BoT. GAz. 136(3): 290-298. 1975. © 1975 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. PHENOLOGY OF BUD BURST IN DOU GLAS-FIR RELATED TO PROVENAN CE ' PHOTOPERIOD, CHILLI NG, AND FLUSHING TEMPERATURE . ROBERT K, CAMPBELL AND ALBERT I. SUGANO United States Department of Agriculture, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station ' Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 ABSTRACT Feasibility of deye '?pin& a method for predicting timing of spring vegetative bud burst in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga llleiiZtestt (Mirb.) Franco) was assessed. Several provenances from western Washington and Oregon were examined in three growth-ch 3;mber experiments that used combinations of chilling, photo­ . penod, and temperature as treatments durmg dormant and postdormant phases. Quantitative effects of reatme!lts on rate of bud development vere complex· and differed among provenances, giving rise to many mteractwns. However, responses were similar for all provenances. A conceptual model is proposed for the action of temperature and photoperiod on timing of flushing in Douglas-fir. Introduction Synchronization of developmental and annual climatic cycles is a feature of the adaptation of many perennial plants to variable seasonal climates. It is apparently accomplished by reaction of population genotypes to environmental stimuli (VEGIS 1964). The mechanism is by no means understood by genecologists. Of particular interes t to the authors is the process by which subpopulations of species with large continuous distributions adjust to variable climates associated with mountainous topography. A method for predicting phenological timing would be helpful. As a first s tep, we chose to study vegeta­ tive bud flushing in seedling Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Our working hypothesis (H ESLOP-H ARRISON 1964, p. 228) was that timing of bud flushing operates through the interdependent action of winter chilling, spring photoperiod, and temperature during flushing. All conifer species tested have been reported to have chilling requirements for dormancy release (CoviLLE 1920; W oMMACK 1964; NIENSTAEDT 1966, 1967; W oRRALL and MERGEN 1967; DoRMLING, G usTAFS­ soN, and VoN W ETTSTEIN 1968; S TEINHOFF and H oFF 1972). Long photoperiods sometimes com­ pensate for chilling requirements ( GusTAFSON 1938; OLSON, S TEARNS, and N IENSTAEDT 1959; N IENSTAEDT 1966, 1967; WoRRALL and MERGEN 1967). It has qeen suggested that bud flushing is completely temperature mediated if chilling requirements have been satisfied (W AREING 1956), but interacting quantitative effects of photoperiod and chilling on rate of bud flush have been clearly shown in several experiments (e.g., J ENSEN and G ATHERUM 1965; N IENSTAEDT 1967; WoRRALL and MERGEN 1967; D ORMLING et al. 1968; FARMER 1968). If environmental effects on rate of bud flushing are interdependent as hypothesized, a first step in elucidating adapta tional mechanisms is to discover if provenances are genetically differentiated in their response to combinations of treatments. Previous 290 work on bud flushing in Douglas-fir has shown provenance-differentiation in effects of photoperiod ( IRGENS-MOLLER 1957), photoperiod and chilling (WoMMACK 1964), and temperature during the flushing period ( C AMPBELL 1974). Two questions remain: (1) Are differences among provenances in response to spring flushing temperatures modified by pho toperiod, or by timing or duration of winter chilling; and (2) do provenances react similarly to fluctuating versus constant temperatures during flushing? This paper reports three experiments designed to answer these questions and also to provide informa­ tion on the feasibility of developing a model for bud-burs t timing. Material and methods A provenance sample ( table 1) consisted of a mixture of an equal number of wind-pollinated seed from each of five seed trees. In early March, seeds from samples were soaked in water for 24 h, drained, stratified at 2 C for 14 days, and germinated on moist filter paper in petri dishes at 30 C day/21 C night, with 12 h per photoperiod and thermoperiod. Germinated seeds were planted in 11.5-cm half-liter plastic pots containing Willamette River bottom loam mixed with 1/3 peat by volume. Early losses were replanted to maintain six plants per pot. Seedlings were grown in the greenhouse until late May, then moved into a lathhouse to grow through the summer under SO% shade. Treatments usually started in September after all seedlings had set buds and ended on the date of bud flushing, determined for each seedling by observa­ tions made every 3 1/2 days (i.e., Monday A.M. and Thursday P.M. ) . Lighting in growth chambers and supplemental lighting in the greenhouse were from fluorescent and incandescent lamps. Designs used for the three experiments were all modifications of the nested design in which subplot treatments consisting of a factorial set were ran­ 291 CAMPBELL & SUGANO-PHENOLOGY OF BUD BURST IN DOUGLAS-FIR TABLE 1 LO CATIONS OF W EATHER BUREAU STATIONS AT WHICH PROVENANCE COLLECTIONS WERE MADE Provenance Latitude (') Longitude (' ) Elevation (m) Port Townsend ................ Greenwater................... Government Camp ............ Estacada ..................... Cloverdale.................... Cascadia ... ..... .. ..... . Odell Lake .................... Idleyld Park .................. 48.12 47' 13 45.30 45.27 45.22 44.02 43.58 43.37 122.75 121.63 121.75 122.32 123.90 122.48 122.05 122.97 20 527 1213 125 6 259 1460 329 . . 1 . . Date of last Distance from spring frost (days from Pacific Ocean December 22)8 (km) Frost-free season (days)• 112 161 174 114 104 146 186 145 138 183 167 121 5 121 164 106 206 127 81 201 228 144 28 149 Average date of last spring frost of 0 C and frost-free season based on 22 yr of record, domized within larger plot treatments. In analyses of variance, degrees of freedom for main factors and interactions were further separated into linear, quadratic, etc., components by coding treatment factors as per SNEDECOR and CoCHRAN (1967, pp. 349-359). For descriptive purposes "provenance" was also coded (LI 1964, pp. 341-348) and used as a dummy quantitative variable. Hypotheses· were tested at the .OS P level with the appropriate error term in the split-plot model (almost all significant factors were significant at P < .01). Then a response equation was calculated (SNEDECOR and CoCHRAN 1967, pp. 357-358) using as coefficients only those b's for main effects and interactions that were significant. Residuals from predicted values were examined, and the models appeared satisfactory in all respects. We chose to present the graphic surfaces predicted by equations as being preferable to regression coeffi­ cients for illustrating complex relationships. In fact, data points deviated only slightly from predicted points, that is, almost all variation in plot means was explained by response surfaces-respectively, 94%, 81%, and 96% for experiments 1, 2, and 3. Treatment results were assessed by their effect on length of the flushing period, measured in days to bud burst (W) from the time a plant entered the flushing treatment. Bud burst occurred when scales of a seedling's terminal bud first opened to expose green needles. Reactions of seedlings to experimental environ­ ments were induced (e.g., by chilling), as well as immediate reactions (by flushing temperatures). Conceptually it appeared worthwhile to treat quan­ titative results of these reactions as potential and realized responses. Therefore, a reciprocal data transformation, described below, was used in all analyses. It is based on an assumption that most of the energy needed for growth is chemical energy released through respiration (UTAAKER 1968). Com­ monly, respiration and resulting growth rate are directly related to temperature over a wide range of temperatures ( KuYPER 1910). Consequently, the period required for any growth process (e.g., flushing of buds) can be expected to be inversely related to temperature, and the reciprocal of this period is a direct estimate of the process rate. By reason of the above, the response variable in all analyses was 1/W where W was based on plot means. This transformation has been used by Azzi (1956, "sprouting index"), ARNOLD (1959), and CAMPBELL (1974). It represents the percentage daily average rate of development (DARD) toward bud burst. Thus, if it takes 25 days for the bud to flush, the DARD 100/25 4% per day 4 DARD. The higher the DARD the fewer the days to bud burst. Chilling requirements are met if rate of flushing is not enhanced by additional days of chilling (WoR­ RALL and MERGEN 1967) (i.e., when DARDs maximize). If DARDs can be related to chilling treatments by some function, a maximum can be obtained easily by graphical or algebraic methods. = = = Results !.