I,APORAN PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT PELATIHAN CLASSROOM ENGLISH UNTUK PERINTISAN PENY.ETENGGARAAN B/I1NG UAL ED UCATION BAGI GURU-GURU SMP DI YOGYAKARTA Oleh: G. Suharto, M. Pd. Margana, M. IIum., M. A. Anita Triastuti, M. A. Sukarao, 3- Pd Siti Mahripah, S. Pd. .IURUSAN PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRJIS FAKULTAS BAIIASA DAN SENI UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA 2046 LAPORAN PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT PELATIHAN CLASSROOM ENGLISH UNTUK PERXFITISAN PENYELENGGARAAN BIZING UAL ED AC, TIO N BAGI GURU-GURU Si}{P DI YOGYAKART,A Oleh: G, Suharto, M. Pd. Margana, M. Hum., M. A. Atrita Triastuti, M, A. Sukarno, S. Pd. Siti Mahripah, S. pd. JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN StrNI UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA 2006 LEMBAR PENGESA}IAN HASIL EVALUASI AKHIR PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT A. Judul Kegiatan Pelatihan Classroom Ehglis& untuk perintisan Pen)elenggaraan Billrg uc! FJurciia l..j: Ci.iiu_b!,. di Yogyakarta B. Ketua tin1 Pelaksana a. Nama b. NIP c. Pangkatcolongat1 d. Jabatan e. Prodi i Fakultas g. Bidang Keahlian C. Junlah Anggota Tim S\iF G. Suhano, M. Pd. 13 035 8895 Pembina/IVa Lektor Kepala Peldidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS LN{Y Metodologi Perelitian Bahasa dan Sastra 5 (lima) orang D. Jangka Waku Kegiatan 1 E. Bclltuk Kegiatan Pelatihan F. Lokasi Kegiatan SMP 8 Yogyakarta G. Biaya Rp 1.750.000,00 H. Flasil Evaluasi 1- Pelaksanaan Kegiatan pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Bulan (10 pert€muan) telah/bel*mr t sessuaj dengan rancangan ang lercamturT. ) dalam prooosal Pergabdian Kepada Ma.yaraxar. ^). Sislematila laporan lelahA€lsm -) <esuai denJan kerenruan dalam buku pecioman pp\4 Lr\y. L Hal-hrl lain relah,&d@lt rremenuhj lers)?ralan. (Belum pada bagian ) l. Kesimpulan : Laporan dapat/belum *) diterima. - Yogyakarta. I November 2006 Mengetahui, , -lckan FBS L]1.JY, Pemeriksa, Dewan Pertimbangan ppM FBS, //44e.k^A. Sayuti Maftono, M. Pd. NrP 1i 1662616 11 LAPORAN PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT PELATIHAN CLASSROOM E NG LIS}I UNTUK PERINTISAN PEI.{YELENGGARAAN BIZING AA L E D A C' TTO N BAGI GURU-GURU SMP DI YOGYAKARiA oleh G. Suharto, M. pd., dkk. AbstrLk pensabdian Program kegiatan kepada Masyarakat ini bertu3uan 1) Menumbuhkan dan menambah a'ot,u*, p*u guru SVp di \ oAyakana untuk mengrasai penggunaan bahasa lnggris ai r,"i^ ,"uugui o. "r li,."*'" 0". penyetenggaraan pendjdikan d\,!ibahasa di ",i.an dngkar S\4p. 2 ) M;#;i;;"_::,, efektif dan menyenangkan untuk mengoasai"Clossrio_'rrgi,li-a#""i.*, )r"e penggunaan Classroom Erglrs, rersebul ,ri,rl ocrajer mengaJar lang rnrerakrlL kondusif. dan elekrjf dalam memberruk 1jle s*t/A .uulu^_T.u,l perajaran. 3) M"rnt".ftanr"puau T::.""i.1:1jt,..t,,T rnasyaral(at or lual kampus UNy akan peranan dar ani penting leitbaga pendrdrkan tinssi.(Jurusan pendidikan Baiasa lnpsris FBSr d"hrrl :J,,;; balasa tnggris di yogyalana pada kiususnlai al" J;'i";".".i, oro" umunnya, "rrt ."""ii"ri ,t**, g;iJ.-, 5lld lk- ;;;";;;"il;**_"_ lil]9ik- qengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan selama kurang lebih satu langgal 2 Agusrus sampai dengaa l0 Seprembe. _"0'OC O, pjg ,icr:ngan u.nrversrla5 Negeri Yog)atana. pesena pelatihan rerdir,aari :r'yare i"rUun,"auf"rn: (dua), masing-masing 19 oraag dan 14 orang. Dwasi perJh". 100 menitHasil Pro€mm kegjatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat berupa peningkatan kemampuan berbahasa lnggris guru_guru qresena, aulu. p"n.rrpnn';t;,r.,r,r* Engli"h da,lam proses pcmbclajara] di ielas. ilal i"l a iurti;fa"- ae"g."' t"n.l,"p* n peserta dalam mempraktikkan Cktssroom Engtish dalam p"a" *,t"p ak}lir pelatihan. nulan mui€r "^,--^^11{:-"*, *,i"oi""."ri"" tn"}, , U."irf.i_ilri I lll KATAPENGANTAR Puji syukur ke hadirat Allah yang Maha Kuasa atas segala rahmat dan hida].ahNya selringga Program pengab<iian kepada Masyaftkat pelatihan Classrcom English utltuk Petintisan penyelenggaraan Bilingudl Education bagi Guru-guru SMP di i ogyafunu iapar erlalsana denqon bait. program pengabdian kepada Laporal Masyarakat ini terdiri dari empat bab. Bab I berisi pendahuluan; bab II berisi tujuar\ be[tuk, dan manfaat kegiatan; bab II] ben$i pelaksanaan dan hasil kegiatan; dan bab IV berisi kesimpulan dan saran. Terselenggaranya program pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini tidak lepas daij bantuan berbagai pihak. Oleh karena irr1, gi4 pengabdi mengucapkan terjma kasih kepada: 1. Prof. Dr. Suminto A. Sa1.uti, selaku dekan FBS lJNy; Dewan pertimbangan ppM FBS Lltjy; 2. Martono, M. pd.. selaku Kerua 3. Kepala SMp Negeri g yogyakarta; dan 4. Guru-guru SMp Negeri g yogyakarta sebagai peserta pelatihan. Semoga laporan program pengabdian kepacla Masyarakat pengabdi, peserla pelatihan, mengembalgkan ini bermanfaat bagi iim dan masyarakat pendidikan dalam medntis dan Bilingual Education. Kritik dan saran yang membangun selalu diharapkan dalam memperbaiki prog.am_program pengabdian sejenis di masa vans akan da tang. Yogyakarta, 1 Novenber 2006 Tim PPM Dosen Jurusau Pendidikan Bahasa Inrraris Fakultas Balusa dnn seni Universitas Nege.i yo gyakarta DAFTAR ISI HALAMAN JLTDUI, I LEMBAR PENGESAIIAN ii ABSTRAK iii KATA PENGANTAR iv DAFTAR ISI BAB I pENDAHULUAN ........................ A. Latar Belakang Masalah ........................ B. Rumusan Masalah B. Bentut Kegiatan . BAB III PELAKSANAAN DAN IIASIL KEGI,A.TAN Sasaran Kegiatan D. Hasil Kegiata-n BAB IV KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN A. Kesimpulan .... .. . .. LAMPIRAN 3 l 4 4 . C. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan . ..... ... B. Saran l 3 C. Manfaat Kegiatan B. Metode Kegiatan I 2 BAB II TUJUAN, BENTUK, DAN MANFAAT KEGIATAN A. I ujuan Keg;alan A. i 4 4 5 7 7 7 BAB I PENDAHULUAN A. Latar Belakang Masalah Saat ini dtrllia pendidikan menengah di Indonesia sedang berbenah untuk meningkatkal mutu pembe]ajaran. Seiring dengan proses sosialisasi dan pelaksanaan kurikuh:m Berbasis Kompetensi di ringkat pendidikan menengah, berbagai SMp dan SMA telah mulai merintis penyelenggaraan Billng ual Education (pendidikan Dwibahasa) untuk berbagai mata pelajaran non-bahasa Inggris. Di tingkat SMA perkembangan ini juga mengarah pada perintisan penyelenggaraan Sekolah Intemasional. Salah satu upaya untu!: mewujudkan perintisan penyelenggaraan pendidikan dwibahasa, beberapa SMp di Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah pada beberapa waLtu yang lalu telah membekali tenags pendidik mereka dengan pelatihal Classroom English. Menanggapi perkembangan baru yang positif tll'lY ini, Jurusa.n Bahasa rnggris FBS sebagai salah satu institusi pendidikan tinggi yang berkomitmen penyelengaraan pengajaraa bahasa Inggris di Indonesia berusaha untuk ikut mensukseskan perintisar penyelenggaraa-n pendidikan dwibahasa kepada Masyaxakat tingi dalam setiap membantu ini. proposal pengabdian ini diajukan sebagai salah satu upaya untuk ikut membantu dan mendukung pe ntisan pendidikan dwibahasa di SMp di yogyakarta_ Dukungan tersebut diberikan dengan memberikan pelatihan penggunaan Classroom Eaglls,t bagi guru_guru SMP di Yogyakarta. Classroom Engthh adalah bahasa instruksional yang wajib dikuasai oleh setiap g.'u karcna penggunaar Crassroom Ehgrish yang baik dan benar akan mendukung proses interaksi belajar mengajar yang irteraktif daa kondusif di kelas. Mengingat petarlarr Classroom English yang signifikan dalam proses penyelenggaraarl pendidikan dwibahasa di kelas, setiap guru harus mengetahui bagaimana cara mempelajari Classroom English dengan benar dan bagaimana mengimplemenrasikarnya dalam proses belajar mengajar di kelas. pelatihan ini merupakan salah satu \rujud kepedulial perguruan ti11ggi, dalam l'ral ini Jurusan pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, untuk membe.ikan pengabdian berdasarkan keilmuan kepada masyarakat (guru-guru SMp) B. Rumusan Masalah sebagai 1. Berdasarkan latar belakans mas aiah di atas' dapat dinrmuskan beberapa masalah Bagaiman memotivasi dan sika berikut: rnggis (c ta ss r o o m E n g t is 2. 3. - h).# ffi ffi Bagaimana kompetensi bahasa Il pednrisan penyerenss."_ o*o,lffi oJ, "il:imff"il:1":;:;rril.";rr"arta J"ilJ.T,ffi dare'1 Bagaimana peran prodi pendirtikan Bahasa Inggris FBS tAry dalam upata meningka&an kemampuan guru_guru SMp peserta pelatihan dalam menguasai dan mengimplementasikan penggunaan bahasa Inggris di kelas? BAB ITI PELAKSANAAN DAN DASIL KEGIATAN A. Sasaran Kegiatan Sasaran kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah guru"Jtrru SMp g Yogyakarta. B. Metode Kegiatan Sesuai dengan bentukny4 kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyaralcal jnj cijlal<ul<al dengan cara memberikan pelatihan C/assro om English pada gatu-gu,-u Sl\4p ft ),o!.\,.1( if1.i . Dalam pelatihaD ini, teknik modeting digtnakzLn dalam memberikan contoh_corlolt. C. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan selama l(uralll l(t)ilr sijtLt mulai tanggal 2 Agustus sampai dengar 10 Septembe, ?006 dj llljl Universitas Negeri Yogyakafia. Peserta pelatihan tediri dari 33 orarg yarrf, lielr|Llirr, setenga.h bulan dikeiompokkan menjadi dua kelompok, setiap kelompok terdiri dari 19 orarl 1.4 olrn11. Durasi pelatihan setiap pertemuan adalah 100 menit. pelatihan untuk kelolnllo| jrciii]ltl dilaksanakan setiap hari Rabu, dimulai pukul 13.30 WIB dan berakhir pada pukul l5.lll WIB. Sedangkan kelompok kedua, pelatihan dilaksanakan setiap hari Sabtir, dirnulai ;tLrLLrl 14.00 WIB dan berakhir pada pukul 15.40 WIB. Secara rinci pelaksaraa, (ii,1,.1 llclialal dijabarkan sebagai berikut: No Hari/tdnggal Pukul Mated 1 Rabu, 2 Agustus 2006 13.30- . 2. 3. 4. Sabtu,5 Agustus 2006 Rabu, 9 Agustus 2006 Sabtu, 12 Agustris 2006 15.10 wlB 14.0015.40 WIB 13.3015. l0 . Getting Things Done in the Classroom Askins Questions Getting Tlings Done in the Classroom Asking Questjons Beginning ofthe Lesson End ofthe Lesson Jumlah peserta yatl hadir \4 WIR Beginning ofthe Lesson End ofthe Lesson (i. litllr io hl.l'jri. tg -:irrlr.r:,,. Li. M. l,d t4 lltrlerrro. fl I '.1 19 lllrirrrrr. WIB 14.0015.40 I'or:ririari 5. 6. 7. 8. Rabq 16 Agustus 2006 Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2006 Rabu, 23 Agnstus 2006 Sabru, 26 Agustus 2006 9. t0 . . 13.3015.10 WIR . Set Phrases . Textbook Activity . Blackboard Activity . Tape Activity . Slides, Pictures- OHP . Games and Songs . Movement, General Activity . Class Control . Blackboard Activity . Tape Activity . Slides, Pictures, OHP r Games a_nd Songs . Movement, General 14.0015.40 WIB 13.3015.10 WIB 14.0015.40 WIB RabLr,30 13.30- Agustus 2006 15.i0 WIB Set Phrases . . 