Technical Competency Framework for Nutrition in Emergencies Practitioners Version 1.0 (

Technical Competency Framework for Nutrition in Emergencies Practitioners
Version 1.0 (25.07.2013)
Competency Domain
(A) Humanitarian
system & standards
(B) Coordination
Level 1 Behaviours
Level 2 Behaviours
A1.1 Demonstrates awareness of relevant
Sphere or organisation specific standards and
A2.1 Implements programmes in line with
humanitarian standards
B1.1 Identifies relevant local stakeholders,
including representatives from the beneficiary
population, for inclusion in nutrition
programme coordination activities
B2.1 Disseminates information to all relevant
stakeholders on a timely basis
B1.2 Assists in compiling nutrition activity
inputs for proposals
Level 3 Behaviours
A3.1 Designs programme strategies that are
coherent with humanitarian standards
A2.2 Able to describe responsibilities of
different organisations within the humanitarian
B2.2 Develops good relations with other
nutrition actors and other sectors
B3.1 Initiates contacts and effectively
communicates with all relevant local, national,
and global stakeholders
B3.2 Ensures integration, coordination, and
harmonisation of tools with stakeholders
B3.3 Works effectively with stakeholders on
development of strategies and proposals
B1.3 Attends and actively participates in all
relevant meetings
B1.4 Effectively communicates with relevant
(C) Measuring
Rapid Assessments
C1.1 Demonstrates ability to participate in
rapid assessments of the nutritional situation
C2.1 Organises assessment teams and ensures
adherence to guidelines
C3.1 Plans, organises, and leads nutritional
C2.2 Conducts rapid assessments in line with
guidelines and protocols
C3.2 Provides technical support to teams where
(D) Measuring
Malnutrition: Surveys
D1.1 Collects good quality data
(anthropometric and non-anthropometric)
D2.1 Demonstrates understanding of different
survey designs
D3.1 Assesses all available information to select
appropriate survey designs for the context
D1.2 Correctly uses growth charts and
malnutrition cut-offs
D2.2 Understands the use of both quantitative
and qualitative methods
D3.2 Develops context specific strategies for
measuring malnutrition
D1.3 Obtains secondary data and identifies
D2.3 Trains teams to effectively use quantitative
and qualitative methods
D3.3 Provides technical leadership,
coordination, and support for survey activities
D1.4 Conducts data entry using spread sheet
or statistical software
D2.4 Supervises surveys and ensures data
D3.4 Collates, analyses, interprets and
disseminates nutrition information
Nutrition in Emergencies Technical Competency Framework
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Competency Domain
Level 1 Behaviours
Level 2 Behaviours
D2.5 Conducts data analysis using statistical
Level 3 Behaviours
D2.6 Conducts full situation analyses,
triangulates data, and prepares good quality
survey reports
D2.7 Demonstrates understanding of the
cultural determinants of malnutrition
D2.8 Uses appropriate conceptual frameworks
for analysis
(E) Health and Disease
Assessment: The Link
with Nutrition
E1.1 Demonstrates awareness of
nutrition/disease interactions and importance
of health and WASH interventions for nutrition
E2.1 Ensures nutrition/disease relationship is
considered in all nutrition programmes
E3.1 Actively engages with health, WASH, and
other relevant sectors
E2.2 Initiates health assessments where
E3.2 Designs appropriate interventions
accounting for disease status of target
population (e.g. HIV/AIDS, malaria, chronic
F1.1 Demonstrates ability to participate in
food security assessments
F2.1 Demonstrates understanding of livelihoods
and household economy analysis methods
F3.1 Initiates food security and livelihoods
assessments where appropriate
F1.2 Demonstrates understanding of the role
of food security in preventing malnutrition
F2.2 Correctly uses livelihoods framework in
causal analysis
F3.2 Actively integrates nutrition and food
security sector activities
E1.2 Implements appropriate measures to
reduce risk of communicable disease
(F) Food Security and
F2.3 Ensures good communication links with
food security staff
F2.4 Demonstrates familiarity with Integrated
Phase Classification
(G) Surveillance and
Early Warning
G1.1 Correctly collects and records the
different types of data required for the
surveillance system
G2.1 Conducts appropriate trend analysis
G2.2 Understands the importance of nonanthropometric data (e.g. disease incidence)
G2.3 Sources both primary data and secondary
data (e.g. from routine crop assessment reports)
(H) Design and
Implementation of
Nutrition Programmes
G3.1 Designs, implements, and follows up