-Government Camp and Clover­ dale were chosen to represent high and low elevation provenances, respectively (table 1). Government Camp seedlings had completed bud set by August 10 and Cloverdale seedlings by September 15. On September 15, all seedlings were moved to a growth chamber with a 12-h thermoperiod of 21 C day-15 C night and a 9-h photoperiod, where they remained until chilling treatments began. On October 22, plants in the first of two schedules of chilling were moved into three chilling chambers set with 4.4 C, 7.2 C, 10 C, and 9-h photoperiod. The first schedule consisted of 216 pots (six plants per pot), 108 each from Cloverdale and Government Camp, 36 of which were placed in each chilling chamber. Nine pots were successively removed from each chamber after 11, 22, 33, and 44 days. The second schedule of 216 pots went into chilling (December 5) when the last (44-day) treatment of schedule 1 was removed. Schedule 2 plants also came out of chilling at intervals of 11, 22, 33, and 44 days ExPERIMENT 292 BOTANICAL GAZETTE or, respectively, 55, 66, 77, and 88 days after Octo­ ber 22, the start of the chilling phase for the first schedule. After completion of each chilling period, plants were placed in a heated greenhouse under long days (16 h) obtained by supplemental lighting. During this flushing period, temperatures at plant level ranged from 18-27 C, the average (20 C) remaining consistent from week to week. When data were transformed to DARDs (table 2), analysis of variance (SE of plot means 0.17 DARD; CV 8.4%) indicated that rates of bud flushing were highly specific to provenance and chilling treatment. Statistically, all main factors (chilling temperatures, chilling periods, schedules, and provenances), many of their linear, quadratic, and cubic components, and many interactions were highly significant (P < .01). Regression lines cal­ culated from the resulting response equation curved sharply upward with length of chilling. Slopes were steeper the higher the DARD and the longer the chilling period, giving the impression that the DARD induced during any period might be proportional to the DARD already attained. Therefore, logarithms of DARDs were plotted against days of chilling. Resulting trends were approximately linear over the major part of the data (fig. 1). The largest deviations occurred in 11-day chilling treatments of the Clover­ dale provenance. The "supereffectiveness" of chilling in the first period may be related to different degrees of "dormancy" of provenances when chilling was 1.5 [SEPTEMBER CLOVERDALE 1.0 0.5 = = TABLE 2 AVERAGE DAYS TO BUD BURST AND AVERAGE DARDS (IN PARENTHESES) AS INFLUENCED HY PROVENANCE, AND BY TIMING (SCHEDULE), LENGTH, AND TEMPERATURE OF CHILLING CHILLING PROVENANCE, AND (DAYS) SCHEDULE, PERIOD 4.4 Cloverdale: 1: 11............ 22............ 33............ 14 ............ 2: 11........... 22............ 33............ 44............ Government Camp: 1: 11 ............ 22............ 33....... 44............ 2: 1\ ............ 22............ 33............ 44............ . TEMPERATURE (C) ---,--- -----­ 7.2 10.0 67.0 (1.55) 74.0(1.37) 69.1 (1.45) 66.1 (1.52) 63.3 (1.64) 65.4 (1.54) 45.6 (2. 22) 49.9 (2.01) 79.0 (1.27) 72.5 (1.3R) 66.0 (1.53) 57.4(1.75) 52.1 (1.95) 50.0 (2.00) 37.3 (2.68) 3 1.2 (3.21) 51.2 (1.95) 50.2 (1.99) 41.9 (2.39) 36.1 (2. 77) 60.9 (1.65) 51. 7 (1.94) 44.3 (2.26) 36.4 (2.76) 48.1 (2 .08) 43.2 (2.35) 37.7 (2.66) 32.5 (3.10) 65.7 (1.52) 58.1 ( 1.72) 46.9 (2.14) 41.6 (2.41) 67.6 (1.49) 57.7 (1.74) so. 9 (1. 97) 44.5 (2.25) 56.2 (1.79) 62.3 (1. 61) 44.7 (2.24) 55.6 (1. 80) 36.4 (2.76) 45.6 (2.19) 26.3 (3.82) 44.6 (2.24) 62.4 (1.60) 60. 7 (1.65) 4.4.7 (2.25) 44.9 (2.23) NoTE.-Each average is based on three replications of 18-seedling plots, GOVERNMENT CAMP 1.0 0. 5 0 -11 22 33 44 Schedule I 11 -- -- -22 33 44 Schedule II CHILLING PERIOD (days) FIG. 1.-Log . DARD (% daily average rate of development of buds) as influenced by provenance, days of chilling, chilling temperature, and time of entry into chilling. Schedule 1 seedlings entered chilling on October 22; schedule 2 seedlings entered chilling 44 days later, on December 5. started. For remaining data, the logarithms of DARD increased at approximately uniform rate per day of chilling. Thus, in early phases of chilling the relative rate of increase in DARD is approximately constant for each specific combination of chilling temperature and provenance. Chilling effectiveness was greatest at 4.4 C com­ pared with 7.4 C and 10 C, the latter two tempera­ tures differing little in their influence on relative increase in DARDs. Also, for Cloverdale, chilling effectiveness per day was greater when chilling was started later in the season. This can be seen by carrying lines between response points for comparable treatments in schedule 1 and schedule 2 (fig. 1) (e.g., from 44-day treatment response in schedule 1 to 44-day treatment response in schedule 2). Lines will be seen to be roughly parallel and with positive slope. For Government Camp there was no comparable, general, promotive effect of late entry into chilling. Cloverdale seedlings chilled at 4.4 C for 44 days starting October 22 burst buds only after an addi­ tional 46 days in flushing conditions (January 19). When the 44 days of chilling was started Decem­ 1975] CA:tviPBELL & SUGANQ-PHENOLOGY OF BUD BURST IN DOUGLAS-FIR ber 6, buds burst after 31 days in flushing conditions, or not before February 22. For Government Camp, in identical treatments, bud-burst dates were Janu­ ary 7 and February 17. ExPERniENT 2.