Roy R. Silen Donald L. Copes Douglas-fir Seed Orchard Problems -A Progress Report THE AUTHORS are principal .plant genetkist and plant geneticist respectively, Forestry Sci. Lab., Pac. NW 'Forest and Range Exp. Sta., U.S. Forest Serv., Corvallis, Ore. .• ABSTRACT-In the mid-1960's, the problems of graft in­ compatibility, pollen contamination and slow and cyclic seed production caused Douglas-fir seed orchards to lose favor. Solutions now appear practical to graft incompati­ .-ri 1f . bility through providing con1patible rootstocks and to pol­ Jen contamination through delaying fioral bud development With Wafer spray applications. The problem of slow and cyclic seed, production is still unsolved. determined that a wounding and rehealing phenomenon Recent solutions to two perplexing problems of Douglas-fir seed orchards provide an excellent opportu­ nity to bring foresters interested in seed orchard tech­ nique up to date. Douglas-fir has had more seed orchard problems than other important tree species. First, graft incompatibility caused 30 to 60 percent of all Douglas­ fir grafts to die. Second, the Douglas-fir region has few seed orchard locations that are free of serious pollen contamination from the omnipresent native stands. Third, Douglas-fir requires a number of years after grafting before abundant cones are produced, and even then heavy crop years are erratic. These three problems '·'' JI '·' severely hindered successful seed orchard establish­ ment. Reluctance to establish additional seed orchards was so strong through the mid-1960's that a tree improvement program which avoided establishing seed orchards gained prominence (23). Nonetheless, the three problems were given high research priority be­ cause seed orchards are an indispensable part of most long-term breeding programs. This report documents the research attack on each problem. Graft Incompatibility Douglas-fir is easily grafted; a good technician will have little difficulty in obtaining 90 percent success if he grafts at the proper time in the spring. As with heart transplants in humans, problems develop later. Between 1958 and 1963 seed orchardists began to suspect latent troubles with Douglas-fir grafts ( 6). Many grafts that had appeared normal for up to seven years developed swellings at the union and died. By 1964 the problem had become so serious that seed orchardists urged that a scientist work full-time on the problem. The junior MARCH 1972 author was assigned this investigation in 1965. Initially, all of the incompatibility theories-poor grafting technique, mechanical weakness at the graft union, lack of rootstock limbs close to the union, differential growth rates of stock and scion, virus infec­ tion or biochemical antagonism-had to be considered. As a result of early research (J, 2) all but biochemical antagonism and virus infection have now been elimi­ nated as reasonable causes of graft incompatibility. The first major breakthrough came when it was was associated with incompatibility. This phenomenon occurred unfailingly each spring as new cambial growth began. The wounding never occurred in compatible grafts or where the plant was grafted back upon itself (2). In 1967 Copes suggested a practical solution involving two grafts of a parent tree per rootstock. One graft could be cut off 15 to 18 months after grafting and examined ·microscopically for wound areas. If the in­ compatibility symptom were not found, the rootstock­ scion combination would be compatible and the re­ maining graft left in the orchard for seed production. But if the incompatability symptom were present in the sacrificed graft, the remaining graft would be rogued and grafts of another plant tested at that orchard position (1). This usually results in orchards with unequal numbers of grafts per parent. A refinement of the method was added in 1968. It ' was known that cuttings from adult Douglas-fir were difficult to root but that seedlings rooted easily. By testing compatibility of each parent on 10 to 20 juvenile rootstocks, some compatible rootstocks could be located for all highly incompatible parent trees. Once a com­ patible rootstock is found, adequate numbers of each rootstock can easily be produced by rooting cuttings of the juvenile rootstock (1). In this refinement, grafts of all parents can be equally represented in the orchard. Unfortunately, incompatibility will continue to be a problem in older orchards which were established be­ fore evasion techniques became known. But in the new seed orchards, the problem has changed from a major threat to their existence to a minor problem which can readily be controlled. Most seed orchardists are now using the new evasion techniques. 