Classifying Patterns of Understory Vegetation Mixed-Oak Forests in Two Ecoregions of Pennsylvania • • Melanie J. Kaeser, Peter J. Gould, Marc E. McDill, Kim C. Steiner, and James C. Finley Understory plots in mixed-oak stands in the Ridge and Valley and Allegheny Plateau ecoregions of Pennsylvania were classified to summarize the range of understory conditions common to the region and to evaluate relationships between understory vegetation, overstory conditions, and advance tree regeneration. Factor analysis and duster analysis were used to identify understory classes. Vegetation cover data including 15 variables (plant species, bare ground, and rocky ground cover) and 4 composite variables (plant species groups) were observed on 1,208 204-m2 plots. The eight vegetation classes resulting from the analyses were associated with different overstory compositions and advance regeneration densities. The understory classes identified in this study may provide insight on the distribution and diversity of problematic and nonproblematic vegetation types. Keywords: vegetation classification, duster analysis, mixed-oak forests, oak regeneration orest understory vegetation has long been recognized as rele­ vant to forest management decisions because of irs potential to reflect site quality and indicate forest productivity (Ca­ jander 1926, Coile 1938, Daubenmire 1976). The influence of understory vegetation on desirable tree regeneration is a major bio­ logical and economic concern in the eastern United Stares, and elsewhere, because it often interferes with the establishment of tree regeneration and suppresses growth of desirable tree seedlings (Horsley 1986, Horsley 1991, Moser er al. 1996, George and Bazzaz 1999). Interfering understory vegetation in eastern forests could be described as a secondary consequence of intense browsing by white­ tailed deer ( Odocolieus virginianus Boddaert; Trumbull et a!. [1989], Horsley er al. [2003]). White-tailed deer inhibit the growth and survival of desirable tree seedlings by browsing, which promotes the expansion of less palatable competing vegetation such as ferns, grasses, and trees such as striped maple (Marquis and Brenneman 1981, Horsley et al. 2003). These conditions result in decreased plant species diversity, which affects community composition and forest stand structure (Kittredge and Ashton 1990). Other factors also have contributed to the development of prob­ lematic understory vegetation. Wildfires, which likely limited the expansion of some understory species in past centuries, have been nearly eliminated from eastern forests since the early 20th century (Abrams 1992, Brose et al. 2001, Shumway er al. 2001). Selective harvesting in more recent decades has also stimulated understory development (Fredericksen et al. 1999). These and other factors contribute to widespread regeneration problems in the eastern U nired States, particularly in oak (Quercus spp.) stands (Lorimer 1993). The particular role of understory vegetation in rhe oak re­ generarion problem is difficult to ascertain, in part because under, F story compositions and structure are poorly documented at a re­ gional level. Although the negative impacts of understory vegetation on tree regeneration have been widely reported, forest understory vegeta­ tion also has positive management values. Dibble er al. (1999) found some understory species to be useful indicators of favorable condi­ tions for red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) regeneration in Maine. On harsh sites, understory vegetation can facilitate tree regeneration establishment by protecting seedlings from frost and browse damage (Buckley et al. 1998). Kirschbaum and Anacker (2005) have pro­ posed using preferentially browsed understory vegetation as an in­ dicator of deer impact in northeastern forests for management pur­ poses. Additionally, understory communities are more responsive than overstories to recent disturbances and continuous stressors (Halpern 1989, Laughlin et a!. 2004). Understanding these rela­ tionships can provide forest managers with more derailed knowl­ edge of forest ecosystems. Rather than viewing understory vegetation simply as a hindrance to desirable tree regeneration, there is a potential to incorporate both their positive and negative values into management decisions. Un­ derstanding these values is particularly important in low-intensity silviculrural systems (sensu Nyland 2002, p. 35) that rely on natural regeneration to restock harvest stands. Such systems are commonly applied in the mixed