-Provenances were Odell Lake and Idleyld Park, high- and low-elevation sources from the central Oregon Cascades Mountains (table 1). On September 9, 1970, 90 pots of each source (18 pots in each of five replications) were moved into a holding chamber (21 C day/15 C night, 12-h thermoperiod, 9-h photoperiod). On October 27, the chamber temperature was decreased to a constant 4 C. Flushing treatments started on February 4, 11, and 18, coincident with changes in photoperiod, were applied in 18 combinations of six temperature variations with three photoregimes. The plot design included six pots (two provenances X three photo­ regimes) in each of five blocks within each growth chamber. Data were analyzed as a split-plot experi­ ment in randomized block design with unreplicated main-plot temperature treatments. The six growth chambers for flushing were programmed as follows: (a) 13 C day (12 h)-4 C night, (b) 17 C day (12 h)­ 4 C night, (c) 21 C day (12 h)-4 C night, (d) 13 C day and night, (e) 17 C day and night, (f) 21 C day and night. Photoperiods (19,500 lx) in all six chambers were changed on the following schedule: (a) February 4, 8.5-h day; (b) February 11, 10-h day; (c) Febru­ ary 18, 11.5-h day. The light energy increased with longer photo­ periods, as is the case with photoperiods in the field in spring. At changes in the photoperiod schedule, one pot per source per replication was introduced in each of the six growth chambers. Consequently, plants entering flushing chambers on February 4 at 8.5-h daylengths received increases in photoperiods on February 11 and February 18. Plants entering on February 11 started flushing treatment at 10-h daylength, which was subsequently increased on February 18. Since phototreatments included changes in energy and photoperiod, they are called photo­ regimes 8.5, 10, and 11.5 by reference to the entering photoperiod. Bud-burst dates in chambers with constant flush­ ing temperatures were more variable than in cham­ bers with fluctuating temperatures, and homogeneity was not achieved by transformation to DARDs (fig. 2). Consequently, data from fluctuating- and constant-temperature chambers were analyzed as separate experiments of identical design. In each analysis of variance, the quadratic terms were not significant. Consequently, resulting response surfaces were planes (fig. 3). Photoregimes, as well as flushing temperatures, significantly influenced rate of development toward bud burst. The only exception occurred with Idleyld Park seedlings flushed in 21 C days and 4 C nights 293 (fig. 3). Response to flushing temperature apparently depends on the photoregime in which buds are flushed. This interaction was consistent within each of the provenances as shown by regression lines with similar patterns in fluctuating and constant flushing temperatures. In contrast, interaction patterns dif­ fered greatly between provenances (fig. 3). A preliminary study using the conventional tem­ perature-summation method (ARNOLD 1959) for measuring thresholds and temperature responses had indicated that 4 C was below the threshold tempera­ ture for bud flushing in Douglas-fir. On this assump­ tion, seedlings in constant-temperature chambers, 0 80 f(/) a: ::::> co Cl ::::> co A OBSERVED DATA 0 70 ,x 0' 60_ 0 0 50_ 0 f(/) 40_ Cl 30_ ' ' ' ' X ' X ' '8 >< o X 0 --.i- X 8 sr---- - UJ (.!) .<( a: 20 X )( Constant day-night temperatures o Fluctuating day-night temperatures - Average value x UJ 0 7 .._,.... .._,.... '-r-' B TRANSFORMED DATA X 6 > (I) "0 ....... 5 )( 4 )( )( X Cl a: <( Cl 0 3 2 , 0 )( _,.,,. ,. ,. lf 8 --"'if -0 )( - )( --a-)( _a...)( 8 OL-----�-----.�---.� 13C 21C 17C DAYTIME FLUSHING TEMPERATURE FIG. 2.