14 Anita Tridstuti, M- A. 19 Arit" Textbook Activity Triastuti, M- A. 14 Marga11a, M. A. I9 Margiua, M. l|rr,. M. A. t4 siti Activily Class Conttol Repetition and tesponses Encouragement and Conlirmation Progress in work Lansuase Work . Repetition and tesponses . Ellcouragement and Confi1mation . Progress in wolk Langr:age Work Mandp-1., . S.Pd, . . Sabtu, 2 September 14.0015.40 2006 WIB 19 Siti Mahripah. S,Pd. D. Hasil Kegiatan Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dapat diiaksanakan sesuai ile..,.a.l rancangan sebagaimana disebutkan dalam proposal kegiatan, kecuali jumlah peneau,an. Jumlah pertemuar/tatap muka pelatihan semula hanya gX, tetapi dalam pelaksarui].iya menjadi 10X pefiemuan. Hal ini terjadi karena jumlah topik yang disampaikan tidat. . i i.rEl diselesaikan dalam 8X petemuan, padahal materi yang dirancalg dalam pelatihan ad.l 10 topik dan semuannya sangat signifikan dan esensiai dalan Classroom Engli.rh rntuk penyelenggaraan kelas dwibahasa. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 33 gulu (daftar hadir terbmpir). Hasil akhir kegiatan ini berupa bertahasa Inggris guru_guru (peseda) dalam penerapan peningkatan Classroom English dalan proses pembelajaran di kelas. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan kemampuan peserta dalam mernpmktikkan C/assro om English dalartben,uk sirnulasi pada setiap akhir pelatihan BAB IV KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN A. Kesimpulan Berdasarkan pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masvarakat Classroom Englist, untuk perintisan penyelenggaraan Bilingual Education bagi Guruguru SMP 8 fognkafl4 dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1. Merujuk pada peseila pelatihan yang aktif, kegiatan pelatihan ini cukup berhasii Hal ini dibuktikan dengan meningkatnya kemampual bahasa Inggris peserta dalam penggmaa]d C lassroom Engl ish. 2. Pelaksanaan pelatihan dapat dilakukaa sesuai dengan rencala./proposal, kecuitli jumlah pertemuan yang semula direncanakan gX pe.temua-n menjadi 10X pertemuan karena pentingnya materi C/ajs,"o om English B. da JumIahmateri. Saran Dari hasil pelaksanaan pelatihan, tim pengabdian menyarankan hal-hal sebagai berikut: P.ogran pelatihan ini periu terus dilanjutkan pada masa yang akan dating s€hingga kemampuan bahasa Inggris peserta dalam m enerapkan Crassroom Engrish semakix meningkat dan penyelenggaraan pendidikan dwibahasa dapat terlaksana. l. 2. Program I'elatihan Classroom English ufttuk perintisan penlelenggaraan Bilingual E.lucalion bagi Gutu_guru perlu diperiuas sasarannnya sehingga pelaksanaan pendidikan dwibahasa tidak hanya pada sekolah tertentu, tetapi daita| meiuas ke ber.bagai sekolah. 3. Program kerjamasa antara l,t-l.Jy kepada masyarakar p".,,,.-. ou,lJl,,'*f *"#ffiff:J::i#::; universitas berbasis LPTK sehingga komunikasi dan umpan balik akan te,_u! dtdapatkai dari s t a ke ho I de r s. LAMPIRAN Lampiran 1: Anggota Tim 1. Nama NIP PangkaUcolongan Jabatan Prodi/Fakultas 2. Nama NIP Pangkat/Golongan Jabatan Prodi,/Fakultas 3. Nama NIP Pangkat/Golongan Jabatan Prodi/Fakulta$ 4. Nama Margaqa, M. Hum., M. A. 132107096 Penata Muda tk. I/IIIb Asisten Ali PBYFBS TINY Anita Triastuti, M. A. 132305846 Penata Muda &. L/[Ib Asisten Ali PBYFBS UNY Sukamo, S. Pd 132310013 Penata Muda.4IIa PBYFBS I]NY Pangkat/Golongan Siti Mahripatq S. pd. 132309874 Penata Muda,[IIa Jabatan Prodi,Eakulta-s PBYFBS TJNY NIP Lampiran 2: Biaya Kegiatan Dana DIKS FBS Rp 1.750.000,00 500.000,00 fonsumsi tim dan peserta Rp 400.000,00 Perijinan, publii:rasi- dE Rp 120.000,00 dokumentasi Rp RP 1.750.000,00 160.000,00 RP 1.750.000.00 Lampiran 3: Materi pelatihan l0 CLASSROOM ENGLISH 1 A. CONTROLLING THE STUDENTS' BEHAVIOR You want to tell the students to open the book or to do exercises on a certain page. What do you saf What explession or sentences should you use? Task 1: Read lhe following text and answer the following questions. Text I A teacher has a number of altemative ways of conb.olling the behavior 01. ,h)deDlr )rj 1t.e classroom. They are commands, requests, and suggistions. He uscs l: : t., r I emphasize his position of authority. The use of requests implies the rotjor) oi. .rl!.r1tji!. Suggestions allow the students some fteedom of choice. Consider the lollo\),,ijllt !.rr.r,ijii. .r cr r l. r r . r r r Leam the vocabulary on page 46 2. I want you to leam the vocabulary on page 46. 3. And what ifyou ieam the vocabulary on page 46 as well. An authodtative teacher will use the fiast sentence. A democratic teacher ir.rrrlu r,, lrr;r ,.ri. second sentence for the same purpose. fhc last sentence will be userl l:,! tl,( lr :,,1 leacher. Notice also lhdr lhe preposition -on isusedsirJrrheuo.d.;,n. Comprehension questions 1. How many ways does a teachet have to control the students, activilv? 2. \I/hen is a command usedl 3. When is a request used? 4. When is a suggestion used? Task 2: Study the following expression and discuss other altemalive lrirrirj \\,jrl, friend. Work ln pa, rs 1. Finish offexercise 7 A on page 76 2. I want you to leave out number 7 on page 78 3. Would you mind doing the exercises on page 174 4. I want you to tum to page 57 5. Take out your books and open them at page i7 6. I u,ant you to tum on to page 107 7. Refer back to the grammar notes on page 100 8. You'll find the exercise on page 203 9. Let's go on to exercise number 2 on page 27 10. Cileck your answer on page 47 .,, tlr B. QU ESTIO\i-ASKI NG A teacher will ask students a lot of questions during his/her teaching activity. Can you mention how many types ofquestion a teacher will ask? Can you give some examples? Task 3: Read the following text and discuss the questions in the text. you may work in pairs_ Text 2 Question-asking takes up a large proportion of the teacher,s time. Based on the purposc, questions can be differentiated into two q?es questions to which the teacher can prolide the answer, and questions to which the students can provide the answer. euestions ol.rlte first type include language questions and comprehension questions. Consider lrle following examples. 1. What's the perfect tense of"to go,'? 2. wllen did the students take the final exam? Questions ofthe second type can be classified into thrce classes. They are lesson prcgress questions, opinion or preference questions. and factual or personal questions. Can you ideniify the following examples? 3. Has eveq'body gotthe book? 4. Do you aglee with his answer? 5. How are you todayl Among the various types ol questions, comprehension questions play a big role in the teacher's teaching activities. This type ofqueslions includes yes-no questions, orquesli.Is. wh-questions, indirect questions, questions on specific texts, and miscellaneous quistioDs. Consider the following examples 6. Can you play badminton? 7. Don't you like ice cream? 8. Are you sure? 9. Is he thirteen or fourteen? How old is she, fourteen or fiftcen? 11. When are they leaving for Jakarta? 12. Why haven't you done the homeB,ork? 13. In which year rvere you bom? 14. Where else have they been? 15. Who hasr't got tl.re book? 16. What page do you look up? 17. Who was the book written by? 18. Ho$ broad is it? 19. What time train did they take? 20. Where do you think he is going? 21. What is the book like? 22. What luppened? 23. What time do you go to bed? 24. Who is you English teacher? 25. How do you like it? 10. C. CETTING STARTED Task 4: Study the Foilowing expressions and discuss when to use it. Then. in rhe following rext wilh lhe appropriale expression. fill the blank a. How are you today, Luluk? b. I think we can start now. c. Who is absent today? d. Don-r ler ir happen again. will lor-. e. worild you mind closing the door, please. L Good moming, boys and girls. g. There's no need to slam it like that! h. I almost forgot. I haven't filled in the register. i. Close the lid ofyour bag, Maria. Please. j. OK, I tiink it's time for us to get doq,n to some work. k. Does anyone know what's wrong with l,ia? l. Why are you late, Cahyo? We started teD minutes ago. m. And what about you Maria? How are you getting on? n. Did anyone miss last Wednesday's lesson? o. Put the book away, Joni. This is an mathematics lesson, not history. p. Hey, Monica and Ma!]an. Stop talking so that we can start. q. Take your raincoat off and leave it outside, please_ r. Leave your sports equipment outside the classroom. s. Hey, you two boys, hurry up. Come in and sit down. t. Deni, take yourjacket offand hang it over the back of your chair. Text 3 It's Monday morning and the time was 9 o,clock. ycu went into the classroon. i11aj9t students were already in their desks but some of them were still outside the clalsrj..Ii. One boy had brought a sports equipment with him and ciearly intended to telr lr :nio classroom. You stopped him and suggested a befter solution. Teacher: " One girl in the front row was still wearing a rain coat. Teacher: " Franco was sitting in a thickjacket even though it $,as almost 35u C outside. Teacher: " You noticed tl1at two boys were still hanging about outside the classroom. Teacher: " They came in but leff the door open Teacher: " [rhen you asked then to close jt, the)' slammed it. Teacher " At last everybody ---------- to be ready. you greeted the studenls. Teacher: " You asked Luluk and Maria how they were. Teacher: " After that you annoulced that it really was time to start. Teacher: " You have to get their attention but Monica and Maman were chatting. Teacher: " Maria's bag was still, and Joni had got his history book. Teacher: " You almost forgct the register Teacher: " You checked who was mrssrng Teacher: " You noticed that Lia \ras away and wondcr why. Teacher: " You were planning to start off the lesson with a short test- but to he fair you checked who aclLrdlly aflended rhe last lesjon. uhich $as or Wedre.dat. Teacher : " At that very same moment the dcor opened and Cahyo came in. It is almost ten past nine. Itacher: " Cahyo explained sleepily that he was so busy stuclying his English vocabulary that he forgot to get off the buss. That \"/as the second time he had beerilate in a week, ard you rnade it clear that you would be very angry next time. Teacher :" At last vou were ready to start your Teachcr :" lesson_ D. PERSUADING AND SUGGESTING Task 5: ln the classroom activity, a teacher very often asks thl: students to do various kinds of leaming activities. Do you know how to do that? Study the following expressions to persuade or suggest. Text 4 The most frequent form lol lowing erpression.. ofdirect suggestion involves the use of/etb. Study the Let's start nou'. Let's finish this offnext time Let's not listen to it again, shall we? use ofthe Suggestions can also be made nsing how about or t+,lrat about wllha noun or a gerund : How about another exercise, students? What about trying it once more? OK th(: next one. How about you, Anton? A similar form ofsuggestion makes use of if ot h)hat about dand a \erb phrase. .l.he 'rhat \erb may be ei$er in Lhe presenr or pasr. The presenr ic more pop;lar. WAat if we leave this exercise until nexl time? What ifwe bdnslated the sentences? What about ifyou finish this offat home? W}at about ifyou started with ..yesterday,,? The questions why not, why don,t we, and couldn't we can be used as suggestions. Why not leave the adverb until the end? Why do['t we act this conversation out? Couldn't we say this in a simpler way? Tlie expressions I thirrk, doft't command. lou thihk, and, pethctps can also I think you should concent.ate on number 5. We can finish this next time, don't you think? Perhaps you ought to translate this paragraph. Task 6: Fill in the blank with a.n expression ofsuggestions. It is quite possible to fill with more thal one expression. L to finish this offat home. finish this offat home. 2. to leave out the next one. leave out the n€xt one. 3. to start with exercise number tlrree. stad with exercise nunber thtee. .1. you don't keep forgetting your books. )ou wouldn r kecf' forgerring )our books 5. lhii exercisc to be done at homc. do the exercise at home. 6. spend a lot of time on number fiftcen. to spend a lot of timc on number fi1iecn. 7. working on your own. work on your own. 8. try the next exercise. for you to tly the next exercise. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be used to sotteD a Task 7. Study the following expressions and do the exercises you may work in pairs. T€xt 5 A direct suggestion can be introduced by the suggest, and, phrases I suggest, I nould suggest, raay My suggestion ri. Notice the following examples. I I suggest leaving this until next time I would suggest starting with numbet one May I suggest appointing a secretary? I suggest that you omit the relative pronoun I would suggest that we check the aNwers next time My suggestion is that you leam the formula by heart I Would suggest you went through this door. The verbs may, can, and ,eed can function as suggestions in the classroom situaticil. You n1ay sit do\\,n again now You can leave question 9 out You needn't do the first three Phrases based around the word idea are often used to introduce suggestions. Notic,J ihil forms ofcomplementation and the use ofthe past tense. It nigl-r be a gooJ ide" lo tD thi. one aga,n It would be a good idea for you to write this do$,n It mightn't be a bad idea ifyou did this at home It wouidn't be a bad idea ifyou tly this one again The phrases as vell or just as well can be added to the modal auxiliaries caD, _mi , , :..,\l would. Notice the following: We may as well leave this exercise till Thursday You might as well leave number l3 out It would bejust as well for you to revise this Conditlonal sentences are often used as an advice to persuade. It would be better ifyoujust crossed the $,ord You'd better do this exercise again The wotd rather can also be used in suggestion expressions. Notice the ioilc,ning exarnples. I'd rather you finished this offat home I'd rather you didn't look at the ans$'ers yet Task 8: Rewrite the following instructions, making use L 2. Repeat u.hat you said. (Do you think .......) Translate the rvhole paragraph. (not a bad idea) ofthe clue words between bjiacltets. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Start witi exercise number 9. (l suggest) Make a note ofthis somewhere. (l think..) Let's only do every other question. (Malr I suggest) Listen caretully to what I say. (could) You try number 7, John. (How about) Don't bother reading the instructions. (Let's) This exercise will be finished next week. (l expect) Begin your sentence with'when'. (Wly not) The answers should be \r,Titten out in fui]. 0'd rathei) Read out what you wrote, Doni. (might be an idea) Pay attention, Silvie. (You'd betrer) Let's have another exercise. (What il) Youjoin group 5, Fredie. (l wor d suggest) Refer to section on probability. (lt's better) Spend some time revising your answers. (bejust as weil) Copy this formula srraight offthe board. (might as well) Don't use mo.e than 100 words in your summary. (rather) Put yow book in your bag. (be a bad idea) E. SAYING IN OTHER WORDS Do you remember the ways of controlling the behaviour Mention iluee ways ofcontrolling the students' behaviour. of students in the alaasrir,:rl Task 9: Study the follov/ing expressions and do the exercises. Text 6 Commards, requests, and suggestions can be expressed following examples and discuss their meaning and puposes. Example 12 We'll stcp now We'll finish for today. It's not worth stafting the lesson lhere s no u.e doing rhe c\e ci5e5 now. It's no use talking about it to them. in sevetal ways. Slrldy lhe I think we haven't got time. I don l rhinl ue have got r:rre. 'l'here are still trvo minutes to go We still have a couple ofminutes left. Wait a minute Hang on a moment Just hold ot1 a minute What do the following sentences mean? When do we use the sentences? Can you t.::prcss them in other words? 1. This is your homework. 2. l. There will be a test next week. Don't forget about your homework. 4. See you again on Tuesday. 5. Have a good holiday. 6. Next week we'll meet in Roorn 7. I won't be here next week 3. Willyou please go out 9. Not so much noise, please. 16. 10. Queue up by the door. I 1. Open the window. 12. I think we haven't had tlis word before. birthday to you. 1,+. Remember me to your brothcr. 15. Excuse me for a moment 16. Could I get past, please? 17. Do you mind if I sit down? 13. I've made a mistakc on the board 19. Here you are. 20. Thank you. 13. Happy F. INTEGRATED TASKS Clessroom Activify 1 Read the following description ofa mathematics lesson. Write dowrr \i,:1at the teacher will say in the provided spacc. c: reltj.ns It's the last mathematics lesson before holidays. At the beginning ol.lLe lessoIl you apologize you still haven't recovered from a stomach upset a;d aren,t ti]Elirg to well Teacher: " You are hoping that you won't have to shout as there seems to be something rvrong your voiceTeacher: One " ofyoru students sneezes. Teacher: " Peter appears to be catching cold, too, because he also sneezcs. Teacher: " Some of the boys in the class play in the schocl basketball team al1r-i lari ..,,.;:, l1ey had a game against a local school. Teacher: " Unfortunately, they wcrejust beaten Teacher: " 47 48. But Andi scored 24 points and won the piice lor the best player. Teacher: " It also happens to be Andi's birthday roday. " Teacher: As it is the last lesson, you have decided to show a film. you walk to the back ofthe class to plug in the projector. On the way you accidentally tread on Ahmad,s toes. " Teacher: The lead ofthe projector is too 3hoft so you have to go to the neighbouring classroom to fetch an extension_ Teacher: " funi, a very helpful pupil, has already <lrawn tt e ct,nuins Teacher: " Budi t.ies to help, too, but almost succeeds in knocking over the projector. Teacher: " Komar rushes to tum the lights off, and has 10 be wamed about the lead on the floor. Teache.: " Dini, who has the reputation of being the clumsiest boy, fetches the film from your desk. You have to remind him to be careful. Teachea: " When she_actually succeeds in bringing it to you in one piece you conglatulate rather ironicallyTeacher: " l1it1l l'he film itself is a disappointnent and it isn't long before the students start chattilg amolg themsclves. You wam them several times and finaliv thleaten them they r\on r enioy an e\.ra hour or schoor or lhe last da\. Teacher: " Edi is reading a comic, so you reach across in front ofEva to wam him. Teacher: " One of the students accidentally pulls the plug out of the wall and apologizes. you assure her it isn't important. Teacher: " When the film finally finishes, you give thcm appropriate u,ishes for the time ofvear Teacher: " I:lome Assignment Make a group of 3 or 4 peisons. Imagine you are tcaching mathematics. Write down a descdption of what happens in your class and what you siay in relation to the situation in your class. Classroom Actiyity 2 Task l0: Study the following expressions and do the foltowing exercises. Number one is done as examples. 1. Come out to the blackboaxd, please Go to the boaxd Go up to the blackboard. 2. You have already been out to the board 3. Come and write the word on the board- 4. Move out of the way so that everyone can see. 5. Go and fetch some chalk from the office. 6. Everyone look at the blackboard, please. 7. Are the sentences on the board correct? 8. Read out the sentences on the blackboard. 9. Copy this dovrn from the bl3ckboard. 10 10- Whose tum is it to clean the board? Classroom Acfiviry 3 Below is a descripuon of a mathematics lesson. In the provided space, write down the expression tie teacher might say in English. Text 7 You \e gol a lor of work lo gcl I lu-ough io rhis resson. ask tLre students to open thejr books. on page 97. You " Teacher: :":,Til:t1.. Teacher: Tle first l.]sl look rather mystified, so you check that they do fact have their bookr " You're aruroyed because some ofthem have left their books at home again. Teacheri " Candra and Maria have only one book between them. Teacher: " You check that they all have the right place. Teacher: " :il,T$1.1T".",1i:jtere Teacher: " She obviously cao't read Teacher: aren,t any new concept in the next section, anrl then ask Turi to weil and you have to stop him. " Now you want everybody to read one problem. you choose yanti to start. i l : Teacher: " tle remaining five minutes, you have a quick tesl As the bell rings, you ask them to retum rhe compleled lest papers and ro mal,e lr clear who rney In Teacher: bet;;ff "- - " Home Assigtunent Make a group of four or five. Imaoine that you are having a blackboard activity. Write down ser eral expressions and rell tii class ^" tr,. ,irurton. -o' j""ii,f ":;. ' t2 ENGLISII FOE TEACIIING.T,NAIINING *) SUKARNO, S.PD. **) I \inning of Lesson B 'lransition to Work I . &'s titll€ to sfori hos ..'eeting Lef's starf -rd 66"6* : |- I Im woiting for We won't &ttle q.tiinq on) F',, fb': frr Who frc-: qlid. stort until everyoflc l(,i, q[iet. ;s .,,, ..,,r..i dowh now so we cdn s-icl.t. Who is missihg? ttr:z- youve recayereA lrom your cold. Bill. fatirg to be 1. Who is obsent iodoy? ,:.: feeling today, Bill2 you ore you C. Absences rhihgs wirh you, Alason? J ;oe jEjjon. now. Sfop tolking now so that --" vou toaoy, A'tt: you _ 2. I'nl woiting fo stori. o"e you? 'f'., .-" hoi€ /6u,rre dil .€d,j), foi, t6iji. I lh'nk we coh slort -,rere, nlison f,r- lesson now (sholl we2) I5 eve.ybody .eody lo ttort2 h.: :iternoon, everytrody/boys lhd girls/chjldren ftc -crnin9, Eill | : zveryone ) our_ isnt here? Whot's the naffer $/ith *eU_ I-ks anybody sezh Bill you ore oll feeling fi.r todoy, /,.11,,rn tod@? t6.lii:' Whot's w.ong with Bill-todot,:l fer vr,u hove olt had o ice/good weekend/hotday. | -curyou B l,r Whor did yo,r do duflnq . n Hds onybody dny ideq where B,li . ij iaCiryi i 2. lr r€ irtrodqce m/s"lf. ) r:-e is .......... _cnd Imyout I :E -eachihg you ln I_ fjve _ihis new Who *ds dbseni losi tim.:r. Who wosn'i here on A on.i.!,,' _rea.her. Who missed lost Wednesdsy,s ldson-? yedr. vou werent at/in the tost leslon, lessons with you. Who wqs owoy losf Fflciov,' ' Who is lockihg? Who is missing/obsent/owdvi. * On lhe last lesson. F:#;::t"."