cProceeding of Intemationaf Conferenceon Sport 2009 THE OPPOTUNITY ENTREPREUNER DEVELOPMENT FOR SPORT SCIENCE STUDENTS THROUGHT HANDMA;T SALT PRODUCTION Fauzi,rd sunardi yo g g ak olrtq S"fJku t at e Uniu er sifu rly nuypoleof thil paper to explore* ##ffffo"or"rn"r this' tuill dtscuss sport sciecestudents. for Beside about practicel methods to-produci handmade uail. ainamaie baII is one product haue FIFA recommendate. sport uere the pirt ir ti"-i"'li"'nnrana in student life looklike food. But until notu, afeu student coisent to deuelop sport equipment. Handmade ball production * o"" "";;;;;";;;'in'yo"r, prospectirLly to deuilop. ,E:!!!":::r.h"ue lie nis irirt "l' or"a including the recreatfonsport, edtrc.atio.n sport, tpoi.inir"Lr" aluays need.edmore hand.madeball. "o^p"tiio, The strategic production is more easilyThe stef io ^"ti" iit can explain. with optimalization sense of entrepreunership, the opprotunity ieuelop ,p";; ;;;;;;;t industrg gan reach-and grow up. Ke5rwords.. Opportunity, entr epreunership, handma de b all, student INTRODUCTION students are.the-future generation. For students of Faculty of sport, sport has become a necessityof life' The develop-"nt of sports sciencehave been carried-out.curriculim implementedin the Faculty of Sport there are various coursesconcerning entrepreuner. courses that support for entrepreneurshipinclude: sports Management,sports Maiketing, sports Infrastructure, and others. students theoretically have been ablJ to undeistand conceptualry,but in the field of student applications has not been fully intrepreunership soul. s"ft;hri il"rr-i"*r"p-ent ^the is not fully developed'Based on the above, then .pp";;"iti;; Jn"d entrepreneurial development for the studentsneed to be studied further. sports activity is inseparable from the existence of supporting infrastructure. The infrastructurefacilities include; field, faciiity mats, volleyball, fbotball, baseball, basketballand others. Handmade bail is or" of "qrtp-""i";;;;'. "r that'rr""di;;; trr" oppoJunities developed.In the processof making handmadeballs are not too complicated, u.rd be done anytime, doesnot require a large spaceand can be an additional income f,;;;;;rl "ur o, -unr.facturers ball. skilts such as making a ball and other sports facilities up to now has not been develop"a i" trr" r.-acultyof Sports Sciences'To further support the development.of un spirit so students would be equippedwith skills neededin the productlon and -".k"ii;;. "rrtr"p..neurial Starting from the easyprocessof making it in this study haverevealedmoreilearly. DISCUSSION Faculty of sport is an institution that concentrates in the developmentof sciencesports and problems'For students^andfaculty academic_cot"-""ityi"-the sport hal b"come-u auity menu and part of the pattern of life. The complexitvof developi;; ; tn" agency.In addition to hard skills developmentwill also be developedrort.Litt.a,u. o;; d-.;i;p"d "l"i- in sdrrdxrir irlr, spirit to students. Seeing the vist opportunitie*, it ;;;ti;;stic to be able grow"ntr"preneurial to and progress. Pelauangis more emphasized again^by Siswant rvi fiiiij.that the sporrs industry has UNy Yo5'akartaSport diremikan by the Governorof Yogyaka.t". eirirr". that the longer the gameindustry "or l]i";'J*lffff.rffi:fitti:l*tth theMinistry vouti'o,'aspo't,-"r;;A;;;:ia-throush th! In Tridharma univeriities, in addition.to the implementation of key elementsof education, researchalso needsto de'elop community services.Based on community und uror.rJ the campusr,vill be increasedsynergyin the production secto.r.Industrial p.;d; market shareof this sport is still very broad and not fully tergarap.well-People th",""*";;i;r"d U; lporr! such as sporrsplayers,sporrs and other observers,including sports students. Students harrethe sr<ilk in aadition to spofts and exerciseis good exercise,will also be able to become e"i."1."""r.s and trengginastough. Given the formal sector employment opportunities are increasingly ri'*it"a, it is necessaryto the development effort as non-formal sector entrepreneurialabilities ;i'i"d";;;, so they are able to createtheir own