-A, Observed data in constant vs. fluctuating temperature environment. Points are replication means of Odell Lake seedlings flushed in the 10-h photoregime at three (13, 17, and 21 C) daytime flushing temperatures. Night temperatures (12-h) were 4 C in the fluctuating-temperature treatment. B, Above data transformed to DARDs. Variability among replications within treatments is made homogeneous by transformation but variability in constant temperatures is average greater than in fluctuating temperatures. Solid line values of constant temperatures; dashed line average values of fluctuating temperatures. = = 294 BOTANICAL GAZETTE compared with fluctuating-temperature chambers, would be exposed to twice the degree-hours daily. Thus, relative effectiveness at any given photo­ period-temperature combination is evaluated by the ratio: 2(DARD in fluctuating temperature)/(DARD in constant temperature). If degree-hours contribute equally to promotion of bud flushing in fluctuating and constant temperatures, the ratio should equal unity in all combinations of photoregime and flushing temperature. Relative effectiveness of fluctuating temperature was consistently > 1 as indicated by ratios calculated from adjusted treatment means. Furthermore, the response to fluctuating temperatures appeared to be qualitatively different between provenances ( fig. 4). The higher the maximum (or average) flushing temperature and the longer the photoperiod, the greater the relative effectiveness of fluctuating tern­ 6 ODELL LAKE 5 11.5 4 3 2 Constant temperature Fluctuating temperature >: (1) "C ....... 0 0:: 0 6 0 IDLEYLD PARK 11.5 10.0 8.5 5 4 3 2 O L-----�----�-- 13C 17C 21C FLUSHING TEMPERATURE FIG. 3.-Rate of development toward bud burst(DARD) as affected by provenance and constant and fluctuating flushing temperatures in photoregimes of 8.5, 10.0, and 1 1.5 h. u.. 0 CJ) CJ) LU z LU ;;::: LU 0:: :::J !;{ 0:: LU a.. (SEPTEMBER 1.6 - 8.5 1.5- 10.0 tiLU LU 1- 1.4 _11.5 (!) LUZ 1.3- LU > :::J -�-- 1.2- u.. u.. LU -l o:u.. .,... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ,... """' ,. ,. ...... ---ODELL LAKE IDLEYLD PARK 13C 17C 21C DAYTIME FLUSHING TEMPERATURE FIG. 4.-Relative effectiveness of constant vs. variable flushing temperatures as influenced by provenance and flushing temperature. Effectiveness is defined as 2(DARDs in fluctuat­ ing temperature)/(DARDs in constant temperature). peratures in increasing DARDs in the Odell Lake population and the less the relative effectiveness in the Idleyld Park population. If the threshold temperature for bud flushing in Douglas-fir is, in fact, below 4 C, the daily 12 h at 4 C would contribute degree-hours not considered in the above model. To check, the equation for each of the constant temperature regression lines in figure 3 was solved for the temperature at which DARD "" 0. As shown by ARNOLD (1959), this provides a best estimate for the threshold that is conventionally used in calculating degree-days. Thresholds were above 4 C except for Idleyld Park seedlings flushed in the 11.5 photoregime (table 3). Degree-days were then obtained by summing (degrees above threshold X days). Seedlings in different treatments required greatly different numbers of degree-days to flush (table 3). In all combinations, degree-days in fluctuating temperatures were fewer than in constant temperatures, thus agreeing with results obtained by analysis of DARDs. ExPERIMENT 3.-Four provenances were used: Cascadia, Estacada, and Greenwater from the western slopes of the Cascades Mountains, and Port Townsend from the edge of Puget Sound (table 1). On October 18, 1971, 60 pots (12 pots in five replica­ tions) of each provenance were moved into a holding chamber with a 12-h thermoperiod of 21 C day-15 C night, and a 9-h photoperiod. On December 16 temperature in. the chamber was changed to a constant 4 C. On January 4, after 18 days of chilling, one pot from each replication per provenance was moved into each of four flushing chambers set at 10, 14, 18, and 22 C, with 16-h photoperiod at 18,500 lx. Two additional lots of seedlings made up exactly as above were moved into flushing chambers after 40 and 62 days of chilling. Results indicate that chilling requirements, defined as the point at which DARDs maximize, are not uniquely characteristic of a genotype but are also · 1975] 295 CAMPBELL & SUGANQ-PHENOLOGY OF BUD BURST IN DOUGLAS-FIR TABLE 3 DEGREE-DAYS TO POPULATION MEAN FLUSHING DATE AS AFFECTED BY PROVENANCE, CONSTANT VERSUS FLUCTUATING TEM PERATURES, AND PHOTOREGIMES ODELL LAKE IDLEYLD Degree-days to mean flushing date in: Degree-days to mean flushing date in: DAY TEMPERATURE (C) AND PHOTOPERIOD 21: (h) 8.5............. 10.0 ............. 11.5............. 17: 8.5............. 10.0. .. .......... 11.5............. 13: 8.5............. 10.0............. 