145 Pollen Contamination Before 1956 an isolation zone of a few hundred feet surrounding an orchard ,was considered adequate pro­ . tection from contaminating pollen. Because Douglas-fir pollen is relatively large, most of it was thought to fall near the tree (24). However, the first Northwest studies of Douglas-fir pollen flight, conducted in 1956, revealed a serious pollen contamination problem (16). So much pollen is produced during a heavy year that virtually every cubic inch of air over vast areas of the Northwest is loaded with pollen. Most seed orchards have since been sam­ pled during heavy seed years to determine degree of pollen contamination. Some orchards on flat land aver­ aged about 3,000 contaminating pollen grains per square inch during the pollen season despite several miles of isolation. Pollen contamination count reached 7,500 per square inch in orchards located in narrow, forested valleys. Thus, isolation was ineffective against pollen contamination. During the 1958-66 period the senior author ex­ plored two other approaches to reducing pollen contam­ ination. The first hypothesis tested was that low­ elevation orchards containing grafts of high-elevation plus-trees would be inherently delayed in bud develop­ ment and, thus, avoid serious contamination from the surrounding stand. This approach was also ineffective as there was great overlap in duration of pollen shed between the local low-elevation stand and high­ elevation seed orchard trees (17). The other approach involved mechanical and chemi­ cal removal of floral buds. The hope was to delay the year of heavy cone production iu the orchard to the following year when the surrounding native stands were not producing in quantity. If this were possible, the contamination problem would be .drastically reduced. Following horticultural experience with apples (5), female Douglas-fir buds were mechanically removed with expectation of a better crop the next year. A better crop did occur when female buds were removed before a good seed year. Three cones were produced for each female bud removed the previous year. A chemical means of removing freshly burst cone buds was even found. From among seven chemical thinning agents commonly sprayed on fruit trees, only 2-4-D (0.2 percent) and urea fertilizer (1.0-percent solution) were found safe and effective. However, this approach failed when used during a good seed year. Only one cone was produced the next year for every five cone buds re­ . moved. Because of the seriousness of the contamination problem, the Northwest Pollen Problems Committee was formed in 1968. The Committee, composed of seed orchardists and researchers, began by brainstorming new approaches to the problem and then soliciting work on the proposals. One proposal explored without suc­ cess was the trapping of pollen from the air on plastic screens spraved with water or charged with electricity. pollen problem. Instead, the senior author successfully arrested reproductive bud development by cooling the plants with a cold water spray. The spray technique was tried first in 1968 using a commercial sprinkling system at a U.S. Forest Service seed orchard near Oakridge, Oregon. Spray periods of six, four and two weeks prior to the normal period of pollen release were used. Water from melting snow was sprayed whenever air temperatures exceeded 50°F. Both the four- and six-week treatments kept the buds of the orchard trees closed well past the peak of local pollen release (20). Similar spraying trials were repeated in 1969 at the U.S. Forest Service seed orchard near Oakridge, Ore­ gon, and in 1970 by Pacific Logging Company, San­ nichton, British Columbia. All trails kept the floral buds unopened through the major portion of the local pollen flight period. Horticultural research has recently demonstrated that the ice water was not required for cooling because all water droplets quickly approach wet bulb temperature while falling through the air. Thus, water at normal temperature appears useful iu cooling the buds. No evidence of any damage to Douglas-fir trees, floral buds or seeds resulted from the water treatment. The only serious limitation appears to be a high capital invest­ ment in overhead sprinkling equipment. Pacific Logging Company in British Columbia and Weyerhaeuser Com­ pany at Centralia, Washington and Jefferson, Oregon feel the cost is justified if frost protection benefits are also obtained. Each is now expanding its trials to operational scale within its seed orchards. Unless un­ foreseen developments occur, a simple, though expen­ sive, first solution to the pollen contamination problem has apparently been found. Flowering Problem Unfortunately, similar success has not been achieved with problems of delayed and cyclic cone production. The problem