*t [:f g:i:.it# iEgFfi,V",-'"i;1l":i:H:'i]',Ji,unn*,, -** Bi| Vrn::.,rue yau) arz you ldte? llere hcve you bee.n? * farred l€n ninules td you oversleeplmass your bus? lhd ogo. What hove yo{r b€€n dojry? do you soy when you @€ -e. Well, sit down dnd le]'s gst s?orted. hurry ks hfe? up ond srt dowr We!€ olready nofien. olright. sif down ond we cdn stort lEt to b€ larte next io tirp, be here on lime next week let it hoppen dgorh. this be the ldst time s the second iime this reek hdve fo report you if )rdl'r€ lote dgdin.j iasikan dalam Pelatihan Bahasa lnggris Guru{uru SlVp Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa lnggris FBS uNy I yogyakarta dalam rangk FPN,I Itnd of Lesson Stop Working Setting Homework * I ihink we lmven't got time. I don't think we have got time B. Setting Ilomework 1. This is your homework. Valedictiotr This chopter/lesson/pcge k your homework. This is yolr hohework fo|ionighi/todcy. For your homework would you do exercise 10. Prepore the lost lwo chdpters for lr\onday. Preporc lar 6/down lo/up to poge 175 voLr homework for ionjghi ls to prepqre chol,i! 1/ T'm nol io sel (you) ony homework this iirir.. Clearing the Clrss 6 i: rp working :t's ten 10 ten. We'll ho€ to sfop now. lf's olmort -line-fo gtop:n ofroid it's time 10 finish now: moke it olnosf iime. Well hove lo stop hera : noke -dae i t jln gore five pon- We ll have ro fintsh rhe.ra *e tnusr srop worki,g lw. is ihe brzzer/bell, s. 2. Finish this off at honre. Finish off ihis exercise ct home Do tie resi o{ the aercie as your homework for 1 dniqht v@ will hdv€ to,hu$ @d ihe l.st pdogrqh ,t l,om€ Compleie th;5 exerci3e ot hohe. noi's fhe buzzerlbell.It's t,ine lo rtop. rll rightl Thqt's oll for todcy, thank yo!. i ghi. you con put things owoy ond go. not willdo for todoy. you con 90 how. Therc will be o test on this next Wedr*rsdoyl shollgiveyou s test on these lessons neri 'reek. you cdn expecf o test on this -the neor fufurePleoae revise lesson 9 and 10- There wiJl be s tesl on fhem some-lime. :' isnt iiln€ to finish yef. -''e 6uzzet/6ell hosn:t gorc.yet. -1ere ore sfilltwo mimrles to go. ,,e stil, hove o couple of lninutes leff. F\ tuke ii o qerle.to. Tkres @}t . fiw lni6,ra ti f slpplsed told@ ro fin6h until fiv€ ':ur wo-lch musl b€ fost 6son isn 4. Dohl fo€€t about your honework. yer. posr. Remehber your honework. Ple-as€ pick op a copy of the exefcise ni: you l€ove. ae hove five minutes over. 1e seem to hove finished afew minotes ?,lrly. I r wolch must be siow.I hoke it oniyo guorter to have oh extro five '']|i\ules. we have two or thr€€ minuies ir hondlio spore. -.re,sr'1ony poiht (ln) sia"lihg a new exercise. 'ae s no pa\ft (in) begnning onfrh ing etse rhjs rime. ', P- ':ens : i guietly uniil the bell goes. ':-ry on wnn .he exercie fo|rhe resr of fie tason t:senlasikan dalam Pelatihan 8ah6sa lnggris Guru{uru SMp 8 yogyakarta dalam rangka pplvl F:n Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS UNy d6ye_ 6oodby€, boys and girls. \e-6fe, childrcrL gVye, ereryone. Nre now. Bob- 5.! you ogqin on Tu€sdoy. :ll see you (oll) again next Wednesdoy. 5e€ you tomorrow dflernoot ogdin. b€ seeihg some of you caoin ofter the :11 see you qgoin ne\J yeor. 5l breok Fwe o nice holidcy. aSry your holidoy. bn? work io hdrd : llope dll hd!€ o nic€ r/ocdiion. ring the Ctass of you, get ortside nowl up ond get outl so much noise, please- hhhhhhhhhhht '7 not io moke ony noise as you leave. o gueue ond woi+ until thehtzz* goes. )nlastkan oaram Pelalthan Eahasa lnggns GLru{uru SllrP 8 Yogyakarta dalam rangka pFM JLrusan pendjdrkan Bahasa tnaons ads UNy I i L I I SET PHRASES r I Here are the exarnples ofexpressions you can say for seasonal and occasional situations. t. II 1. h I I I I SEASONAL, OCCASIONAL . Happy t irthday! Many happy retums (ofthe day) Billy has hiy a binhday today Alison is eleven today. Let's sing ,Happy Birthday, o Merry Christmasl I I hope you all have a good Christmas Happy New Year! All the best for the New year r t I Happy Easter I i . i I I r God bless! Blessyou!/ God bless you! I hope you're not calching/ gehing a cold h sounds as rhough you're gefling tle llu i Good luck! I i Best ofluck I hope you win/ get through/ pass i I I Hard luck! I I r Hard lines! Nevermind! Better luck next time! I : Well done! Congratulations F t l Remember me to your brother Cive my $g5t r.ta,6t besl wishes lo your sister Say hello to your sister for me I ! I I I I t, I it i I 2. . APOLOGIES Sorry I'm very/ tenibly/ awfully sorry (about that) Sorry about that Sorry, that was my fault I am solry . . Excuse me for a moment I'll be back in a momenr Carry on with that exercise while I,m away Would you excuse me for a while/ moment I'vejust got to go next door fora momenx Excuse me Mind out of the way Mind out! Could I get past, please Out ofthe way noe/! Get our ofmy/ rhe wav You're in the/ my waj You're blocking rhe gangway Bill can't get past for your case . I'n afraid.l'm not feeling very well roday I'm aliaid I can.t speak any Iouder I seem to be losing my voice I have a sore throat I have (a bit o0 a headache I'm feeling a bit under the weather Do you mind ifl sit down? Ifyou don,t mind, I'll sit . I've made a mistake on the board I'm sory, I didn,t notice it I must have overlookcd it I must be getting absent_minded in my old age 3. TIIANKING AND GIVING Thankyou Thank you very much Thank a lot Thanks for your helo Thank you ior cleaning the blackboa(l It was very kind ofyou to help. Thanl vou I really do appreciate your heip Here you are There you are This is for you, Alison And here's one for you, Bill Take it. It,s for you Help yourself( ro a copy) 4. WARNINGS . Look out! Watch out! Mind! Mind out! Ducki Be careful Be careful you don.t droD that Mind you don'r hurt your head Mind the step Watch you don,t tdp over the cable Watch your step Stop doirg that, or elsel Be quiet or else you can go and sit on your own Ifyou don't be quiet, l,ll send vou orri One more word and you can staS behind after school lhts ts the last time ['m wamins vou Lookl i'vejusr aboul had enougi from you i won't tell you again. Nexl lime it.s rhe headmaster for you Don't push your luck with me You're heading rhe right way for trouble 0nce more and you've had it TEXTBOOK ACTIVITY 1. . DISTRIBUTION OF BOOKS Give out the books, please Pass out the exercises Pass these (to the) back Take one and pass them on Get the books out ofthe cupboard arld give them out Take the books off the shelfl out ofthe bookcase Fetch the dictionaries from the teachers' room/ staffroom . . IIas everybody got a book? Have you all got a copy ofthe exercise? Is there anybody without (a book)? Is there anybody who hasn,t got a copy? Can everybody see (a copy o0 the text/ passage? Don't forget it next time Remember it (for) next time Make sure you bring it on Friday Be sure to remember it n€xt Monday Don't anybody forget your book next time . One book betweel two One between two One book to every three pupils Three pupils to each book There's one dictionary/ set ofpictures for each group . \ ou $ill have ro share $ilh Andi Could you share (wirh Andi), please There are only enough for ten pupils Share with Rina this time I'm afraid I haven,t got enough (copies) to go round I'm afraid there aren,t enough for everybody 2. BOOKS . OUT, FIND PAGE Get your book out Take out your workbooks Books out, please! You'll need your workbooks Out with your books, please Open your books at page 27 Take out your books and open them at page |23llesson 12 Open your books, please You'll find the exercise on page 206 Look at page l9 Look at exercise 5,{ on page 46 Have a iook at the diagram on page 25 It's somewhere near the front/back/middle ofthe book It's on the inside cover ofthe back The name is on the back cover/ the title page Now turn to page 16 Tum ovel Tum over the page Over the page Tum to the next page Next page, please Let's move on to the next page I want you to tum on to page 134 Turn back to page 16 Tum back to the previous page Now iook back at the Iast chapter Keep one finger in the vocabulary list at the back You can refer to the map/ list on page 23 Look across at the other side Use the index at the back ofthe book 3. COLLECT, PUT AWAY Stop working now Would you stop writing, please Pens/ pencils down Put your pens/ pencils down I'm afraid l'll have to stop you now Time is up. Stop writing I think you've had long enough on this I'm afraid it's time to stop Would you finish offthe sentence you are on Close your books All thc books closed, please Tum your books over Put your books face dolvn Put your books away now I don't want to see any books open/ on your desks . o 4. Collect the books in Colleat the readers in and put therr away Pass the sheets to the flont (of each row) Don't forget to put/ write your names on them Could the first person in each row collect the books, please Hand in your pape6 as you leave Leave your essays/sheets/tests on the desk as you go out Have you allhanded in your tests? Is there anyone who hasn,t returned their test? POSITION ON PAGE Have you fould the place? Do you krow where we are? Have you all found the place? Is there anybody who still hasn't fou.d the place? It's at the bottom ofthe page The picture at the top ofthe page/ at the very top The line in the middle ofthe page It's somewhere near the top/ bottom (ofthe page) It's towards the bottom/ end It's about the halfway down It's in the very middle ofthe page It's ten lines from the top/ bottotn The third row do*r/ up It's on the ielt It's on the right 'l'he left-hand side/ the right-hand side It's in the top leftlland comer It's in the bottom righl-hand corner It's in the left-hand column (The) third column (from the left/ right) The centre/middle column The shaded area on the right Look at the colored box underneath Paragraph three, line two (The) third paragraph, the second line/ sentence (The) last line ofthe first paragraph (The) last line in the second paragraph The parag.aph beginning/ starting/ ending .he said (The) last but one line/ word in pamgraph two (The) second/ third to last word in line 5 Line five, (the) seventh word (The) third line, (the) fourth word (along) About the middle ofline l2 . A few lines further on Five lines further down/ up Not the next line. but the one afte. that Not the previous line, but the one before that (The) next but one sentence, (the) third word 5. RXADING I{ead the passage silently Read the text to yourselves Study the chapter on your own Prepare the next three paragraphs Have a look at the next section Check the new vocabulary from the list at the back lfthere are any words you don't know, please ask Familiarize yourselves with the text Read \'/hat it says at the top ofthe page first Let's read Let's read the text aloud I'll read it to you first First ofall, I'll read it to you You start (reading), Ana! Slart reading from line 6 Read the sentence aloud Now u'e'll read it again Let's read this part again Let's try it again Read the firsf ten lin€s Read as far as/ down to the end ofthe chapter Throe lines each (srarring wirh Bill) Three sentences for each ofyou Read one sentence each Let's take tums/ it tums to read/ reading One after the other, please Another sentence, please Finish the sentencc (oft) Read to the end of line 5 Don't stop in the middle ofthe sentence Stop there, please That's enough, thank you Thal will do (fine), thank you Go on reading Ana Read the next para$aph, will you, Ana Next, please Next one, please You go on, Bill Someone else, please BLACKBOARD ACTIVITY l. ATTENTION, READ, AND CI,EITN Come our td rhe bta.kboard, pterse Gu ro thc boa.d (;o up ro rhe blackboard 7, Ld's iook Con1c and stand by rhe blackboad 2, l Whose tum 3. Look You have already be€n out to the board Who hasn been 2- ourio the btackboard vet? is;t io s,nre rhe sentence up? bord Wipe our/off rhe last letre. Rub thal ofT 3. 