hardwood forests of the eastern United States. Understories composed of often-complex mixtures of nontree vegetation and tree regeneration are the source of repro­ duction in these systems. Understory composition at the time of harvest determines, in large part, the later composition of regen­ erated stands (Gould et al. 2005). In preparation for regeneration harvests, forest managers must cultivate understories that have Received January 11, 2007; accepted May 16, 2007. Melanie Kaeser (, Peter Gould (pgould@fi.fodus), Marc McDill {, Kim Steiner {}, and james Finley (}, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802. Funding for this project was provided in part by the Pennsylvania Department ofComervation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Bureau ofForestry. Copyright © 2008 by the Sociery of American Foresters. 38 NORTH. J. APPL. FOR. 25(1) 2008 Table 1. Variables included in the analyses and used as input to the factor analysis by stratum. Stratum 0 Rocks Stratum I Hayscenred fern Bracken fern Huckleberry Blueberry Red maple Witch-hazel Striped maple Mountain-laurel Bare Oaks Figure 1. Study area consisting of 45 mixed-oak stands in Pennsylvania by ecoregion. the capacity to reproduce well-stocked stands dominated by de­ sirable species. Given understory management's imporrance to successful silviculture in the eastern United States, there is a need to better understand understory vegetation and relate it to other parts of the forest, namely, overstory trees and tree regeneration. The specific objectives of this study were (i) to summarize un­ derstory vegetation patterns in central Pennsylvania mixed-oak for­ ests and (ii) to characterize any significant relationships among these vegetation patterns and overstory composition, tree regeneration size, and densiry. Numerous studies have focused on the influence of problematic understory vegetation on tree regeneration for manage­ ment purposes. This study differs from others in that we take a broad, multispecies approach and evaluate both positive and nega­ tive values of understory vegetation. The identification of under­ story vegetation classes can help managers understand links among understory vegetation, overstory composition, and regeneration. Methods Study Area The study area included 1,208 plots in 45 mixed-oak stands distributed in the Allegheny Plateau and Ridge and Valley ecore­ gions of central Pennsylvania (Figure 1; Bailey [1994]). All stands were located on Pennsylvania State Forest lands managed by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Bureau of Forestry. The total area of the 45 stands used in our study was 837 ha with stands ranging in size from 6 to 34 ha. The mixed-oak forest rype is dominant in the Ridge and Valley ecoregion of central Pennsylvania and in the southern portion of the Allegheny Plateau ecoregion in western and central Pennsylvania (Ward 1983). Oaks were the dominant overstory species on our stands, comprising 56% of the overstory basal area on average, rang­ ing from 32 to 76%. Elevation ranged from 262 m above mean sea level (msl) in the Ridge and Valley ecoregion to 683 m above msl on the Allegheny Plateau. Site index ranged from 48 to 79 on these stands. Data Collection Data were collected between 1996 and 2002 as part of a long­ term study focused on regeneration on Pennsylvania State Forest lands.[1] Depending on stand area, 15-30 204-m2 circular perma­ nent plots were systematically established in a square grid to cover each stand. Species and dbh were recorded for overstory trees at the plot level. Each plot contained four permanent 4-m2 circular sub­ plots established in each of the four cardinal directions. Tree regen- Conifers Stratum 2 Striped maple Red maple Blackgum Mountain-laurel Witch-hazel Oaks Conifers Rocky ground cover D. punctilobula (Mich:x.) Moore P. aquilinum (L.) Kuhn G. baccata (Wang.) K. Koch Vaccinium spp. A. rubrum L. H. virginiana L. A. pemylvanicum L. K latifolia L. Absence of vascular plants Q. rubra L., Q. velutina Lam., Q. coccinea Muenchh., Q. montana L., Q. alba L. P. strobus L., T canadensis (L.) Carr. A. pensylvanicum L. A. rubrum L. N sylvatica Marsh. K latifolia L. H. virginiana L. Q. rubra L., Q. velutina Lam., Q. coccinea Muenchh., Q. montana Willd. Q. alba L. P. strobus L., T canadensis (L.) Carr. eration stem counts were recorded by species at the 4-m2 subplot level. Ocular estimation was used to record the percentage cover of understory vegetation in two strata: stratum 1 (0 -152 em) and stratum 2 (152-610 em; Table 1; Steiner