surveillance and early warning programmes
G3.2 Provides guidance on use of indicators for
H1.1 Effectively implements nutrition
programmes under guidance of programme
H2.1 Manages nutrition programmes in line with
humanitarian standards and documents any
H3.1 Develops new project proposals building
on lessons learned from previous programme
H1.2 Demonstrates awareness of programme
H2.2 Manages programmes with long term
H3.2 Oversees design and implementation of
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Competency Domain
Level 1 Behaviours
H1.3 Demonstrates awareness of both
preventative and curative interventions
Level 2 Behaviours
transitions in mind
H2.3 Monitors programme performance
H2.4 Interprets results or analyses data to
design or improve existing programs
H2.5 Demonstrates understanding of the
importance of cultural considerations for
successful programme design
H2.6 Adapts programmes to local contexts
Level 3 Behaviours
nutrition programmes ensuring all are in line
with humanitarian standards, and documents
any deviations
H3.3 Analyses nutrition programmes on an ongoing basis and proposes and implements
H3.4 Designs programmes with awareness of
long- term transitions
H3.5 Ensures other programmes and sectors are
considered when designing the programme
H2.7 Assesses local capacity and ensures
programmes are integrated into existing health
systems where appropriate
H2.8 Ensures projects are implemented in
accordance with set timeframes
H2.9 Contributes to development of project
(I) General Food
Distribution and
I1.1 Demonstrates ability to participate in
general food distributions (GFD)and/or
cash/voucher distributions
I1.2 Demonstrates awareness of potential
challenges and necessary precautions
I2.1 Plans and manages GFD or cash/voucher
I2.2 Calculates nutritional content of rations and
suggests suitable alterations where necessary
I2.3 Conducts market analysis
I3.1 Demonstrates awareness of different food
assistance strategies and reasons for choosing
I3.2 Designs appropriate food assistance
I2.4 Demonstrates understanding of the
implications of conditional cash transfers
(J) Blanket
J1.1 Demonstrates ability to participate in
blanket supplementary feeding programmes
J2.1 Plans and manages BSFP
J3.1 Designs appropriate programmes and
strategies to prevent malnutrition
(K) Management of
Moderate and Severe
Acute Malnutrition
K1.1 Demonstrates ability to participate in
active screening for targeted groups
K2.1 Maintains and supports CMAM programme
activities (TSFP/OTP/SC)
K1.2 Applies standard assessment tools
K2.2 Integrates CMAM into existing health
systems where appropriate
K3.1 Assesses suitability for integration of
CMAM programmes into health systems where
K1.3 Executes monitoring activities for CMAM
K1.4 Adheres to protocols for in/outpatient
Nutrition in Emergencies Technical Competency Framework
K2.3 Provides leadership on CMAM approaches
K3.2 Develops implementation strategy and
effectively manages the implementation of
CMAM programmes
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Competency Domain
Level 1 Behaviours
K1.5 Delivers appropriate nutrition messages
to carers/mothers at OTP/TSFP sites
Level 2 Behaviours
K2.4 Provides technical assistance and support
to all programme staff
Level 3 Behaviours
K3.3 Designs and Implements CMAM
monitoring tools
K2.5 Ensures all staff adhere to protocols
K3.4 Provides technical assistance to
programme managers and government
K2.6 Maintains and shares programme
monitoring database
K3.5 Facilitates the development and scheduling
of outreach activities
K3.6 Conducts regular field visits
(L) Micronutrient
(M) Infant and Young
Child Feeding in
Emergencies (IYCF-E)
L1.1 Correctly identifies micronutrient
deficiencies from clinical signs
L2.1 Builds micronutrient deficiency
assessments into surveys when appropriate
L3.1 Designs interventions to treat and prevent
micronutrient deficiencies
L1.2 Appropriately treats deficiencies or refers
to appropriate health staff
L2.2 Proposes suitable interventions to prevent
L3.2 Provides technical support to staff when
L1.3 Demonstrates awareness of possible
interventions for preventing micronutrient
malnutrition including supplementation,
fortification, and diet diversification
L2.3 Conducts nutritional analysis of food
assistance to determine whether all
micronutrient needs are met
M1.1 Demonstrates understanding of
Operational Guidance on IYCF-E
M2.1 Provides technical guidance to teams
M1.2 Provides support for breastfeeding
M2.2 Ensures all staff adhere to criteria set out
in the Operational Guidance on IYCF-E
M1.3 Takes appropriate measures to minimise