5- Lros w+rere he chdA ,s Lepl' lTo$ :lthc,e s d) cutJu,ed cnall^ Does anvone Irt Let's listen to the convcrsaiion &ain Lcas 1I_r it €arn We can * r€rd this again not€y'Jol down the new \'"rL.is Whos€turd i5 it to clean the Wlo s take it In Enghsh ihc precise nalure ot the lask must glven: Copy this down from (hc btackboard Try to dong lur Smith for some lpieces ol) chalk would you go and look for some chalk for me Go and ask s take th( tentencet again z,td be b ., \; ,,) r..:-,: is the monitor? Cle3n the board. please, Brll We can wpe this last cxercisc oil norr Lrs€ Ge d'rsrer/sponge Wet the sponge under the tap You can wipetiis line otr You can leave that exercise up t-eale theaswcrs on the board The.e's no need to rub ihal exercise ofT SLIDES. PICTTIRES. OHi" I want you to do nuinber 7 again L€t's go through ir agarn Remember: to look ar- bui also Ihk Look thjs Lookl this avo.y -^ Copy this stmighr down into yoi, rr.iljl,..ok. Make a note of the las u,o senrer.es I'\'e run out ofchalk Go.nd scc;fthe.e,s any nexr door agdr? are cornmo. erors senience l'llwrite up the corrcc! artsr,ers or ilre i:. ,zt.i I wfit you tir mpy th€ quesbons di),!. ir, .r: ,, Go and fetch sone chalk froln rhe office * Irl ftefi.si "^,: 4- bil read I-€t's all read the s€ntenc€s ftonr ihe board We ll read then aga.n. Lu. rhrs r ne djt ,.. t]]ol, dr $e modelp"nem on rne boa a You'll have to lower the boad stightt) Do vo, R€ad out t}e s€ntenc€s oo &e btackb.rElrj Bill, Move to one side so ftai we can alt see j? ls there rnyhing ro cor.ecr jn serlence '1. Come or'1 {nd draE, a cri on the btackbo"rd <. llor e out ot ihe Ea] 50 thrt everlone c{ \ee Srcp asrdc so rl-dl r}( cld.\ cdr \ee $ndl !(,u 6. Are the s€ntenc€s on the board right? Are the.e any misiakes rn the scnlences on the anllhi.g vrrong wrth the sentences? Anlthirg wrong with sentence 5t Rub out tie wrong word W.ile it nexl ro/above,{re1oq, that wo.d Tale a piece of chalk and w-ite the senrence our Here s prece or .hatL \\ nre n up on me " Tr) dr d k. ep \ ou r urrn ns \rrar !i L4 el el at tli€ sentcnces on rhe board at the pattem on the board board? Can you see Como ard write rhe word on the board Cone od and wflterhat sentence on the board Write that on the board Write ir herc/there Pdsh the board up a Everyotr€ look at th€ blarkboard, pteas€ Evcrybody Iook at rhe board way! Bur not: * lnoi . "i :, . Rub this off. Notic€ the uscs ofout, off{nd awrv: l'lense rub this outl.}ff Tako your books oul You cnn lerve ont thc retarl!€ Turr t}e liehts outoff. lvoutd \ou Put your books awal Laok herc is to be considci,:Lt pcrhdoj rudc in thrs s,tudl.on tr other circumsrances open,clase lh,erJcjec.ot Switch the proj€.tor cn/ofr r., md - in I put the lights the .adio otr take the ptue Notice the various tlpes ofvisual ald: 3n overltead fiansparel]cy an Thc proiedor doesn't seem ro be $ orliro The bulb has gone/bumt oLrt The slide cartndge seems to be stuck agarn Same old trouble asair! I'm aFaid The automaric focusing has gone *rong of. Pull th€ phrg ouL 4. to have pur this one rn the wrong way Hangon,I'll put it in aqarn 5. 1* seem * oIlP A picture&r, a railway station. A picture of a :?itway starion_ a slide * A photograph abo(r Bi and A J;!o n A photognph of Bilt and AIisor. * Or this picrure a fflmsrr;p ln this piclo re. . Notic€ also that you say .&\ €xampl€ something'. PREPARATION 1. ol Compare: This is a filrn about london Herc is a picturcolLondon Let's lookrt lom€ pictur€. Now we're going to look at some (colou.) slides I wanr you to look at this n;,-r,re I m going ro shou vou some strdes on nAtand I ha\e a film ro show you today Therc . a drasram t d tike ro ,hoq you on rhe I have some brochures abolJf \ryaies Here is a slide ofSnowdon OHP A bookabout England A d€sc.iption of Elgland Put th€ scrc€n up storig abort his lemper An example ofhis tempe. Some Cios€ the blinds Pull do*,n the screen Plug 1n the p.ojecror Switch on rle projeclor Swxch the lighis off Lighis out, pleas€ the followrng useful ccnrmclr-,). Who is our projectionisr roday? u}o gorng ro chan3e the prcrures" Who uould fike ro workoperale rhe prote(ro14 Pass me my nornter w]llgi€ rs Turn the lights on again you |tntr6my@€,e fsmtetad Erd" i $.ie ln_:..: liri. se€ry lawrrd8sfr* I fwrel Ls.bn sler Gm a Put the l'ghls back on Pullthe plw out Unplug the prqector Rotl up the screen Put the scre€n away Draw the cuftains Nelt picfure, pl€asc Let's look al the next one Change the picture kt's go on 10 the nexl one AdJusl the focus, pleas€ A bil sharper. p1$sc i'm afiaid this one is upside down,6a.k to fronr . Show lne and poidt ro it tollow when fte teache. says: 'ls there *You a cai ln the prctu.er,_ ibr examp{e. cannot mcrely say Slio'1 Sbow n€./Show it to me. . Point at tends to be used in sentencee iiLe tlie following He point€d his finger at me Pointyour percilat the board .. . To point someth:ng o{r: Cm anvbod] point el the misr2lie in sentenc€ 2? I .huuld point out d"l you ne.sr rhe passr\e rn rhc last senten.? Come and point our Brislol and Lile.pool for ne This on€ is rather underexposed/overexposed I was in abitofahurry when I took thrs This was takgl on a very cloudy day 2- * I'll let thispar.t I'll pass this reund Dire.iing ettentiotr to pNrticutar fsrures lf you look caeftlly to rhe r'ghr of ihe shop, you'lls€e Cff you make out the library, Just 10 the Ieft of the church? See rfyou can pick out the shoDkeepcr Ha\e a goodrclo\e look ai drc nar slarorrg PR,{CTI(-F, l Ev€ryone, Iook at the screen Look al the picture Can you all see? Sit rmewhere where you car see Oa panicular inreresl in this pictuie is rhr j;rod &ey're ealing What is interestirg abour this piduL.:ri r1l, This i! a picture ofs rAih.av sration Pav dn{rron esp€.ral,y ro ]'his picture is of an English iub This is a phorosraph ofBilt and Aiison in this picrure you can see an Even Sholv me \rhere rhe car i" I 3. thts prcnrre Polllt to it .qsk vour friend some questrons abou! rt W1rat can you see in rhe picture? Tell me whar you c.an see what can you say about rhe picture? Wlat is there in lhe corner,backqround? What is happenjng in th's pjdure? Pass this picture I'll rhc p.c,ure round 1. overhead projecror) Come and *,.rre thc answer on the overheait a felt-rip pff Ctome arld *nre vou. Additional phrases l. cpologizing for rhe qualir.l of Di(ur,:s I' s nor aw{ullv ctear It's not cr,v sharp I rn itri n ', It's a bir out of locus I'm so.ry abour the coiours i}ere \as p.obabil sonethlrg $ rong Positior of objects/pe reon s in Dicttrre3 On rhc lefi/no hr On the far lei,4efl-hard side At the very edge of&e picrure Ce'rcral purpose ptrases and 1 r, /, \!ell. ne T., ln racr th;s ne\t one r\ c.rtc Come out and write the auswer (on the Hcre's L!.s ] ll Just beyond rlehill On the farlnear bank ofrhe river On this/the other side ofthe souare On the brow ofrhe hill At the far end ofthe slrccr let rhis photograth go round I'tl pass rh;s book round Har.e a look and ihen pass it on 6. I ririrt To the leq ofthe wb;re buitding Just a bir/immediately to the right at lL. , In Ge (very) nliddl€r'cenrer ofthc Di,:rrf1, in the forcground,tackground 1. l'll asl lou some quen;on\ about the picture r, you iook ar no$ing else, ln the top,toltom left/nght-h. d corn.j Come out and point to Engtand on rhe map De.. ribe .ome o"rhe people jf worlh look;ng ar E.slish school Tlris picturc shows part ofthe Afirish M useum 5. .n $.iih lhe film ql' Il belreve /t or Ll, . rs .rno$er T re.r'embcj no! I rool the e\.rple or -rr p. corre.t,y ., r! rc 1 ....,pt rc .hrs Australia/on the side ofMounr Everesl Has anybody any idea whar thrs (rhiif.,,rerson) is called, Do you nodce an'1hing odd/straase,,,.nusual W|at time of day do you thiri i.: . . Howdo you know? I' which sqson was ihis piciui:- l:..-ii: rken,l How Talk;ns of churches. how mdv .hu.crr.! are there , Whrle we'.e on the subJeci otairporrs, have dy ofyou evcr b€en to ? 'lhis p;cture remjnds me ota siory I heard aboui f Up wlth your hand(s), you knowthc answer Those nf rou qho Lnow rhc put lour hanJ(s) up I'm corry, I thought you had vour hand uo Bv rhe uer. cou,o sa,nebody rerd ou. $hd I keep says on rhe notrce ln p.ssrng- perhaps tJmrng l. IJands toughr to pornr ou,,ha seernq the same ajscr handiatt tt do*n: " r,-n I{ands dowr agtn Put your hands do\rn rn England siTl ii.ii; & s.rN\Dti\c Open your desk Clos€/shut your desk Pui your schooibag/saichel/bag away Put it on th€ floor irrxler vour ra1 Put your book in your d;sk Put that away Put your namey'name$fd up Tale ou' )our ndmecarois, ard pJr rLrhem o. Come in-Go out Go outside Slay outside (tbr a nromenr) Go oui and we wiit catlyou (bark) in S(and up-Si( dol n Stand bv your deskG) S,t jn your sea(s) Slay in your s.atG)/ptacc(s) Putyourdesks togcrhe. Put/push your desks rnto itrouns oflour Could !ou grve BLll a hand mo\ jnlt rhe desks Com€ out to the frotrt ofth€ class Come out (here) and face ihe class Tum your desk round (so rhal ir faces the board/Bill) t'd like to speak to you fora moment. Brll Could I have a word wrth you aboul your test, Aliror Ba.k to the class Tu.n your back io rie Srand 1. wi$ your Put your desks back where thev were Push you. desks back (to) where they belong GAZE, NOISE, AND MOVEMENT class back to $e class 1. Go rnd strnd by thewindow Go and sit at the back of the class Come and sir al the iront Go and sit nen io Bill Tale you. You seat and go wiil ha\e ro go a,d s1t Could I ha!€ your dtention, ptq5e Try to concenEate now Don't look out ofthe window Elcs to the lronr, plsse behnd Alison and si! next to someone else Non go ,nd sit dows again lnok up for a momenr I'm sonl to interrupt you. but could l.ou look Go back to you. s€ar(s) piease Thank you, you can sit doqn agarn this way loramoment Don't sit there daydreaming Back l(J your pla.