11.5............. PARK Threshold temperature (C) Threshold temperature (C) Fluctuating temperature Constant temperature 4.74 5.37 5.84 247 214 164 368 321 245 8.19 5.37 1.44 178 235 306 263 312 352 4.74 5.37 5.84 238 196 172 376 334 282 8.19 5.37 1. 44 165 222 304 274 311 372 4. 74 5.37 5.84 269 247 193 386 327 294 8.19 5.37 1.44 158 213 355 210 283 400 Fluctuating temperature Constant temperature NoTE.-In fluctuating temperatures, night temperatures were maintained at 4 C, which was below the threshold temperatures calculated for most treatments. related to flushing temperature. In a flushing tem­ perature of 22 C, Cascadia seedlings attained maxi­ mum DARD after approximately 47 days of chilling at 4 C (fig. 5). In an 18- C flushing temperature, 62 days were required. At any given flushing temperature, chilling require­ ments may vary among provenances. In flushing temperature of 22 C, maximum DARDs for Port Townsend were reached after approximately 60 days of chilling (fig.5) in contrast to the 47 days needed for Cascadia. For provenances of Estacada and Green­ water, considerably more than 62 days are needed as indicated by steepness of slopes at 62 days of chilling. Larger chilling requirements appear to be asso­ ciated with lower flushing temperatures. The Cascadia and Port Townsend DARDs in progressively lower flushing temperatures tend to maximize after pro­ gressively longer periods of chilling (fig. 5). The DARDs for lowest flushing temperatures did not reach maximum for any provenance within the scope of the experiment. Further experiments are required to determine the validity of a qualitative "chilling requirement" for high and low flushing temperatures. Provenances with satisfied chilling requirements in any given flushing temperature may still differ in time to bud burst as a result of differential growth rates within the developing bud. In 22 C flushing temperatures, maximum DARDs for Cascadia and Port Townsend are approximately 5.8 and 5.2, respectively (fig. 5), or 17 days to bud burst for Cascadia, 19 for Port Townsend. Within each chilling period, temperature response curves were generally S shaped, but exact shapes depended on provenance and length of chilling. After 18 days of chilling, rate of development was somewhat higher in flushing temperatures of 10 C than in 14 C (fig. 5). In experiment 1, 10 C was shown to be effective in increasing DARDs in response to chilling. In experiment 3, the 10 C in which seedlings were flushed may have acted simul­ taneously in chilling and flushing capacities. Combined effects of chilling and flushing tempera­ tures on timing of bud flush were evaluated by adding the days of chilling and flushing. Results tabulated for flushing temperatures of 14 and 22 C are illustra6 5 4 3 2 ESTACADA CASCADIA p:: / : 14C 14C 10C 10C >: "' -c ....... Cl a: 0 6 <l: Cl 5 GREENWATER 22C PORT TOWNSEND 4 3 2 e::;: 0 L.___L__L____J 62 40 18 CHILLING PERIOD 10C 40 18 (days) 62 Fw. 5.-lnteracting effects on DARDs of provenance, days of chilling at 4 C, and temperature in which buds are flushed. 296 BOTANICAL GAZETTE TABLE 4 TOTAL DAYS TO BUD BURST, INCLUDING CHILLING AND FLUSHING PERIODS, AS AFFECTED BY PROVENANCE, DAYS OF CHILLING, AND CONSTANT FLUSHING TEMPERATURES OF 14 AND 22 C DAYS PROVENANCE AND CHILLING PERIOD (DAn ) Cascadia: 18.......... 40............. 62............. Estacada: 18............. 40 ............. 62............. Greenwater: 18............. 40............. 62............. Port Townsend: 18............. 40............. 62.......... .. 22 TO BUD BURS'!: (AFTER DECEMBER IN FLUSHING TEMPERATUN.E! c 14 c 16) Difference (14-22 C) ---·- 46 57 80 118 90 102 72 33 22 48 62 79 129 90 96 81 28 17 57 63 80 135 99 105 78 36 25 62 62 81 129 99 103 67 37 22 tive of the potential range of flushing dates (table 4). Chilling was started on December 16 when chilling effectiveness per day is expected to be high because of the lateness of season. However, even in the long photoperiod (16 h) and highest flushing temperature of experiment 3 (22 C), bud burst did not occur before about February 1. With flushing temperatures more characteristic of days during natural flushing (10-14 C), dates of bud burst were further delayed, ranging from the middle of March to late April, depending on days of chilling. These dates encompass the expected natural flushing of provenances planted in mild areas of western Washington and Oregon. The requirement for chilling is much more effective in slowing bud development at low flushing tem­ peratures. This can be seen by comparing differences in days to bud burst in 14 and 22 C flushing tem­ peratures (table 4). When additional days of chilling no