once appeared solved by fertilizer appli­ cations. Beginning about 1954, considerable enhance­ ment of cone production resulted from applying fertil­ izer to wild-grown trees ·( 2 I) and, to a lesser extent, in seed orchards. However, since tben, regular applica­ tions of fertilizers have had little influence on the cyclic pattern of good and poor seed years. Good crops are usually improved but poor ones are hardly affected; however, it still is the only technique widely employed to influence Douglas-fir cone crops. Other studies have centered on cone bud develop­ ment, floral initiation and cultural treatments. Cone bud development studies were aimed initially at providing ways to predict future cone crops. The finding that male and female cone bud production was highly correlated provided a means for extending predictions from 12 to 16 months ahead of seedfall (18). Other studies of histochemical stains on bud primordia provided indica­ tors that made even earlier predictions possible (11). These techniques were tested by Weyerhaeuser re­ An important spinoff of bud development studies was searchers in Centralia, Washington and in our Corvallis laboratory. Another Committee proposal was to wash foreign the realization that most irregular cone production in Douglas-fir resulis not from variations in floral initia­ pollen from the air with a water spray. This was not directly tested but did learn to the first solution to the 146 tion but from variations in subsequent floral develop­ ment (18). This observation has been confirmed by Owens (11, I 2) and Ebel! (7) for Douglas-fir and by JOURNAL OF FORESTRY (' .. - Eis (8) for two species of Abies. The time at which potential cone buds are initiated in Douglas-fir can be pinpointed. However, at that time, the bud type appar­ ently has not been determined. Newly initiated buds can •,develop along any of five pathways: they can abort duction can be understood and precise timing of hormo­ nal or other treatments can be made partially develop, then become latent undetermined buds quent year; or they can fully develop into vegetative, cone, or pollen-cone buds. This development pathway is determined some time during the first I 0 weeks fol­ lowing initiation (JJ). The exact time has not yet been determined. Potentiaily good crops frequently abort dur­ ing this period. Correlations between -weather records and cone crops suggest that various "'eather patterns in the two growing Conclusions Status of work on the three major (10, 22). (3) Ching and Lavender have applied favorable climatic patterns and also provided one addi­ tional growth cycle per year to seedlings but have not down and one to go." If present methods of evading graft incompatibility and pollen contamination continue to cause no serious side effects, more research effort can be directed to delayed and cyclic cone crops. The large backlog of information accumulating on floral initiation and cone-bud development solution found. or 2. enhanced floral bud numbers, attributing this to contin­ 3. stimulated flowering. Ebell demonstrated drought in the early part of the growing season greatly ued floral development rather than actual floral initia­ tion (7). Silen (18) noted that bud development appeared to halt through the Douglas-fir region about . ./ the sarne date in 1964 and suggested that some broad nvironmental event, as yet undetermined, was respon­ sible. Studies on cooling, warming, debudding, defoliat­ ing, shading and girdling •were made in an effort to identify the factor. Treatments ranging in duration from JO to 30 days at any time in the growing season have altered the normal male and female bud numbers up to 30 months ahead of seedfall (19). But none of these studies has yet pinpointed a single environmental event as being capable of widespread halting of floral bud development. As if to increase the research challenge, it appears from a]] this that a host of environmental factors can influence floral develop­ ment at almost any time in the three growing seasons ahead of seed 'all. Meanwhile, physiological studies concerning hormon­ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. al control of floral bud initiatio·n in other conifers are progressing rapidly and to great depth. A landmark 14. discovery was the use of a gibberellin for initiation of floral buds in Cryptomeria reported by Kato and co­ raises the hope that a another evasion of this problem may soon be Literature Cited 1. that yet problems of Douglas-fir seed orchards can be expressed as "two seasons prior to bud differentiation can influence cone crops Work is tional requirements _for cone development . _ within a few weeks and completely disappear; they can which may later develop as vegetative buds in a subse­ (11, 12). progressing rapidly on all fronts except that 9f nutri­ COPES, DONALD. 