€ 6. Come rnd fctch yonr book Pick your book up offthe floor Take tlis to Bill Gile this book to Al'son HANDS & DESX 1. Hands up! Pui your hard(s) up Pul your hand(s) up ifyou know &e anss,er t'ut you. telt/right hard up Keep ir up AllthDse who got n right, pul your hsds up Look this way 2. Bequiet! Everyone lisren Stop talkrne now Stop chatrering there Ssshhhl w}lat's all this rownoise? Don't nuke such a noise Not so much noisq please Don i all shout/blk at once Lrsten to what I'm saying Silencc, please Dor't Ltk Could I hav. a bit ofquler, please Shut up, all ofyou! Put a sock in iq wll you Don'l bsng/slam rhe iids of your desks Could you sort it out dter the Iesson Get on widr your work quietly Not another word, please 3- Do it like this Watch me doing it Line't to me saying it Copy me Do wiat l'm doing Do this Do it this way Like dl;s, oot like d,at Try to do it eMciiy the s:m€ way Sit still Stand stili Nobody move Seltle down. all ofyou as i'm dorDg ;i Everybody stay where they are Stay where you are Don't keep tuming rourd STOP Tum this way Tum round ard face m€ Stop fidgeting/messing a bout/playing rhe fool Behave yourselfl. Take you f€et offthe desk t- EverlMy stop \I4ld thev/you are daing Thd's €floush for now Thal's fine That wilt do, thank you OK tlEt's €nouCh Ail ngh! you can stop no\\, Sit up (srlaight Don't b€ such a nu;sar@ good boy/girl for onc€ Be a Sit dow Stop trow 2- You will have to finish itr a Llir rl:t I'll have to stop you in two n1nnlir1i Your tim€ is up noq t'rn afiid 3. Work together with your friend Stop {hatl Siop dl Work in pairs That'll do now! Work in threes.4ourJfi ves Work in groups of two/th.eefour I want you to form groups Thr€€ pupits in each Thar's erough of tltdl No mo.e ofthatl Give it a rest! Cut it o.rt! I've already asked you !o st.p oD.o you €ar': GROLTPS AND MODELS Stop doing drat! group l'lldividethe class into groups Get inio groups ofthree Fom two groups ofsix Here are some taskvexercises for you io work on in groups/pai.s4hrees I want you to do some piay.eading in groups I..r.,r't leit L@ve it alone! Don't touch itl Hands ofTl Leal€ it where it is You'll have to;oin this group Therc are too many in rh;sg.oup Bill and Al;son. you cdn join group There should only be three pcopte in each group Slop fiddiingwlth the lighl swrlc,l l Work on your own Everybody work ind;vidually Work by yours€lves Try to work independenrly No cheding Don t distu.b your neighbo. Ther€'s no need to discuss it wirh your nejghbor 5_ I hate to interniptyour convercE,lioir. trtrl". If you stop chattenng, you mighr e.re;r leam somelhing. You neve. know Shall wc try to behave like ncrlr::,lumarr beings for a chanse? This is not aholiday camp/rock tesltval I k.ow the !rcrd 'work' may be new ic 1, CLASS ROOM ENGLISH Glyn S. Hughes Delivered by Siti Mabripall, S.Pd in Communify Servic€ program for Jurior High School Teachers PART 1 Topics: 1. Repetition and Responses 2. Encouragemett and confinnation 3. Progress in rvork 1, REPETITION AND RI.]SPONSIiS ..'. Some verbs require an object, for example: l-tND. t SAy, OPEN, COIIRECT, LE,4 \rlt. A r,l ll Example: - Say it louder. (NOT "Say louder',) - Say it again. (NOT "Say again.") - Say il so that we all hear. (NO]'"Say so that we all hear.,') Compate rvith, 'Speak up." Ii should be remenlbered tlmt a whole sentence may be an uonatlrml repl_v. A lJrralo o even a srrrgle \\o-d \ nrore.on'not Example: Where is NIr. Brown going? He is goingto London. To London London Do you Iike football'? yes. I jike football a lot yes. I do. a lot. Yes. a lot .i. lt should always be remembercd tllat qi.restions cat be ans\,r'ereil usinll a corjrljlc different gl?lnlnatical structurel Exampie: Where is Mr. Brown goirg? He didlr't tell me How sllould I kllow? Don'tyou mear Mrs? Do you like lootballl I've never seen the point in it. Give lnc c.icket arl, day. You're one of those cissy-typcs, are yoll? .. 'l'he verb'say' rs ricky, and in fact you can o1len do withoui ir Exarnplc: Everybody sav ir = Everybodl,/all together Say it loudcr = louder/speak up SaJ' it asain : agaiu,bnce .l .S'a], and tell are sonetimes confused:more Sr\Y romething lto sonrhal;1 l'm afraid J've go1 nothillg to sav fu yor.. ,Sa tething (tu nntrcbadt) abo tvrnething Could you say a Iillle to us about yorr holiday? LhonlottL ltt.tge: Thankyou I ]rozld7 /.\zrji r.) /.) another glass I m not sure. but /.1 lr.izlj i about duee *,eeks, tine. We'll neet agail in trvo nlonths, 1r.rl'.s 1() rz,v irl hly. I'rn qlLite willing lo help JLt\t suy tlrc wokl How long will i1 take! I couldn't sar perhaps an hour. ]-here's no point doi0g rhis again. Well, t/_},rl/ .s.7y .io. , , TELL sonebody (about sonething) T€ll us about the end oftle story. Somebody (something) Dotr't tell me. I can,t help you. Tell her what happe&d and why you came. Sonebody to do sonethi g Tell them to keep quiet. : Something to somebody Would you tell a thing like that to your best jiielld? Idiomalic usage. Tell the line .,the ttu y'a lieh story.ihe diffet?ncc Li'ten. Ill t.llyo hhal We ll leavc lh.. rill nex, lirn,l It's inpossible ta tell wbich is whicir It may min tornorrorv. you net)er can tell J. Note the sequence oftellses: I'll start ard you continue. You steft and I'll continue. The you-forn is rcdlll dn itnperative P:esent.tense dlier conJunctions when, adter, beJft)re, white. I rarnple Belore yot) rrill ar\wer rsltorrld be.Bcf.rrc,ol' an.ruer.J .l. \\ten sorry means .I drdn.t liear' the inronation is ilgh .ising. (4ren it meam . l,rn so..y that I stepped on your toe., for example, it is genirally lo-w risurg. 2. ENCOfiR4GEMENT AND CONFIR]IfATION These phr_ases merely indicale thal tlte pupii's ansrver was co[ect. .Good' coes nol suggesr a brilliant answer,jusi that tlte teaclter is ackrrow]"ag,ng *trut li," "" necessarily pupil said. .1. 'Uhjruh' and'Hrn-hm' should not {. be used too nluch. Tirese phrases can relatc to (i) an action, oa (ii) an answer. (1.) lfthe pupilco(ectlv car.ies ort an nsrrucuon given by the tealher, e.g holdii!- tri5 left hand up. openrng lI. boot ar pdge jo a,i) lftlre pupil conccri) answer \ a que:,tol, p. e Ieaclter . Whr is tlri..enrcnci rvronj" Pupil . Tlre uotJ lrn5 15tnr\.rn! Tcachcr : yes, that,s rigltt. Iltal s the naj i,'.o ',rdicate. anproral 1nd encollrai(r,re r .'l TIte.c arc reward. ror our.tanclr.r,,an.*er" er. ureru.eJ r,,e,,. Jcao ro nluase. ntflationl ,'Ihe follolvil1g conlrnents ale oftcn used on *rittcn work. Excellent work Satisfnctory Very welldone CoLlld do betler Good s{uff Too many carelcss slips Keep it up Careless Adcquate \"eeds to show luorc effoft Much better Not up 10 yoLlr usual staldard Shows some improvernenl Disappolntiltg Grcat improvernent Sec e aboLrt this 3. PRMRESS IN WORK .:. .i * It is clearly up to teachers to decide $lllen grumblirg plfases are appropriate. Expressions ofjoy, sympathy, surprise, interesq etc. may also be iquaily , etrective: Good gacious! you were rigbt! It must be my lucky day That is a very inte.esting suggestion, but.. ..... _. Avoid the ph.ase 'have the possibilitj',, as it is ofte ltrCOrTeCt. Exanple : Has everybody the possibility to see? 0\TroNG) * Can everybody see? (Co.re!t) Nolrce cotne ot t\e u\e\ oftlre word .u-ouble l \ e'b: Don't trouhle lo wrire out rhe wlrole e\crche Could I troublc you tum the iights ofi, What troubles me is thatyou'rc makitg the sane mistakes. _ Norm What's the trouble? is it too difficult? The troubie is tbtl you re lol reallr rrvtnc, are \^llo You v( Iiikeo x lot oftrouble ovcr rhts snrk Uooo. Are yoll sure you warf to do it? yes. it's no trouble at all. YoLr're asking for troubte lfyou go on maktng that noise. '1 Questiors like '\ulerc was I?' thc reachcr probably aridress to hi'nselr Artcmativej in tlris situation include: Let's get back to what we were doing To.o,rrin.re ,rr.at , $ar\a\utt. ..... To pick up where I left oil. ... .. . Noticc :llso: Bl,thelvay,.... ':' \tl rlc lc,r '.tirrkin! ttt,r.L about ,... Wlile I srill remembcr. _. .. . Whilc we're on tlte subject, ...... ?llpadr. )"r rrr/r. ano e'ercarr.eprohlern,. Alread) We ',c alread) do.re,r!s e\erctre In hegotil)e an.l inlerrogatiye se lence,r, alreadv fi!gge,\ls surprise: Havc vou alrcady finished! Ycl Cene,alr\ rn I ceariv( Has anyonc finished ycl l a.lJ .renooarvc .el,cncc\: fi al pos,r,ol We haven't chccked lhis cxercise vet Sfill: olten coffesponds lo.n, but in mjd posjtjon: We stillhaven l checked tllis cxercise. But notice: Do yotr still find these c\ercises easv? Do vou fiud these cxercise easy yeti {. !,vcr: Gencrally ill negative and i terrogan \ e \eure ncc5 ol where t- e\ 'rcs (0. Do any ofyou eve.listen to thc BBC World Senice,l lfvo! ever haye tiue. ii s rrollh listenrng ro. Nolice the colloquial reduced questions rvilhout a verb: Atj1" volunleets to llclp trc? dou br or a rondition .l Atrybody wjlling to read the part ofJack? Such pbrases re4uire a dsing intonationRighr .i Good Fine Okeydonkey These phrases are for catchitrg attedioa. They indicate tbat one particular actil,iw has fnished and tiat another is about to be exDlained .lhe When tl1e teacher explains what us about io happ€tr, he must use the fu ture tense. only exceptioas are modal verbs, Check the enon in the following: Now, ue sing a song_ Shoujdbe Noq we,ll s"ing a song. Now, I giyeyou.t little test. No*. l,ll give iou a li-nle rest Soon we hear your story. too, Meg. Sooo.ue.il h"ai yuu, iruiy; tu,r, iui"g_ OK Altddht ?'Atlusfand'Atlast,arealmostalwayswrorrginaclassroonsituation..Atfirst, al[,ays implics a conlrast, while .At last' implies longtng and a]lticipatio)1. Check the followirg exarnples: At first I liked hr1ll, but iater I hated him. At last we havc finishcd this stupid bookl ,4. Tbis $?e ofplxase is a liequeot souce ofeffor. mainlv trecause ofthe $,ord .so.: Now we do .so trdl Dieter is the teacher and ... . . _ Nolv I warjt you to read J? 1rdl the girls are Mrs Smtfh and _._... 'llre corrert version rn\ otve< e;ther rr r a p,fi tctple. or { ii, a pr elirrrnary lr\ \owere llr),lrritbDietcrplayinglt,e,eactleraoo. ... sentct , e. Now I t{a[t to read with lhe girls reading Mrs Srmth,s pan and . .. 0') This is the way we'll do it: Dieter.is the reache. and . . _ . . i want you to do it like this: tbe girls can be \4rs smith and ._.. .. Tbe nosi natural use ol.so that' in Engliih expresses pulpose: - Stand aside so that we can all see the board. - Try to be he.e early so thaf we can s:art on time. TIre verb 'explain' requies .to' before the indirect object: o C?ll you explain this sentence to us? _- o _Can you explait rer why it is false? (WRONG) Do and make are often cojllused Notice tlre loilowing selection ofidiorns al. r[es: _ _ .l {. *^ DO Do this exercise at home Do your hontework You're doing very wcll Try lo do yoll' best Are you going to do Frcnch next year? Do qrcslion 17 Il has nothing to do wilh yolr You could do wilh some praclice It isn't good enough. It won,l do. N4AKE How tnany nxs{akes did you nake? Can yotr make ]'olrself understood? Does it nlake sense to youl Make the scotenccs plural This rnakes quite a difference \V1ul time do !