longer influence response to flushing temperature, differences should minimize and become constant, reflecting different growth rates at the two tempera­ tures. This point has not been reached for any provenance (table 4). Discussion Effects of chilling, photoperiod, and flushing temperature on rate of bud flushing are highly interdependent. Effects induced by chilling depended on timing, duration, and temperature (experiment 1). After induction by a single chilling temperature and period, rates of bud burst were also influenced by photoregime and temperature during flushing (ex­ periment 2). The influence of flushing temperatu . re [ SEPTEMBER on the expression of induced effects of chilling depended on duration of chilling (experiment 3). The apparent total effect of chilling and photo­ period is one of widening the temperature response, as hypothesized by VEGIS (1963). In coastal Douglas­ fir this is accomplished by increasing the rate of bud burst at all flushing temperatures. The increase associated with added chilling is greatest at the lowest flushing temperatures (experiment 3). In comparison to increases induced by chilling, in­ creases associated with photoperiod appear to depend more strongly on provenance, but interaction with flushing temperatures is still important (experiment 2). Rate of flushing may not level off and maximize with added chilling (experiment 3). Instead, during late stages of chilling, growth may begin at chilling temperatures (e.g., 10 C in experiment 2) and rapid­ ity of response to forcing may increase up to the day of bud burst. Similar responses have been noted in some seed studies where, during stratification period, seeds will germinate at progressively lower tempera­ tures until germination takes place at stratification temperatures (S T ONE 1957; H ATA NO and As A K A WA 1964). Interacting environmental effects were closely fitted to polynomial response surfaces in all experi­ ments, indicating a quantitatively describable sys" tern for controlling bud-burst.timing. Our concept of the system is most easily explained in terms of potential and realized DARDs as means for quan­ tifying the general types of reactions to environ­ mental stimuli called "inductive" and "immediate" by HESLOP-HARRISON (1964). When a bud with a given potential DARD is exposed to sufficient heat and other requirements are not limiting, it develops by an increment which is dependent on its potential DARD. If the stimu­ lus is effective for the period of a day, the poten­ tial DARD becomes a realized DARD. Potential DARDs are an induced response that depends on duration and temperature of prechilling (Do RMLI NG et al. 1968; SuGANO 1971) and chilling. Realized DARDs are a function of this potential and photo­ period and temperature during the time of realiza­ tion. From our experience, the potential DARD is specific to the environment at the time of realization; although for any given flushing environment the potential has been determined by temperature events in previous months. Others (WEINBERGER 1954; BENNETT 1960; VEGIS 1963; NIENSTAEDT 1966) have noted dormancy reinduction in response to diurnal temperature fluctuation during the chilling phase. Thus, alternating periods of warm and cold during chilling may also influence potential DARDs. By definition, DARDs will be accumulated as they are realized. Accumulation continues throughout the spring season until realized DARDs sum to 100, at. which time bud burst is achieved. We can speculate 1975] CAMPBELL & SUGANO-PHENOLOGY OF BUD BURST IN DOUGLAS-FIR that during autumn DARDs are accumulated slowly, if at all, because potential DARDs are small due to lack of chilling. During the winter, as potential DARDs increase in response to chill­ ing, photoperiods are becoming shorter. Realized DARDs remain small in response to short photo­ periods. Consequently, during autumn and winter, realized DARDs accumulate slowly regardless of flushing temperatures. As the growing season ap­ proaches, potential DARDs that are appropriate to higher flushing temperatures may reach maximum in response to chilling and photoperiod. However, it appears likely that, even to the time of bud burst, potential DARDs appropriate to lower temperatures will be increasing in response to added chilling, and realized DARDs will be increasing in response to longer photoperiods. Because winter buds are "resting," there may be some question whether DARDs can be realized and accumulated during warm winter days. There is ample evidence in several species that resting vegeta­ tive buds are not inert (PERRY 1971) and