1969. Remedy for graft incompatibility in Douglas-fir seed orchards. Western Reforestation Coordinating Comm. Proc. 1968: 19-22. 1970. Initiation and development of graft incom­ patibility symptoms in Douglas-fir. Silvae Genet. 19(2-3) : 101107. CHING, K. K.. and D. P. LAVENDER. 1970. Effects of certain controlled environments upon incidence of precocious flower­ ing in Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga 1nenziesii (Mirb.) Franco}. seedlings. (Abstr.) First N. Amer. Forest Biol. Workshop, Mich. State Univ., East Lansing. CROZIER, A.. C. c. Kuo, R. C. DURLEY. and R. P. PHARIS. 1970. The bi'1logical activities of 26 gibberellins in nine plant bioassays. Can. J. Bot. 48(5) :867-877, illus. ' DAVIS, L. D. 1957. Flowering and alternate bearing. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 70 :545-556. DUFFIELfJ, J. W., and J. G. WHEAT. 1964. Graft failures in Douglas fir. J. Forestry 62(3); 185-186, illus. ERELL, LORNE F. 1970. Physiology and biochemistry of flower­ ing of Douglas-fir. Proc. IUFP..O Sec. 22. Working Group Sex­ ual Reproduction Forest Trees, Varparanta, Finland. 10 p. Ers, S. 1970. Reproduction and reproductive irregularities of Abies lasiocarpa and A. grandis. Can. J. Bot. 48 :141-143. illus. KATO. Y., N. FUKUHARA, and R. KOBAYAS H I. 1958. Stimulation of flower bud differentiates of conifers by gibberellin. (Abstr.) 2nd Meeting Japan Gibberellin Res. Assoc., p. 67-68. L OWRY, WILLIAM P. 1966. Apparent meteorological require­ ments for abundant cone crop in Douglas-fir. Forest Sci. 12(2):185-192. OWENS, JOHN N. 1967. A new look at Douglas-fir cone devel­ opment. Western Reforest., Western Forestry & Conserv Assoc., Portland, Ore., p. 10-12. . 1969. The relative importance of initiation and early development on cone production in Douglas-fir. Can. J. Bot. 47: 1039-1049. illus. PHARIS, R. P .. w. MoRF. and J. N. OWENS. 1969. Development of the gibberellin-induced ovulate strobilus of western red short day cedar: quantitative requirement for long day long day. Can. J. Bot. 47 :415-420, illus. and WILLIAM MoRF. 1967. Experiments on the precocious flowering of western red cedar and four species of Cu::iressus with gibberellins A,. and A,JA, Mixture. Can. J. Bot. 45:1519-1524, illus. in Victoria has shown that certain mern.bers of the 15. and JoHN N. OWENS. 1966. Hormonal induction of flc•wering in conifers. Yale Sci. Mag. Nov., 4 p.. illus. 16. SILEN, ROY R. 1962. Pollen dispersal considerations for Doug­ las-fir. J. Forestry 60: 790-795, illus. 17. -----. 1963. Effect of altitude on factors of po::en con­ response to gibberellin treatment. They also demon­ 18. workers in 1958 (9). A Canadian research group headed by Pharis in Calgary and supported by Owens Cypress family initiate cones at a very young age in strated that the sex of cone-bud formed can be con­ trolled by altering the day length under which cones develop (13, 14, 15). These promising results must be tempered somewhat since.similar treatments have yet to 19. 20. work in Douglas-fir or other members of the Pinaceae. tamination of Douglas-fir seed orchards. J. Forestry 61: 281283, illus. 1967. Earlier forecasting of Douglas-fir cone using male buds. ,J. Forestry 6502):888-892, illus. -----. 1967. How early can Douglas-fir cone crops be dicted. Western Reforest. Coordinating Comm,, Western estry & Conserv. Assoc. Proc., p. 12-18, illus. and GENE KEANE. 1969. Cooling a Douglas-fir 21. STOATE. T. N., to determine the native gibberellins and other hormones 22. present (13) (4), as well as nutritional (7) and day-length requirements necessary for cone development. Normal patterns of cone formation must also be de­ scribed before environmental influences on cone proReprinted from 2::i. 24. pre­ For­ seed orchard to avoid pollen contamination. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Note 101, 10 p. Further work is in progress using conifers which do not readily respond to this treatment. This includes studies crop L MAHOOD, and E. C. CROSSIN. 1961. Cone pro­ duction in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsu_qa menzicsii). Empire For­ est. Rev. 40(2): 104-110. VAN VRf DENRURCH. CAREL L. H . . and J. G. A. LA BAsTrnE. 1969. The influence of meteorological factors on the cone crop of Douglas-fir in the Netherlands. Silvae Genet. 18(5-6):182186. WHEAT. JOSEPH W. 1969. Forest tree improvement work ad­ vances in Douglas-fir region. Forest Ind. 96(5) :38-40, illus. WRIGHT, JON"ATHAN W. 1953. Pollen dispersion studies: some practical applications. J. Forestry 51: 114-118. the JOURNAL OF FORESTRY, Vol. 70, No. Purcha sed by USDA F·orest Scr\·iee for offl..cial 3, March 1972 use. \'