et al. [2002]). Percentage cover of bare ground was estimated in stratum 1 only. Understory cover by oak species (Quercus rubra L., Quercus alba L., Quercus montana Willd., Quercus velutina Lam., and Quercus coccinea Muenchh.) was combined into an "oak" class and cover by conifer­ ous species (Pinus strobus L. and Tsuga canadensis [L.] Carr.) was combined into a "conifer" class. Regeneration size classes included tree seedlings less than 30 em (small seedlings) and 30-152 em (large seedlings) in height and were recorded as the number of tree seedlings by species. We combined tree regeneration stem counts and percentage vegetation, bare ground, and rocky ground cover in each class over the four subplots to provide an estimate for the 204-m2 plot level for subsequent analyses. Statistical Analyses Principal factor analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to identify vegetation classes (Hair et al. 1992, McGarigal et al. 2000). Principal factor analysis was used to reduce the number of original variables into a smaller set of compound dimensions (Hair er al. 1992). The original data matrix consisted of 1,208 plots X 19 variables (plant species or species groups, bare ground, and rocky ground cover). Several understory herbaceous species were dropped from the analysis due to their low occurrence in the data set. Seven factors were retained from the principal factor analysis and were grouped using cluster analysis with the factor scores. Ward's mini­ mum-variance linkage was used for the fusion method (Ward 1963). Local peaks in the pseudo F-statistic and a peak or larger t2-statistic between dendrogram nodes were evaluated to determine the number of vegetation classes (McGarigal et al. 2000). Differences in tree seedling regeneration densities, understory vegetation, and overstory compositions were evaluated between veg­ etation classes using analysis of variance. Mean densities of regener­ ation by oaks, red maple (Acer rubrum L.; the most common regen­ eration species), and other species combined were compared using NORTH. J. APPL FoR. 25(I) 2008 39 Table 2. labels. Names of the vegetation classes and corresponding Vegetation class Abbreviation Sparse understory and midstory vegetation Blueberry low shrub understory Hayscenred fern---<lominated understory Mountain-laurel tall shrub understory Huckleberry low shrub understory Witch-hazel-dominated subcanopy/shrub understory Striped maple-dominated deciduous subcanopy Coniferous subcanopy sv BB HF ML HB WH SM co two height classes (less than 30 em and 30 -152 em). Total overstory stocking was computed for each plot using Gingrich's equation (Gingrich 1967). Modified importance values (Curtis and Mcin­ tosh 1950, 1951) were calculated for common overstory tree species by averaging relative density and relative basal area and expressing it as a percentage. Mean values for total overstory stocking and relative importance values for common species were compared across clus­ ters. Duncan's multiple range tests were used to obtain pairwise comparisons among percentage vegetation cover means, tree regen­ eration density means, relative importance value means, and over­ story stocking means across the eight vegetation classes. SAS version 8.2 (SAS Institute, Inc., 2001, p. 3) was used to perform all multi­ variate and univariate analyses. Results The seven factors retained in the factor analysis accounted for 93% of the variance among the original variables. Our cluster anal­ ysis resulted in eight vegetation classes that were named based on the dominant vegetation in each class (Table 2). With eight classes, 59% of the total variation occurred between classes and 41o/o occurred within the classes (Figure 2). Description of Understory Vegetation Classes Sparse Understory and Midstory Vegetation (SV) The SV understory class contained the greatest number of plots (22%), of which the majority was located in the Ridge and Valley ecoregion (Table 3). These plots were found in 41 stands and this class was the dominant class in 10 stands in the Ridge and Valley. On average, this vegetation class had a very low percentage of vege­ tative cover in stratum 1 (82% was "bare") and low vegetative cover in stratum 2 (Table 4). 