may even increase in dry weight by 100% during winter months (YOUNG, WINNEBERGER, and BENNETT 1974). Results of experiment 2 show that develop­ ment of Douglas-fir buds is not inhibited by fluctuat­ ing daily temperatures which bridge the flushing and chilling range but was faster than could be expected from results in constant temperatures. This may be explained by an increase of potential DARDs by chilling during the night. The regulatory basis for potential and realized DARDs is assumed to be a changing balance of growth inhibitors and promoters during winter rest (LAVENDER and HERMANN 1970) and flushing (LAVENDER et al. 1973). In our experiments, re­ sponses to environmental treatments were quantita­ tive and continuous. It is therefore unlikely that dormancy phases in Douglas-fir are clearly separated with unique growth-regulator patterns as proposed in the chemical model of SMITH and KEFFORD (1964). Our results indicate that, under natural flushing conditions, date of bud burst is mainly a function of spring temperature. However, timing will also be occasionally influenced by winter chilling, especially in years with relatively warm winters and cool springs. In the coastal Douglas-fir region, it is not unusual for low elevation sites to have winters with fewer than 62 days of chilling at 4 C (WAKEFIELD 1969). Average temperatures during the flushing period characteristically range from 7 to 10 C, average daily maximums from 12 to 17 C, and only about 10% of days reach maximums of 22 C. At these flushing temperatures, potential rates of bud development may be increased (experiment 3) by additional days of chilling even after 62 days at 4 C. In some years, flushing date will also be partly a function of photoperiod. In experiment 2, after 100 297 days of chilling at 4 C (fig. 3), rates of flushing were generally increased by longer photoperiods. In years in which seedlings are chilled for fewer than 100 days, photoperiod effects are likely to be correspond­ ingly larger. Our experiments did not examine the combined effects of chilling and photoperiod. How­ ever, a general type of interaction can be inferred from other studies ( WOMMACK 1964; NIENSTAEDT 1967; WoRRALL and MERGEN 1967) which show that after short chilling periods conifer seedlings flushed in long days will burst buds before seedlings flushed in short days. As chilling period is increased, differ­ ences between dates of bud burst in long versus short days are decreased, eventually vanishing. In other words, the promotive effect of long photo­ periods tends to zero as chilling progresses. In experiment 2, Idleyld Park seedlings had apparently reached the zero point in higher flushing temperatures but not in lower (fig. 3). From the above evidence, we can infer that the zero point at lower temperatures would have been reached after longer chilling and, conversely, that effects of photoperiod would have been greater with shorter chilling. In experiment 2, plants in photoregimes 8.5, 10, and 11.5 received 100, 107, and 114 days of chilling, respectively, before entering flushing treatments, thus confounding chilling and photoregimes. From previous information (WoMMACK 1964), chilling requirements were supposedly satisfied by 100 days at 4 C and additional days should not have in­ fluenced bud flushing. From experiment 3, this assumption now appears erroneous. A few days of additional chilling after 100 days probably did not greatly influence rate of bud flushing, but effects ascribed to photoregime may not be due strictly to phototreatment. The few provenances used to sample within-species variation in coastal Douglas-fir were highly variable in their response to controlling factors. Population differences appeared in response to duration, timing and temperature of chilling; to flushing temperature, particularly in its interrelation with photoperiod and length of chilling; and to fluctuating flushing tem­ perature. We used too few provenances to attempt to correlate provenance differences with habitat types. Other studies have shown chilling require­ ments (PERRY and WANG 1960; KRIEBEL and WANG 1962; FARMER 1968) and flushing temperature re­ sponses ( CAMPBELL 1974) to be related to latitudinal origin of provenances and other habitat factors. However, the strong interactions found here make it unlikely that any single-factor analysis will provide an understanding of synchronization as an adapta­ tional mechanism. With further experimentation it should be possible to develop a quantitative model for bud-burst timing. 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