employrnent'starting from the abovethat it,is expe"ied th;i;;;rg entrepreneurswill emergestrong and talentedand has the skills and high intellectual oniity. ilfr-ich is expectedto be boostedand able to competewith products from abroid. with the pot"ntiui oirrigh ri";; ilJ;is r,vi' boosr the creationof more sportsbusinessas an industry. Thescopeof the sRorfsmarket is; r). sports Ldu.cation(sport partof the educationalprocess'z). Sporisrecreation_(sport Education); which organizedsportsas ror atl); by everyperson, educition uniis, issociuiro"r n"i'.;;il;;nizations,ttre sport that .un-b" implemented 3). sports Achievements lnfflorattoi!f*1b ofSport.Science {oglafutrta State,Uniaersitl, Ministryof {outfi an[.fport, ISOq;t, In[onesia of Intnationa[ (onferenceon Spoft 2009 aless obviouspattr tarikannya or loose. If the,stitchesare flor straighr. it w,i1 show rhe strtches f i"r'*o'..ir*il. pn."i"ur,uula"ii iT.rtry"'iiiinff?iT:::f,fftrIt""Jli:io'r'" be 'eplaced "*.r.a rstitchins theroose and curry, ,. markerr ro 4.ht"gth;l"";;;lurru, ,r^, ;tt[+:Hil?:,i?J.fi1,:lf;:Ti:,liliJ,:thff -;1111-t"lould *u*"J.n;i "i,rr t,"t,"ir]iJt i#.. * thelanel And the ti"t" *"*"Ji"'p"".il ff: Techniques zB, for .r-,! motires or re'ersepublishing. ";.rrs rorhar ,r.q.,,,,r ?TiT:I,?::TXX?1t"f.",""1*,115:fgill."ibi,: ,rru,derrosrir( h /,",1ilJ:#:T:f,:"f."ili.:::*t*r"*:ilig?lqiq:li;il il:i,ill-":;1,i'rJ#;:,i", iiffii;l,i:'5:.":,.;,:1.,J ffif :..::::,3",,i11y^13!;^g,i;f":"ff "b", s.s &"d#i, LH9: :"_ :ry g; di1a 9* i i" tr, "'u"n,!;; .o..". buu _-u;;;:ffi;; ic,'sists oI iT.;i:T*1?:p':n,:r: ), c. Glue Iatex lFox, d. yarn . ll be r ' o n t i n i s h j n gm :, 8r:llr - - . .b . B l a , i J e r Engineeringyarn i t a t et h e e n d o f t h e s t r i n e t o e n r c r into ; n r ^ tthe h ^ eve ^ . . ^ of enter fi*i;lh; finffi;.i:i'o onestraadof thread c-omposedof a neeclle, rheendor the srri'g shr_,utd be (three) loo 3 ym-atetv r5c;;;;;; *d andshaved b".i.^p|:;;ffi:"il: fT:',#;."s shaved with ioops both h,'.,h.",';115.'i*l,'ll'"'e *iiffi:ilm:Jgfiii'"T,13::"y*i:ryhich rastring shaved, orie co'p*:*:.* i'ffiff*?9jr,':.J:#i:iJilJ;i;rf ol 10cm' so the two loops' The next ,,,,r, ,,,,o ,r,o* mJ loopswere tombined in ,,^rrr,,\r rri1l1ql cr. the ieg. needed ro.ihc,,,.,n1,r'.,r.:,ir ,,r..,,,.ir". ffi"":Xmt"l":13:X:::3.1,tt31*tu,Eeuirment ,,nd siongka vlvrrE;^d t.u"r',,iu ruvei-s p,i,i,i.s oI o,a 'ffi;ffiil;,;,il;:?'ff#[""]?::,fJilfu: Der,t. one tablespoon of cooking - s .cc, S p.n,, p an, e 5 St,rc, t o rc , d d . ;;th" iik;v' "ii r" n g H ill :"#L.,."r*j i i ;11{,Jt g e**'" " a sionskainl op,inie, -lit'';,fiil;1il?iiJlil,3,llll:; ffi*1n'j'Jiifilli;lxT"n.. l;1.:-"51,i'''l:il;i;iJ.,' ilp* techniques :'fi:fii:3nffit#'-":ijj,"tr]',;"{;a.. cuftero.-s.issors, r, strrrek,r., i)t,srriprir.,. a l s p o r ts c i e n c es f u d e n t s - o n e n t r e p r e u n e r s h icpa n o p t i m i z u \\'ide''r.kL,i L)rrirrr.rir.it\ tt,r_r,,a fc.,i.the rte'e1c,1>rne,r L.f*t:ff"".r_1:"i:::r""i:,is5p,il;essary ,r sr,ner.s' be^rco,. ffi:fi;il1ffilTi::;ti:*in*;;'";"."iXfi;il::i,l:i:il1:lli;j;tJt:: p.o<1 lLr La r aIir l ! \ ' t of i l e l n t i o d u c t i o n uct (c1 ufacturing r a c m n n gp processes. r o c e s s e s .T rrr. he p p.o[IJi; r o c e s s i n c;i; :'j]:ll l r ddJfi es the : 1rotloductton il ;n .l.r-o" ^d:u' vc": rt .t P o nr vof oufLequipnrent, ei uqLu i p n r r o c e s s a, s s e m b l i n s . n;iihi"g i pprocess,-aisemlting, f i n i q h i . - ;rd;;;-.-'c o-r -^-^:- of nraterial:, ur.a ..p"iu, Management. I19q!.:Marketing r, l2oo7). Making practical method Handmade Bail. .fripie PittsB.andM'rer (rqiq). ird;;tv."g-:i#tion, . S theorynna tn. ,po,.tsindust.' -r'a*r..n'u-rli,,;;,,',r'; 'ii,,. iii"il'i,i#H.ii3illil,#oder'-SpJJ rrJ\, Majalengka. developing a !V!\': Firness Lumintuarso. (zoos). r.*:rrl Globaliza^rron pr.ot,eerlirrs sL,Ljr.rr . \t{,r.1 potential Opportunity ?3'o}: : Spon IndustrytowardsIndepencience. ],. l_ tr.. I..a,.r,ln antoyo, :\ \,, zoo7.industryLounchindl"ff . ot Spor.r L F""pi",sSovereisnt\,. its arr :##;t';{#?3",{{"lJ,,lr'"*'tosla,stnagta*'uauerntl,'tvinistryof'youtfian,1-.tpon, r'o,, rnd.onena 267