0.125 s � 0.100 ' Blueberry Low Shrub Understory (BB) The BB understory class accounted for 21 o/o of plots and was similarly common on the Allegheny Plateau and in the Ridge and Valley ecoregions (Table 3). Plots in this class were found in 41 stands and it was the dominant class in 7 stands in the Ridge and Valley and 3 stands on the Allegheny Plateau. Average vegetative cover in stratum 1 was composed primarily of blueberry (Vaccinium spp.), with an average cover of 20.7o/o (Table 4). Minor components of stratum 1 included red maple, huckleberry ( Gaylussacia baccata [Wang.] K. Koch), and bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum [L.] Kuhn). The abundant blueberry and smaller amounts of huckle­ berry formed an ericaceous low shrub layer. Red maple cover was 8.9% in stratum 2 and was the major constituent of this stratum. Hayscented Fern-Dominated Understory (HF) The HF understory class was identified on 17% of the total number of plots and was present on 25 stands. This class was dom­ inant on five stands on the Allegheny Plateau and five stands in the Ridge and Valley ecoregions. Plots in this vegetation class were characterized by a dense hayscented fern (Dennstaedtia punctilobula [Michx.] Moore) layer, covering 46% of stratum 1 on average (Ta­ ble 4). The plots in this class had low overall cover in stratum 2. Mountain-Laurel Tall Shrub Understory (ML) The ML understory class comprised 15% of the plots and was found on 27 stands (Table 3). Plots in this class were dominant on two stands on the Allegheny Plateau and four stands in the Ridge and Valley ecoregions. The plots in this vegetation class were dom­ inated largely by ericaceous shrubs, with mountain-laurel (Kalmia latifolia L.) as the dominant species, with an average cover of 33.9% in stratum 1 (Table 4). Mountain-laurel was found growing in very dense thickets on some plots, with coverage as high as 100%. Blue­ berry and huckleberry were smaller components of this vegetation class in stratum 1. Stratum 2 cover was patchy and consisted pri­ marily of red maple, blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica Marsh.), and mountain-laurel. Huckleberry Low Shrub Understory (HB) The HB understory class included 11o/o of plots and was present on 27 stands (Table 3). This class was the dominant class on five stands, all in the Ridge and Valley ecoregion. Plots in this class were characterized by a low, ericaceous shrub layer in the understory. Huckleberry was the major shrub species in this vegetation class, comprising over one-half of the average vegetative cover in stratum 1 (28.7%; Table 4). Smaller components of stratum 1 included blueberry and mountain-laurel. Blackgum was well represented in stratum 2, and red maple and oak species were smaller components of this stratum. t 0.07� I � 0.000 i---+--+-+----+---+--1:..,_-+---1s . r 0.025 Figure 2. Dendrogram of eight clusters resulting from Ward's minimum­ variance linkage fusion depicting the plots on the x-axis and dissimilarity on the y-axis. 40 NORTH. J. APPL. FOR. 25(1) 2008 Witch-Hazel-Dominated Subcanopy!Shrub Understory (WH) Eight percent of plots were grouped into the WH understory class, all of which were located in the Ridge and Valley ecoregion (Table 3). Plots in this class were found on 24 stands but was the dominant class on only 3 stands all located in the Ridge and Valley. The WH class was characterized by shrubs and small trees, primarily mountain-laurel, blueberry, and witch-hazel (Hamamelis virginiana L.; Table 4). Witch-hazel was the principal species in stratum 2, contributing on average 14.3% vegetative cover. Red maple and blackgum were smaller components of stratum 2. Table 3. Frequency and percentage of plots by vegetation class and ecoregion. Vegetation class Ridge and Valley Allegheny Plateau Total Table 4. sv BB 222 24% 34 12% 256 22% 179 20% 74 25% 253 21% ML HB WH SM co Total 125 14% 51 17% 176 15% 128 14% 6 2% 134 11% 101 II% 0 0% 101 8% 50 5% 3 1% 53 4% 22 2% 5 2% 27 2% 916 HF 89 10% 119 41% 208 17% 292 1208 Average percentage cover by species and vegetation class. Class Frequency Stratum 0 Rocks Stratum 1 Striped maple Red maple Witch-hazel Mountain-laurel Blueberry Bracken fern Huckleberry Hayscenred fern Oak spp. Coniferous spp. Bare Stratum 2 Striped maple Red maple Witch-hazel Blackgum Mountain-laurel Oak spp. Coniferous spp. Orher sv 256 11.8b BB 253 5.1' 0.2b l.Ob 0.2' 2Y 5.5d 0.6b 1.6'·d l.l' 1.4' 1.1b 82.3" 0.2b 8.2" 0.2' 0.8' 20.7" 3.0" r.d 2.2b. 1.3' 3.9b 0.2' 51.5d 0.1 b 9.7" 0.5' 4.3b 0.1b 8.9"·b 0.2' 2.6b.c 0.3' 1.3' 2.2b 5.9"·b 0.1' 3.6"·b 0.2' n. .r 3.8 b HF 208 ML 176 2.6' 4.1' 0.2b 0.7b 0.1' 1.8' 3.1 d l.Ob 0.3d 45.6" 1.0' 0.1' 42.9'.] 