnicronutrients and Al in red cedar is extremely limited and available values cannot be compared with our data. Such values are from very few analyses for (i) Fe and B in very young seedlings grown with nutrient solution in a greenhouse (Gessel et al. 1950), (ii) Fe and Mn in foliage of 2 1-year-old trees from Great Britain, with possible contamina- tion with Fe "in the process of grinding" (Ovington 1956), and (iiO Cu and Zn in two samples of un aged red cedar from an unnamed location in the Pacific Northwest for a prospecting survey (Warren et al. 1952). Compared with important associated conifers, red cedar concentrations of Mn (69-383 ppm) and Al ( 12-86 ppm) were lower and those of Mo, especially in the interior (0.03-0.52 ppm), were higher than those reported for western hemlock (Mn, 530-2000 ppm; AI, 550-1000 ppm; Mo, 0.0 1-0.05 ppm) and Douglas-fir (Mn, 270-1370 ppm; AI, 70-5OOppm; Mo, 0.05-0.lOppm) (Beaton, Brown et al. 1965; Radwan and DeBell 1980; Zobel and Hawk 1980). The low concentrations of Al and the high levels of Mo were surprising. Many of the soils at the coastal sites were poorly drained and Al is usually present in higher concentrations in forest trees growing on relatively wet sites. On the other hand, Mo levels appear to be the highest reported, so far, for a Pacific Northwest conifer. Foliar levels of B, Fe, Zn, and Cu in red cedar were within the ranges of values reported for western hemlock and Douglas-fir (e.g., Beaton, Brown et al. 1965; Radwan and DeBell 1980; Zobel and Hawk 1980). Effect of soil pH and stand age on foliar nutrients As expected, foliar nutrient concentrations in red cedar varied with soil pH and stand age (Table 6). Correlations of nutrients with pH were all positive. Soil pH is known to influence nutrient availability (Pritchett 1979), which can, in turn, affect nutrient levels in the foliage. In contrast, significant correlations with stand age were all negative. Reductions in nutrient requirements with age may explain this relationship (Miller et al. 1981). Foliar nutrients, site index, and terminal growth relationships Site index and terminal growth were significantly correlated with many foliar elements (Tables 3 and 6). These correlations suggest that some elements, such as N and S, may be useful as indicators to assess site quality for red cedar production (i.e., higher concentrations associated with better sites). Differences in relationships between study variables Correlations among the variables studied were calculated for all sites as well as for each geographical zone. Resulting CAN. 1074 TABLE J. FOR. RES. 6. Significant correlation coefficients V OL . (r) 16, 1986 between stand and site characteristics and elemental concentrations in western red cedar foliage, all sites combinedG Soil pH Stand age r Element Terminal growth Site index Element r P K Ca S Mo 0.66** K -0.53* S 0.74** S -0.46* Fe 0.70** Cu -0.51* B 0.56* 0.46* Mo -0.69** Cu Al 0.50* Element 0.66** r Element r P K Mg S B Zn Cu Mo 0.79** 0.61** -0.51* -0.49* ·Correlations between N and terminal growth, and N and site index are in Table significance: *, p < TABLE 0.05; " . P < 0.0 I. red cedar 1.1 Site No. o/" 0.9 Fe Mn B Zn Cu Mo AI Coastal zone 1 82 166 13 16 4 0.06 50 2 3 54 143 18 20 5 0.10 37 37 383 26 6 0.06 12 4 39 183 22 17 23 5 0.02 25 5 83 94 16 8 0.06 86 6 7 56 69 16 22 13 7 0.05 36 122 20 20 5 0.02 122 18 22 5 0.04 12 38 160x 18x 20x 6x 0.05x 37x 12 AverageO 0.69** 0.53* 0.63** 0.64** 0.46* " " / 0.32 " 44 39 54x "=0.86 0 " /r=0.87 / / ;; 0.7 o "/ 0 C'J'/ / " - 9 53 145 32 10 9 0.36 138 22 25 29 71 0.26 25 11 42 368 20 30 7 0.08 18 12 64 64 52 50 132 108 24 27 6 0.12 37 24 37 8 0.05 62 234 24 24 10 0.03 24 13 14 15 16 181 21 48 6 0.14 37 162 18 24 9 0.20 25 196 14 21 7 0.24 49 17 44 62 18 50 102 20 24 9 0.52 37 19 48 110 22 22 6 0.32 54x 170x 21y 29y 8y 0.21y 37 33x Averagea "Average values in the same vertical column followed by the Same letter are not statistically different at p < 0.05. correlation coefficients (r) show much variation between values for all sites, the coast, and the interior for each set of correlations (Tables 3 and 5). Only correlations between chl-a and N and between N and S were significant for all three data sets. Remaining correlations were significant only for one or two of the three data sets. A narrow range of values in one geographical zone may be the cause of the lack of significant correlation in that zone; this is illustrated by the relationship between K and Mo (Fig. 3A). Other examples of the significant correlations present are (i) P and Mn correlated on the coast but not in the interior (Fig. 3B), (ii) chl-b and site index correlated in the interior but not on the coast (Fig. 3C), and (iii) P and terminal growth correlated in the interior and on the coast combined but not in either zone (Fig. 3D). 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 'iP a. 0 0 0 0.25 0.20 .. 0.3, , 0.02 0.1 28 ! 0.2 ! 0.3 , 0.5 ! 0.4 f= 0.96 0.14 70 Mo(ppm) ! 140 I 210 I 280 Mn(ppm) C o 60 Interior zone 10 B 0.29 / and general 8 0.62** Level of statistical A 7. Concentrations (ppm) of microelements in foliage of western location 3. 0.62** 50 '" . S 40 E 18 . ..--l..---.I 0.28 0.49 0.63 Chlorophyll • 0.84 b ! 1.05 (mg/g) iP .L2- -= :"'- -'-L --' "-'. ""' ---=0-=.S 2 0 24 1 0 .18 P (%) FIG. 3. Relationship between selected study variables, illustrating (0) zones. The best linear (_. -), and interior sites when differences between coastal (.) and interior fit line was drawn for all (---), coastal the correlation coefficient was significant at p < 0.05. Conclusions Results, especially the foliar chemical data, indicate impor­ tant differences between red cedar in the interior and on the coast and between the species and other important associated conifers. Different management strategies, therefore, may be indicated for red cedar compared with those for other conifers, and for the species in different geographical zones of its natural range. The various correlations between the numerous variables studied suggest that (i) productivity of red cedar may be improved by cultural treatments, including fertilization, which would enhance levels of chlorophyll as well as some essential elements (N, S, P, B, and Mo) in the foliage, (ii) levels of some chemical elements or compounds in the foliage, such as N, RADW AN AND HARRINGTON chlorophyll, S, and B, may be useful as indicators to assess site quality for red cedar production, and (iii) chlorophyll may be used as a simple means of estimating the N status of red cedar. Acknowledgements The authors thank the following organizations for their cooperation in this study: ITT Rayonier, Inc., MacMillan Bloedel Limited (Canada), Murray Pacific Corp., Washington State Department of Natural Resources, and the Pacific North­ west Region of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. The authors also thank J. M. Kraft, J. E. Wilcox, D. W. Johnson, and H. M. 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