-ou mate it? \{ake sroups oar.) You vc nade a lot ofprogrcss You il make a go.ld pla]'er one day I'lllnake rhis the lasl question toda! PART 2 Topic : I-anguage Work Teache.s say 'let's talk about this chapter' atrd they really mean .let me ask you some questions'. A more hotrest phrase would be: let's look ai this chapter in nro* tGr. * Let's discuss a6od rhis. (INCORRECT) Let's talk about this. 'Discuss'is not followed by a preposition. It is also rather inappropriate in the classroon. We handled thjs verb la\t rjn e I jNaORREaT, -i e deall witludid lhis \erir ia.l rimc. Notice also: Last tirne \ve sarv how the conditional is/was fonned. In the last lesson you saw how Alan Harris escaped from p.ison Let's ptcl. r? the l;ew words. Lcf's look atlpick out the new words Mistakes are itquent tvith tllis type ofpluase: Say o/rsrurJe 'he rcfumed' Should be How else could you sali .lle rctumed,? Say tn anothet uay'........' ,, What is another way ol;;yj;;."-Sa\ i olher r1,ords.'.... _. .., savinry,owords. Say this -Jrodt Notice the \\-har is What's Way of beller Fntstrstr Say, tell, speal! and talk seDtenccs' "lr;;i"; ;;r;' sayrng'.... .... Compare the corrcct and incorrect version ofthe followrnn INCORRECT I CORR€C'f He told me lie was going He told us abo![ his trip lje said somcthing about a lolidav He srtid nothing to me about it \U1at are you taiking rbout? Let s see lvhal our book savs ldcntiJyin-g the posilion ,1.l the be$nniDs /tt shorter rray i He aoldhe was going He hld ah.)uthis titp He talked sonething about a holidav lle tpok( nathingta me aboul if Ulh a I arc,- on l (1 I k i nta Let's sce rvhat our book 1r1( {. A| 'a' l, tite beg llng I a i a shorter a rnore ! $ilil:".fl",*.Tffjif:ll;3::#:ii:,, anotler a {. . ofa rnistake. rernefi]ber' the end ln thc niddte .:. C'heck the follo$'ing vocabulary; i - colllntA fLrll stop . senri-colon : colon - h),phen dash / stroke ['hajti] (e.g passer-by) (eg rve tharisL.-j rnark\ 0 brakets * asterisk J. .,'. . ... t 'j . .:. .i Caa you say so? Catr yor say that/ it like that? But compare: A: How do you know it's fue? B: Well, Jim said so. You drda nfstake. You made a mistakc/slip/error. A WrODg telse The \yrong teNe. There is a tendency to use the defiDite article with .wrong,. Hou, do you say it befler? What's a berter way ofsayiDe it? Can w< l.at. ti,r" rharr Can we leave this out/miss dris out. \oricc .l,o \ ou h,lve ro ;Drludc tlre prcpo,iriol The p.eposition has to be kept in Notice {he prepositions: To be derived irom 'l o correspond to l-he opposite of Sirnilar to To bc based on /,rtler r?e saying it Listen to me seliog it. \Vlenever fhe verb .listen' is followed by i_istcn to the tapc ai objecr. the preposition .to. ts reqllir ed: Lisle0 to me ListeD to John saying Listen to how I say .l it it Notc alsol Listenl Listcn carefullyI Listen again 'Listen here' usually p.ecede an angry threat or piece ofadvice: Lisrel Lere I rn led up $rh lhts loi,e .j,t-t rirrcn t.(re ltlo,t sd\ rlrat dta., . Nutlce rhe prenostlons chaDse - A into B put A into B substitutc A for B A by/ryith B fon| A from ts replace + tite pateml ^\otice flI J'Jl,cga, tt,tJtlter{otdJ j-!er. .,.crlerrorrl.-..re,r rtrlll,rnJrer *^ .llial t . / e,.rclr scntellce.Ll{' URRLa. , _Suit' t and 'fit require no preposition here Notice the tbllolvilr!, This suits ne fine It s suitable for tr]e ]he shoes do not fit me fit in with ours Tllis beer is not fit to drink i lis plan does lrot Cross cross over/odby nng arornd line under mark by tung Underline Ma* Tick the righr ans\\'er Tlese following pruzses may be used aft€r: a pupir has given his opinion or mentioned some facts They ilelp to rnalie the e\chanp -_-'__!!\'lr{rgemorenaturalandprovidealinkwiththenext speech or ques&on. ' I see Oll did lou /is lL' was therc,.ar Lhcv? I hal's ntcresrng Utai ) ou said i\ \ ery lrrtercsiinr I dLdn r kno\\ rl1at ls that so? Really? Fancy tharl That s a very good point I hadn't thought ofthat Yes. tilt's truc. as a maiter offad U,hv do vou rhink r"? word'so catu1ot be-o;##i';il eltphasized irl rhi ,uouta u" e,npt'asi,e,f :','',#.'?Xl:,,Tii|::i,,l: ;i: ,'l,re..errpJ,d I see llrt why do you tlurk that? Yes, bllt }l,by did you \lrrte this! \olr,e rlre tollo\ iIp tr.entl rc,rctron de\ rc(i , ,.11., . r,outcin rper rnarried ruoro|n! I,eaclrcr . \\ hat e\actlv d,r )o mean hy,oa r orrrr. .. S,r.eer " T*.<r,rv^ -, : f i , rI lid. drBa. s Lreell crreaper ro tri!eJ l.\ .,r.p teache| Rut rl,rr doeqn ,mcarr ,r IJ hecheape, r..,. ,e., Does airybod], ofyou l1ave anltlting to sity? i!" y!Sg-]9g9S9El 'Dgtoay' a;q .erigryqody. carLrrot be used wirh .of-. .An), ofyou Does anybody hav-r_vth^c to add? Some ofyou Somcbody mlrst knorv the a;swer Alloft,ou 'fhe :l,iil'lili;JIlt' filll Everybody will have to finish rhis o1.lal horne Ilach ofyou None oftoLr .:. managcd to eel theln all risht Clleck rhar yorl krow the allllabet in English and car use il ljrreutlv A [ei] B lbiJ C f sr:J I) [di:] E [i:] F [efl G [6i:] iJ lcirj l I lail J [dJci] K [kei] L lell VI \ [en] fcnl O [oLr] P [pi:] Q IkJu.l R fa:l S [e.s] T lti:] U lJu:l V lvt:l W i d^bljLr:l X feksl Y hrail Z |/e(iI EXERCISES PART 1 I. Fill in the gaps, using appropriate words or phrases from the following list . a) a clue b) more iike c) no end it j) d)nanage e) prornpting I voluteeN g) brief rvord h) speak Lrp i) that's the way J i. .i I wait your tum k) had a rum l) room for improvement t) refresh my memo{y in) row r) ger stuck o) nglrt lines p) getting along v) willing w) either wal' x) nul iflto y) easy s) made a slip u) we got q) up to rtrch r) lrrissed z) ga Don ral, .lr. .rr rr onre. piea ... Onceagain, please. I'm afraid L._. ._. whatyou said Ld .t li rle \e \ere LoJl.r,rg aborir pollr.rron. Utr.r Oia . _" CaI anto., . Tlat\\asoneofrLebcsressavsr:vqsys11s.,l. Ir "e ;;, rlr !.;;ri;,.r;;,,'. .. . |!r' urn' luu ..,',' last sentcnce. . . r Goox Heve a tryl Iknowyoucandoit Haveanice... ...1 6 \o. or ttie trra, \ujaka t.vao,in. ye.,dtir. I rn itr{d,d I d,Jn r tarcr. rlte las. uord I ould\nr. ._ ^ .I.,.r.bel;te\ou S rrr a .. . about ",,f,"..,, Monaal . r..r )cnrence nleace \o.n^r ).orr arorn [ernat you.\cqor ].;\:9,.'l.l,lr ",,,.. as,cdr\ ar llhoupljt lslhereanvbod! i lYL.r(tgtf :r'l:cr:erc.r'e^''.n.t ..Lef sunish offthe chenrer Docs arybodl.. ritnernber "t'o,u,, horv fai ._........ last lrr;tr,:r l2 Jhere's no need to rlsh Just iake it. ........andtryagain Li Allnght. Everybody -hnd up r-ow iook at the door l- ... . . . No* tur.n .oi,nO o"a fo." rrr( e t rdu!\ 14- Tirere are lour topics to choose ftom the firsl and the first olle is .America LletRi-en ltre Uhr.. An) ... lorrha.otre , ,._ ,to \o- l\rl I d r\ L,.d\ .. . .to Jhc 1,'.l" ll.l s."j itpten0 l.Jear \vqL r,r(re ift [., lt s qI l,e rape. e tntelenrnr oh ,lear. rl.ar ur. ol . . ... I rr alraid r r . .. . .. rrrs ir r. ,p". ar, \ci u.a{I-r q rtc n.,J.r h,tr rou.iederrnrrel}on,J,< .yolr .. Icould ltardly bclievc my e),=cs rvhen I read lr *ul."uiiv sood r-or,,.' 1,ou. r'npIo\dd .t,r, e la.r \pd, Ueltdu|c: "r.ry. l8 Ihclecundhalloftheexerersc:isquitc{ricky.soifyou . .. .. . . let ne know ,r1d !o rs , 17. l9 IrJ Itnrakcsnodilferencelot}leu,hetheryouwrileitinpercilorinink. rr,in.l 10. h,,lp lil lreali!dol11 . I1),ou.......aryproblcfi.justputvourharduDandJ.li co[lc round anallr\/ L ]1iiit. II. Re.txpress the sentences, using the preposilion or adverb given in bracliets" E\aulplc: Could you sa], it louder. plcase. (L p) Could you sperk up l. I lvarl ),ou to 1ry 1(] do exercise 5A on your own. (ljy) 2 l€t's read the passage. One at a tirne. stanu,s ,unl, tohu lllX) -l fou rc nakinlr too rnuch nojse a|d I can,i hiar. (FOR) I ,ll' r{orl *a.r, rn.;ooJa. ror, rrsralty do ,l t1 J 11,1\\ l,)r ll'l \ C \ Ort (LiP rOi. ) 6. Do you undersrand whal ou ha\ e to do? I ABOU I ) ) 7. Y-ou seem to find snelling dlfllcull WTTH.) { 8. I-ll lel ) ou clloo5e r! ch subject vou write l abour. { Upj JII. Cotroplcte the scntences. using the words given in the brackeb and any other extra *0rds (preposirioo, pronouos, erc) nec€ssaryi" *"r.. '" i. Take out your books and .......... (OPEN,PAGE 73)" ""..".i-*"1i"'..]. 2 Tlnr was a good rry. Francor5e. but I doD't trrink yori wourd J. r'ouJd you .pe* up a Jirtc. t m a6ard f ......,fOr;;;;, - ... .. ..(SAY/ENGLISH) ''-" a rt keretnernbet LonLirlv.inJletastle.songaLu...... . theen.rn,r r, n h" lELt SO\4Ilrli\(;, ,i \\rhat _\,ou said sounded line iut could you... . .. . . .aSAY/LOUDFR ) "oiiijifriorcur 6. Lasr dine you seenea ro.. ..... ,,." rrr I 7. J it read oul sorne se,rences and yourjob-"liri"""ii""r". i. ......"awRffi;o'r,,,i',i,b|re,ti,,,.t, \o\.. 5 \\lt<redL'orJt.i. I i\rrDool..GeorcerloutO1o,, f,"e,o.r,r"ona . i lnr\l Ot f ,J\r \^ c. r. ( . ir thc gaps, using the correct form of either .do, or ,mrke, I irr. .t. dro,r ra\< ,r rJtr.erer.r. \orlradL,c..er rr-'. r ' rlrere.rnybodr !\rioiralrrrr.rtri .. hr.honekorL"(.,ol {r;'rr,;.'"ro,,(\ rci...r, D 'a ur rnrr .. tl,br ., weil 3. l..........italmosttenlotenandrve,ha\refirishedeverythingrveplarnedto I\'-. Fili . '.,.. r .r'.. WeJ,d!c Lre^oncseet. c jobc. ...rhis r.rvr,el, I . .pror-cs\ $..ll,.ltc;r rrrotc..,\ At lcd., \.,.r. ,,,\e(lt r ' Jo l be \\'lll rrl< n s C,,uld1rr .. . rt.rceg16r".o,-r\e.lila.e.JrLrq,,t, bol.. ulr\uLJ,.r, 6. 7 r hi.h gloup r ou u ant Lo roli nlany ofyou .. _.. . _. ...GennanarwellasErrglish?lsce.-Ihat._. dHow .. , ..q[ilen We'il hy aod........thcddilwestartedlasttine.Reinentber,inthisexercisev.,Lilta,..t.i .',.'.'''theqltestionsandtheanswerswiI]beontt'.lo1,",-'''.,.,,.,,, S There s no nced to. .. .. ..questions 6 and 7. Jon,t seern to... much !cn,r: r6l l d6yr r rt.rinl tlrc) rc.rtt) Laveanlrhrngro.They . .*.rlr r,ri* ctra"ore, .- r lc tuea oI tnls e\ctu,se i\ to .. . the sentences passive. CoLrld _voLr. ...thrs llcrk r:l:;fl_,"i; ,o i"nllri,i,)i',ii" '"":lj:', crirapractice.Ler's.... n*tbcrg tl; last \. Fill in tu, ft\retul),. still or cvctI llave yoLr finishcd. . I .l.iral ll,as quick ,J, , ,a.e - :, o, ,,\.solIUitr ^ - r I dJ \ ,.(i,.e.e,nc,.. Id . I L, 4. I . a n I4 \ ou did a\ horlle$ Lrr L Haven t yoLL finishcd . r a , I I j . r n I I I u ;;:*'*:lh.mTr, ":,ilii:,. "" o* f". ,"a"i,,'Ar""*i,.- .<. ri.:,. .r , e \\r r r11 ,.q,1oo,r,,, r,lr en r cl.c,l cd rlrc cr. ... ...?youarestorv j .lr'< erIl'<rcon--r1..\(,( r:rr cl.lr.(,.r.r.. 6 ThalJUSt lcavcs q0estions 6 l0 . 1(]douc,l,.r., do ; \oure|olsupposcdtostartauslverins........... \Vart rDtilyoir E Arry qLresrions? Is rtrcre anybotty who .. .. do"",,r u";;.:i;i';i hcarthe sjl]rlal .,'i," i. ,fiiir. rr. ,,, u." EXERCISES PART 2 I. Fill in the gaps, using !how,or.what,- l. 2 r. .. ...rr the Finnish for Joumev.:, .....shouldlousayrhisword; ...... l: zmotLer way ofsaving .lle slarved dea t.? a. i an anvolle tell rne. ..... .vou call a person towho gives blooc., ). Do\or,,trll lemember... .... yo,r sau rn tlri. siruirron" u t\)or! aJt($er to t,tnhcr 7, /. .. ..does tlre last one qu. then" Daniet" 8. ... ....havcyou rvritten lhc last word? 9. ... ....wollldyou say thai sentencc iir Engiish? 