0.1b 0.7b 0.3' 33.9" 12.8b l.3b 4.2b 1.8' 1.3' 0.1' 4t.3'f 0.2b 2.2b 0.3' 3.5' 10.7b.r 0.4b 28.7" 0.6' 6.6" 0.2' 44.5' 0.3b 7.3"·b 0.4' 5.5 b 0 .4b 7.8''·b 0.4' 10.2" c 0.7b. 4.7" 2.1b .c 0.1' 2.6' SM 101 134 11.8b 0.1b 10.0" 0.1' 0.7' 0.5' 1.0' 0.1' 2.7' WH HB 11.8b 0.5b 2.1b 4.7" 11.7b 53 24.5" 9.6" 1.8b 0.4' 1.8' 4.5d o.ob l. Td 5.3b 9.2' 0.1b r.d 2.1b. .r 2.9b 2.6b' 1.5b 2.1' 0.1' 66.7b 59.3' J.Ob 7.2"-b 14.3" 4.9b c l.Ob. .c b 2.2 2.3b n. .c 4.2 b 4.7" 0.3' 2.7' 16.0" 9.8" 0.5' 3.3b.c 0.1' 1.6' 0.0' 6.2" co P value 27 5.9' <0.0001 l.3b 1.3b 12.7b r 9.9b. 0.4b .r 3.9b 5.6b <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 1.2' 22.9" 38.?1 0.1b 5.8b 3.0b 2.2b.r 1.4b 4.3" 26.5" 3.3b.c <0.0001 0.0447 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 Means with the same letter are nor significant at the 0.05 level. Striped Maple-Dominated Deciduous Subcanopy (SM) Four percent of plots were grouped into the SM understory class and were found on 16 stands (Table 3). This class was dominant on rwo stands in the Ridge and Valley ecoregion. Striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum L.) was the dominant species characterizing this class, accounting for 9.6% of the total cover in stratum 1 and 16% in stratum 2. Blueberry and hayscenred fern were smaller components of stratum 1. Rocky ground cover was significantly more abundant in this class than in any other vegetation class, comprising 25% of the total ground cover on average. pared with all other classes, with stocking values of 82 and 85%, respectively. Modified importance values calculated for overstory tree species are summarized in Table 5. Northern red oak and red maple had significantly greater importance values in the HF class than in any other class (P 0.0274 and P 0.0275, respectively). Conversely, chestnut oak was not important in the HF class, but it was fairly important in the other classes, especially the HB class. White pine and hemlock were significantly more important in the overstory of the CO class than in all other classes (P < 0.0001) Coniferous Subcanopy (CO) The CO vegetation class was characterized by coniferous tree species in the understory and was the smallest class, occurring on 2% of plots (Table 3). Plots in this class occurred on 13 stands, but this class was not the dominant class on any stands. Total cover was high in strata 1 and 2, with white pine and eastern hemlock covering 23% of stratum 1 and 27% of stratum 2 on average (Table 4). Moun­ tain-laurel and blueberry were also well represented in stratum 1. Regeneration Relationships with Overstory Stocking Toral overstory stocking percent was similar for all vegetation classes except the SV class. The plots in the SV class had an average of 102% stocking, which was significantly greater than the other vegetation classes (P < 0.0001). Although not significantly differ­ em, the HF and ML classes had the lowest overstory stocking com- = = Statistically significant differences were detected among average oak, red maple, and "other" species regeneration[2] densities across the eight vegetation classes (Table 6). The HF and ML classes had relatively high densities of small oak seedlings (less than 30 em), averaging 20,5 10 and 19,175 stems/ha, respectively. However, the rwo classes had the lowest densities of large oak seedlings (30 -152 em), averaging 1 16 and 7 17 stems/ha, respectively. The HB and BB understory classes had, by a large margin, the greatest large oak seedling densities compared with the other vegetation classes. The BB understory class had the highest density of both small and large red maple seedlings, with 70,217 and 10,660 stems/ha, respectively. In contrast, the CO vegetation class had the lowest number of small and large red maple seedlings (26,702 and 388 stems/ha, respec­ tively). The SM and WH understory classes had the greatest number NORTH.]. A.PPL. FOR. 25(1) 2008 41 5. Table Modified importance values for canopy tree species across vegetation classes. Vegetation class Species sv BB HF Red oak Chestnut oak Black oak White oak Scarlet oak Red maple Blackgum· White pine Hemlock Other spp. Sum of Oak spp. 22"·b 19a,b 5" c 8b. 19n,b,c 17"·b 8" IIa.b 2" 22b 5"· b 3b 1b 13b 4" 21b 4b 2b ob 14b 24" 13b 6" b,c 5 2" 31" 4b Ib ob i4b 56 59 50 ML HB WH SM c 17"'b, 22"·b 8" ,c JO"·b c 13b, 29" c I I b. 25"·b c 16"·b. 20"· b r 6" !2"·b 3" 20b b 4 3b lb 15b 57 6" 2' I" 25"·b 3b Ib ob b.c 7 2" 22b 9" b I ob c IOb. 58 3" 22b 8"·b Ib lb c 8 b, 60 26" 45 co Pvalue 10' 20"·b 2" 17" 4" 17b b 4 15" 5" 6' 53 0.0274 0.0548 0.6567 0.0679 0.6818 0.0275 0.0324 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0014 Means in the same row followed by the same lerrer are nor significantly differenr at rhe 0.05 level. Table 6. Average oak, red maple, and