Rainforest Katerina, Kate, and Shane Climate Very humid and warm 250 centimeters of rainfall a year Rain never reaches the ground Really tall trees form a Canopy Canopy blocks sunlight from the Understory Understory gets filtered sunlight Temperature range is 77°F-82°F Vegetation Bougainvillea- Pink, red, orange, white, and yellow flowers Jambu- Small tree with red/white fruit Hundreds varieties of trees Lots of epiphytes Soil is thin and nutrient poor Bengal Bamboo- Straight stem, long narrow leaves Coconut Tree- 50 nuts per tree, 50-80 feet tall Animal/Wildlife 40-100 different species in 2.5 acres Common characteristics of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians Bright colors, sharp patterns, loud vocalizations Golden Lion TamarinEndangered and has a magnificent mane African Forest Elephant- The third elephant to be found Landforms Varieties of rise complex ecosystem Found in lowland regions Topographical features include Mountains, valleys, streams, wetlands, rivers, etc. Fun Facts About ¼ of medicines are found in rainforests. Some are: Curare, Quinine, Rosy Periwinkle Greatest number of plant and animal species Produce 40% of Earth’s oxygen Cite Page http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org http://kids.nceas.ucsb.edu http://buzzle.com Tropical Rainforests of the World. Rupert Matthews. 1990. Integrated Science. Mapi Cuevas. 2008.