risks of artificial feeding
M3.1 Ensures all actions of staff are contributing
to supporting breastfeeding and minimising
risks of artificial feeding
M3.2 Ensures logisticians are aware that they
should adhere to the guidelines on distribution
and use of breastmilk substitutes and other milk
(N) Behavioural
Communication (BCC)
N1.1 Performs BCC sessions with beneficiaries
N2.1 Oversees behavioural change
communication activities
N3.1 Designs and implements behavioural
change communication programmes
(O) Emergency
O1.1 Conducts activities outlined in
emergency preparedness plan
O2.1 Identifies potential disasters for inclusion
in preparedness plan
O1.2 Involves communities in preparedness
O2.2 Assesses populations to identify at risk
O3.1 Designs, develops and oversees
implementation of emergency preparedness
O1.3 Demonstrates understanding of
objectives of emergency preparedness
O2.3 Identifies activities to mitigate risk and
ensure nutrition response is timely and
Nutrition in Emergencies Technical Competency Framework
O3.2 Facilitates links between emergency
response, DRR, and development teams
O3.3 Uses disaster risk reduction frameworks to
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Competency Domain
Level 1 Behaviours
Level 2 Behaviours
O2.4 Uses early warning systems and
Level 3 Behaviours
identify potential impact of disasters on
nutritional status
(P) Logistics
P1.1 Follows system for monitoring stock
levels and reporting procurement needs
P2.1 Develops procurement plans and liaises
with logisticians
P3.1 Develops strategic procurement plans well
in advance and liaises with logisticians ensuring
all details and timelines are understood
(Q) Monitoring and
Evaluation (M&E)
Q1.1 Conducts data collection for key
nutritional indicators
Q2.1 Develops M&E framework / work plan in
line with existing programmes
Q3.1 Designs and implements strong M&E
Q1.2 Participates in analysis of data
Q2.2 Adapts M&E system to local context
Q1.3 Conducts the M&E work plan
Q2.3 Ensures strong monitoring systems are in
place that collect data for key nutrition
Q3.2 Ensures effective supervisory mechanisms
are in place
Q1.4 Supports programme evaluations
Q3.3 Evaluates programmes on a regular basis
and adapts them in line with findings
Q2.4 Ensures all data is analysed, reviewed and
responded to on an on-going basis
(R) Advocacy and
R1.1 Communicates with relevant
stakeholders to convey nutrition messages
R2.1 Communicates effectively with
government, media, and other organisations
R3.1 Proactive in communicating nutrition
agenda with all relevant stakeholders
R2.2 Demonstrates ability to independently
structure and write relevant, clear and precise
reports in different formats and for different
R3.2 Oversees all communication ensuring
appropriate messages are being conveyed
R3.3 Develops advocacy strategies to influence
R2.3 Provides inputs into policy development
(S) Reporting
S1.1 Reports accurately and in a timely
S1.2 Writes in a clear and concise manner,
providing all required information
Nutrition in Emergencies Technical Competency Framework
S2.1 Compiles and verifies nutrition reports
S2.2 Clearly presents data, using appropriate
graphs and tables
S2.3 Submits good quality narrative and
financial reports in a timely manner
S3.1 Submits high quality reports, both narrative
and financial, in a timely manner to internal and
external parties.
S3.2 Takes responsibility for ensuring a regular
reporting system is in place
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Competency Domain
(T) Capacity
Development and
Level 1 Behaviours
Level 2 Behaviours
T1.1 Identifies areas in need of strengthening
T2.1 Assesses training needs of nutrition staff
T1.2 Delivers basic training to teams of
national staff
T2.2 Designs, delivers, and supports staff
Level 3 Behaviours
T3.1 Liaises with appropriate authorities to
develop capacity building plan for national staff
T3.2 Designs training materials and delivers and
supports staff training at all levels including
training of trainers
T3.3 Provides mentoring
BSFP: blanket supplementary feeding programmes, CMAM: community based management of acute malnutrition, TSFP: targeted supplementary feeding programmes, OTP:
outpatient treatment programme, SC: stabilisation centre, WASH: water, sanitation and hygiene
This framework was designed as part of an interagency collaboration involving: Concern Worldwide; Emergency Nutrition Network; International Medical Corps; Save the
Children, UK; University College London; Valid International; and World Vision International
Nutrition in Emergencies Technical Competency Framework
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