other seedling densities (stems/hal by height (em) and vegetation class. Vegetation class Oaks Red maple Other Total Height (em) sv BB <30 30-152 <30 30-152 <30 30-152 <30 30-152 14,807"-b 726'·" 63,642"·b 722b 14,797"-b b 2,745 70,217" 10,660" 5,995'·" 959' 91,009 14,364 7,875' c 1,055b, 86,324 2,503 HF 20,510" 116" 53,795"b b 420 3,776" 534' 78,080 1,070 ML 19,175" 717'· " c 43,770b. 558b 3,348" 707' 66,293 1,982 HB 20,206" 4,502" c 43,819b, 1,960b d 5,090'· 778' 69,115 7,240 WH SM co 13,519".1' 1,507' bc 48,363"· 1,347b 11,609b 1,040b,c 9,536b d I,329'· 6!,870"·b 1,270b 8,238b 798'·d 73,492 3,894 15,990" 4,097" 87,396 6,697 26,702' 388b 3,798" l,784b P value 0.0015 <0.0001 0.0002 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 38,739 2,970 Means followed by the same lener are nor significanrly differenr at rhe 0.05 level. of seedlings in the "other" tree regeneration category, averagtng 15,990 and 1 1,609 stems/ha, respectively. Discussion Understory vegetation is an important bur relatively little studied component of eastern mixed-oak forests. The understory classes outlined in this study appear to be associated with the composition and density of overstory trees and advance tree regeneration. The interactions among understory vegetation, overstory composition, and tree regeneration likely are closely related to regeneration suc­ cess and future forest composition (George and Bazzaz 1999). The dense understory vegetation, with relatively little midstory cover, that characterizes the HF and ML vegetation classes appears problematic for the development of advance regeneration. Under­ story vegetation does not appear to inhibit seedling establishment in these classes, but it appears to restrict subsequent growth. Small advance oak regeneration densities in the HF and ML vegetation classes were among the highest of the eight classes, but densities of large seedlings were the lowest. The expansion of fern and suppres­ sion of advance oak regeneration has been partially attributed to large deer populations (Steiner and Joyce 1999). Competition from fern and excessive deer browse likely has a cumulative impact on the height growth and survival of oak regeneration. Additionally, Mess­ ier et al. ( 1989) found that an abundance of hayscented fern in forest understories suppresses desirable tree seedlings by decreasing light quantity and quality for overtopped seedlings beneath the herba­ ceous layer. Light levels beneath mountain-laurel canopies are also very low and have been reported as low as approximately 2% of full sunlight, which is well below optimal levels for seedling growth (Chapman 1950). Patterns are also evident for red maple regenera­ tion and regeneration of other species. Fern-dominated understories appear to be an indicator of and perhaps a causal factor in the 42 NORTH. J. APPL. FOR. 25(1) 2008 succession from oak dominance to red maple dominance. In this study, the HF vegetation class was associated with overstory north­ ern red oak and red maple and occurred more frequently in the Allegheny Plateau ecoregion versus the Ridge and the Valley ecore­ gions. Similar stands in this ecoregion were found to regenerate to red maple-dominated stands after silviculrural clearcutring (Gould et al. 2005). This shift in composition follows a regional pattern of succession from oaks to more shade-tolerant species (Lorimer 1993, Abrams 1998). In contrast to the other understory classes, plots in the SV class have failed to develop understory and midstory vegetation. Two factors that may be responsible for the lack of understory vegetation include intense browsing by white-tailed deer and low light levels caused by high overstory stocking. Marquis and Brenneman ( 1981) noted that very high deer populations are capable of virtually elim­ inating understory vegetation, creating a distinct "browse line." Deer populations in Pennsylvania have been near historic high levels for several decades and have had a profound impact on forest vege­ tation (Marquis and Brenneman 1981, Horsley er al. 2003). Addi­ tionally, the SV class has a greater amount of overstory stocking compared with any other vegetation class. Thus, unlike the HF and ML classes, oak seedlings in the SV class not suffering from the shading associated with dense understory vegetation, but instead may be affected by greater shading from the overstory. It is possible that SV sites might have been dominated by dense understory veg­ etation, as did HF and ML sires, if overstory shade levels had nor prevented the growth of fern and