0 .. Jo ] o I ca.l tr.e poltce rl ir,l ernerge .\ I) C glandr ll Jo ) u,r rlur,l.Ati, .d^es rhis scnience s.ir d ro yorr j2 .. ... ..itaveyouansweredno6?... . .. har,e you writtc,ii i: . .doe.Mr Brcur,.ns.,orloo1 lrl e.'pcna.. . dorou."r, ,r' . r.rr.eb '-\\el nbcr2i.' ..,f,".1.-i.i":f',i,Lr,, 'on. l5 , else could you say tlis?... .....would vou roy, II. i\lakc oral corrcctions ur guidc thc pul'ir5 r ,p.lri"g,"l e;;;;;;;;i;;;.1]' 1 The boy is kikrng rhe 2. Ile ls hofeing ba ni"fru.a, ro rhc corrccr ans\rer' u5ins rhe tolrorrins . to LJecomc A reDone. I hc! plt,!, ibot baJl rn iunr Thcre rs a bitfure nn tlte ryal The dog is piharnta table. .l 1 5. (, lhey deocnd \el mucll rotn rJrc price I I u.as at sevcn o cJock at the ciub 8 lr,)ou \rould lrav( conrc. vnu qordd lrave en]ovcd ir. . thrs rs lhe book \\,hich I buyed 10. We slaried reading Ifl. it for tluee weeks ago. Spell out the following nonscnsc mcssages, using thc names of the letffr! and puDctuation lnark. I \\/?VTQAURI rH.,c\'*0.r 2 l. "t:t Rc.t.wY. IV. Fill in the appropriafe forms of,sev, .fell,, .sp€ak,, , or ,talk, in fhe following sentcnccs: L So far \1e have .. -. ....nothing aboLrt tlle \,farshal plan, although last time we.......abol(tunericaninvolvenrentinl__ur"p..""aI...-.li:""tf"tii.caityO.gan 2 J. alter \\'o.ld War ll ....... lpl Ican.t hear$hatyotlare. .. cvenbodv \vhat \.fr Bro$n ..tothe 'l'opk. cper. .. l:ng,r.r1 p,.,,.. Slop. .... -nolvl l'll more slolvlv ifvou can.t lollow. Idon.ttltinkrre llave --"i'.J,ro,,;"* obo ur rh rs ctriprei. John- p*f"p, y"" "uts'.'n* ' ", n n,,,;, ,, "."f.i . t0 4. We'llhaveto.........thisideaovernexlweek We haven,t......_..much jt so far, I'l see whertrer rlle headmasrer has arflring r" ... ....."ili;;. ;;;; about *"v, v", .. me the time. please """ra dle nu'l .... anulirB l^o.,:, , t, gues.cd tldrt!ra"nl€n(a.yexercise,buLasyoudidn.t. uuour rr. wa.all light. Jr.s al_rnost impossrblero.. .... ...tlredtdculr exercises lionl lhe easy ones until you do them yo*saf. bur ,, V. Cboose the correct completion for each sentetrce on the left from tbelist on the right, A. \lrhat ryuar Is ,s anorrer anotber way way TlI I for fr.;r:rr ^. R.\\Jlarilleoooostc . h t, cr, \c.b conc.porct" D. \\rlat is the Turkisti equivalenr ) i I j rnro rhc .;' ""i *fi"i ri,i, ;;," i +. o, l.,,"or^,so,rlO^1o--r,6"3,,.,1'. l..or rr(<;r. "' .r.;,i,,n l!Pr."*';' ll.'Jl'i;ii'l:Y:.:' vcrb\ G. Pur all 1he ll .Ho''. \vould you say rhar I p n oro'r' ,. rcfer. . (.'ln.c llc no -. K L Subslitutes lelat;yes lhjs ad.Iective is derjved J - *_"o*" - - -- - i | :. ,o ti" rp""t"., Vf. r.orun' ] s io, rr1" ir".J:""i: " " o. , L...f"i '-'" r t.l ,o ti,c,r..,n renor .st,lllbol. ] I L fiom ihe noLrn jl'.ot.a,r.r' I tU. ofi.uunl: VI- -l tle, passage bclow is being dealt with by mcans of vocabularv quesfions. The teacher's notcs urder the passage sho\y the type ofqu"stion ti" i. -J" ivtr", tlerc flte questions? ".r.J. I nnj hes.l,ltcd rnnri(tr'arrly berore I.oard:ng rlrF c.o\\dcJ I aIl. I e lon.ed oack al"r^ .l).and ,ho ot.t r e ca,t .lli a glirnpse oflhe scarlet lrat tlut had so tcrril:ied hjm in- Rome ?fier \in lta" escajJed Hc lrad trl'nl.ed rr t]t(oppn..nrtl ' oJ. t$ o \!ee\r l Ital!. h]l Irc I,aJ bee| rc,lrrr-ec to n. L lrr, ncck. cr alonc lhat oj lrr. (,o\c\t tflenJ. lor a .toJ tl.r, tr ,pl,' rever appeal rr r{o.td. ofcour.c. b. replaced h\ lIs obitLn^ Erample: teirify+ adjecEve; terrifrcJerrible lvhat are the adjectives fhat are dedved form the verb ,terril!,? I nlomentarii], = lor a noment 2 crorrdcd = lirll ofpeople 3 lo calch a glirnpse of -- to sec :.arlet = N,fl_ tlaiislation ':I 5 iunrl)ed at tite opponrutitv = \\4ten hc r\,as {l!,en the chitnce. he dtd not hesitate ai all 6 ro risk onc's: \,1T lranslation sror !_' =hel newspaper article obiluary = \,1T translation all\ioLrs noun: anxiet! l0 It \\'ould, ofcourse. be replaccd b\' hrs obituaq,. E 9. - I1 = the story he was jookins l i,.f it vII' Firl iD the gaps, usidg an appropriate word or ph.ase from the folowitrg list a) b) c) d) i) j) iD a nutshcll catch slipped up sttuck e) paraplmse i) evidence to supporl c) conlext ir) dealt wirh k) 1) subsh'tute nired up take \yord for word m) wortiwhile n) correspond to o) sum up p) phrase L Nulber 2. 3 5 was very difficull indeed. I think you all.. _ _...._ on this one. Yes,,that is possible. I sltppose Ithadnever_......_methatitcollldbeanadverbhere .crarv o:*'"e$ u ua y. bur r. mc.ns :ng,y ; I": j:::1il 1 uon r u\ tlc\.r L$^rJ.d\tiregtrt ullltepd.s.qe \Ournusr rrri" pr,_1,, l,aJ 5 rout\allto\nowltcntlc..qll llghr irererheyale..... .. ..., .. J the tnarq trcl!. 6. vou,ve lea-o a lot ol tn ereiing al gurnents m 5rtppofl ot rllts :ded. \\.oL, I ^\ow someone iike to ._.. _.. _. what has been said ' so As far as J renettber *,e... .for, rhe use of.sioce, and last tinle. 4. 7 s a are still gettjlrg il.ar \r,-lt far? . bLtt solne them..... ._..... ol vou Hert."reDproLto.b rnot tollscat \\lror prenos.rrondoe.nrc..0.. Tl,isr.'ft,calryatrrcLquesllo .b r titerersaslrghr.. .. rni, ll.c,hxtq, noLro ltzrnstaletr ... ....btrJ .t ot\prjtaoenerd dej. _- l0 vIII. I .. ll]11\,*dbe, lr tc {llllafell Y rrvrngtlrrsaga-in,butthisti,r,etryro..........rhelastsenlencea Read the following statements made by pupils dudng a conversation think oftwo app.opriate reactions for cach statemen? 'l lhoughr jr .$,as a lesson. .l_rv fn tcmble fiI,n,. 2. 'The number ofaccidelrts went do.tln last year., l.'One soiutjon $ ould be to ban traffi c fron the cjty ccntre.. .1. 'Thqe 5 6. are several countries where \VIrar r,re,,rar' rs sotne lijtd tlis is aheadytelgi ' or mu.rc censorsl),p. 'A lot ofdri\,ers go lar too last , 7. '\uciear powe|s rrre or,lr ans$er. nn\ $by. tltar.s wlrar rl ( 5 .A orller rdea wL,.tJd bc ro lrrnrr the nurnbei of rorergncn Ieorn,ng rnro d,e cornl . Perror \\r'r .oor b(.nrne roo er.pcrr<ive r", r .r.. t, rl.it;: ;;; ;":;,,;; up i'\ I ),,; "^r,"i 10. 'Clearl!. men are [luch better driveIs that wonen. Evervbodv knows that . ,, .,,, t2 Lampiran 4: Dokumen Foto_foto Kegiatan I Lampiran 5: Daftar Presensi 12 TINIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA }AKULTAS BA}IASA DAN SENI Alomot: Korongmotong, yogyokodo 5528t Tetp. 586 t68 psw. 236, 362 Fox. S4B2l7 DAFIAR PRESENSI PESERTA PETATIHAN BAHASA INGGRIS BAGI GURU _ GURU sMP NEGERI 8 YOGYAKARTA TAHUN 2006 DALAM RANGKA PENGABDIAN PADA MASYARAKAT :ril TonggoJ : Robu, : 14.00 'n. I30937164 l3r 288208 13C9256A5 lsii Yuliowoti P. Sudormi, S. Pd.. M. pd- Asluti Purwoningsih, S. pd. I30540663 Ari Sunorni, S. Pd. 13209.5658 Dro. Hj. Silii Mudiayonti Suw'orni Sutqrdi. S. Pd. 132191393 Sutorfo, S. Pd. t3244/9 sB Suqiyono, S. Pd. 132070189 UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA FAKULTAS BAIIASA DAN SENI Alomol Korongmolong, yogyokorio 55281 letp. 5A61 68 psw. 6, 362 Fox. 5482A7 DAFIAR PRESENSI PESERTA PELATIHAN BAHASA INGGRIS BAGI GURU - GURU SMP NEGERIS YOGYAKARTA TAHUN 2006 DALAM RANGKA PENGABDIAN PADA MASYARAKAT ril Tonggoj : m : 14.00 NlP. Sqblu. N 131 6217 4A omo Ngodirqn, S.Ag 130 919 484 f,;5"0."n cohyonin0sih, 490A32t8? Sudormono, S.pd r30873383 Supriyono, 5. Pd Wqhyu Widodo Endqng Susilowqfi. S- pd. 1319 46411 r 3t 996906 Dro. Sri Suborsidoh Rqhoyu Wqhyuningsih 131479601 Dro. Siti Cholifoh Z. S- 'nnoyolus 132191516 lke NoviyontiWahyunins:ih, S pd Drs. I7z r lL44 502641 I5 t lshorlonto / Dro. Hi. Sri Anisoh Muhoni Bombong Minlorogo, S.pd 1312649 /2 Sriyoni Indriosfuli. S.pcj HeriKurniowon Lampiran 6: Surat Pcrjanjian/Kontrak t3 DEPARTEMEN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAT UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKAR'fA - Alarn FAKULTASBAHASADANSENI : KarangrMJang- yogyatafia e 586i68 psw.255- 2j6 362 STIRAT PIRJANJIAN PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM PENGABDIAN PADA N{ASYARAKAT :\\TAItA PDMBAN'TLI DEKAN I DENGAN T}OSEN FAXi]L.I'AS 1.1x1S.{ DAi\* SENI riMvTnsrTAS \TGERI Vocr.r.ritnrn Nomor : 8!11J.35.12/pp/\,lnfi)i Pada hari 1. Nama 2, NIP ini kani lang beditnda tangan diba\\ah ini Jabatan , :Supnrdjo, trI.Ed. :131:76239 : fetrbantu Dekan . I Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Univcrsitas t.legeri pqn6ngglrg Ja,,,,ao Detak.anaan x",1,r.,.. p.":.tj,u, ad.r lBs Lnrrcr.it r \r.cr yo:^.al,.rJ rl:(q l"'rrlf:ll ' or tvt r !atar . Selanj utnva di scbur sebagai 2. Narra NIP Jabatan I'lIlA.K PERT_.{N{_,\ :G. Suhar.to, M.pd. (Ketua) : 130358895 r Dosen Fakultas Bahasa dan Scni Selanjulnya disebur sebagai Universiras Negeri yoql,ekal1r pIHAK KXDfIA Kedua belah pihak secara bersarna-samr tclah sepakal mengadakan perlao1lan l,elaksanaan prosram kegiatar Pcrga 'dra r Pada Vasrarakar derean keientuan sebufa f,.nf-uil ' Pasrl 1 Ruang Lingkup peke4aan PrHAK PERTAT\'IA memberikan tugas kepada prrrAK KnDU.L dan pluaK KEDI _{ menerima lada-frliifuiu'#i"ngunluour , tugas tcrsebut unruk bertindak sebagai peiaksana pengabaian Pel.tihan Classroom English untuk perintisan Bilinguat l_ducation bagi _penyelenggaraan yogvakarta Guru-guru SMp di Halaman 1 dari 3 lcmbar pd 4ariian perakrataan pp r pD I _ Do,en PIIIAI( wajib menyerahkan laporan hasil pelaksanaan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat dijilid .api kepada PIIIAK PERTAMA sebanvak 3 eksemplar dengan sampul _KEDUA y,ang sudah 'cr b .,r ra BlRl \lUDA I{EDUA rvajib menyerahkan abstrak ( nngl,asan lepa5 hasrL pelaksanaan pcngabdian ,tltltlf .) 11.Jr V vl,lrr lcp,rdd ptHAK ptRIAMA PasalT Tata fulis Laporan pengabdian pada Masyarakat . I. I fata rrLlis laporar pengabdian pada }lasyarakai yang diserahkan harLrs menqikLrti aturan yang terah tercantum daram .r r r. ,, o'. , rv \rr . terh.rrLL Pada bagian bawah sarnpul laporan pengabdian pada keF,ada i,iiiAii u"t" 1"a"."" iio l"l,g"biian I \ rijdu! pEirTAi\.rA pada ]r,,r:r,rrrl:r Masl,arakat harus clitulis sebagai l.)ii;| ul: PI-N';^BDLA.N PADA NIASYAII.A.K-4.'I INI DIBIAYAI DENGAN DANA pNBp FAtiuLTAS tsAHASA DAN SENI t Nn/uRSi iAs'rvl]cr"nrl'ocyax.,lnr 1'AHUN 2006 K DEli{N Nomor : l5i Tahun 2006 ,t I'asel 1l Sanlqi . .rr. d...1p.tJ tnJUlun tidak disengaja akan mengakibatkan dibeiherLt,li, rn,,, 'rI.'r I \.LJr.. I Jrn pOlAh t(IDLA wajrb rr -neerrba lan re dana rarq aL o rc-r. ,IHAK PERT..\\f A Pasal9 lil,lil.,)ji, b(u d,atur delam pelanjian ini akan ditentukan oteh kedua bclah prratr ,.,u|r -rJaIUian l'€ngabdian Pada Masvarakat *" ::]:"11',i" lnvcsualiln inr berlcku selak pena ddranganan perjanjian kerja a.pirriii] ada perubahan peraturan_ rlas r.r.puri,.,,, i.i,,"'i.iJ' .:j;. .i ,ir,"t aLr, di : Yoglakarta langgal : 21 .tuni 2006 Dibuat Pada PII]AK KEDUA Suharto, I.Pd. (Ketua) NIP 1303s889s . M.Ed. Halaman 3 da.i 3 le,nbar pe ryryia, I'ekksdnaan ppM pr) I . )--::tl