mountain-laurel. In this case, reducing overstory stocking in the SV class could quite possibly result in invasion by fern, mountain-laurel, or other aggressive un­ desirable vegetation, resulting in even greater management chal­ lenges. The influence of external factors (i.e., deer) and understory light levels should be explored further to explain the deficiency of advance regeneration and understory vegetation in this vegetation class. Ericaceous low shrub communities (HB and BB vegetation classes) differ markedly in understory compositions and tree regen­ eration compositions from the other classes. Large oak seedlings are more abundant in these classes than in any other vegetation class. Advance oak regeneration in these ericaceous low shrub understory classes could be favored by the short height attained by these species compared with other understory vegetation rypes. Ericaceous low shrub species (i.e., blueberry and huckleberry) generally do not grow as tall and dense as hayscented fern and mountain-laurel and hence do not form a closed understory canopy that creates extremely low light levels in the understory. Additionally, ericaceous communities have an affiniry for infertile sites with well-drained acidic soils (Rog­ ers 1974). The development of advance oak regeneration is favored on poor, dry sites because there is less interference from the herba­ ceous and woody vegetation that thrive on high-qualiry sites (Gottschalk 1983). The combination of abundant oak in the over­ story, lower site qualiry, and fairly high levels of advance regenera­ tion in the BB and HB vegetation classes suggest that these condi­ tions contribute to a relatively stable oak ecosystem. The SM, WH, and CO classes are structurally similar, with rel­ atively high levels of midstory (152- 610 em above the forest floor) vegetative cover. The shading associated with midstory forest vege­ tation appears less problematic to regeneration than the low shade of the HF and ML classes (Oliver and Larson 1990). Moderate densi­ ties of large and small advance oak regeneration,and regeneration of other tree species were found in these classes. Midstory composi­ tions vary between classes, with the SM and WH classes containing shade-tolerant trees char reach a relatively small stature at maturiry. The CO class appears ecologically unique in mixed-oak stands be­ cause of midstory conifer cover and an association with overstory eastern white pine and, to a lesser degree, eastern hemlock. Often, conifers are poorly represented but valued for structural diversiry in mixed-oak forests, and usually are not viewed as a management obstacle. The presence of striped maple in the SM class is a manage­ ment concern in some areas because of irs abiliry to respond aggres­ sively to resource availabiliry after disturbance (Hibbs et a!. 1980). When striped maple is present in the understory before cutting, it frequently becomes the dominant vegetation rype after cutting, re­ sulting in the suppression or exclusion of desirable tree species (Horsley and Bjorkbom 1983). It is essential to consider the trajec­ tory of regeneration in chis class, as in other classes, after disturbance to ensure that striped maple does not aggressively expand and dom­ inate the overstory. IdentifYing understory vegetation classes is an important step toward better integrating understory conditions into forest manage­ ment decisions in the central Appalachians. Our plot-level classifi­ cation serves as a tool to sharpen our focus on the oak regeneration problem by providing insight on the distribution and diversiry of problematic and nonproblematic vegetation rypes. This broad mul­ tiple-species approach can help managers to consider those condi­ tions that contribute to oak regeneration failures and to recognize conditions that favor oak regeneration. Forest managers can use this information to enhance their understanding of relationships be­ tween the overstory, understory, and regeneration, while research addressing the oak regeneration problem continues. Understanding the trajectories of the understory classes after stand disturbance is imperative in developing silvicultural recommendations aimed at regenerating mixed-oak stands. By considering these trajectories in future studies, conditions that are unfavorable for oak regeneration can be identified and oak regeneration failures may be prevented. Endnotes [I] Penn State's Oak Regeneration Project is a long-term study funded by the Pennsylvania DCNR Bureau of Forestry. 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